
so something becomes a meme it is no longer true?

it is a thing because it is a thing.

Well, no, I meant it was in the same pantheon of memetic "times tumblr didn't bother to research anything" as that "arm of an african-american burn victim" that was actually a horse dildo.

Although my attempts to dig up the original all seem to indicate the picture actually is a composite picture of the Earth from NASA, which is embarrassing. Still, I can concede that mocking that picture was presumptuous without it meaning the Earth isn't round.

indicate the picture actually is a composite picture of the Earth from NASA

this is the first step to seeing the truth, realizing that what you think you've seen is nothing but a lie.

Still, I can concede that mocking that picture was presumptuous without it meaning the Earth isn't round.

i think you have been reading to much of the 'debunking flat earthers' instead of actually seeing what the flat earth people have to say. people like kerriknox use strawmen arguments against us. we do not believe what he says, then he proceeds to 'debunk' the theory.

kinda like myth busters episode in which they 'debunk' the moon landing hoax. they cherry picked what they 'debunked' ... honestly this is just more proof to me that it was a hoax.

I don't actually read much debunking, mostly when I google something and a metabunk thread about the exact talking-point I'm responding to is in the first few results.

maybe you should do some research on what your spending so much time debunking.

i used to think flat earth was ridiculous. now i'm convinced.

and it has been talking to the 'debunkers' that made me even more convinced. absolutely zero evidence, and usually ridicule. can't shame me into silence...

I'm not really attempting to "debunk" or "refute", that takes more digging and effort, I tend to just give the reasons why I find a given "proof" of a flat Earth to be unimpressive. Maybe some ridicule, but the "you haven't convinced me that you're right" position is a lot easier to maintain than the "I'm going to convince you that you're wrong".

I'm not really attempting to "debunk" or "refute", that takes more digging and effort, I tend to just give the reasons why I find a given "proof" of a flat Earth to be unimpressive.

i find the 'proof' of a global earth unimpressive. there literally is none.

Maybe some ridicule, but the "you haven't convinced me that you're right" position is a lot easier to maintain than the "I'm going to convince you that you're wrong".

oh look, ridicule. no post is complete from you people without it!