Steemit Tutorial - My Experience Sharing - How to get more UPVOTES? / 经验分享 - 我该怎么做才能得到更多赞?

in #tutorial7 years ago (edited)

Hand in Hand towards a better Steemit Journey / 手牵手共创美好的Steemit旅途

More upvotes normally mean more payout... (P/S: But sometimes we have more upvote counts, but the payout "sucks", WHY? Because those who upvote us has super low VP and/or super low SP and/or vote at a super low voting weight). If you would like to find out more about UPVOTING, you can check out my previous experience sharing - Part 1 and Part 2.

越多赞一般上来说我们会赚的多一些。理论上是这样的没错。但是为什么有时候我们赞的数目很多,钱却相对的少了点呢?很简单,有三种可能性。第一,那些给赞的朋友VP很低。第二,那些给赞的朋友SP很低。第三,那些给赞的朋友用了很低的分量来给赞。也可能是三合一或二合一。如果你想要了解关于点赞的分享,可以到我之前的po看看 - 上集下集

So back to our topic today. How to get more upvotes? First, don't think about getting any upvotes! Yes! Don't think about how to get the upvotes!!! Instead, please focus on what we want to write! OUR CONTENT! Find out what we want to write, always write something we like, something we have passion in, something we love, always be ourselves. Because by being who we are and by writing what we love, we can continue to write on and on and on. Continuity, consistency and persistence are important elements in our Steemit Journey.

来,回到我们今天的主题 - 该怎么做才能得到更多赞?首先,也是最重要的就是别想得到它!是的!不要去想如何得到更多的赞!!!反而,我们应该把注意力专注在我们的文章!我们的创作!找出我们要写的题材。题材必须是我们喜欢的,我们可以义无反顾的天天都可以挂在“笔边”的。在我们Steemit的路程里,连续性,一致性和持久性都是很重要的元素。

You may ask... I am new... I don't know what to write... HOW? First of all, let's look at the bigger category. We have art and craft, writing, video and photography, etc. If you are into writing, then you can concentrate on writing. Just need to find your niche, whether it's poetry, fiction, non-fiction, educational, etc. If you are into photography, then show us your photos. Of coz you need to explain a little about your photos. Every photo has a story (quoted this from a friend @littlenewthings). If you are into art and craft, be it drawing or crafting, you can take photos and write about your work. If you are into cooking, you could share with us your recipe. There're groups and communities to help and support us in every category.

可能你会问说,我很菜,完全不懂该写些什么,怎么办?那么,我们来看看。大致上可分几个大组别。有手作类,写作或拍摄等。如果你爱写作,就专注在写作。只需找出你擅长写的领域,可以是诗歌、散文、故事、教育或专业文章等等。如果喜欢摄影,那就展示你的作品,当然也必须告诉我们照片的故事。就如我的朋友 @littlenewthings 常说的“每一个相片都有自己的故事”。如果你喜欢做手作,不管是画画还是手工,都可以和我们分享制作过程还有完成品。可以让我们看看照片或视频。如果你喜欢下厨,也可以和我们分享你的独家食谱啊!还有还有不管你喜欢什么,在这里都可以找到志同道合的朋友和群组来给你加油打气和支持。

Since this is my experience sharing, I will talk about what I write and how to get ideas to write and what to do if I ran out of ideas to write. If you have been following me from the beginning or you have been following me for some time, you would have noticed that actually I don't write much. Most of my posts are with photos and some description on the photos. @zord189 loves to call me the Color Challenge Queen, which I am not because there're many other awesome Steemians who really post everyday on the color challenge. Color challenge is initiated by @kalemandra. Thanks @kalemandra for sharing the beautiful color challenge banner. You can find out about this challenge HERE.

接下来我要分享一些关于我平时都写些什么题材,还有如何找灵感,以及如果没灵感怎么办。如果你已关注我一段时间,你不难发现其实我并没有写很长的文章。我都是以照片为主,然后由照片开始说故事。所以 @zord189 每次都称我为颜色挑战女王,其实我并不是,因为还有其他人对这挑战更热忱更支持。颜色挑战主题是由 @kalemandra开始的。感谢她把这么漂亮的banner分享让我们都可以使用。如果你想了解更多关于这挑战主题,可以到这链接看看。

Besides the Color Challenge, I love to post my photos to @juliank @photocontests especially in smartphonephotography and foodphotography. Once a while I would post landscapephotography, goldenhourphotography, naturephotography, etc. You can find out more about @photocontests HERE

除了颜色挑战,我也爱把我的照片po在 @juliank @photocontests 的摄影挑战主题里。特别是smartphonephotography和foodphotography,偶尔也会po有关landscapephotography, goldenhourphotography, naturephotography等等。想了解更多这摄影挑战主题,可以到这里看看。

If you love to "shoot" your food, don't forget to support our Team Malaysia member @howtostartablog dailyfoodphotography. He started this daily challenge about 3 months ago and he has been giving out STEEM to winners with awesome food photos. Check out this POST to understand what is dailyfoodphotography all about and how to take part and win yourself some STEEM.

