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RE: Ecency waves Sep 12

in #waveslast year

First advertisement I see while using a Web3 app I will never use it again and I will bad mouth that app until the end of time! Consider this a warning. I am a stubborn old fart that can fight like no other. #RevolutionRising


I'm with you! I won't use web 3 apps with advertising.

I could totally see a frontend thats sole purpose is to provide a place for content creators to go and pay to put their profile on to aid in discovery. Kind of like an IMBD of Web3. But no ads since entire site is an ad for creators.

Ah dont be angry 😘 Not good for the heart. Nice to see you waving !LUV

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ROFL. Have you ever known me to be angry.

Just a little ticked off that a lot of people in Web3 seems to have forgotten that Web3 is the goal. Not Web2.5.

Revolutions don't happen with peace and love. lol

I’m more annoyed at the mainstream platforms algorithms. They optimize for simplistic one track minds

And those one track minds are there own. They dont care about the users. Just their money.

Funding could help outreach, we don’t want VCs and word of mouth hasn’t worked that well for hive . I don’t have a problem with ads if the money is used well and it’s not overbearing.

But that is the point. Nobody is understanding the way Web3 works and how it's funded. They are applying the old Web2 way of thinking and understanding to Web3 and you cant do that. It is two entirely different systems.

There needs to be more money coming into the token or less money going out, otherwise the token value goes down forever. We don’t have enough money coming in and we have too much money going out. I’m open to other solutions if they are sustainable.

My high school economics class says we need both. Not just one or the other. There are many things in the DHF that we need to stop blowing money on. A lot of the proposals just make the DHF look like a slush fund for a few whales.
Market the apps/front ends individually to the general public as the viable alternatives to the current social media. Put together a team to market Hive as a protocol/public database (not as a blockchain or crypto currency) to companies to use in their projects. The value of the token will grow when there are more active users.
But it will take time and some excellent money management to pull it off. We have some of the best apps on the internet. We have some of the best minds and people on the internet. We are the closest thing to real Web3 and still overlooked. We need the general public. We need users. Stop marketing it to other cryptocurrencies and market it to the world. The common everyday user is what we need. Those people dont go to Web3 conferences. They dont care about that stuff.
We gripe about being over looked by these other Web3 companies while screaming into our echo chamber "Hey look at us! We already built that and it works." But we need to be saying that to the whole world and not just our industry.

Once again, agree. Talking about hive constantly on algorithm run platforms is a waste of energy because the algorithm kills it. People should be talking about other things and throwing hive in there and we should be supporting each other to help each other spread in the algorithms if we interact there at all. Face to face stuff is better.

I mean, honestly, I think we should be trying to catch young people, not catering to the worst of their habits (tiktok addicts), but maybe interacting with them more (wherever the hell they are besides tiktok 😆). I feel like the average age at Hive is a fair bit over 30.

That's right. Web3 principles are crowdfunding and shoestring budgets. The introduction of advertising and venture capital will make it Web2 again. Web3 is supposed to be decentralized and peer-to-peer.

Riding on the back of bitcoin and crypto hype won’t last forever

I personally think we would be much further along if we hadn't ridden that hype a lot longer. I still say it's the individual apps that will bring people in and keep them here.
The Bitcoin & crypto hype is falling off for the general population and is seen as "dirty" words to them. It's definitely a wave we have to get off of really fast.

I totally agree! I just try to give Hive apps as much leeway as I can because we need them, there aren't enough that are able to devote the time and talent to keep developing. Once the userbase grows, there will be plenty of competition for better tokenomics or ideal systems. Leo paying most of the ad revenue back to the users is a huge step up

So how does the Leo ad share work?

  • Does it cover users who interact with that content on other front ends or only Leo?
  • Are there ads shown on content posted from other front ends?
  • Is that revenue still shared with the creator even though they didnt use Leo's front end?
    If so:
  • How where and when did that creator give the consent to allow for the ads to be on their content if it shows on Leo's front end? If so then the creator does not own their content on Hive and it is just as bad as what we have now with standard 2.0 and there will be never be any growth on the platform.We will only continue to shrink.

These are the things that I have not heard anybody address. Advertising goes against the very core of Web3 principles and goals of what it is trying to achieve. Plain & simple.
Web3 is supposed to be doing things different. Instead we are resorting to the same old crap that got us into the current situation. We are literally painting a turd. No matter how fancy or "decentraized" we pretend to call it. It will still be a turd unless we do something different.

The ads only show up on leo and ad shares are given to the user who posts on leo threads when those threads are viewed within leo and the ad shows up. The ads are thin and I hardly notice them. shh dont tell the advertisers. You can reply to leo threads from any front end.

Anything posted on leo threads ends up in a leothread post where each thread is a comment to that post, so posting on threads will show up on other hive apps like peakd and eccency but it's so hard to find it's hardly relevant. I am not sure about ads on non-thread content, I think they are still working on that, the main focus of ads and revenue sharing was threads.

I find that leo tends to reject my ideas that I share with them initially but then implements them later on, either thinking it over a while or hearing the same thing from other people and letting that change their mind. I like that flexibility even though at times I wish I was recognized for my good ideas :-P

I am less absolutist than you. I feel like as long as we have choices and variety, I'm good. If there is something missing, someone should create it and people will use it if they want to use it. I don't really mind a little slit for an ad if it keeps the project stronger. There can be new better projects as more people move away from the social media giants into a wider variety of smaller projects. I am always looking for something that's better than before, not something that is perfect, cause I'll spend most of my life waiting for that 😉

You could always join blurt if you want....not really my thing but to each their own

I agree with the stubborn old fart part.