
Topic: User Stats & Forum Ranks

I've noticed that there isn't an official roadmap yet (or I've just not been able to find it).

I was wondering what your plans were regarding user profiles on TokenBB?
Might I suggest that a couple basic features could be added in one of the next releases?

Basic profile information:

  • Post count
  • Last activity date
  • Forum rank (if such a system would be added)
  • Basic optional information: Age, location & gender

I'm sure this is probably already planned, just giving my opinion on what I think should be included.

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Reply to User Stats & Forum Ranks

I'm glad to see that you are looking into making this. I think leadersboards, post counters etc. are a great way to incentivize users to spend more time on the forum and be more participating. I think a lot of Steem DApps forget this, and believe that money/STEEM is the only thing that motivates people to participate. I tend to think that friendly competition for getting a higher rank on a leaderboard etc. tend to be a much better incentive than a $0.05 upvote for most people.

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Reply to User Stats & Forum Ranks

@valth leaderboard is excellent, we need more devs lol! :) need to chain them to the desk 24/7 lool.

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Reply to User Stats & Forum Ranks

User @thecryptodrive wrote at 24.06.2019 09:37:55 UTC:

@valth leaderboard is excellent, we need more devs lol! :) need to chain them to the desk 24/7 lool.

Hehe. I can imagine how difficult it must be to prioritize what features to develop. Maybe you can get some extra dev help with the SPS in the future? ;)

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Topic: A new category for voting process

Where should we post topics about the selection/voting process to select new improvement for the Steem blockchain. Somewhere in the governance section.
Would a sub-section about voting and selection process be usefull ? or maybe there is already one somewhere ?

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Topic: Suggestion: Change the title to reflect the subforum or thread

I noticed that the title tag says "TokenBB Forum" no matter where on the forum I am located. It would be a nice change to have this include the name of the current thread I am viewing to make it easier to use the forum while switching between different tabs. For example, it would be nice if the title said "New topic - Neosteem" or something like that now that I'm currently making a new topic. I think this will also benefit the SEO aspect of the website in a positive way.

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Topic: Notifications Feature. (Great Job by the way)


I love the amount of work that has gone into building this awesome forum software. It feels a tad bit insensitive critiquing it knowing how much work has gone into it.

However, for every great piece of forum software having an alert or notification system is cornerstone. Not necessarily sending notifications to emails or phones but a bell icon at the top that when clicked displays activity on your posts. Either replies, upvotes, downvotes etc.

Is this something that is possible or even in the works?

Again, fantastic work.

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Reply to Notifications Feature. (Great Job by the way)

I am using the partiko app which works just as nicely. You should consider having a bulletin board where people can follow what feature you have prioritized first and what is planned. That way, even as we offer suggestions we know we are not just repeating something that is in the pipeline. That would be super helpful.

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Reply to Notifications Feature. (Great Job by the way)

Yes sure, please critique away, all feedback helps us prioritise things. For now I have a workaround for you, subscribe to @ginabot she is a Discord bot that will notify you if anyone responds to your topic and send you a forum link. I will add the notifications to the task list, we have alot to add so may not be that quick to get done.

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Reply to Notifications Feature. (Great Job by the way)

I am using the partiko app which works just as nicely. You should consider having a bulletin board where people can follow what feature you have prioritized first and what is planned. That way, even as we offer suggestions we know we are not just repeating something that is in the pipeline. That would be super helpful.

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Topic: Improve UI color-sheme

The blue and purple color-sheme is waay too funky. Something like this ( would be more approriate.

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Reply to Improve UI color-sheme

User @thecryptodrive wrote at 16.06.2019 22:30:54 UTC:

Thanks for your feedback @therealwolf, Battlenet is nice, however we have already commissioned and paid for this theme and we have so many other improvements we need to roll out, fortunately the themes are open source and anyone can develop and theme and sumbit it as a contribution, can even create a business around developing themes for TokenBB customers. We will keep this in mind if no one submits any theme alternatives before we get around to it.

The fact that this forum exists on tokenbb is clearly benefiting your company, so I'm not really sure why the responsibilities to improve the color sheme is not inside your scope. But even if you're commissioning a theme, wouldn't it make sense to ensure it's properly done?

And to clear up a possible confusion point: I don't mean to remove the blue element, but rather make it more enjoyable for the eyes.

For example:

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Reply to Improve UI color-sheme

Thanks so much for the feedback, @therealwolf!

I'm glad you like the updated mockups. Like I said in the latest mockup, good user interface design feeds off of user input, and I'm glad that you didn't hesitate to tell us what wasn't working.

In addition to being much easier on the eyes, the transparent look helps show off the background: that's the Carina Nebula, thank you NASA.

If there's anything else about the forum UI that doesn't sit right, let us know and we'll see what we can do.

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Reply to Improve UI color-sheme

Yes, much better! There is no text in the last screenshot, but it's simply important to have a good contrast between background & text, which isn't draining the eyes too much.