如果每次吃饭前,你都会让你的手机或相机先“吃”,那么别忘了支持我们大马队 @howtostartablog的dailyfoodphotography挑战。你还有机会赢些STEEM哦!这挑战大约是三个月前开始的,可以到这链接了解了解哦。

Then up next is a slightly different challenge. It's my first writing challenge. It's called the 5-Minutes Freewrite Challenge intiated by @mariannewest and @improv. If you know nothing about this cool daily challenge, you should check out @mariannewest's introduction post. I love to take this freewrite challenge together with the most dangerous writing app . If you think you can't write, please STOP thinking. Just GO FOR IT! Maybe you can take a look at my first freewrite post. It's a disaster, every time I read it, I ended up laughing. Freewrite is about having FUN too! So writer or not, (I know I am not really a professional writer), we all can have FUN coming up with creative little ideas and thoughts with this Freewrite daily prompt! Visit @mariannewest's blog to get the daily prompt.

另一个我时常参与的挑战就是 @mariannewest@improv 的5-Minutes Freewrite Challenge。可以到了解更多。通常我参与这写作挑战,我一定会用上 the most dangerous writing app ,很刺激。这是我的第一次。超好笑的。Freewrite提倡的就是好玩,不要想太多,就把脑子里所想的统统写下来。每天 @mariannewest都会在她的部落格为我们提供当天的关键词。我们就以那关键词来些文章。

So that pretty much summarizes up what I normally post. And then sometimes I would write posts like this one sharing my experience. I don't see myself as any expert or master, I am still learning too. There're any more things that I do not know and yet to achieve. Steemit is a magical and wonderful place. Yes, it does have the dark side, but hey, everything everywhere there's a dark side. So it's up to us to choose which side we want. The light is always bright and shining. How do we join the light here? As I said earlier in this post, there're many communities and groups ready to help and support Steemians selflessly. We only need to ask and join them.


So after we have taken care of our CONTENT part, the next important thing is ENGAGEMENT. This is where the communities and groups come in. I am in a few of the communities and group. First and foremost, we have our beloved local Team Malaysia. Malaysians and expat who stays in Malaysia are invited to our group. If you see this and you have fulfilled our basic requirement, and you are not yet in Team Malaysia, feel free to get in touch with @bitrocker2020 or @littlenewthings or @awesomianist to get your invitation link to our discord group.


Then I am a proud member of Sndbox, The Steem Engine, Qurator and Gamma Syndicate. Other than this I am posting in bilingual too. Therefore you can see me using the CN tag too. You can find more details to each of the groups by clicking on the footer banner down at this post.

除此之外,我还是Sndbox,The Steem Engine,The Steem Engine和Gamma Syndicate的一份子。同时我也以双语写文章,所以我也用了中文群组的tag - cn。如果你想要了解关于我所参与的这些群组,可以到这文章的低端,分别点击各自的logo。

This is it for this sharing. I hope you will be able to get something useful out of my sharing. Thanks for all your love and support. With love and hugs. 💕💖 💓 💗 ♨️

好了,今天的分享就到此结束。希望我的小小分享能让你看到一些对你有用的小贴士。感恩感谢大家一路来的支持与爱!💕💖 💓 💗 ♨️ (1).gif

Image credits to @littlenewthings, @skyleap and @kira.ohba

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Thank you! ❤️💖💗💕


就如你的一个城市一个故事。非常的棒!💕💖 💓 💗 ♨️

Nice sharing, I would apply your suggestion not begging for upvote from others. I'm just a new Steemian, less than a month. First I thought why some like to ask me to vote him back in his comments and I did so. Eventually I realized that the number of voters will not guarantee if they have low SP and those higher SP are too picky and look for content with contributions to others. Yes, you are right, better improve the content then everything is going to be great

Normally when people openly ask me to vote or follow him/her back, I would totally go into "lock-down" mode... Not gonna do anything... Because there're many more things we can comment which can lead to a conversation...
Keep writing awesome posts and make new friends!
Happy Steeming!

Helpful post for newbies. I gonna resteem it.

On a side note, how to become a member of Sndbox?

Thank you!
For now Sndbox only open for members nomination twice a year, in June and December.
So for the time being, please continue to write awesome posts and build up your profile.
Also try to involve in community projects or propose any projects which you think will bring good to Steemit.
💕💖 💓 💗

I agree focus on writing quality content. And so many different suggestions.. i haven't even got time to check out all those challenges or contest yet.. thanks for sharing this @elizacheng !

You are most welcome

Thanks for the reminding @elizacheng!!! Need learn from you :)

We learn together... 💕💖 💓 💗

Thank you so much for mentioning me and the #freewrite in your article!! And you know, I always love your freewrites!!

