A repulsive 'nice guy' is basically running around town and crying, "Please, PLEASE, will somebody just LOVE me?"
Begging for Love.
There is nothing inherently wrong in wanting to be loved, the main problem is that you fear NOT being loved. The wounded inner child is running the show.
(Obviously, it's not a very attractive quality. Women want a MAN, not a child.)
Now, I enjoy the energy of "approval" from others, and I don't mind bathing in it, and enjoying it fully, for what it's worth. There is no need to condemn approval, or the desire for it. Obviously approval is going to feel much better than 'rejection'.
It is the ADDICTION to approval that is the problem.
If you look to psychology, the main advice you'll hear is, "You have low self-esteem! You have to love yourself!"
And that's cute, but first we need to make the distinction between your Lower Self (ego) and Higher Self ("Spirit"). Otherwise, if I tell you to go and 'love yourself', you might just end up becoming a narcissist. The human ego is a narcissist.
So, instead of trying to solve this using the mind, using psychology, let's look at this from a higher spiritual perspective.
Those of you who run around town craving and begging for the approval of others, making all of us want to vomit, isn't it ironic that the very 'wantingness' itself is the actual thing that blocks approval and love from entering your lives?
Life is funny that way.
Love is not a 'thing'.
You can't 'have' it, you can't grasp it, you can't hold it... you can only LIVE IT. The decision to be loving, understanding, forgiving, and compassionate toward all of Creation (including yourself) will do you a world of good, you see.
Currently, your love comes with strings attached. You do 'nice things' for people, but you have a hidden agenda.
You want them to love you in return.
At the very core of the addiction to external love, validation, and approval is you feel that you have been rejected by God.
(For those who don't like the "God-word", you can always use Consciousness, or Universe, or Creator, or Divinity, or Krishna, Allah - they are all one and the same.)
Since you fear that you do not have God's love, you run around town desperately trying to get humans to love you instead.
What if I were to tell you that it's actually the reverse, it is the human ego that "rejects God's love"? (The depictions of an angry, vengful, jealous God are false. Those old depictions of God are actually just ego projections, you see.)
Compulsive 'nice guys' are essentially holding the frame "I Am NOT Truly Loved", and then bothering the poor women in their city with 'gifts' and compliments and ass-kissing behaviors to make up for it.
I'm here to tell you: you are truly loved!
Human suffering does not come from God, it's from human ego. And many people are unconsciously blaming God for what their ego has done to them.
The only solution is to open the Heart. Because if your Heart is closed, you'll think that Love is "out there" and start begging for women to "give it to me!"
Thanks for reading.
Yes, nice article.
But I have to DISAGREE with your following statement. They are NOT the same, there is only One true living God:
Consciousness, or Universe, or *Creator, or Divinity, or Krishna, Allah - they are all one and the same
If there is only one God they MUST be the same.