Phew! Thanks for the responses to last week's Steemit Basic Income Giveaway! I had lots of interesting responses and conversations from lots of different perspectives! I was struggling (in a good way) to keep up with the amount of informed and intelligent replies, so thanks again! However, I think that this week, I will go with a slightly lighter question and topic, just so that I can try and have a chance to catch up the replies from other posts...

I've always been a fan of superheros and the superhero genre of movies and TV films, and the idea of having some sort of superpower that sets one apart from others is such an enticing idea! Of course, as with any tool or gift, the propensity is there that it could be (either on purpose or inadvertently) used for either good or evil. I was thinking this week about what sort of super power that I would want to have if I could choose one, and about why I would want that particular power... and then how it could be the poisoned chalice that I was not expecting. Unintended side effects and potentially corrupt uses of that power...
My Questions
My questions this week is:
If you could have any superpower (it could be just mundane, but laws of physics are no barrier!), what would it be?
Why would you want that particular superpower over any other?
What could be potential downsides?
My Sample Answer

I think that the superpower that I would most like would be the ability to see from out of a different person's eyes and hear their thoughts. I'm sure that we've all wondered about the fact that we all (I hope... I think...) see out of our own eyes, and can hear our own thoughts, and yet we can't be sure that everyone else has that same experience!
I think it would be an amazing thing to be able to see from a different person's perspective and to be able to hear their inner narrative about the scene that they see! Imagine the different ideas and perspectives that you would be able to discover and experience without the inadequate medium of words!
Of course, there would be immediate and obvious downsides, that being that maybe it is the best that you don't know the dark unknowable thoughts that bump around in other people's minds. Perhaps there is a real reason for the little "white lies" and the politeness of not blurting out every thought that crosses your mind. Probably there are secrets and thoughts that often better left unsaid....
- Upvote if you want, it increases the payout and then I can hopefully sponsor more people.
- Resteem is NOT neccessary, but the more people see this, the more the people will be likely to be sponsored.
- In the comments, tell me your thoughts about my questions about Superpowers!
- I have added a small Steem-Bounty to the post, so that everyone who replies with a valid entry will get something back. If I give your post a small upvote, it is valid (also, subscribe to @dustsweeper for maximum benefit!).
- I will be sponsoring as many people as this post pays out in liquid SBD/STEEM. Also I will kick in at least the required amount to round up to the full number. Winner is by random generator after a shortlisting of quality comments!
Steem Basic Income
One of the first communities that I came in contact with at the beginning of my time at Steemit was @steembasicincome. As a beginning author, Steemit can be a daunting place. It feels like you are posting into an abyss with no ability to grow. Steem Basic Income gives you a guaranteed vote on one post a day, thus giving you a small but cumulative over time support to your account.
With this post, I want to help sponsor people who might not even have the spare 1 STEEM that is required for registration. So, when this post pays out, I will sponsor people depending on the payout of this post. Basically, I will round up the SBD payout from this post and then that will be the number of people I will sponsor. (So, if the payout is 2.3 SBD, I will sponsor 3 people).
Last week's winners
The last post paid out 0.138 SBD and 1.325 STEEM in liquid earnings. So, that would make 2 shares. However, I had such a great time with the replies and reading the comments I will boost it up to 5 shares this week:
The winners by random draw are:
Congratulations, I will be registering the Steem Basic Income shares later this evening.
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Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://www.gamerjokerbreadder.com/2018/08/08/steemit-basic-income-giveaway-superpower/
Nice initiative and creative way of bring in viewers to your post. I must learn how to do it ;)
Post Entry:
If I could have one super power it would be brain power. I simply love solving problems but know definitely I am just average when it comes to intelligence. Maybe not even :p If I had a super brain maybe I can accomplish more with my life. The more problems solved the easier life gets for all of us. Drawback could possibly with intelligence comes arrogance or cockyness. Thanks.
Superbrain, not sure id want to know how stupid the rest of the world is and not be able to change them too... lol.
Ha ha! Always the silver lining...
More intelligence and the ability to solve problems is always a good thing! I guess the only downside that I could see (apart from the one that you point out) is that inventions and tools and advances are just tools... the end results can be used for good or bad ends depending on the user, so it is possible to create a solution for one problem, only for it to be used in a different way to create other problems.... (for example, nuclear power or nuclear weapons).
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
If I could have just one superpower
(so many superpowers to choose from!)
I'd like to 'beam' myself anywhere in the world whenever I want. Feel like having a croissant in Paris this morning? Done in 2 seconds!
I'd like this superpower because there are places and people I'd like to visit, but gettin' there is often a drag. And trip planning too. I like to get up in the morning and see, moment-by-moment, what I feel like doing... not planning a trip weeks or months ahead of time.
Potential downsides? hmmm... Well, I haven't worked out yet the fine tuning of the exact spot I'd land when teleporting. I mean, what if I land in someone's bathroom while they're, you know, doin' bathroom stuff. Or what if I suddenly materialize sitting on top of my sister's kitchen table, scaring the bejeezus out of her.
I'm not worried though. I'm sure those things could be ironed out.
This would be a great superpower, so handy, and lots of people also choose for this!
The downside that I would think of, is that you would really need to know the place that you are teleporting to quite intimately. It would be quite annoying to teleporting into some freshly moved furniture...
Exactly! :-)
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks for the steembounty, @bengy!
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
I've taken part in a contest with the same question not so very long ago. The problem is that I don't remember what I answered, so I have to go through the entire thinking process again.
Reading minds is not an option. Being hypersensitive I'm already better at that than I would like. Also, I'm already more empathic than good for me, so being able to see things from other people's perspective is ruled out too.
Being immortal would be boring and painful, so no thanks .
Being invisible? I have been pretty invisible during my first 18 years in this life. Believe me, there is no fun in that.
