yes, you can, because of the way light and our perception work.
think about it, if ships were disappearing over the curve of the ocean then a telescope would not bring them back into view.
think about it, if the z axis is curving away from us, how come the x axis, the horizon, is never curved? is it only curved one way, like a cylinder?
while we agree the flat disc model is stupid, it doesn't mean we are on a spinning ball no one can feel any motion of.
if you know the moon landings are fake, then where does this 1972 shot of earth, supposedly taken on that fake mission, come from?
you know, the one, it's been used in posters and textbooks for decades to help convince people, along with holly wood sci-fi and theoretical physics, to not trust their own senses and believe the opposite of what they experience is the truth.
why is there little difference in experience at different latitudes of earth, when it's 1038 mph rotation should cause airplanes flying north/ south some difficulty, for example?
it's a mind-blower, but once you see it, you can never unsee it. such a shame about the 'official' flat earth model with the ice wall, what a load of non sense, designed to put people off realising they've been conned big time.
"if ships were disappearing over the curve of the ocean then a telescope would not bring them back into view"
just try that - you may find it doesn't help at all!
"where does this 1972 shot of earth, supposedly taken on that fake mission, come from?"
yes it's a fake - they all are but that doesn't mean the earth is flat. Atomic bombs are fake too, but that doesn't make the earth flat!
"the 'official' flat earth model with the ice wall, what a load of non sense"
indeed it is - but you have not offered an alternative!
all laid out at geek level
At least you two are playing nicely and not arguing.
'just try that - you may find it doesn't help at all!'
many have tried it - that's the point, we have evidence:
Any time we look out the window we can see the horizon - and it makes no difference what we look through - we can't see very far. We could see all the way to Antarctica if the world was flat.
In that first video he says the side of the ship is 1.5m tall - lol - it's a lot more than that!
The comments on those videos are hilarious - you may be the only believer
The cruise liners coming to Wellington that we can see out the window are over 50m tall
yes, ships disappear hull first, and? we already said it's the way light works and our perception of it. where is the x curve? wheere?
'We could see all the way to Antarctica if the world was flat.'
sorry, what? are you serious with that question?
meanwhile, here's a real one: do you know what the world record for the longest distance photograph is?
Ships disappear - indeed they do - if you get that bit all the rest perplexes me...
It wasn't a question it was a statement - I live in New Zealand and have a potentially clear view out the window to Antarctica if it was possible to see that far.
That photo you just posted shows the earth's curvature - are you trying to argue now or just be confusing? (that is a question)
you ignored the rest of the first sentence, for some reason. same reason you can't see all the way to antarctica from nz, the limits of our perception and the way light behaves, especially over water.
how does the photo show earth's curvature? it shows a flat or even upturned horizon! as it happens, it's clearly barrel lens distortion when you look at the shape of the clouds.
shall i show you some more high altitude photographs?
notice anything weird?
Is it true that some Flat Earthers Now Think The Earth Is Shaped Like A Donut?
Yes I am mocking the idea - but no flat earther has ever provided any evidence - OF ANYTHING! - and I'm a conspiracy researcher - NASA, and the moon landing are total bullshit - but so is flat earth!
“Light bends and follows the curvature of the torus, making the hole ‘unseeable.’” The theory raises a lot of questions about how gravity would work, which Varaug explains with a sugary, not completely cogent metaphor. “Imagine a donut. Imagine a jam donut. Gravity acts towards the jam.”