PostsCommentsPayoutsdavidke20 (77)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 23 hours ago正能量带来的正能样农历新年在即,行家们几乎都在忙着送礼见面打招呼。见面说话客气,但是我们销售业的又能有几个是纯情,听不懂话里有话呢?拉叔真长情,车子开了十几年都舍不得换(即讽刺没钱换车)。拉叔马上回了一句,要是有陈总的本事就家里有奔驰还长期租宝马开了(回他外面包二奶的本事)。陈大嫂也来,宝马开回家呀,我也想试试… 拉叔丢下手信,开片前马上借故离开凶案现场🤣…davidke20 (77)Benevolent ASEAN Hive Emperor in ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY • 2 days agoAn old time placeSalak Selatan Salak South is a south gate of older days where the mining gate is strategic locating here. After many years, things has changed, tin mining is no oonger…davidke20 (77)Benevolent ASEAN Hive Emperor in ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY • 3 days agoGoing through the motionLose weight has been the greatest part of my life. I have gotten some decent result when i was younger, that's like 12 years ago. Recent years, i tried to replicate that, to no…davidke20 (77)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 4 days ago丢回公司的寻宝活动那天我们公司搞个联谊会,销售和市调合伙出去玩个市内的寻宝活动。我拉叔一向是喜欢装逼的人,就算不牛也要装牛。毕竟,玩这种游戏其中一个最大的玩法就是,扰乱敌方!拉叔十几年前第一次踏入保险行业参加活动,玩寻宝游戏就一直有幸运女神眷顾,每次几乎三甲都有我份。…davidke20 (77)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 5 days ago宜家家居+南多斯烤鸡马来西亚是一个发展得不错的东南亚先进国“之一”。几十年前是“之首”,现在只能勉强说“之一”了。那也没办法,这里的政治已经被种族化,华族一般被边缘为生意人,马来则成为土族,而印裔依然和他们祖国一个模样,北方人多医生律师,南方人多是火车师傅,经营路边摊或印度飞饼店。表面上三大民族很合群,其实背地里挣个你死我活。这样的生活环境,能比单一种族的国家繁荣吗?davidke20 (77)Benevolent ASEAN Hive Emperor in ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY • 6 days agoA city treasure hunt dayOne of my forte in my career path is actually my luck 🤣 for some reasons, I'm one of the luckiest person(i do believe so) in terms of participating company events. No I don't…davidke20 (77)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 7 days agoEcency分数十全大补图源自 @melinda010100 出自@jamerussel手笔…davidke20 (77)Benevolent ASEAN Hive Emperor in ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY • 8 days agoAn ever grateful opportunityDue to my job nature involved with many car dealers and credit company, i usually deal with the federation of motor and credit company association very closely, until a couple of…davidke20 (77)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 9 days ago看了破地狱内有呕心形容词,弱小心灵看了呕心内容身体不适者,请略过。 三伯父和我爸感情特别要好。我们两家人也住得很靠近。三不五时,三伯父也会出动全家踩上门看我们。虽然我爸年纪比三伯父小了十几年,但绝对影响不了他们之间兄弟的感情。我的堂兄,光哥还是个单身汉,和他女朋友莲姐经常把我带在身边,我都几乎要把堂哥叫爸了,感情好得不得了。…davidke20 (77)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 10 days ago蛇出来了大家好鸭,拉叔又来啦。龙年快要成为过去啦。我们都准备着要迎接新的一年囖。那天朋友还为我们看运情,我很婉转的拒绝,但还是不敌他的好意,只好开始听,但说明讲好的就可以了。最后,还是把一大堆要注意的说了出来。唉…这种事情,你若是知道了却没有采取行动,那岂不是被人说明知故犯?比如说,风水师傅跟你说今年的财运会从东边来,而你的门向北,你会今年把门移过来吗? 😅…davidke20 (77)in Eating Out • 10 days agoEating out for a new goalI'm picking up this topic for a reason, which is to match with the latest January challenge with the eating out community. First and foremost, i would like to reiterate i am NOT…davidke20 (77)Benevolent ASEAN Hive Emperor in ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY • 11 days agoHalf lifeOne of my all time favorite game is Half Life, the story of Gordon ogt into Dark Mesa research facility to conduct a highly classified test and then all of a sudden, the…davidke20 (77)Benevolent ASEAN Hive Emperor in ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY • 14 days agoAn evening walkSince my last complaint about park goer, that was like 4 years ago i think? I have changed to a different direction. Nowadays i spent my free time at the Menjalara public park…davidke20 (77)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 14 days ago和小拉拉回乡拜祭丢回那天我和小拉拉回乡拜祭老拉叔,这是他离开我们一周年。别人家说,当老人家走了,他的岁数也跟着停了。以前一直看着老拉叔一天比一天老去总是担心那天没有他了,我该怎么办?现在他走了,我们满脑海里都是老拉叔还健康的时候的搞笑样子。仿佛那句话“音容宛在”活现在我们的眼前。…davidke20 (77)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 15 days ago回應歐胸的簡單人力搬運活拉叔先説一下本人的炒畢心德是從剛互聯網上綫的年代。那時炒的是外燴貨畢,綫上的技術指標相當有限。就算要有個完整的眉刀鷹磅兌匯K綫圖也得付錢買DBS裝進特定的繪圖系統才有辦法使用。所以,有一種玩法中文不知叫什麽,但是我們海外的都叫這交易方式為averaging,中譯平均成本法交易。davidke20 (77)Benevolent ASEAN Hive Emperor in ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY • 16 days agoMy favourite food #139Thank you @justinparke for initiating this topic. I was going to skip writing for a day, but decided might as well do it, since i have a goal of achieveing 50k delegation before…davidke20 (77)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 17 days ago他们叫他孻叔今天要来给大家上一堂中文课,就是我的昵称 - 拉叔。身为一名外国华裔,凭什么给大家教中文?我又不是什么语文权威?不过那个也不要紧,要紧的是这个名字怎么得来,从何得来,是谁替我改的名字呢?…davidke20 (77)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 18 days ago丢回新年和拆圣诞礼物拉叔从小在基督教的家庭长大。虽然自己生命中没有什么宗教注意,但是节日庆祝绝对少不了我。反正,家里最年轻,上面有过百位堂兄堂姐,只要是送礼节日,我总是最大收获的那一个。也不知什么时候,好像是开始追女朋友时,就发现原来选礼物是可以那么辛苦的一份差事。家里大的娶嫁搬离也算是正常事,剩下我的时,送礼却成了一门学问。…davidke20 (77)in Eating Out • 18 days agoManjòe the pork free restoOn the new year day, we were stuck at home the entire morning due to home minister went to church event. We had late lunch as we thought its going to be less crowded and boy was…davidke20 (77)Benevolent ASEAN Hive Emperor in ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY • 19 days agoThe goal for the communityTowards the end of 2024, I managed to changed to a job that is slightly similar to my lifestyle prior to 2022. Now, i have the time to manage my other work, and live properly.…