You are most welcome. I totally love your freewrite! It really helps me to write!
With love and hugs 💕💖 💓 💗

You know what, @zord189 mentioned to us that your niche is colorchallenge when sharing about finding your niche 🤣. Yes you are right that this title is not accurate. I think you deserve an overall Challenge Queen award instead!
By the way, i had one post after you mentioned about not having any expectations during the meetup. True enough i received more upvotes than expected!


Ohhhh (blush)... There're many more challenges out there which I am not participating.
Just keep those awesome posts coming... When we stop expecting, they will start come chasing us... :D

She has been upgraded to overall challenge queen!!!!

Upgrade pula ni... LOL... I am still me... The most pun Queen Mommy to my Princesses only... hahaha

Challenges and contests is a great way to get more exposure, I recently entered the 100 year history challenge by @sndbox and I got my first curie upvote which is really exciting... I agree with your advice about engagement, you can have great content but if you don't engage with other steemians no one will know you exist!!

Congrats! Yes, Engagement is really important... just like you said, with great content zero engagement, nobody will know we exist...!
Keep it up!
Happy Steeming!

Awesome advice.. it was my downfall, no idea, dont know what to write, don’t know how to start, what is my title and etc ..its like keep worrying and end up not writing at all .. what i do now .. take it one step at a time .. @danieldoughty and @bitrocker2020 once ever say to me .. its not a race , its damm long marathon ... thks again @elizacheng for beautiful reminder post for myself ..

Steemit its hs to be fun and jolly ... without fun and happy, it will end up hating it...

Same here! Which is why I take part in the challenges... they already set the topic and instructions clear enough... Just follow the instructions to build our posts...
There're many many challenges out there... just need to find which one(s) you love...
Happy Steeming!

It is a good sharing, now I'm curious to find out more about Sndbox, The Steem Engine, Qurator and Gamma Syndicate, will go do some digging later.

Thanks again @elizacheng!

Ya! There're many more groups/communities out there... Go dig them up and see which one(s) suits you more... Then join them!
Happy Steeming!

Will do, thanks!!

That's a lot of good information to grab. I'm glad you've included the English version, or I wouldn't have been able to read it.. Although I do read Japanese, but it's totally different and not helping me out with the Chinese characters :) Thanks for sharing this with us @elizacheng

My main language for my posts is English.
I have been wanting to learn Japanese since I was 16... LOL... But till now, it's still in the wanna learn but not yet putting effort into learning it mode...
Thanks for dropping by and glad that this sharing is useful and helpful to you.
Happy Steeming!

Great advice about writing about what you love. I completely agree! I love reading a post when someone is writing about what they love. You can just feel it in their writing. :)

Yes. Absolutely. Writing what we love brings joy, smile and love to everyone... And this is what we should be spreading (positivity)!!! 💕💖 💓 💗

this post is very helpful, it make me realize my true self

Thank you! Glad you find this useful.

Your posts definitely worth "賛" !


Thank you fro your comment too, this is my first reply as I am still learning steemit system.

You are doing good. How long have you been in Japan? I have never been to Japan before. Would love to visit there sometime. @skyleap is from Japan. He is a famous portrait artist!

@elizacheng 我应该给你一个称号,“大马Steemit全能女超人” - 总觉得你18般武艺都精通 :D

哪里。。。还有很多很棒的大马Steemian啊! 我只是加入的比较早而已。还有很多东西我都还没搞清楚啊。我只写我会的,所以可能也因为酱你觉得我好像懂很多吧。。。😅

Perfect! You are doing some good work here in the community. I always enjoy your photos, and pictures of black burger buns, 😂. Great tips for the people finding it difficult to get started. Always good to share our experience and help people grow faster. Thank you.

Thank you! You should plan a trip to Malaysia, and get a Big Hug Burger! 😉
We all learn together in this wonderful magical Steemit World! And earn together! 😎

Earnin' & Learnin'

And, yes, I would love take a trip. Hopefully, I will start to travel more soon :).

great suggestions and inputs that make readers understand well. keep going. regards steemit follow me @black-isr38 n vote. thank you @elizacheng

Thanks for dropping by. Do you know that it can be considered as spam when you openly ask people to follow and vote for you? Do you know that you can be flagged and downvoted and reputation will be affected?

Well written post, so many information. Tq @elizacheng. This is post worth resteeming. It helps others on what steemit can offer. So many things i still wanna learn. Keep posting good informative contents. One question. What is the dark side of steemit?

Thanks for dropping by...
Dark side ah.... Uhm... The negative things loh... Drama... War...

Wahh really ah .. got drama also in steemit 😂😂🙏🏻🙏🏻

Got... Got people sure got drama... But don't ask me what and how and why... Coz I very blur blur one... Normally blur until super blessed until don't really see all this happen... Hahaha... Good also lah...

Wahh those kind of people , plz stay away oh 😩😩.. steemit supposed to be fun and jolly community..

Yes. Let's do our part and spread positive energy, smile, love and joy! 💖❤️💕💗