i'm not sure anymore if ignorance can suffice.
Jordan Peterson believes in the bible. Those are his views my personal beliefs don't matter but if he does then he believes that ignorant or not there will be accountability right.
So i'm pretty sure the ignorant has to perish as well metaphorically or maybe in jordan peterson's case literally. in any event it's the end for you all
"my project" you think ubi is my project and not humanity's project well as i said i think you guys time is limited with this economy and with these coins and we'll see some of you on the other side and we'll get rid of many of you because i think it's just evolution. not what i'd want to happen but what has to happen.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Again, I just don't understand.
I don't understand your project, I don't understand the points you're trying to make with all these endless videos and paragraphs.
...heck, I don't even understand if you're insulting me (I think you are?), haha.
Maybe in the future you might consider changing the way you write to make things a little more clear for the reader?
As for these conversations between me and you, let's just leave it at that, yeah?
Like I keep saying mate, I wish you and your project all the best.
But at this point it's clear that it's not for me.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta