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RE: Deutschland/Alemania Part 1: Ein toller Tag beim Paragliding in den bayerischen Alpen / Un día increíble con Parapente en los Alpes de Baviera (Fotos & Videos)(DE/ESP)

in #travel5 years ago

I've never tried paragliding, it's probably the scariest thing I can ever think of, I guess that'll be the most adventurous birthday outing ever hahaha. Guess your girlfriend was scared throughout the gliding right? Hahaha I never knew you've been to Columbia ahh my dream country. So like how far from the ground did the glide go?

Beautiful travel blog 🤣 again this is definitely amazing. The best of the bestest


It is scary but only until you are up really! Unless you are afraid of hights, then you shouldnt do it 😂
She was pretty scared before yes, but being up there she just loved it! - You didn't know?? I wrote a loooot of posts about colombia! Maybe you should check out my personal pinmapple map then (link above 😉)
I think we started at about 2000 meters or sth like that. So not tooo high!
Thanks for stoping by, as always! Eventhough it wasn't in english. I'll try to keep up with the english ones also. -> next episodes MEXICO

Haaaa don't worry t wasn't it English but well I have auto translate, yeah I didn't know you have been to Columbia the country you visit the most is mostly Thailand if I'm not wrong.

2000? What???🤣🤣 I've never even been 1000 above the ground 🤣🤣🤣 Off the ground? Hahaha I'll definitely pass out.

I think the excitement would swell once you get to see the sights, it's definitely an amazing experience lol .

I'll check out your pinmapple map

Dont know! Maybe I even have more in Colombia! Thailand was a long trip too yes, but I almost did 8 weeks in Colombia. Apart from that I think I wrote a bit about Mexico, Guatemala and mostly Europe.

Haha the highest ive been is 5000 something in Bolivia! There the air gets really thin 😆

Yes it is a great experience to fly up there and have this view!!