PostsCommentsPayoutseylis (64)in DIYHub • last year(ENG-ESP)🌸 Lining for baby playpen. 🌸 Forro para corral de bebes. Happy New Year to everyone in the community, wishing you many blessings and good health this new year. Months ago I had not been able to makeeylis (64)in NeedleWorkMonday • last year(ENG-ESP)😊 How to make a monkey pants with pockets. 😊 Como hacer un pantalon de mono con sus bolsillos. * > Sewing Monday. 😀 Lunes de costura!*✂️ Happy beginning of the week, to all full of many blessings from the hand of God. In sewing I am always making many things, maybeeylis (64)in DIYHub • last year(ENG-ESP) Closet door handles, with rigid fabric. Manillas para puertas del closet, con tela rígida. 💡 Greetings DiyHub community, Friday already started the weekend, have a great time. ☀️ Many times in our houses or homes we have things to fix or repair, so that at leasteylis (64)in NeedleWorkMonday • last year(ENG-ESP) 😃 Striped shorts set with flannel. 😃 Confección de Conjunto de short a rayas con su franelilla. Happy day to all of you. With much excitement I want to show you how I made a nice set of shorts and flannel, as everyday clothes, the short I did it with 1/4 meter of fabric,eylis (64)in NeedleWorkMonday • last year(ENG-ESP) Boy's boxer made from scraps of recycled fabric. Boxer de niño hecho con retazos de tela reciclada. Greetings dear community, I hope you are enjoying the week in good health and harmony. Today I show you how I made an interior for a two year old boy, it is an interior that I made with scraps of fabriceylis (64)in DIYHub • last year(ENG-ESP) Fabric bag with recycled jean scraps. Bolsa de tela con retazos de jean reciclados.A big greeting to the community of great ideas, wishing you all the best. Today I want to share with you how I made a denim bag, with scraps of pants that I have fixed either by cutting the hem, or puttingeylis (64)in NeedleWorkMonday • last year(ENG-ESP) * Blue dress with sleeve design. * Vestido azul con diseño en mangas.Un gran saludo a la comunidad de grandes ideas, deseándoles estén muy bien. Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes como hice una bolsa en tela de jean, con retazos de pantalones que he arreglado bien sea cortandoleseylis (64)in NeedleWorkMonday • last year(ENG-ESP) Swimsuit in jersy fabric. Traje de baño en tela de jersy.Feliz dia para todos lo que hacen vida en esta bella comunidad de costura. Para hoy quiero mostrar como hice este traje de baño juvenil en tela estampada, no es de lycra, sino mas bien es jersey es muyeylis (64)in NeedleWorkMonday • 2 years ago(ENG-ESP) 💫 How to make a flannel fabric bodysuit. 💫 Como hacer un Enterizo en tela de franela. Un gran saludo a la comunidad de costura, espero hayan disfrutado su fin de semana, y llenos de energía para una nueva semana de nuevos proyectos. Sigo con mis costuras como siempre, a veces realizandoeylis (64)in NeedleWorkMonday • 2 years ago(ENG-ESP) 🌼Casual dress in ribbed flannel fabric. 🌼 Vestido casual en tela de franela acanalada.🌼Happy day with many blessings! ¡Feliz dia con muchas bendiciones!🌼 Happy week and new beginning of September, hoping it will be of many blessings and good health, for all. Already Tuesday, yesterdayeylis (64)in DIYHub • 2 years ago(ENG-ESP) 🤰 Folder decorated in foami to keep prenatal control papers. 🤰 Carpeta decorada en foami para guardar papeles de control prenatal.Feliz dia para todos los cretivos de ideaseylis (64)in NeedleWorkMonday • 2 years ago(ENG-ESP) 👖 Recycling jean pants, in a new panty or one-piece. 👖 Reciclando pantalon de jean, en una nueva braga o enterizo. Happy and blessed day to all, already in the middle of the week, making another project in jean fabric, to be able to show, although sometimes with setbacks on the internet.eylis (64)in DIYHub • 2 years ago(ENG-ESP) 🎉 Beautiful foami happy birthday topper. 🎈Bello topper en foami de feliz cumpleaños. Greetings to this beautiful community of creations and ideas, I hope you are very healthy and enjoying your day. It's been months since I did a craft, but I want to showeylis (64)in NeedleWorkMonday • 2 years ago(ENG-ESP) ✂️ NEEDLEWORK YOURJEANS. Recycling jeans fabric into a new visor for girls. ✂️Reciclando de tela jeans, en una nueva visera para niñas. A big greetings to everyone in the community, hoping you have a great time, in this new week with many blessings. I want to make my presentationeylis (64)in NeedleWorkMonday • 2 years ago(ENG-ESP) ✂️ New nurse's uniform with V-neck blouse. Nuevo uniforme de enfermera con blusa en cuello "V".Greetings dear community, wishing you happiness and health. Doing the common sewing I do, I made a green nurses uniform, although today here in Venezuela uniforms of many colors are used, its traditionaleylis (64)in NeedleWorkMonday • 2 years ago(ENG-ESP) 👖 Changing from snaps to zipper, to a blue jean pant. 👖 Cambiando de broches a cierre, a un pantalon de blue jean. ⭐ Feliz día a todos en la comunidad, esperando la estén pasando muy bien. Ya mitad de semana, que rápido pasan los días, y aquí haciendo costuras,eylis (64)in NeedleWorkMonday • 2 years ago(ENG-ESP) 🌼 Window curtain, in dopiovello fabric in two colors. 🌼 Cortina para ventana, en tela dopiovello de dos colores. Happy day to all, I hope you are very well, enjoying this beautiful day. Thank God for being here again, to present this sewing project, althougheylis (64)in Hive Diy • 2 years ago(ENG-ESP) ✨ Making a cover for a portable music bugle. ✨ Elaborando un forro para corneta portatil de musica.✨✨✨✨✨✨!Happy ✨✨day ✨✨✨community!✨✨✨✨✨✨ Happy day to the whole community, hoping you are very healthy and with great enthusiasm every day. It's been days since I posted here…eylis (64)in NeedleWorkMonday • 2 years ago(ENG-ESP) 👚 White tutu skirt with off-the-shoulder top. 👚 Falda blanca modelo tutu con su top de hombros descubiertos.Today I want to wish you a happy start of the week 😍 with many blessings and creativity, greetings to the sewing community is a pleasure to share with you every work that we…eylis (64)in Hive Diy • 2 years ago(ENG-ESP) 🎆Piñata with figures from the animated series POCOYO. 🎆 Piñata con figuras de la serie animada POCOYO.Greetings dear community, it is a great pleasure to be here again with you, although I had many days without publishing, thank God I am making this new publication, today; to…