Have you Heard about VIVAcoin?

in #vivacoin8 years ago (edited)

Viva, a Price Stable, Humanity Coin

How do you provide for people in a world where the only thing that is scarce are jobs?

VIVA is our attempt to answer that question.

No one wants to subsidize the life of someone who doesn't want to live theirs, but by providing an alternative means for humans to have their needs met, we push ourselves one step closer to realizing the fullness of human potential, starting by freeing a handful of individuals on a regular basis to peruse their passions whatever those passions may be. To accomplish this, what I propose is to take the excess economic energy contained within a typical economy and leveraging that energy to improve the human condition overall rather than line the pockets of a few.

  • William Banks

I'm not sure how many of you have heard about the Viva Coin project. It is a big supporter of Steem and holds a view of this sites long term success.

Some proof of this can be seen in the early auctions for it's most fundamental 'coin' called crowns, where users were allowed to pay for their winning bids using an exchange rate of 1 Steem = $1 USD (at the time Steem was about .15-.20 or so.) On top of this, the Tradeqwik Exchange, which is a part of the Viva structure (I'll explain more below) powers up Steem sent to the @tradeqwik account to upvote posts for Steemit users that use the service. The Steem is planned to be held for at least 5 years in that account as 'cold storage.' Talk about a long view for our platform.

@vivacoin post: How to get $1 for each of your Steem

You can also see the 4 rounds of the initial ICO that were done held here on Steemit on the @vivacoin account. On top of this, a contest is being held (and still running) for people to work with the white paper (using those links above) to brighten it up with graphics as well as readable and exciting text while keeping the core concepts in place. The prizes for this contest are nothing to sneeze at, being:

  • A cash prize of $500 USD
  • A 1% share in our ICO
  • Your very own VIVA Crown.
  • Credit and your own byline within the whitepaper itself.
  • Long term paid position with VIVA as a Graphics Designer.
    Source - Viva White Paper Contest

You can see an excellent entry to this contest by @cryptomancer: here.

To top all this off, they have developed Tradeqwik cryptocurrency exchange which is a big component of the Viva Project for the distribution of coins (which I'll discuss a bit below.) Steemit users also get the bonus that:

TradeQwik needed a viable long term solution to cold storage for our Steem, so we decided to take the step of powering up all of the funds we receive in excess of our average daily withdrawal demands. What this means is that we'll be using SP for cold storage. But that's boring! So just to shake things up a little, We'll be using that SP exclusively to upvote the posts of our best customers!
-Source - Join the TradeQwik Beta and Win Prizes!

Especially with this 'experiment' that has been going on, the usefulness of an upvote from a 50k+ SP account is rather meaningful.

The reason I wanted to start with this is so it's not viewed as a direct competitor to Steemit nor advocating to jump ship. I merely needed a little break from my more typical posts which is why I've put his together. While I do see VIVA being easy to take part in by the end-user, there is a lot of complexity within it making laying some of this out an appealing challenge.

As a disclaimer I have been lending a hand with VIVA and I do hold a few crowns myself. I'm by no means an investor nor an expert on trading. I will be as factual as I can from the whitepaper and @williambanks five Steemit posts on it. It should be pretty obvious which parts are more my opinion.

If you want to read up on it directly, it was posted here on Steemit some months back in parts:

What is Viva and Why I'm Excited

Now first off, the Viva Coin project has been spear-headed by one of my favorite people @williambanks. On top of this, I've personally been a fan of the idea of Universal Basic Income (UBI) while always having a concern that it would remain sustainable. The core of Viva takes a stab at both of these. What makes this unique is that rather than simply giving money for nothing, this project is really an economic engine to help create jobs that pay.

At this time, there are three kinds of worker nodes, Compute, Storage & Network, there will be others in the future.