Flying... it is something that has been fascinating me for a long time. Flying through the sky, just like birds do... I think that would give me the ultimate feeling of being free. So I guess I would like that to be my special superpower... :0)
Ah, damn it! I thought I was being original with the extra little bits on the end!
Flying does feel like an ultimate exercise in freedom! I'm glad you finally got to a superpower after ruling out the ones that you really didn't think were good for you or had too many downsides!
I have been thinking about which superpower I chose for the other contest, and I'm pretty sure ot was telekinesis. The main reason for that is that I'm very, very lazy, so it would be convenient to be able to get objects nearby without having to get up, lol.
But I think being able to fly like a bird is way cooler. It's like you say: it's ultimate freedom.
I loved this contest, by the way. It doesn't happen very often that I read the entire comments section, but here I did read every single comment. There were a whole lot of very interesting thoughts and answers :0)
there are more people then original idea's this is why copyright is hopelessly out dated.
if 100 people thing the same thing only the one who files the copyright and gets it approved first holds the monopoly on that thought for 30 years.
Oops, i went off road met mijne fiets...
Flying would indeed be a cool superpower.
LMAO. I completely forgot you could speak Dutch. It's hard to keep track sometimes, lol
Now, to be honest, flying 'Exorcist-style' was not really what I had in mind, although it looks like a cool superpower to scare others, hahaha
haha I would not mind the floating kind of flying. I would also take away the risk of falling. :-D
One important thing you are forgetting: if you know how to fly, the risk of falling is reduced to a minimum, lol.
What the hell was god thinking when he created.
The evolution of 'male' bicycles is also weird, just how many guys keep hurting themselves on that design and they never fix it. The evolution of the human body also does not change in that department. While there are 'female' bicycles that are perfectly ok and fix that 'problem'. Yet still no engineer is prepared to go there?
Eventhough there is no use for male or female bicycles, as those things are not able to 'mate'. So they will never evolve on their own.
just a matter of time for kermit to hurt himself on 'de stang'.
I think you accidentally posted this a few too many times!
What the hell was god thinking when he created.
The evolution of 'male' bicycles is also weird, just how many guys keep hurting themselves on that design and they never fix it. The evolution of the human body also does not change in that department. While there are 'female' bicycles that are perfectly ok and fix that 'problem'. Yet still no engineer is prepared to go there?
Eventhough there is no use for male or female bicycles, as those things are not able to 'mate'. So they will never evolve on their own.
just a matter of time for kermit to hurt himself on 'de stang'.
What the hell was god thinking when he created.
The evolution of 'male' bicycles is also weird, just how many guys keep hurting themselves on that design and they never fix it. The evolution of the human body also does not change in that department. While there are 'female' bicycles that are perfectly ok and fix that 'problem'. Yet still no engineer is prepared to go there?
Eventhough there is no use for male or female bicycles, as those things are not able to 'mate'. So they will never evolve on their own.
just a matter of time for kermit to hurt himself on 'de stang'.
What the hell was god thinking when he created.
The evolution of 'male' bicycles is also weird, just how many guys keep hurting themselves on that design and they never fix it. The evolution of the human body also does not change in that department. While there are 'female' bicycles that are perfectly ok and fix that 'problem'. Yet still no engineer is prepared to go there?
Eventhough there is no use for male or female bicycles, as those things are not able to 'mate'. So they will never evolve on their own.
just a matter of time for kermit to hurt himself on 'de stang'.
What the hell was god thinking when he created.
The evolution of 'male' bicycles is also weird, just how many guys keep hurting themselves on that design and they never fix it. The evolution of the human body also does not change in that department. While there are 'female' bicycles that are perfectly ok and fix that 'problem'. Yet still no engineer is prepared to go there?
Eventhough there is no use for male or female bicycles, as those things are not able to 'mate'. So they will never evolve on their own.
just a matter of time for kermit to hurt himself on 'de stang'.
What the hell was god thinking when he created.
The evolution of 'male' bicycles is also weird, just how many guys keep hurting themselves on that design and they never fix it. The evolution of the human body also does not change in that department. While there are 'female' bicycles that are perfectly ok and fix that 'problem'. Yet still no engineer is prepared to go there?
Eventhough there is no use for male or female bicycles, as those things are not able to 'mate'. So they will never evolve on their own.
just a matter of time for kermit to hurt himself on 'de stang'.
What the hell was god thinking when he created.
The evolution of 'male' bicycles is also weird, just how many guys keep hurting themselves on that design and they never fix it. The evolution of the human body also does not change in that department. While there are 'female' bicycles that are perfectly ok and fix that 'problem'. Yet still no engineer is prepared to go there?
Eventhough there is no use for male or female bicycles, as those things are not able to 'mate'. So they will never evolve on their own.
just a matter of time for kermit to hurt himself on 'de stang'.
What the hell was god thinking when he created.
The evolution of 'male' bicycles is also weird, just how many guys keep hurting themselves on that design and they never fix it. The evolution of the human body also does not change in that department. While there are 'female' bicycles that are perfectly ok and fix that 'problem'. Yet still no engineer is prepared to go there?
Eventhough there is no use for male or female bicycles, as those things are not able to 'mate'. So they will never evolve on their own.
just a matter of time for kermit to hurt himself on 'de stang'.
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
You don't get to choose your superpower sadly, but if I could, I'd go for super charisma.
People would listen to me and do what I ask them, but not because they're mind controlled... Just because they like me, they agree with me, they're excited by my ideas, they want to give my big secret plan a chance.
It's not a very sexy superpower and I'm choosing it only because it's sorely needed.
As for downsides, well I guess the world president would not get much free time, and even less privacy. All the cheering all the time would become stale very quickly. But no downsides for everyone else: I will be a benign influence, an inspiration, leading by example, absolutely not a tyrant, and everyone will enjoy peace, happiness, liberty, free pizza.