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Reply to Improve UI color-sheme

Reveal spoiler

User @thecryptodrive wrote at 19.06.2019 22:57:10 UTC:

@therealwolf, my eye for graphics is not as good as yours, can you tell me if the text looks okay in the mockup below:


Yes looking great!

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Reply to Improve UI color-sheme

Thanks for your feedback @therealwolf, Battlenet is nice, however we have already commissioned and paid for this theme and we have so many other improvements we need to roll out, fortunately the themes are open source and anyone can develop and theme and sumbit it as a contribution, can even create a business around developing themes for TokenBB customers. We will keep this in mind if no one submits any theme alternatives before we get around to it.

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Reply to Improve UI color-sheme

I also think it could be nice if users also have options to choose from a few variations of the same forum theme, as approved by the forum owner as they have to represent the forum's brand properly and not just be any old theme applied.

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Reply to Improve UI color-sheme

I gave everyone the opportunity to get involved in structuring and planning this forum in my post and even created a forum planning channel in Steem Devs Slack, very few people engaged and gave input so we went ahead and did it as best as we could and approved the artwork ourselves. As I said we have so much to do to improve this forum including mobile responsiveness, the Ui isn't that bad looking alot of people have said they like it so before we expend more resources on the design we would love to get consensus first from a few more forum users on what they would like to see, some might have other ideas besides going with a theme like Battlenet.

We are not ignoring improvements on the theme, this forum is currently in stealth launch mode and we are taking valued feedback like yours and will see what we can do.

@therealwolf your colour suggestion looks nice, thanks for that screenshot, will see if we get internal consensus to get that amended.

BTW everyone will benefit from this forum not only us, we will be rolling out beneficiary rewards for topic creators likely 5%/5%.

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Topic: Suggestion for Creating Charity Community

There are quite a few charity communites on the steem block chain. It would be a good idea to add a new sub forum to list the charity communites and category.

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Topic: Is it possible to integrate Steem Bounty into SteemBB?

Steem Bounty is a Steem DApp which enables users to create bounties that can be claimed by performing certain tasks.

I personally think that Steem Bounty would be a great DApp to integrate into SteemBB. A forum is the perfect place to post bounties, since threads are neatly organized and stay visible for as long as they're active.

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Reply to Is it possible to integrate Steem Bounty into SteemBB?

Yeah, Steem Bounty can just create a forum at and then start posting bounties to threads. if you look at they automatically post their fights to a category, we give them an api for that. @reggaemuffin can give more details.

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Topic: Bug report: URLs point to and not neosteem

I have a lot of issues with using the forum at the moment, because every time I click on a link, it takes me to instead of I guess this is an old URL, but the problem is that it does not seem to load for me. So I have to manually edit the URL every time I want to click on any/most links on the website.

For example: when I want to open the thread "TokenBB Technology Powered Forum" by @thecryptodrive, the URL I get taken to is And now I have to change this to if I actually want to see the content.

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Reply to Bug report: URLs point to and not neosteem

User @valth wrote at 24.06.2019 07:41:02 UTC:

Ah, alright. It's good that there's an easy workaround :)

The different urls are part of our security model and normally users should not notice them. But in case of a new tab we are still missing a check to redirect the user back :)

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Reply to Bug report: URLs point to and not neosteem

@reggaemuffin, please will you respond to this particular issue.

@valth have you tried completely clearing your cache? Also what browser are you using? Are shields and adblockers turned off?

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Reply to Bug report: URLs point to and not neosteem

It did not help to clear my cache. I'm running Firefox 67.0.3 (64-bit). And I have turned off all shields and adblockers.

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Reply to Bug report: URLs point to and not neosteem

@valth if you just click the topics and don't open in a new tab it won't have that problem, keep working on the same page and will be fine till we have the fix.

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Reply to Bug report: URLs point to and not neosteem

User @thecryptodrive wrote at 24.06.2019 07:55:59 UTC:

@valth if you just click the topics and don't open in a new tab it won't have that problem, keep working on the same page and will be fine till we have the fix.

Yeah, that's what I began to do after reading @reggaemuffin's reply. It's a bit unfortunate though, because I (and probably many other users) will want to open several threads at once. I typically open 10+ tabs when I browse other forums. But I will just use the workaround for now :)

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Reply to Bug report: URLs point to and not neosteem

User @reggaemuffin wrote at 24.06.2019 07:47:00 UTC:

User @valth wrote at 24.06.2019 07:41:02 UTC:

Ah, alright. It's good that there's an easy workaround :)

The different urls are part of our security model and normally users should not notice them. But in case of a new tab we are still missing a check to redirect the user back :)

Ah, I see. I will just stay away froms using tabs for now then.

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Topic: Bug - when two users replied 1 hour ago shows the oldest one


In the screenshot shows that therealwolf replied last 1 hour ago but actually i replied after also shown as 1 hour ago. My reply was the latest.


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