The other components that I am excited to see implemented are:

  • A way to get business to use and accept Viva
  • The ability to draw dividends for life
  • Subjective voting on user generated content, worth $1 each (with maximum weekly votes based on stake)
  • Monetary Awards being given out to those subjectively selected as 'worthy'
  • Starting the project off with optional debit cards to purchase where MasterCard is accepted or to make Cash ATM Withdrawls
  • Their own exchange, Tradeqwik.com (on steemit @tradeqwik)

Credit to @cryptomancer

Basic's and Currencies

Without getting to in depth, there are three currency components; Crowns, VIVA and vX. To keep the price stability of Viva, the crown holders will be able determine how many of these coins can be minted and/or destroyed as time goes along.

We do it this way because the VIVA coin is engineered to be price stable. It isn’t pegged per se, but it does orbit a value. This value is set by the Crown Holders, and is presently set at $5.30 USD per VIVA. This figure was selected for a starting value because it is the average amount of money earned per hour by an average person living in a first world economy. It was derived by dividing the average annual household family income by the annual household size and then dividing it by 24 hrs in a day, 7 days a week and 52 weeks in a year.

Crowns: There are a limited amount of crowns available (eventually maxing out at 42,000.) Rather than being used as the currency used to buy or sell things, provide a 'Treasury Right' which can be rented to a mint, allowing it to then print some Viva. Each crown can provide one Treasury Right.

On top of the earnings through the rental agreements (that last 90 days at a time,) crown holders are given certain rights including "the right to control coin fundamentals, such as price, marketcap, supply distribution rates etc."

Viva: This is the liquid currency that is used for actual transactions such as buying or selling things. Viva is printed by a mint that have paid to rent a Treasury Right from a crown holder. The amount it can print is proportional to the number of Treasury Rights it's rented to the total number of crowns. (i.e. If there are 100 crowns, each Treasury Right allows printing for 1% of that cycles printed coins.)

vX: Think of this in the sense of a Steem Backed Dollar (SD.) One SD holds $1 US worth of Steem which when Steem is at 10 cents per share is worth 10 Steem tokens. It essentially keeps it's value of one USD, even when the price of Steem fluctuates. Simply replace the X in the vX with a fiat currency (such as the US dollar, Mexican Peso, Japanese Yen, etc.) Each vX is worth an amount of viva that equals 1 unit of that fiat currency.

Business buy-in to use, accept and pay workers in Viva

A new startup wants to run a business and needs infrastructure but doesn't want to rely on Amazon or similar services due to cost concerns.
For the cost of a good quality rack mounted server and colo agreement, they can spin up a business activity and attach to a mint. They acquire a Treasury Right, the mint attaches to the network and begins minting on their behalf. From here, the business proposition is that VIVA is infrastructure that pays you. In exchange, the business accepts viva as payment.

The appeal here is to make it easier and more cost effective for businesses to start up, hence providing jobs. Right now these jobs will be available to people who simply have a computer with an internet connection and help the business to Compute, Storage and/or Network. Other types of end-user services will be available as time goes on. In many parts of today's society, simply having a computer on the net is already a staple, but now it can also earn you some money.

Credit to @cryptomancer

A varying interest rate, set by the crown holders, is charged when a business asks for Viva coins to be printed by a Mint. Most of the time, the charged interest is put back into the liquidity pool instead of being given to the requesting business. Not wanting to over-complicate things here, I'll simply say there are two other scenarios it doesn't make fiscal sense to have money printed (but may be desired in an emergency to cover payroll) or to remove coins from an over-saturated market.

Dividends for Life

As @williambanks stated "no one wants to subsidize the life of someone who isn't trying to live theirs." So dividends are provided to those who have Viva into the liquidity pool. (see more on this pool in @cryptomancer's Entry into the Whitepaper contest.) Funds can moved over to be available for immediate spending, but this does reduce their stake and hence how much dividend and potentially how many 'subjective votes' (explained below) they will get.