Free pizza! That has my vote, you don't even need charisma!
It is an interesting superpower, the ability to sway opinion rather than control thoughts. It is much more subtle than pure control!
I hope you would be a benevolent Dictator, and that you would equally benevolent heirs!
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
My superpower would be to have the ability to turn anything I touch into any kind of food whenever I want.
I want this power to end world hunger.
The reprocussion is that I would threaten the profitability of the farming and food industry, therefore making me a target of assassination. Hopefully team xXx and the banished Avengers caught wind of this plan and have me on full detail and protection, haha.
Midas touch with a twist!
It would be a noble power to have, but have you also thought of the burdens on the planet of overpopulation, as there is more and more food, there is more and more people with no limiting factors. Finite resources and limitless space could lead to other problems like war?
Very good point. I was thinking more along the lines of ending the suffering of those who are so hungry that their bellies swell up like they were full. I was not my intention to massive surpluses of food; just enough to eat for those with little or no food. No changes to those who can afford food. I was hoping that the end of world hunger would lead to less theft and violence, not ultimately lead to war. I guess I should have also asked for the powder to identify suitable additional haibitats across the universe for the human race to expand and thrive and the ability to safely teleport them to such locations. Mello’s ark, lol.
Thanks starting my morning with a bit of a brain flex.
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
I'd like to be able to see into other people's souls and know instantly what they need. Not what they want, but what they need. And then to have the resources to provide that need when it most needs to be met.
Potential downsides:
This sounds like a great power, although perhaps a little disruptive to the current economic system! Like you point out, what people need might be different to what they want... But it also supposes that there is some way to definitely and absolutely know what is 'needed', surely that is sometimes a matter of perspective?
Certainly is a matter of perspective. I'd say the only way to truly know what people need is to be God. And that's a pretty tall order.
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
I would choose telekinesis. The ability to move objects with my mind would be fantastically handy. I could paint the roof without getting up on a ladder and getting splattered with paint. Modular origami would be a breeze. If you were fast enough you could contain disasters in the kiln from exploding and ruining everything else. Downside would be the potential to accidentally hurt someone in your sleep or just with a stray thought. Or becoming more blob shaped than is healthy due to lack of exercise.
Telekinesis is a a relatively popular choice! I think that for me, it would just be too tempting to cause mischief or "street justice" without being detected... Also, the ability to do all the things that you described and more is really worth the occasional fall from grace....
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
Cool contest @bengy!
My entry:
Ha, no need for a post next time! It is a noble power that you have described, but also a dangerous one. At what point would you consider that someone is "rich" enough to transmute their accounts into food? Isn't it dangerous to have the judge, jury and executioner to be the same person?
well if we start at the top.. 1 billionaire is enough to get the entire planet out of poverty, and that guy then will still be a billionaire...
That one billionaire became a billionaire over the cost of people who ended up living in poverty.... a bit like that...
Maybe a billionaire humanitarian tax could do the trick?
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
If I had a superpower I would like to the ability to unlock 100% of my brain, like in Lucy or Limitless, though more Limitless and less Lucy. I mean, I wouldn't want to turn into a USB a few hours after I become superhuman, after all.
I could just imagine all the things I could do and be if I was supersmart like that. I could be an expert in anything and everything. I'd be able to learn any language, or maybe all languages. I could build whatever I think of. The world will really be in the palm of my hands.
Of course, the downside would be its impact to the people around me. My family and friends might not be comfortable around me anymore. Or I could lose touch with my emotions the way Lucy forgot to feel anything when she became superhuman. It's a big trade off, which, thinking about it now, I'm not sure I want to give up.
Huh, I don't know those shows (or movies?). I'm pretty curious about them now!
Wow, the ability to just turbo-boost the brain and just become an ultra genius would be amazing, no problem would be unsolvable!
I wonder about the amount of energy that would be consumed by firing up all the neurons at full potential for a huge amount of time... risking a serious burnout I guess...
Hmm... I guess I should've included these in the downsides... but I forgot to mention that the superpowered brain can be devastating to your health. I wouldn't spoil the movies, if you're gonna watch them, but in both cases the turbo-boost had severe side effects.
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
I would like to have timetravel as a superpower. So I could fix every freaking mistake.
Or being invisible to scare people.
Thanks for the comment, just for valid entry, would you see any downsides?
Well, maybe in real life, if there really existed superpowers, timetravel could actually break the reality. Since every detail, every little thing we do or don't do has influence in what finally happens.
Maybe if I go to the past to revert some mistake I did, one of the good things that happened thanks to it will no longer exist and if I come back and try fix it, maybe, just maybe, that wouldn't be enough. Maybe it could even be worse.
I think the same, that it is completely reality breaking! And fixing mistakes doesn't mean that the alternative is better, or that fixing a mistake might mean something amazing would never come to pass!
I'm just thinking of all the discoveries that occurred because of some accidental mistake that led to further investigation! If they were fixed, then we might not discover new things!
That's right! Well, The Butterfly Effect doesn't look so crazy when we think about this kind of things.
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
The superpower I would choose certainly would be time travel / time manipulation.
The flow of time has something mysterious that has always fascinated me. Being able to slow down time essentially grants immortality, only that nothing really happens in the outside world. Still unlimited time to think and be alone. No more stress, always have all the time you want. Sounds like paradise.
And that is only the beginning. Time travel means you can visit some events multiple times, you can experience the past, you can see the future.
The possible downsides depend on the laws of physics. Can you accidentally create closed time loops or create events that will cause causality to break down and destroy the entire Universe? Maybe?
Might a small change in the past ruin the future and then you create an even bigger mess when trying to fix it?
Time manipulation is a really interesting power. I mentioned in another comment, that if you moved in normal time, whilst the rest of the universe was moving at a slower relative time, then you would also be aging faster relative to the rest of the universe! That would mean each time you used the power to slow down the universe, you would be getting older compared to the twin that was in the "normal" flow of time?
