PostsCommentsPayoutschensuccess (55)in Project HOPE • 5 years agoMOVING FROM POVERTY TO WEALTHWhen your income is insufficient and in the economic system of the world where price of things keep increasing daily and if you cannot develop a culture of saving and investing…chensuccess (55)in Project HOPE • 5 years agoA mistakeA mistakechensuccess (55)in Project HOPE • 5 years agoDIVISION OF LABOUREvery great leader that achieve great things in their sphere of influence understand and carryout division of labour. In this post I will like to explain five reasons why…chensuccess (55)in Project HOPE • 5 years agoWHY CYBERSECURITY IS IMPORTANT IN THIS PRESENT COMPUTER AGEOne of the key issue in the heart of every organizations is security, many measures are put in place to ensure that the security department of any organization function…chensuccess (55)in Project HOPE • 5 years agoFUNCTIONS IN PRODUCTION Image source FUNCTION IN PRODUCTION The primary focus of this post is that organisational function commonly called production. This function usually is responsible for the…chensuccess (55)in Project HOPE • 5 years agoQUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF BEFORE STARTING A BUSINESSImage source A QUESTION NEED TO BE ANSWERED BEFORE STARTING A BUSINESS. The joy of every business men and women is for their business to be successful. But not everybody…chensuccess (55)in Christian Fellowship • 5 years agoUnknown godsIn this twenty first century a lot of people will tell you that they are Christian yet majority of them are idol worshipper. Wait what are the idols of this era? Well your mind…chensuccess (55)in HeartChurch • 5 years agoYOU ARE NOT ALONEWe live in a world where high blood pressure, depression, frustration, pains kills people everyday; sometimes the situation of the economic, the up and down of life can make this…chensuccess (55)in Project HOPE • 5 years agoUnderstanding the principles of wealth creationLet me start by saying that majority of the people working in the face of this earth desire real wealth but few understand the principles that create that wealth that they…chensuccess (55)in Christian Fellowship • 5 years agoMY DESTINY, MY LOCATIONThe word destiny is a very sensitive word, a lot of people all over the world know the meaning of destiny but few understand how to discover it, position themselves in order to…chensuccess (55)in HeartChurch • 5 years agoANOINTING AND MINISTRYAnointing talk about spiritual ability to do something for the Kingdom of God. Anointing is spiritual enablement to carryout task for God. Isaiah 61: 1-3 The Spirit of the…chensuccess (55)in Project HOPE • 5 years agoMAXIMIZING OPPORTUNITIESYou don't wait to take the step, you take the step even by waiting. It is really pathetic that nowadays people always wait for opportunity to come whereas they are surrounded…chensuccess (55)in HeartChurch • 5 years agoGIFT OF SIGHTThe gift of sight can be physical and spiritual. We were born with our two eye wide open (Physical sight) but our spiritual eye are closed because of the sin of human race.…chensuccess (55)in HeartChurch • 5 years agoGETTING ANSWERS IN THE PLACE OF PRAYERGod is always willing and ready to answer our prayer more than we want Him to answer it. In God pattern of operation on earth, human being need to align with God to bring His…chensuccess (55)in HeartChurch • 5 years agoOUR MANDATEJesus Christ anoint us with the holy spirit and send us to preach the gospel to sinner, poor, sick and the oppress. One of the assignment given to man kind is to preach the…chensuccess (55)in HeartChurch • 5 years agoLESSONS FROM THE GOAT AND FISHonce upon a time in a far village a goat took a walk that faithful day to the river blank to drink water. on getting there the goat saw a fish jumping up and down inside the…chensuccess (55)in Christian Fellowship • 5 years agoENLIGHTEN UNDERSTANDINGafter the Lord instituted the Passover ordinance in exodus it became a generational festival light must observe once a year which can be found in exodus 12:14. we saw in exodus…chensuccess (55)in HeartChurch • 5 years agoDETAILED INSTRUCTIONSafter the Lord instituted the Passover ordinance in exodus it became a generational festival light must observe once a year which can be found in exodus 12:14. we saw in exodus…chensuccess (55)in Christian Fellowship • 5 years agoTHE EFFICACY OF PRAYERThe efficacy of prayer there is a mistake common to some children and enemies of God they underwrite the efficacy of prayer. prayer is the control through in the spiritual web…chensuccess (55)in HeartChurch • 5 years agoWATCH OUTWatch Jesus is coming soon and although no one knows exactly when he will come but we know some significant occurrences which will Mark the end of this age and let me tell you…