Whatever else you may be doing, you'll get a dividend payment every day for life so long as you participate in the Subjective Proof of Work, i.e. upvote at least one person every day. Yes, you're being hired to give money away to friends, family and even people you haven't met yet. But this has a specific purpose. It acts like a heart, pumping blood through the body of our economy which we treat like a living being. This is the push effect, but there also must be a "pull".

50% of the spread is immediately paid as a dividend to each person in the liquidity pool.

Subjective Voting (similar to Steemit) and Tipping

25% is used to fund a subjective proof of work system similar in many ways to Steemit's but with some important differences.

However, on VIVA each vote cast will award $1 vUSD and there is no limit how many times you can vote for the same person. The catch here is that you will have a limited number of votes available to you. Every 1000 Viva of stake (which can fluctuate over time) will give you one vote for the week.

These votes can be cast on user created content (indefinitely) as well as can be given as a tip for job well done (such as a storage worker providing a file quicker than expected.) There will be downvotes, however these only effect a users reputation, but not their earnings. These reputations cover a rolling 90 day window and with disuse does trend to zero.

Votes that are not used after one week instead of being destroyed, are donated to the award committee (discussed below.) increasing the award pool that they distribute to those they deem worthy.

Monetary Rewards by the Award Committee

All money in the awards pool must be given away by the end of each quarter (90 days) or be destroyed and removed from the system. This group can choose to give these away however they wish whether it be wholly to a single person, or distributed (evenly or unevenly) to a large number of people. How this is done is completely at their discretion.

####The point being to find the people who need it the most and provide the biggest IMPACT!

Without getting too complicated, Crownholders generate "Award Rights" over time (4 per year per crown) which they can either exercise themselves or give out to others to use for them. Much like how a Treasury Right allows printing a percentage of Viva coins, an Committee Right allows giving a percentage of the Award pool.

Crownholders can give these awards away themselves or they same give this Award Rights to somebody else to give it away for them (like a proxy.) So technically the Awards Committee is comprised of Crownholders themselves and the people they have asked to use one of their Award Rights. This means that it's a subjective decision by each person on who gets what, without a need for voting to find a consensus.

MasterCard Debit/ATM Cards

Many people are turned off with the often multiple steps need to get a cryptocurrency, let alone a new one, into an easily spendable form. While for many of us dealing the our wallets and transfers are no big deal, to a non-tech, non-crypto individual this can just seem scary. To help with this, VIVA has provided a solution for this right from the start.

"VIVA has partnered with our bank to offer debit MasterCards from day one." Anybody with funds in the liquidity pool can purchase one for $25. It has no spending limits and it automatically loaded with any dividend payments earned over the previous month.

Their own Exchange, Tradeqwik

VIVA needs to be able to gateway between the fiat and crypto worlds as quickly and cheaply as possible. If you think of VIVA as an economic engine, TradeQwik is the transmission. TradeQwik puts idle funds to work immediately and this turns the wheels that move the economy.

Cryptocurrencies have found some difficulty in gaining acceptance by businesses. Some of this is due to the value fluctuations, hence rather stable pegged tokens like the Steem Dollar. But beyond this is also the issue of charge-backs, which aren't possible on a blockchain.

To facilitate that, we built a Tier 1 card card processor that will process traditional card transactions for merchants, clearing all transactions directly to VIVA. This works great for the merchant because we completely eliminate the risk of charge-backs and fraud from the equation if they process all their transactions in vX. We also waive the normal fees and clear everything at the industry standard of MCX spot +1%.

In order to speed processing and order matching, TradeQwik charges no trading fees at all on limit orders with market orders only being 0.05%. Trading on TradeQwik is designed to save the active trader about 90% on their trading fees.

Final Thoughts

This is one of those projects that I just want to see succeed. I know there are other Universal Basic Income projects out there, even within the cryptosphere. But this one seems to approach this in a rather unique way (hence calling it a Humanity Coin) and has worked through so many aspects such as providing 'work,' closing the crypto to fiat gap, user engagement, business buy-in, as well as the big one, SUSTAINABILITY. One thing that I do fully believe is that the system we all have known throughout our lifetimes can not last forever. We are going to have to come up with a better way.