I think time travel is really interesting as well, although, I would only do it to view things and inform my curiousity! Like you said, it could be that trying to change something in the past might make a worse problem than the one you tried to fix!
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
If I could have any superpower, I would choose be able to read other people´s minds.
My emotional intelligence is not very good so it is a bit difficult to me to know what other people feel and how to talk with them. This superpower will improve my social skills, reducing my insecurities about talking to people and allowing me to help them. Additionally, I could use it as a super gaydar and I could cheat in "guess the number" games.
The downsides are that I will know bad opinions about me, but I think I would eventually manage not to get affected by them, and I could use some of that bad opinions to improve myself. It will also neglect the surprise factor in a lot of situations, and some people would be annoyed by my ability if they discover them.
A similar wish to mine! Although, I would have to say that I'm not sure that I would be able to deal with people if I knew that they had a bad opinion of me and were saying otherwise out loud... for me, the hypocrisy would drive me nuts!
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
a fun question. Your super power is very noble, Bengy. Basically walking in another’s shoes.
I would like the super power of a fairy godmother. To be able to wave my magic wand and grant some awesome wishes to those who really need it. It might be for good health, love , peace and maybe a little coin. 😊
Downside - I would be so busy with requests for wishes, I wouldn’t have time to live my own life.
Who wouldn't love to have a fairy god mother. Very nobal notion as im sure that as a fairy godmother you could help many but not sure if anything that would reap self rewards could come from a fairy, it seems against the rules.
If I had the wand I’d give it a go anyway @insideoutlet. 😊
Ha ha, very honest! Although I'm sure we all would give it a try!
Haha, Great minds think alike. 😊 🙃 ❤️
That would be a great Superpower! Not only being kept busy, but how to deal with what are, good and worthwhile requests! After all one person's granted wish might impact on other people in less good ways!
Thanks Bengy! it could become a nightmare superpower if granting the wish was not the best thing for the person. Referring to the old adage “ Be careful what you wish for.” This is where I would acquire the gift of clairvoyance to go along with the magic wand. 😊 🙃
I hadn't thought about that! What we wish for might not be actually what we need or actually want..
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
Awesome question, my favorite topic. My own answer surprised me. I want the power to freeze time, at will. There was a rather obscure sitcom I liked in the late 80s/early 90s, I believe it was called Out of This World. The main character had this one power: she could stop time, and re-start it at will. If she chose, she could bring others into her timeline, while everyone else remained in suspended animation.
In the past, I wanted to fly, or go invisible. (Guess I'm a long lost twin of @simplymike). But today, I'd much rather stop time.
Benefits: obviously, I might prevent horrible things from happening by changing things before restarting the timeline. I might take time out to rest, enjoy my loved ones, or just think.
Risks: somehow that sitcom made it a season or two; I can't remember a single episode but they must have found some room to explore that particular power. I see a risk in taking more and more time out, and using it as an escape. Plus, there's always the risk that I'd manage to stop time right before a catastrophic event but past the point of no return. Imagine you have stopped time right before a nuclear bomb fell: do you leave everything suspended indefinitely?How can you ever restart the clock?
And oh yeah, what if something happens to me while time is frozen - then what?
Damn... With great power comes great responsibility.
Wow, this is a nice and interesting superpower... most people seem to have gone for flying or invisible! Sounds like an interesting sitcom, I never heard of it... I guess in some ways this is what Santa Claus does every Christmas Eve to be able to get around to every kid in one night!
I can't even begin to think about what I would do if I was able to just "zone out" and freeze time with no interruptions! I think the first thing I would do would be to freeze time and finish my backlog of Steam games....
One thing that I might thing of that might be a downside, depending on how the superpower worked would be aging... I assume that because you behave as you were in a normal time, that you would age normally... in that case, if you froze time for an hour to do what you needed to do, then dropped back into the normal flow of time, then you would be an hour older relative to everyone else... do this enough times, and you will start pulling really a long way ahead in aging sense....
Yeah that crossed my mind too. They never addressed that in the show 😅
Wouldn't you be worried about changing the future, for worse? I'm thinking in terms of the butterfly effect and stuff... ;0P
Absolutely, but since it's only stopping time and not going back in time, you can only change the present. It's like the power you already have to change the future, only without being limited by the number of hours or seconds you have to take action.
Good answer, I'll take it, lol
(We could start an ongoing discussion here, because I have so many more possible questions about this superpower, but since it's completely hypothetical and I don't have a lot of energy to spare at the moment, I'll just drop it, lol)
By the way, it's a superpower I wouldn't mind having too :0)
I was thinking about aging... each time you would age faster relative to everyone else!
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
If I could choose one super power, I would want to have the ability to Quantum slide into parallel universes at will, It would satisfy my curiosity about the many universe's theory, and since I have heard of the Mandela Effect and Dwave Quantum Computer's, I have been fixated on the thought that right now science has been secretly communicating with parallel universes as we speak.
Quantum Jumping into other universes, would be a super power that I would want over others is most likely due to my age. I'm more into observing events than racing into a hailstorm of bullets and death, and as someone who has broken bones from quite a few accidents it has me more conservative about any future thoughts of glory. I would be just fine with documenting the many outcomes of events or how many universe's do you have to travel to before reaities become unrecognizable. I may be able to find a role in consulting or counseling people. It would give me a tremendous amount of material for my Steemit Blog no doubt! In many ways it is a selfish super power and it feeds my obsessive information crusade I have been on since I came close to killing myself in a fall. Putting your own mortality in question has strangely brought me onto a path that information is worth more than material ownership, and makes Quantum Jumping Reality a power I would really like to have.
