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RE: Why The "Steemygames" Money Grab by @steemsports / @steemgames Should F*ck Off (Revised)

in #writing8 years ago (edited)

That's cool smooth. Nice to see that you're defending people who post images of 16 year old girls to be voted on for sexiness.

You're entitled to your vote / flag man.. But this certainly doesn't speak much for you.

You obviously didn't read nor understand this post. Absolutely no one else that disagreed with it flagged it.. So again, Doesn't say much for you.

"This is not the way to express your disagreement with how others choose to post, vote, and particulate voluntarily in contests."

Then please explain to me how one would raise concerns about this in a matter that doesn't make you turn into a bully?

Straight up dude, I thought you were a bit more level headed and understanding than this..

Obviously I made a wrong assumption about you.

Hope you reconsider your stance and actually fucking read the post. The part you're flagging me for has already been publicly cleared up.

edit: Well done bud. Your flag is a vote in favour for the objectification of under age women and selling others sex appeal for profits. The fuck is wrong with you.. <_<


Your flag is a vote in favour for the objectification of under age women

First of all no. Sometimes a flag is just a flag.

Second, there is no "underage woman" involved here. The woman in question is an adult and agreed to participate. A picture was taken from her instagram (by her explicit instructions) and it turned out to be an older one that was from when she was 16. I don't know that anyone involved even knew this was the case, and it there no evidence it was deliberate. (Perhaps a better approach would have been to approach the author of the post, ask about the issue, and suggest the picture be replaced?) No one–neither me, nor as far as I can tell, Steemsports–is supporting objectification of 16 year olds or any such thing. You're making it into something that it isn't, in order to promote an agenda, and also to attract votes and make money from those sympathetic to the agenda, on the basis of a post that turned out to be wildly inaccurate.

You are all getting caught up on one point out of many raised being wrong here.. That doesn't invalidate the rest of it and it certainly doesn't make it any less problematic.

I'm simply calling it how I see it smooth. And for you to punish me with a flag and literally bury a post that needed to be seen (hell, our CTO resteemed this ffs) goes against everything I've seen you stand for in the past.

I apologize for getting upset with you, that was wrong of me to do so, but you've got to understand I'm not doing this out of spite, malice, for money or to stir the shit pot. This is honest concern and opinion being expressed and you took my sense of free voice away from me when you decided to flag the post because one of my facts didn't add up. (which I admittedly jumped the gun on, AND corrected as seen above).

What happened happened, I'm not mad at you. But I certainly do feel my freedom of speech has had an assassination attempt on it. In the future if I've got an issue with something I'm certainly going to be less inclined to write freely how I feel. :/

I decided to flag mostly because I didn't think that a post that attacks people and was poorly researched and largely retracted (with the remaining unretracted portion amounting to "I don't like these posts because of my version of morality") should earn a large reward.

It wasn't only one thing either. You claimed that @craig-grant was hurt by the contest, yet he replied here stating that he likes them and thinks they should continue. Again, if you are going to launch witch hunts based on alleged harms to people, at least check your facts and get it right.

I'd suggest we move on, put this mess behind us, and all focus on making Steem/it better in our own ways.

Well, the way I read the convo in that thread (the one screencapped in the post) it very much seemed to me Craig had hurt feelings. Perhaps I was wrong but when a mans starts talking about the poor vote and the money vote and whatnot that isn't a sign of taking a loss lightly. I believe he was effected by it emotionally in a negative way, regardless of how cool he's playing it now. :/

I do agree though smooth. It's been a long damn day. New personal record for replies to one post though! Regardless of how provocative or terribly researched it was.. I don't regret posting it and getting the discussion going in the comments..

Cheers man.

Has the thought ever crossed your mind that they didn't intentionally show a pic of her at 16 years old? My feeling is, had they known it to be the case, they wouldn't have used it.

I believe people from your neck of the woods will often refer to this as a "goof" (accident, mistake, etc.).

Sometimes it's fair to give the benefit of the doubt, especially on a "first offense". That being said, I agree with @smooth - this is far from being a case of "child pornography", which seems to be roughly how you're trying to angle it. Don't mistake this as me defending it, I do find the whole idea of voting on "hottness" to be creepy, TBH, I'm just trying to put a little perspective/ context on this.