jeisonvu rebloggedssjsasha (73)in LeoFinance • 2 years agoYou can’t FTX my metalsNot your keys not your coins. Which is why I don’t leave my coins at a safety deposit box. What if they just take the box away from me, or tell me I’m not allowed to come in with…jeisonvu rebloggedannepink (78)in HIVE CN 中文社区 • 2 years ago双十一我撸了很多“药品”双十一期间我无动于衷不知道有啥需要,主要我懒得去看,看的眼花又累,还费钱,我主要是怕我一看上什么就刹不住车,啥都想买了😂😂 但又囊中羞涩没法满足自己的消费欲望😅😅 所以索性啥都不看也不想,买与不买都是为了省钱,不消费才是真正省到钱不是吗?除非是非买不可的刚需那就另当别论了……jeisonvu rebloggedlemouth (74)Playing with particlesin StemSocial • 2 years agoA dark side brighter than expected - a reappraisal of composite dark matterAbout one of my latest research works: how composite dark matter could be easier to find than initially thought. jeisonvu rebloggedmawit07 (77)in LeoFinance • 2 years agoFED Pumping $$$ Into Banks...Apollo Protocol None of what I write is financial advice. It is for entertainment purposes only. Thanks for reading! LeoFinance = Financial Blog LeoDex = Hive trading exchange for Secondary Tokens, Lowjeisonvu rebloggedoflyhigh (85)Oin HIVE CN 中文社区 • 3 years agoO哥聊投资:某行贵金属,离了个大谱当我还是个孩子的时候就参与过黄金交易(帮人拿金条,称重,以及负责把交易款项背回来),所以对于黄金这个投资品种,我一直是情有独钟。 (图源 : pixabay ) 但是实物黄金交易还是有诸多不便的,比如会有一些加工成本,还可能会担心成色问题,保管也需要考虑,最重要的是,变现可能会比较麻烦,所以账户黄金成了我的首选。…jeisonvu rebloggedmeesterboom (80)in #life • 3 years agoA Dirty ThingHey man, I just wanna say, on behalf of all of us guys, sorry for your loss. Rob the Nob looked earnestly out from my laptop where we were engaged in a Teams call. I…jeisonvu rebloggedtaskmaster4450 (85)in LeoFinance • 3 years agoWeb 3.0 Is Going To Bring Rise To The Middle ClassWe all have heard about Web 3.0. It is the new craze, kind of like the term "Metaverse". However, unlike the latter, Web 3.0 is actually in the process of being developed.…jeisonvu rebloggedgalenkp (83)in Self Improvement • 3 years agoThink like a Viking: Part fifty eightNo one is a total fool if he can be silent. Thursday's are Viking quote days although I'm doing every second Thursday now and interspersing my, think like a leader…jeisonvu rebloggedgubbahomestead (67)in Liketu • 3 years agoThe Art Of Freeze Drying FoodFreeze drying food is just one of many ways I use here on the Gubba Homestead to preserve food and make it last longer. There's no store that I can run to quickly out here and…jeisonvu rebloggedkattycrochet (76)Community ModBuilderin NeedleWorkMonday • 3 years agoEntre lanas : NUEVOS PROYECTOS 🧶🧶🧶Una nueva aventurajeisonvu rebloggedsoyrosa (74)in #hivefest • 3 years agoA Long Post with tips for HiveFest attendees traveling to Amsterdam :-)A post with amongst others: trains, busses, and other public transport to Amsterdam from different airports while traveling to HiveFest! jeisonvu rebloggedrubencress (75)PhotoVikingin Photography Lovers • 3 years agoSunset in LuleåT H E R O C KNature / L u l e åby Ruben Cress Ruben Cress | The Rock S u m m a r yIt took my about 9 years to finally edit this photograph and be satisfied with it. The…jeisonvu rebloggedmadushanka (78)in DTube • 3 years agoChange your behavior, activities and become an attractive friend among society.Hello my fellow Dtubers and Hivers, Welcome to my Dtube channel. What's up guys? I believe you are in good healthy right now staying home or work place following safety…jeisonvu rebloggedlililuki (74)in EspaVlog • 3 years ago[ESP-ENG]The first MEETUP in Monagas [My experience] Vlog▶️ Watch on 3Speak Muy buenas mis queridos Hiver, espero que se encuentren bien ¡Les deseo una excelente semana! El día de hoy les quiero mostrar mi…jeisonvu rebloggedkaterinaramm (76)in LeoFinance • 3 years agoAre you ready for the next $leo giveaway?Do you remember? There are still only 5 days till our next LPUD (Leo power up day) and there are great prizes to be won for users who will power up at least 200 LEO! LPUD day…jeisonvu rebloggedderangedvisions (80)in Liketu • 3 years agoLooks like we are still brokenHopefully we get fixed soon Yesterday, I guess there were some DDOS attacks going on, which made it nearly impossible for people to post from the different front ends. I…jeisonvu rebloggedsatren (75)Witnessin Deutsch D-A-CH • 3 years agoAus dem Leben in der LehreHallo Freunde, ich komme heute Nacht zum ersten Mal seit einer ganzen Weile dazu, etwas zu schreiben. Wie der ein oder andere weiß leite ich Übungseinheiten an einer Hochschule…jeisonvu rebloggedsplinterlands (80)in Splinterlands • 3 years agoSHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! DRAGONS!Battle. Earn. Create amazing posts. Earn More!jeisonvu rebloggedstayoutoftherz (78)in The Chess Community • 3 years agoReminder: Round 4 of the Hivechess Tournament S12 , Friday, 19h GMTDear chess fans! the 4th round of S12 is played this Friday 24th Jun., 19h GMT, as usual. The current standings after the first 3 rounds you can find here . This time…jeisonvu rebloggedaaalviarez (73)in Aliento • 3 years agoFamily budget - Why, what for? 💸 [ENG-ESP]Presupuesto familiar - ¿Por qué? ¿Para qué?