The Down side to the power would be if I lost my reference universe. I would be doomed to travel and go through life where I am a stranger every where I go. It would ruin my tolerance for dealing with difficult circumstances because I would always be running away from problems verses solving my problems. I wouldn't be able to focus on anything like going to work I would be to busy quantum traveling and finding out what's different. I might find that my only way to document my Quantum Jumps is getting online and surfing the net. Questioning the downside
of your special power almost makes you want to investigate a new one. Even with the negatives in this power I would still choose it as my go to power just for the sake of my hopeless obsession with curiosity and knowledge being the only way to satisfy my obsession with the curious.
That could be cool, i do wonder about the what ifs and wonder if there is a parallel universe where im doing that.
They say we are constantly changing parallel universes like tuning in a radio station, some heavy info on the subject 😀
Hmmm, this would be a pretty interesting superpower, although I'm sure the potential injuries from doing this wrong might be a touch more severe than broken bones! Definitely, it would be a great thing to find out what other potential universes exist and how things have played out there...
I would have to point out that sliding between universes, especially if the fundamental constants of the universe were not secure could lead to you sliding into one of the many "dead" universes where the laws of physics (well, actually the constants that govern the settings on the forces) might even preclude atoms from forming... that could be a big downside!
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
If you could have any superpower (it could be just mundane, but laws of physics are no barrier!), what would it be?
Why would you want that particular superpower over any other?
What could be potential downsides?
Thanks for do this contest, succes and big hug from Venezuela :)
This is an interesting one, i had never tbought of, it would solve a few worldy problems.
clear imagine if I could convert the waste, boxes, plastic many things, into food instantly, reduce waste saving the planet and food to many people.
Obviously good taste food, that has nothing to do with what has been in the past. @bengy
A very noble and well intentioned superpower! It would be great if the world would never go hungry... however, a downside that I might foresee could be that the lack of food scarcity leads to a huge population growth! Then we have problems due to overpopulation, or that too much of our finite matter is being "converted" to food... although, I guess you could convert waste back into food, but you would always be losing matter to the creation of new people...
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
I would love to have power to change thinking of peoole and the reason i seek this power is that I want to take hatred out of minds of peoole and fill their minds with love . I am so fed up of the people here that i want to fly to some alien planet.
Why cant people have symapthy and love for all people , if they can love for their family and friends . What did people gain by filling their mind and heart with hatred ?
But there is fear in my mind that i may get corrupted and make misuse of my power by making anyone fall in love with me or any other and as a result this superpower may turn into a dirty bussiness.
Interesting super power to wish to have!
For a complete valid entry you would need to talk also about any potential downsides or unexpected consequences of having that power!
Oh yeah , superficial edition done.
Thanks, it is a dangerous power to be about to change people's thoughts, when is it possible to start and stop doing it. It would be a difficult moral question and at some point, one's persons idea that it would be okay might not be the same as another's!
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
If I had a super power I want the power of LUCK. I chose this because if you have the power of luck you can win anything that you can join like if I would have that now I would be the winner of this contest HAHA.
In my opinion the downside of being lucky is people will envy you and imagine if your traveling with your family and something bad happened and your the only one who survives, I think you would end up in depression.
Thanks for this contest!
Great choice! Luck is often that special little ingredient that makes things work!
Although, having everything just fall into your lap could eventually prove depressing, akin to a spoilt child. Also, if you win or achieve something, often it would be taking an opportunity away from another...
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
The superpower I would choose would be the ability to warp/distort/control the flow of time.
This would basically be the ultimate power since you could go to any time, stop or slow time to escape danger, or make that sunset with your love last a billion lifetimes.
The downsides are potentially endless...messing with time has lots of nasty consequences! Paradoxes abound and you could potentially destroy everything...otherwise you wouldn’t be able to change anything in the past and that might just end up being torturous.
Many people have chosen something similar, I guess it has something to do with us being such a captive to the flow of time...
Would you age differently? If you spent an eternity watching the sunset, the rest of the world would not experience a flow of time whilst you would just age normally....
Man, yeah...now we’re getting down the rabbit hole...
I suppose you would have to never age...that time was frozen for you...does that count as immortality/another superpower?
Then your loved one would age?
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
If i could have one superpower, it would definately be super speed, just imagine all the cool stuffs you can do with it.
Lets start with the mundane things, you wake up late, you start the car, got stuck in traffic, and bam late for work, not with super speed, you cand just waltz there in a jiffy. Now you're at work, you forgot that your boss gave you a pile of paperwork last week and the deadline is today, super speed? Hell yes. Well thats just a small sample of everyday things being easier due to super speed, want to kick it up a notch?
Remember physics 101, e=mc2, superman better take a back seat, you'll be throwing the hardest punches for a long long time. Time travel is also in the realm of possibility due to relativity, as long as you go fast enough, imagine all the fun uses of that eh, time at your disposal. Well actually everything is connected to speed so yeah you'll basically be all powerful and all that.
The downsides? Hmm i dont know, probably none? Well besides getting drunk with power and starting a dictatorship. You could actually also mess up the time line a-la flash in flashpoint crisis. It would probably also make a lot of physics and biology theory irrelevant or incorrect, that'd be a big problem for educators surely, they'd have to relearn what they teach haha! Oh wait, friction would probably be your only weakness, but i'd imagine someone will discover a material with superlubricity sooner or later, frictionless air bubbles and super teflon anyone?
Posted using Partiko Android
This would be a great power, who wouldn't want to move fast! I'm going to be a bit lucky about the physics, I think you were talking about momentum for ouch throwing (p=mv, or the relativistic version). Time travel is definitely possible, but only in the future direction, moving fast only allows you access to that direction!
A potential downside of moving that fast? Definitely Friction as you mentioned or sonic booms! You've seen what happens to deorbiting satellites and shuttles, it would be pretty hot and pretty loud!
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
How cool is that!!! I actually thought something like that when I was a kid.
