Then a full hour is needed.
~St. Francis de SalesHalf an hour’s #meditation each day is essential, except when you are busy.
Then a full hour is needed.
~St. Francis de SalesHalf an hour’s #meditation each day is essential, except when you are busy.
I haven't tried this before. Maybe i will give it a shot next week
You could use Insight Timer app to set a timer so you know when time is up. And/or begin with some short guided meditations. Work you way up to 30+ minutes. Maybe start with 5 minutes per day, then add 1 minute every day or two.
Okie sure. Thanks for the recommendation
This might be helpful too:
And this is a free 40 days course with guided meditations. I feel this could be very good. I just listened to the first one (intro).
An amazing saying.
Yeah, let's hope it inspires me enough to meditate more. Currently i usually sit for only 20 minutes per day.
I hope your consistency, even for 20 minutes, will bear great fruits. 🙏
and the beginning of a month is a good time for that, setting the intentions ❤️
True. i will increase my practice to minimum 30 instead of my usual 20 mins
sounds good. I´ll try it too 🙏