I truly hope to see this be that better way!

If you want to read more:
Check out the current version of the VIVA Whitepaper
Join the VIVA rocketchat channel at : https://chat.vivaco.in

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Image Sources:
Vote Counts


Thank you so much for this article @sykochica You did an awesome job!
I've upvoted and resteemed it with my own account and used all the VIVA related accounts to do the same.

You're Welcome and Thank You!
It's been a fascinating project to follow and slowly wrap my head around. :)

Fabulous post, you did an outstanding job explaining VIVA!

Thank you!

While I do fully believe it will be an easy to use system for the non-tech, non-crypto end user...there is a TON of well thought out complexity 'under the hood.' There were just so many cool pieces I wanted to try and highlight here. :)

Fascinating stuff! Haven't looked into too many other alt currencies, but this pleases my techno-anarcho sensibilities :)

Thank you!
I've only been able to spend time on so many of the altcoins myself, but this one definitely stuck out for me. Such an interesting approach.

...but this pleases my techno-anarcho sensibilities


I've been sent here to learn by @merej99 !!

This is Great!!! I love VIVA and this is an excellent write up.

TradeQwik is awesome too! I've made some profitable trades there in the last week or so. I recommend everyone setting up an account there!

Thank you!

I'm with you on TradeQwik. I've been enjoying it over the last week since signing up and the fees definitely have saved me some money compared to poloniex.

Really interesting, and a very well made presentation. Not only does this sound really promising because there is a very clear reason for it to exist (a lot of projects come across as quickly assembled copycats of something else), but I love the fact that there is a long term vision. Which is me saying that I'm sick to death of "get rich quick" schemes.

In an unrelated aside, I originally ended up here on Steemit because a Facebook friend had posted one of @williambanks' articles about Viva on his FB feed.

Wow! Thanks for the compliment! Wonder who that was though?

Very "very alternative" friend Kelly who lives in Vancouver, WA... he's a big Basic Income proponent; I have no idea whether he followed up with Viva or not. I should message him and ask...

Interesting, we're at , at least 2 degrees of separation and counting.
I'm always interested in how tight the social graph is between any 2 random people on the internet.

Thank you! I'm with you there on the long term view. It's rather hard (at least in my eyes) to view this as a means to simply line their own pockets. I do really see it as a means to have a meaningful impact for others...which I'm a huge fan of.

Hehe, he was just about the first person I met when joining up on here. It's definitely hard to not get drawn in to his posts. :D

What's close to my heart is the idea of "creating a better world." Of course, this is often the territory of idealists and visionaries... I tend to be more interested in the functional implementation and execution of such visions. The world is filled with brilliant ideas that are so contingent on layers of "if only" that they stand no real chance of coming to pass.

It's tricky to find balance between the "somebody's getting rich off this" and the "slaving endlessly for zero reward" perspective... both seem (to me) to be doomed to very different forms of failure. My favorite word in these contexts is "reciprocity." There must be an energetic exchange of some kind, be it skills for money, or time spent for benefits, or whatever... for me, Basic Income should be a tool to foster creativity and expression, not a ticket to check out of life and just suck on the teat of other people's efforts.

Wonderfully said! I can wholeheartedly agree with that in it's entirety.

looks very good i'am very interested

Hop on over into https://chat.vivaco.in/ and join us!

I've thought it's a really cool project. Like william said, feel free to join in the chat room with that link he gave. :)
Feel free to ask any questions you might think of, even if I don't know myself, I'm sure I can get an answer from others (or let them answer directly.)

sorry but can i mine it like other crypto ?

It's not like any other crypto. Technically you could use it to mine other cryptos though.
VIVA uses a concept called "Proof of Authority". This is different from "proof of work" or "proof of stake".

Crownholders are entitled to issue a "Treasury Right". This is a right to mint a percentage of the VIVA that will be minted for the next 90 days.