No downsides? There are always downsides! Mostly they would have to do with when is it appropriate to use your power and not to abuse the immense advantage that you would have!
if there will be one downside for a particular power then i'll overcome that with another power.
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
Yet, I feel there's absolutely only one real problem with this: what happens to the unmanipulated matter and what happens when other matter is occupying the space where manipulated matter is supposed to go? For this to be resolved, either I must control all possible and important (which is useful to be manipulated) matter or I simply "push" them away. Yet this problem is exactly the problem I need in order to state clearly that it doesn't matter if I "reverse space-time" because it won't effect my existence as I didn't manipulate my matter to a point of time before I could manipulate matter. The problem being the not satisfactory but correct solution to other problems I say.
Congratulations on just making the deadline again! It is an interesting idea, and even more so with the time travelling due to configuration charging!
This is a supremely powerful power that you have chosen. I wonder if you still account for all the slightly probabilistic effects at the sub atomic level (I guess this would account for things not being quite exactly the same...) also, unless you had absolute control, you could end up creating a trash heap of unintended side effects just out of your perception?
The real fault is what we cannot control, damn indeterminancy!
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
Alright I'll give this a go. I want the power to cause people to experience a sudden and intense psychedelic trip for several hours.
This sounds pretty silly, I know, but it could function pretty well. It would certainly be fairly incapacitating, the the villains or whoever would have a hard time describing me with the effects so my identity is safe, it is pretty harmless so I can go with a "I don't kill" kind of superhero persona. Plus, on my nights off, I can use it on myself and have a nice little evening.
I guess the danger would be that some of the people could freak out and run into traffic or something. However, if I was writing this as a character, I would probably make the "weakness" be that I can't direct the power so everyone in the room including the myself and any other bystanders end up tripping too.
If I had that power and was running with the superhero angle (as opposed to just being the super popular guy at the party angle), I would also drive a "hippied-out" van and wear a tie dye suit to go with my psychedelic abilities.
Interesting choice! Disabling people rather than a mastery over some physical property. It's hard to think of a real downside to this power, other than the choice of when to use it on people... Against villians the choice would be clearer than against otherwise harmless people!
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
This is a very interesting contest and is perfectly suited to my recent Dream Game post :) I'll have to stick with my initial choice.
My superpower would be teleportation. Being able to go anywhere in the world in the blink of an eye, without bothering about travel issues or any other problems - well, apart from luggage, as it would require plenty of back and forth. The uses are endless and it could bring a lot of good to the world
I would choose teleportation right now, because I've considered some of the uses for it and they would really do some good. For example, I could appear from thin air in hostage situations to take the kidnappers out of the place and into a jail cell, or step into a raging fire and take the victims to a safe place. There are so many applications that it would really benefit a lot of people...
... But every superpower has a few downsides. One of them would be landing a few inches from the desired place and screwing up any timed event that needed extreme precision. Or becoming so fat and unhealthy because I completely forgot to exercise as I prefer to teleport from place to place :)
The two posts did tie in quite nicely!
Teleportation would be a great power to have, although as you mention here (and I alluded to in a different comment), it would be tricky to know how and where you would reappear. Accidentally materialising into a newly moved piece of furniture could prove painful... Unless you happen to have a noclip setting...
Or materialising right on top of Lego bricks... That would be extremely painful :D
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
The superpower I would like to have is to be able to heal people that are in pain - physical and/or emotional. And I like to be able to do that without getting drained myself.
The drawback I can see that there is no way in the world that one person can heal all the misery that is out there and it might be even more frustrating not to be able to do that - when you are able to do that.
Now, I know that I only can do a little bit - but with that power - there are so many possibilities.
The other drawback is that sometimes going through hard times makes people grow in a way they never would otherwise. If I jump in and heal them, I might take away that opportunity to grow...
Healing is a great superpower, but like you said, taking away misery and suffering, whilst a noble goal does have it's downsides in affecting the growth of the person. I would liken it to the relationship between a child and a parent. As a parent, we feel an urge to protect and mitigate every difficult situation or any potential suffering that our child might encounter. However, for them to grow and learn to deal with situations (and to learn skills, perspective and experience) they might need to deal with that suffering/misery on their own terms and without the aid of a hero jumping in....
Well said - still, I would like that super power. There is so much suffering in the world that is caused by inequality. there is no lesson in people starving, getting bombed or kids being abused. At least not for them - for us - to do something.
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
I thought about this question for a while, then realized that most characters with superpowers never got to choose their powers and that it is that fact that makes them interesting. Their struggle with their superhuman powers brings a bit of humanity to what would otherwise be a God-like being. If you choose a power, you probably have an end goal in mind. And if you really got that superpower I imagine it might not turn out the way you think. You know the saying about being careful what you wish for... So if I could choose a superpower, I would choose to be given one by someone or something else so that I could then struggle and learn how best to use it.
Proud member of #steemitbloggers @steemitbloggers
Wow, that was a really thoughtful and sideways angle on the question! I love it!
I had that thought in mind when I made the question. The idea that wishing for a particular superpower wouldn't really end up the way that you would think it would, and that there would be all sorts of downsides or unintended consequences from what should have been an ideal "gift"!
I think your choice of "superpower" is a superb choice!
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
This is tough, for every choice I would like I can see the down side. A lot of the downsides would not be good. Like walking through walls, you just never know what is on the other side, and if you do not look first you could fall a long ways down,I have seen a lot of homes/castle with one wall right on or next to a cliff. walking through walls does not mean you can not fall or be stabbed or shot.
Mind reading always a dream, but I can see the nightmare of it, hearing another person's thoughts, people are mean enough on the outside, I would really hate to accidentally read a very hateful mind.
X-ray vision, that could be fun, but kind of a useless power. I can not see to many problems with it, but also I can not see to many benefits.
