PostsCommentsPayoutsbozo (54)in #deutsch • 7 years agoThe Penurious Man - Der KleinkrämerI guess you all know someone who pays exact attention to the prices he pays for everything he buys. He doublechecks the receipt and asks the cashier (of course only if there is…bozo (54)in #deutsch • 7 years agoThe Shameless Man - Der schamlose SchnorrerWell in order to gain an advantage you do have the possibility to just take it. No humility. No shame. Just act casually and get it. People might complain and rant at you, they…bozo (54)in #deutsch • 7 years agoThe Gossip - Der GerüchtemacherThe Gossip is also somebody who talks a lot. But he talks a certain way. It's dramatic. It's sensational. It is communicated in a way that you think you just gain insider…bozo (54)in #deutsch • 7 years agoThe Chatty Man - Das PlappermaulDo you know someone, who just cannot shut up? Who has no insight whether his peers want to listen or not? Do you happen to have the feeling that you yourself talked a little bit…bozo (54)in #deutsch • 7 years agoWas heute ist! Die Methode, die ich zur Zeit verwende, um zu Selbsterkenntnis zu gelangen“Leave that which is not, but appears to be. Seek that which is, but is not apparent.” Rumi "Verlasse das, was nicht ist, aber den Anschein macht zu sein. Suche das…bozo (54)in #deutsch • 7 years agoLust, Leidenschaft und LiebeIn unserer reizüberfluteten Welt sucht die Menschheit sehnsuchtsvoll nach Liebe. Nach wahrer Befriedigung. Doch was ist wahre Befriedigung? Warum suchen wir danach? Wie versuchen…bozo (54)in #deutsch • 7 years agoThe Reckless Man - Der KriminelleThe Reckless Man or better the egoistic man is within all of us. In German the translation is even harder. It is "The Criminal Man". Somebody like this leaves out no opportunity…bozo (54)in #deutsch • 7 years agoWhy thinking outside of the box is rubbish Although it appears to be cool to state: "Think outside the box, I always tell people to think inside the box. You might ask why. Let me explain... Through the things we…bozo (54)in #deutsch • 7 years agoThe Complaisant Man - Der Gefallsüchtige Trying to get everyone to like you might be an impossible task and yet most of us had a time in their life when they tried it. Well but there is a particular strategy of human…bozo (54)in #deutsch • 7 years agoThe Boor - Der UngehobelteThere are people who lack manners and then there are people who lack manners on purpose. I am not sure if they do it just to do the opposite as a type of resistance or if they…bozo (54)in #deutsch • 7 years agoThe Garrulous Man - Der LabersackThe Garrulous Man Garrulity is the discoursing of much and ill-considered talk. The Garrulous Man is one who will sit down beside a person whom he does not know, and first…bozo (54)in #deutsch • 7 years ago"Predicting" the Past is More Difficult Than Predicting the Future - Die Vergangenheit vorherzusagen ist schwieriger als die Zukunft vorherzusagen!What? @bozo this cannot be true. Are you really saying, that we are better at predicting the future than knowing what happened in the past? Yes I do. Let me show you what I…bozo (54)in #deutsch • 7 years agoThe Flatterer - Der SchmeichlerIsn't it strange what human beings are doing just in order to get what they want? - Ist es nicht komisch, was wir Menschen alles machen um das zu bekommen, was wir wollen…bozo (54)in #deutsch • 7 years agoA extremely successful strategy of human behaviour -The Ironical Man - Der Unaufrichtige - eine erfolgreiche Strategie menschlichen VerhaltensThis was the location where I studied for my exams a couple of years ago(first semester of psychology) - Hier lernte ich für meine Prüfungen im ersten Semester der Psychologie…bozo (54)in #deutsch • 7 years agoThe Disadvantages of Distributed Systems - Die Nachteile von dezentralen Systemen - Deutsche Version weiter unten (German Version down below)Distributed System or just some Plants? Distributed systems provide some advantages over centralized systems like a higher computing power, cost reduction, higher reliability…bozo (54)in #deutsch • 7 years agoGetting the Ego to Identify With a Product - Wie man das Ego dazu bringt, sich mit einem Produkt zu indentifizieren“By purchasing the ‘right stuff’, we [the consumer] enhance our own egos to rationalize away or inadequacies” (Age of Propaganda,1991) This might be hard to swallow for a…bozo (54)in #deutsch • 7 years agoPfeifenraucher befinden sich in bester GesellschaftPfeife rauchen ist keine Wissenschaft. Es ist eine Kunst. Ein kultiviertes Genießen. Aber was ist mit der Gesundheit? Rauchen ist doch tödlich?? Es kann jeder glauben, was er…bozo (54)in #deutsch • 7 years agoDie Ideenlehre, das Kernstück der Philosophie des PlatonPlaton hatte teilweise starke Überzeugungen, die denen von Mystikern über alle Zeitalter hinweg, ähnelten. Die starken Überzeugungen wurzelten aus einer inneren Gewissheit…bozo (54)in #deutsch • 7 years agoAdvantages of Distributed Systems - Blockchain Basics - Vorteile von verteilten/dezentralen SystemenDecentral Skirt - Seen in Salzburg, Austria - Dezentrales Kleid - Gesehen in Salzburg, Österreich This Skirt represents a distributed system for me. If one shirt is destroyed…bozo (54)in #deutsch • 7 years agoPlatonische LiebePoliteia (Der Staat) war allerdings nicht sein einziges Werk. Er beschäftigte sich mit einer Menge Themen und verfasste dazu auch Texte. In der Dialog-Trilogie "Theaitetos"…