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RE: For people with C-PTSD: When your C-PTSD is triggered what exactly do you experience?

in #therapy2 years ago

Thanks so much for commenting, Kenny! That is such a good point about the difference between email vs. in person. I definitely feel like I express myself better in writing, and that includes texting which is more instant, but still allows that much needed pause.

I know I can if I have some intention also think before I speak and I try to practice that... but it's definitely harder than when I can write. And yes, there's much less of a "paper trail" for in person or even phone or videocall conversations.

May I ask what are the services you provide to your clients? I think I know some of what you do but not the full extent.

Finally, yes, over the past year I have found a noticeable decrease in the situation where people I'm with trigger a disproportionate emotional reaction. I can think a lot more on my feet about how I want to respond and what's actually happening with me. I credit that to five years of working with an excellent therapist, processing through a bunch of complex trauma I'd endured in my life. I still have work to do but it feels good to have at least turned a few huge corners there.


Finding a health professional who we're comfortable with is not always easy; I'm glad you found an excellent therapist. The proof is in the pudding, or ye shall know them by their fruits, or whatever saying might be appropriate but the point is you've made excellent progress!

My services - I customize social networks by adding functionality that the network owner requires but isn't in the standard set of features. I do the programming / dev work and I have a design partner for things like art, layout, overall visual appeal - things I have no talent for. I can only do very basic design tasks.

Have a nice week! :)