So immortality, or very very long life. I think that is the one I would like to have. I can see it being boring, and I can see the pain of loss, of losing all those you at one time or another loved, I can see it turning a person jaded, but I can see all the positives of it too. So yes, I think I would make a good immortal.
Yes, I think the idea of a superpower being a mixed "gift". Initally, we focus on the benefits and only see that, but to every situation, there is advantage and disadvantage, and only by a bit more careful thought can we see that the initial rush of power is dulled by unexpected consequences!
I hadn't thought of being immortal! Imagine being there for all the important events of human history (past and future) and of all the time that you would have to learn all the mysteries of the universe! At the small cost of losing your loved ones over time...
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
I am so happy I am among the last week's winners. Congrats to everyone! 💚
As for your question from this post...
Superpowers... hmmm... There are so many to choose from... Can I say that I want them all? No? Fine... I want to teleport and visit anyplace whenever I want, no! I want to materialize things with my thoughts, from food to anything else... Telekinesis would be nice, no more cleaning hihi. It is hard to choose, your question is too hard! I guess if I really have to pick one, immortality is the thing I choose. Nope, I would not get bored, usually, people say that is the downside just as seeing everyone you love die but the upside is that I could live one year in each country and experience every culture and see how people change over time, how technology change. There is soooooo much to experience in this world and having one life is just not enough time for it. There, I am sure. I pick immortality.
Haha!!! All the superpowers?... nope!
Immortality would be great to be able to see and learn and experience everything that the Universe has to offer... on the other hand, I'm really not sure that I could keep going for millions and millions of years... Also, I'd be hoping that faster than light travel would actually be a feasible thing, or you would be witnessing first hand the roasting of the Solar System by the Sun... I'm guessing things wouldn't be quite so interesting after that!
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
If i could wish for a superpower, i will really covet for the ability to see through peoples mind, the kind that Prof Xavier had in the X-men, the reason been that i want to i fect change kn the world, but i first have to understand why they do that, cure the source of it and change them for good.
Imagine i can penetrate into Kim Jung Un mind to accept peace instead of an everyday military drill which is putting the whole world on hot plate. I can do a lot of things.
The side effect of this is, to every power there is an ability to feed on its owner, power doesnt corrupt actually, its the wielder. Am afraid it might play/feed of my private temptation. And what is that? I dont know.
I agree completely with your assessment of the danger! The ability to "suggest" a course of action is tempting, but the potential for corruption is vast! At what point do we think that it is okay to change the will of another living being? I"m not sure that I would personally be able to handle the temptation and potential corruption....
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
I would rather have the superpower to read people's thoughts and see in the future.
So I could prevent evil people's actions and natural cataclysms.
Potential downsides for both this and anyone else superpower, would be to sink into oblivion.
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
Thank you @bengy.
Noble powers to have, however at some point it does become hard to discern evil... great evil is relatively easier, but other things can be a matter of perspective sometimes. Also, sometimes, great things are born from great adversity, if you kept saving the world from evil, perhaps other much greater things wouldn't come to pass?
Interesting position.
If I do have a superpower, the power of knowing the future and the right action to take will be great. By knowing the future, I can prevent certain bad things from happening. I can even know what are the food that I should eat to promote health and prevent sickness. I can even know how to eat right to stay young and live long. I can help the people around me too in their health. I can know what are the right words to say to prevent the wrong reactions. I can know how to guide my children to take the right path in life. I can also have financial freedom to know the right investment and how to get out of debt. I can know who I can connect with in steemit and how to become a whale in steemit. The downside of it is life may be too predictable resulting in great boredom and people may want to take advantage of me for their own selfish desire like predicting the lotteries or which jackpot to play at in a casino.
A dangerous power to know the future! Often choices don't come in an easy right or wrong binary choice, but are more like tilting a balance to advantage one group over another. That's not even thinking about potential bad flow on effects that stem from the original 'right' choice!
I think I would be paralysed with indecision...
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
So much fun!
Now, why do I get the feeling that I've been asked these questions before? Oh yes, because I have the superpower of foresight! I always wanted the people around me to have the one you want. I want to be understood, so I want them to be able to read my mind. I thought, if they only knew how much I wanted them to be happy, I wouldn't have to worry about whether I was coming off rudely. I spent a lot of time wanting to be KNOWN.
But foresight. Why? Well, because. Oh man, it occurs to me that foresight without the ability to change anything would be ruinous.
Maybe I don't want this one. But let's say I have just enough foresight to know about the things that are coming that I don't have enough power to change, but do have enough power to react to. Like, I can know just a few seconds in advance of some things or I can know that something is going to happen, but not when.
Oh, that's a good one. Like, from a storytelling perspective. I know a big earthquake is coming to Los Angeles, but so does everyone. When is it coming? Well, from my vision, I can try to piece things together, but probably not well enough, and so I become a sort of modern day Cassandra.
So that's upside, downside, and all the in-between sides.
Foresight without too much ability to change the future! So, like an Oracle of some sort?
However, would fore knowledge enable others to change the future or would it be fixed? You could end up being just the messenger of bad news!
Just like Cassandra!
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
My superpower would be to be able to time travel in order to see those I love who have passed over.
Not wanting to return to the present or where ever I depart from especially if I view the future.
We never know what butterfly effects await. @bengy
Thanks for the comment, but for a valid entry, why would you like that power? And what could be done downsides to the power?
That is the main problem with time travel, we just don't know what can result from our small changes due to our existence. Also, something that people sometimes forget is that for most of the Earth's population, the past was a place where they were not treated equally!
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
Mi súper poder seria, trasportarme en el tiempo, ir al pasado para ver mis antepasados y conocer todo mi árbol genealógico, por parte de mi padre y mi madre, luego ir al futuro y ver como evolucionar mi familia y ayudarlos en el presente si el futuro es negativo, puede ayudar a un futuro feliz y viajar al pasado para conocer mis antepasados, sería maravilloso, no veo desventaja en eso, la desventaja es que no es realidad, solo es ficción
Apologies, I had to run your answer through a translator, I hope it does it justice!