A mint would purchase the TR in order to have the authority to mint VIVA. How they go about that is entirely up to them. The mint needs an associated business activity and that activity can be anything except "minting viva".

Generally this is going to mean that they are renting out the resources of the associated worker nodes to some third party. The third party will create a docker container, upload it to the mint. The mint will solicit worker nodes to run that docker container according to whatever agreement that they have in place with the business.

The container will run on an isolated sandbox on the miner's computer until the contract expires.
The container could be literally anything including a miner for another cryptocurrency.

The VIVA generated by the mints is used to pay the worker nodes for their efforts. The network enforces this contract so there is no risk of non-payment. This is why the mint needs a Treasury Right since it is the act of paying the worker nodes that bring the currency into existence.

Haha, you beat me to it!

I am here, Mere sent me this direct link to learn.

Anything else, LMK sir. I am doing my best with everything.

No problem. It's a great question.
Viva doesn't having mining like many of the others, I've seen it referred to as Proof of Authority versus the Proof of Work or Stake. So the short answer is, no, there is no mining in VIVA. This is replaced by mints printing the coins, which requires obtaining a Treasure Right from a crown holder.

"VIVA does not use DPOS or any sort of rotating structure or competitive block finding structure at all.
We use a graph based settlement mechanism where each mint is responsible for their chunk of the graph and up to 5 others called affiliates."
Source - Intro to Viva: Part 2

At least this is my understanding of it. :)

I remember when @williambanks was working on the idea. Man, I wish I had the funds to invest when he made the initial offering. I've saved this blog post so I can try to read & understand in bite-sized pieces. I am still learning all this stuff. Frankly, it makes my hair hurt. I just know that I want IN.

@merej99 I've been wondering where you were at! Hop over into https://chat.vivaco.in when you have a chance and DM me there.

I've been around, love. Been working on my passion projects until I find "gainful" employment again. I just signed into Vivaco chat.

He's definitely been working on this for a long time. (others too)
Hehe, I don't blame you on going over in small pieces. There's definitely a lot to it..I'm still wrapping my head around it in full.

Being as helpful as you are to people in general, you should really hop into the viva chat sometime. I have seen some ways to get crowns outside of buying, like through earning or winning. Off the top of my head the white paper contest is the only active one I can think of, but there may be other methods over time.

I may have to jump on the whitepaper contest if only to really get my hands on it and break it down for myself.

And I've given up on an app, chat room, and programs intervention for myself. I'm resolved to upgrade my equipment so I can do it all. LOL

I could see you having a great time with the whitepaper contest! That's awesome!

Ahh, I don't blame you on the intervention. I have to take some time away myself at times, especially after 'cracking out' on things for a while. But I do think the more you get into this project the more you'll like it :)

LOL, I have seen you say similar lately a few times


Nice info, I wil read later because it is almost 2 am here. Anyway Nice !

Thank you! Hehe, definitely no worries and don't blame you. This can be a tough one to go through while tired (something I know first hand.)

Very interesting coin and project!
Thank you for your excellent documentation about it, I need to investigate more about VIVACoin

You're Welcome and Thank You! :D
Feel free to hop into the chat channel at: https://chat.vivaco.in
I've had to ask sooo many questions there to get a better idea myself. And most (if not all) the people there are also Steemit users.

Thank you!
I'm currently busy with STEEM, then I will move to VIVA :D

Hehe, no worries. I totally understand that. :)
It's a standing offer.

Oh no, it is another rocket chat


Excellent post dear friend @sykochica, thanks for all this information

Thank you!
If nothing else I wanted to put this together to make sure I had a good understanding myself.
I'd intended to try to keep this short and sweet, but that just didn't seem to suffice to do it justice. :)

Took me 5 full blog posts to explain it and I got about 65% of the way through. You did an excellent job of summarizing!

The appeal here is to make it easier and more cost effective for businesses to start up, hence providing jobs. Right now these jobs will be available to people who simply have a computer with an internet connection and help the business to Compute, Storage and/or Network.

