Why going to bed early is good for you.

in #ulog6 years ago

I honestly could never imagine that I would turn into that person that goes to bed at 9.00pm and wakes up at 5.00am. I know it’s shocking but true.

Let me tell you why and how I did it.


I used to be that person that went to bed late like midnight or even later than that and I did this for quite some years.

Back then, I also used to complain why I have to wake up early in the morning and why I still was tired even though I slept during the night. I couldn’t understand it.

Don’t you hate it when you go to bed and have to set your alarm that kicks you out of bed the next morning even if you don’t want to get up? Plus because you’ve set the alarm the night before, you are already stressed out because you know that the alarm will wake you up without your permission and wakes you up while you are in a very important stage of sleep.

I know, it’s a nightmare!

The alarm wakes you up so you are already pissed off because the alarm went off and took you out of your beautiful and cosy sleep stage. That second, you already feel annoyed or even angry. Everyone around you just gets on your nerves and you just want to go back to sleep. Because of such a negative energy, you will annoy everyone and they will annoy you and others around them. That can make your whole surroundings in a bad mood.

Well done!

You are going back home after you’ve finished working and complaining at home what a bad day you’ve had and that everyone was annoyed but you don’t realise that this could have been because of you.

This is where you need to make a change! – Trust me, it works!

If you can’t make the change on your own, do it with your partner or a friend. It’s always easier if you have one another to change it together.

While we are sleeping, we are getting into different stages of sleep. The most important one is the REM (rapid eye movement) stage. This is where we dream, some people can remember their dreams other don’t. You might think that sleep means relaxation? Well, kind of because your body isn’t as active as it is in the day time but your brain works hard at night while you’re sleeping. To process all the information that you’ve gathered that day.

Coming back to why you should go to bed early. Let’s say, if you are going to bed at 9.00pm without setting an alarm. You are already feel less stressed and not think about needing to wake up for work so you will automatically wake up at 5.00am. Why? Because you had a healthy sleep, you will wake up by yourself at least after 7hours of sleep because you're feeling less stressed out because no one kicked you out of bed and you aren’t tired anymore.

This is how you should start your day. Waking up on your own, not being tired anymore, feeling good and having the energy to get things done that day.

It doesn’t have to be from 9.00pm to 5.00am. Just make up your own time. Get your own time so that you feel good and start your day off with positive energy.

I personally like to get up at 5.00am because I need a relaxing start. My morning needs to be good and I need to take my time for breakfast. If I don’t have that time, don’t talk to me ok (;

Now, how can you change it?

To turn something into a habit or routine, It needs at least 3 weeks of actively practicing it before you don’t need to think about what you are doing.

Say that you normally would go to bed at mid-night, you would need to sleep until 8.00am to be able to wake up on your own but you have to wake up at 6.00am to get to work. Try to go to bed earlier. Doesn’t matter if it’s just a half an hour earlier, this is a start. You have to start somewhere to change it. You’ll see that if you would do this for a week, you’ll already feel a difference. Moving onto the second week, go to bed at 11pm. The week after, go to bed at 10am to wake up at 6am.

At the beginning, you can still set the alarm but you’ll be able to wake up by yourself once you reached the perfect bed-time. Give it some time. Do it during the week as well as on the weekend where you can practice not setting the alarm and see if you wake up earlier on your own.


Some of you might think that I’m crazy…but honestly, it was by far the best change I’ve ever made in my life.

It feels good, listen to your body, there is a reason why you can’t get up on your own without the alarm because you are missing too much sleep!

xoxo, Melissa

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This is sooooo true! the days i sleep at 9pm are the ones I feel more awake in the morning, after that is like my body begs me to stay in bed, i gat up at 5am so going to bed early is almost mandatory!

@elemesca yes it is, sleep is so important!!! Thanks for reading and sleep well :)

I am this person and it's awesome. I typically wake up anywhere from 4-5am (but don't get up until 6am). On a related note, I just bought an earthing/grounding band when I was in the US last week, and I've been sleeping with it on my ankle. I was a good sleeper before, but this takes it to a whole new level.

@choogirl Same! It's the best method, I am glad that you're the same haha :) I had to google the "earthing/grounding band" because I had no idea what it was. Does it work for you? And which one do you have? :)

Yeah, I've been having amazing sleep since I've been wearing it at night around my ankle. I bought this one. If you're not in the US, you'll have to get an adaptor, but the company sells them as well.

This is great advice! Sleep is more important than food and water.

@white.tiger Yes it is! I love sleeping and it just feels so good!