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RE: Raw Vegan Grocery Shopping -- Organic vs. Non-Organic? GMO vs. Non-GMO?

in #vegan8 years ago

That looks really good.

Lucky for me I live in Thailand atm and I get green coconut about 1 euro a piece, so I can enjoy one with my breakfast pretty much everyday.

Dont know if I could eat purly on fruits for now but I have it planned to give it a try. As for now I am happy that I eat way more fruit then I used to.

What is your opinion on juicing?


oh sweet man, i see you're into Wim Hof. (I do one of his breathing techniques.) If I were in Thailand, I would seriously LIVE off coconuts until I wanted another fruit! Juicing: you will have a ton of energy when juicing. I did a 60-day juice feast and loved every moment of it. When I started craving salads (about day 60) I began to refeed. It took me 15 days of re-feeding to have no digestive issues :) At this point, I resumed eating as a fruitarian. Currently, raw vegan nut-cream foods are my "junk food" compromises. Getting cleaner and cleaner with my eating every week!!

wow 60 days is pretty impressive. I did 2 weeks after seeing "fat sick and nealy dead" and I was happy to eat again.
But for the most part I felt great (well after 4 to 5 days).

I am trying to get cleaner with my eating also, but I am a believer in small steps and for somone who lived of pizza for a long time I am happy with my progress.

Will follow you also for some more inspiration.

cool :D btw, after about 50 days, some things came out of my body (when going to the bathroom) that i would have NEVER in my life imagined.... it was surreal!

Congrats with your Wim Hof progress. I'm enjoying them :)

I am not sure if I want to know more about this ;-)

Where you eating healthy already, when you started your juice fast?

The juice fast made me realize that I was eating horribly, but I was definitely doing a lot better. For about 9 months before the juice feasting I was eating a diet of mostly fruits. At least 50% of my meals during the day were fruit, and many days I would go 100% fruit. Throughout those 9 months i'd estimate that I did 90% fruit!

There is definitely no solid food diet healthier than raw fruits, and I have realized through this--like so many other people have realized--that the human species is a frugivorous species. This means that the most optimal thing we can eat is fruits and starch-less "vegetables" (most are technically fruits anyways), and occasional tender, leafy greens :)


I have heard a ted talk about starches and that a lot of high cultures ran off them. But this is also compared to modern society were a lot of people eat meat like products.

I am not educated enough to really speak about this, but I am interested.

As a pizza and burger man I am happy with the progress so far I made into a more healthy and especially for me substainable diet, with a lot of fruit and nuts and veggies and meat only to treat myself so far. But I am working on it to get better and better.

You'll get it, man :) Just beware of pollutes the body! Got plaque on your teeth? It's from the starch. And guess what? If you have plaque on your teeth, you ALSO have it throughout your entire body!

How very correct you are Robert!!

yea man... i am so gunna follow your Wim Hof journey. One of my biggest interests now is recognizing my complete control of my reality. Love it :)

thx a lot man. that is really motivationg.

together we grow

I'm glad you replied! Because I swear I clicked to follow you, and now I just realized that I wasn't following! *clicks follow again* ... see ya! :D


always trying to reply ;-)