Another time travelling superpower! I think I had mentioned in another comment that a potential downside would be that in avoiding one negative situations doesn't mean that the outcome has to be better! It could be worse, either for your loved ones, or larger picture (society, humankind)... also, if you only help one group of people, it could be that you accidentally disadvantage other groups!
si ! tienes razon, pero en el primer momento, solo piensas en el bienestar de tu familia, es un pensamiento un poco egoista, porque no se analisa si estas perjudicando a otros, un abrazo @bengy
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
I hope this is ongoing as it is a fun little thing to do.
If I could pick a super power it would have to be telekinesis. The main reason is cause the only really draw back I see is becoming lazy. It would be fun to be able to move things with your mind but also very easy to hide. Let's face it people don't like what they don't understand and super power are cool till people know you have them. I could be the best craps player without touching the dice. Or just go around fixing things that would normally take a long time. I came to this cause of the draw backs I see in so many others, who wants to know what everyone is thinking no way. Super strong and you have to learn how to always hold back. I will just relax over here and just think what keys I want to press and watch it happen.
Telekinesis! Another novel one that isn't time travel or flying!
I agree, this would be just a super cool thing to be able to do, that's reason enough to want to be able to do it! Although, yes, I could see that physical laziness would just be right around the corner! Also, the ability to negatively (and presumably without notice) affect situations in a form of "justice" would also be a ongoing temptation....
Oh your right would be hard some days to not make you boss spill his coffee on his shirt.
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
I was going to say telekinesis, but someone beat me to it, so I'll try and be more original than that. It also got me to thinking of what I would do with my power, so now I think I've got it figured out: I would have the ability to hold my breath indefinitely.
I would pick this because one of my biggest fears/phobias is drowning. That's the closest I've ever come to dying (I had to get rescued by a lifeguard). If I could hold my breath indefinitely, it would be a huge reassurance to me.
Hmm, I suppose I could get so cocky about be invulnerable to the riptide that I would get complacent and end up getting sucked out into the ocean and instead of drowning, just stuck out there to starve to death XD I guess the other downside is that it kind of wasted my superpower on just killing a fear. How selfish of me. Whoops.
Hahahaa!!!! I lost it laughing when you said that you would probably starve to death instead! You would also lose the child's ability to just hold their breath until they got what they wanted!
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
That's a tough question .. one that most have pondered at some point in their lives. I suppose to be genie like would be my choice. Similar to the blue guy in Aladdin with no restraints but more powerful. Basically the world is my playground .. time travel ... anything I wanted at a snap of a finger.
Haha! Unlimited power! I hope that you would be a benevolent dictator!
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
My super power would be teleporting, for one place to another with the ability to take others with me. This way we can save on fuel and flights and drop in on anyone at anytime anywhere in the world, nay universe. Haha... kinda like santa but better. Downside would be no ability to knock so you could find yourself in some interesting situations if you just popped in, so yiu would want to know exactly where you are going pre teleport.
As for your super power, im not sure I would ever want to know others thoughts. While it would be great to understand our sons needs better some thoughts are best left unheard.
Looking forward to the @insideoutlet express transportation service, it would make it easier to work and travel between Europe and Australia... however, the downside could be that the parents might visit more often!
I guess you would have to know pretty well the place that you were teleporting into, you wouldn't want to materialise into a new wall or something like that... I guess you wouldn't need to taken into account the fact that the Earth has rotated, and moved around the Sun, and the Sun has moved around the Milky Way core, and the Milky Way has zoomed around as well...
Haha that would definely be a downside, but you would never have to worry about going to the neighbours in your pj's for that cup of sugar, just transport to mums and back. As for the rest, yes it would be important not to place yourself into a wall but I think you are getting to complicated with the rotation of the earth etc. I am sure my super power would already account for all of that. lol..
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
I want the time travel superpower, so I can go back 9 years and buy all Bitcoin I can. The downside is you can destroy the universe.
Interesting, hopefully it would turn out the same way! But for a complete valid entry, you should have to highlight any potential downside!
That's easy, you can destroy the universe. [Edited and added that]
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
If I have a super power I would loved to be a transformer girl. Why? It's because her power can tranform anything. She can be a car or a bus any transport can do without further delays as I thought would be in my country. Time is gold for those conscientious passangers. Also, we could not pin point the time when is the accident will comes in as death will always be smart and near. When your life is atstake and so does your properties eat all and becomes ashes. So it can be also be used for emergencies a transportations for fire-fighters, but the downsides of it is somewhat a desirements such as unselfisness acts likely a transport for stealing money from banks and casinos. All good things has equal sides and that is we called bad things.
This was a unique choice of power! Did you know about Barbarpapa? It is a kid's show character where they had the same ability, to mould into any shape!
I don't know about barbarapapa... I'm glad you told me about it.
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
To power to take away pain
Seeing the way people suffer break me down always.
To end sufferness
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
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If i have superpowers , I always used my superpower to fly in the sky .
Cool, but for a valid entry, why and what could some unintended consequences?
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
Interesting question! If i have superpowers, I used to always use my superpowers to fly in the sky and used to reduce my body weight.
Interesting power, but just for a valid entry, why would you want that power? And what would be some unintended bad side effects?
Okay! If i have superpowers, I used to always use my superpowers to fly in the sky.
The winners and the new question (I've told you how to do this before...) is here:
Amazing! I was one of the winners! Yeye thank you so much bengy and yet I should do the next unsplaash! You encourage me..you rock!
If i am to choose a super power, it'll be to heal all kind of diseases. So i can have the power to proclaim and heal people so they can live.
Thanks for the choice of superpower! Just for a complete entry, you would have to also talk about what potential downsides and unexpected consequences there could be?
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