Theoretically, couldn't a business owner minting and accepting Viva pay employees to do virtually any task or job that needs doing?

I definitely would think so. While those three were the starting options, they did say they expected more in the future.

I'd think that these were a benefit as a cost and maintenance saver and don't see anything keeping other business types from coming on board if they wanted. The biggest thing that comes to mind would be someway to report when a task was completed and satisfactory, if they were something outside of a networked computer. My main uncertainty would be their fiscal benefits of doing so depending on what the business actually was.

Im sure William banks will chime in :)

I take ages to decide about concepts and like to go into extreme detail before I invest a cent. This has always been my way and it has stood me in good stead as almost everything I have invested in has flourished. I got into Bitcoin when it was $30 and everyone I knew laughed at me. They dont laugh anymore. I am still studying Viva and so am undecided as yet.
One of the things that particularly interest me is the human face and the human impact.
This is why I looked into MAIDSAFE network 5 years ago.
I joined the forum and was banned for one day after 20 minutes just because I wrote on the wrong tag. David Irvine, the creator himself, contacted me to apologize. Later the same day I was told that as an artist I was too early to join because it was only for devs. I never went back and sold my investment.
In sharp contrast to this I was given a great welcome on Steemit which is why I am still here.
I was given an invitation to join Viva chat a few days ago and so I did.
I typed in "Hi to everyone" but got no response. I waited a while but no one seemed to no I was there so I left. Perhaps as an artist I am too sensitive, but this was not a good start for me as first impressions are important. However, I have not give up on the idea as it does look interesting.
As I say I like to check things out in detail before I decide anything.
Thanks for the post @sykochica I have bookmarked the page so I can read it a few times.

I apologize for that.

It's going to depend largely on the day and the time of day. We have people scattered across the globe and generally there are only 3 to 4 people on at any given time because our community is small. But with St Patrick's day weekend it's been rather quiet even by our standards.

I invite you to stop back by and say hello again. It's not that we're being unfriendly, it's just that sometimes the building is empty.

As an artist we could really use your services right now as mentioned here we are at the stage where a good graphic artist is crucial.

I really have to remember to check what I'm logged in as before commenting.

No worries, I did come to the conclusion myself that perhaps I was just unlucky and came on a quiet day. I will surely try again. Thanks for responding that means a lot. I will check out the artist link also.

Oh I can totally understand. It's also worth noting I'm not a trader or investor (made my first actual trades just yesterday in fact.) So this was purely meant as being informative on what the project is and why I personally like how they're setting it up and what it's looking to achieve. Investment is absolutely a whole different ballgame and not anywhere in my realm of experience.

Sorry to hear nobody responded in the chat. I actually just got in there myself in the last few days, having been in their slack previously, but I'd stepped away from a lot of things for a while as I had to focus on some real life things. I had saw you entering the channel when I got in but didn't remember seeing the hello message, not doubting it was there, I probably just missed it even though it was after the fact.

At the moment, there aren't too many people in there, so there can be slow times. But there seems to be quite a bit more activity now and had some new people join in. While I understand where you're coming from, I do hope to see you in the chat someday. :)

I honestly think it was a matter or unlucky timing.

I understand you. Yeah I also put tit down to perhaps I just came at the wrong time. I have not given up on it yet and will defantely try again.

I hope you do! We need artists to help us translate this <3

Excellent post, this is a wonderful and comprehensive introduction to VIVA! Just one minor quibble: I believe Award Rights are actually called Committee Rights, or at least that's how William referred to them when he was explaining the concept to me. We should try to keep our terminology consistent to avoid confusing people. But otherwise well done! I feel my excitement about VIVA increasing, and it's encouraging to see more people getting interested.

Thank you! I really appreciated you're whitepaper entry and it really let me feel like I didn't have to go in depth into the liquidity pool, since you'd already done that and I didn't have much to add.

Ah, I getcha. I'll go ahead and swap it to Committee Rights for consistency. I hadn't had that mentioned to me, but I was also primarily working from those part 1-5 posts that William had done vs the latest whitepaper version. So it's likely I was just using outdated terminology. :)

Great post! I am reading more and more about Viva, and finding it super interesting. One think that is not clear to me is what is the current state of Viva? and whether there is a roadmap somewhere?

I have read the initial posts by @williambanks but those were a few months ago and I haven't seen much other than that. Well, I guess the tradeqwick platform is something but I would be interested in knowing when to expect the different components of the project. This, simply because I am very interested in the project.

TradeQwik is still phase 1. Development on is still on going.

The group is really small and because of that, we've been focused on delivering rather than talking about it and posting constant updates.

My workload is about 18hrs daily and there hasn't been a lot of time for me to make posts so I've been asking those who are watching it grow, to post their thoughts about it.

The CAN is phase 2, development on it will start during our final auction round before we do the ICO.
Once we ICO we can bring on more developers to speed the process along of building the wallets out etc.

In otherwords, our plan is the reverse of most roadmaps. We're building out the infrastructure and then the coin, vs building a coin first and hoping people will just accept it.

There are a handful of VIVA in circulation now for test purposes. They circulate exclusively on the exchange at the moment. Current price on 1 VIVA is close to $5.80 USD.

The best way to stay in the loop is to join us on https://chat.vivaco.in/
Welcome to VIVA!

Haha, I finally got a chance to come respond to you after finishing up this weeks @steemittalk podcast. (Sorry for the delay)

But I saw williambanks already beat me to it and I can't really add anything to that myself. But feel free to join the chat channel and you'll be able to see things as they are getting completed as well as ask any other questions when they come to mind.

Hope to see you there :)

What a very long post. I only read 1/4 of it and will definitely read the rest later on. I just found out about 'TradeQuik' - https://steemit.com/crypto-news/@moondancer762/attention-grantcoin-holders

TradeQwik :D

Thank you!
Hehe, yea...originally I planned to keep this short and sweet but as I went along the length seemed to be necessary on this. Definitely take your time, while I do expect it to be rather easy for the non-tech end-user, the inner workings do take time to wrap one's head around. (I'm still refining aspects myself.)

Oh nice! I was happy to see her make that post and do hope Grantcoin is able to be added after being delisted from Bittrex. I've enjoyed my time on TradeQwik so far myself...with it being a slightly lower volume on there since it's new, there's been some great deals I've been able to 'snipe' after some bigger price changes. I know I was able to grab a little steem there for 7 cents after it had already gone up to 20. lol

I'm more interested than I have been pretending to be.


Best reply I have seen in awhile LOL

Sounds like I may best pretend to be thankful for your appreciation now too! XD

Have a good day!!!!

Have you noticed all the posts written since y-day, at least for me -- are now showing all $0.00 payouts? It just happened in the last half hour.

Hehe, I getcha. I know you've been traveling and playing poker. Def no rush.

Yes, just need to be reminded to check it out and maybe get involved on some level sometime as I like the idea of #vivacoin. Will look forward to future posts and potential talks. :)

I suspect you'll be hearing me talk about it more and more as time goes on and things get completed. But I'll poke you every once in a while too. Lol

I've been sent here to learn by merej99 !!

Hi, I was curious if you had any insight for me as to why my funds are and have been on hold in tradeqwik? I converted some viva to steem so they could be sent here, only half was converted, the steem never came, and the other half of my viva amount is on hold and i havent been able to do anything with it. Am i using the site wrong somehow?

Unfortunately I can't really answer what happened there. But I'd recommend hopping onto the viva chat at https://chat.vivaco.in/home and asking about it in the tradeqwik channel, or try to catch williambanks (or I think he had a helper or two with the exchange now, but can't remember who off the top of my head.)

Def hope it gets figured out for ya.

Thank you. I will look into this.

I read it yet I still don't get it. Too technical for a crypto newbie