PostsCommentsPayoutsyirkahr (60)in Wednesday Walk • 6 days agoSharing with friendsA while ago, my husband and I had this pending visit to some friends' house friends. The truth is that in the face of daily problems and how fast life passes by life goes by, we get into that monotonyyirkahr (60)in Silver Bloggers • 7 days agoMemoir Monday # 52. Summer BirthdaysThe proposal of this last week proposed by @ericvancewalton could not be better. The creator of this initiative is asking us to comment on a summer day when we were ten years old and it seems to me thatyirkahr (60)in Holos&Lotus • 9 days ago[ESP/ENG] Iniciativa 30/ Esa vida nuestra/ Los regalos de mis padresMis padres no están vivos o, para decirlo mejor, no están físicamente porque no hay momento de mi vida que pase, que no los vea reflejados en una acción, un consejo o una enseñanza vivida. Por eso digoyirkahr (60)in Ladies of Hive • 17 days ago[LOH Contest 227. What I like about HiveGreetings to all the entrepreneurial women in this community. This week's topics are very important and I will refer to what I like most about @hive, because it is a platform that has given me a lot. Iyirkahr (60)in Silver Bloggers • 19 days ago Memoir Monday #51 Fulfilling Dreams or Attending to My Health without Living Intensely A little over two years ago I had to make a difficult decision in my life and, as hard as it was to make it, my family and my husband supported me and I decided to do it. Thanks to @ericvancewalton andyirkahr (60)in Top Family • last month[ESP/ENG] Mi décimo cumpleañosEs posible que esta foto no tenga la calidad estética o fotográfica que se precisa, pero, puedo asegurar que la carga de amor y emoción que representa la hace una de las instantáneas más hermosas de miyirkahr (60)in Wednesday Walk • last month[ENG/ESP] Celebrating my 5 months in MexicoTwo years ago I decided to embark on a new adventure in my life and left Cuba for Uruguay. It was a difficult process because, like every emigrant, I had to leave behind many of the most valuable thingsyirkahr (60)in Silver Bloggers • last monthMemoir Monday #48 My pets and going on excursions and shopping: pleasures that make me happy (ERROR) NO VOTAR)There are pleasures in life that bring me joy, there aren't many, it's true, but, on the other hand, there are two that fill me with a lot of happiness and give me a lot emotionally and spiritually. Iyirkahr (60)in Silver Bloggers • last monthMemoir Monday #48 My pets and going on excursions and shopping: pleasures that make me happyThere are pleasures in life that bring me joy, there aren't many, it's true, but, on the other hand, there are two that fill me with a lot of happiness and give me a lot emotionally and spiritually. Iyirkahr (60)in Ladies of Hive • 2 months ago[ENG/ESP] LOH Contest # 221 My favorite personThis is a very beautiful publication, but controversial, at least for me, because selecting my favorite person is something complicated, because I am surrounded by people I love and who love me, by incredibleyirkahr (60)in Holos&Lotus • 2 months ago[ESP/ENG] ¿Quién soy?15. Mi mayor motivaciónOtra vez ando por las interioridades de mi personalidad de la mano de @damarysvibra que, desde hace algunas semanas, nos viene invitando a conocernos mejor, redescubrirnos y emprender un nuevo vuelo, ayirkahr (60)in Silver Bloggers • 2 months ago[ENG/ESP] Memoir Monday #44 My student life in Junior High SchoolI hope that all the members of this community are enjoying good health and I am happy to be able to participate in this initiative proposed by @ericvancewalton, from Memorias de Lunes, related to severalyirkahr (60)in Ladies of Hive • 2 months ago[ENG/ESP] LOH Contest #219. Three aspirations for 2025New Year's greetings to all women who are empowered by their destiny and my wishes that in 2025 life will continue to smile on them. I must say that this initiative seems great to me to start the yearyirkahr (60)in Ladies of Hive • 2 months ago[ENG/ESP] Mi primer año en HiveAt the end of December I completed my first year at @hive and, I must say, it has been an incredible experience, despite not having published everything I wanted or having fulfilled my annual aspirations.yirkahr (60)in Ladies of Hive • 3 months ago[ENG/ESP] LOH Contest # 215 / My five priorities for 2025Hello to all the women of this dear community. Today, I want to participate in one of the most important topics of those I have participated in because they address future issues, goals and objectivesyirkahr (60)in Holos&Lotus • 3 months ago[ESP/ENG] Valoración del 2024 en mi vidaTodavía faltan algunos días para decir adiós al 2024 y abrazar al 2025. Y, aunque pueda hacer algunas de las cosas que me propuse para el año que está por fenecer, lo cierto es que ya puedo hacer un resumenyirkahr (60)in Weekend Experiences • 4 months agoA way out after illnessThe first thing I want to do is thank God and everyone who accompanied me in these difficult days, in which I was under treatment for my illness that has me quite annoyed, but, I continue forward and enjoyyirkahr (60)in Ladies of Hive • 4 months ago[ENG/ESP] Motivo de celebraciónHello to all the women and other members of the most entrepreneurial #hive community. These days I have felt that all the weight of the world fell on my shoulders. On the one hand, this illness that isyirkahr (60)in Ladies of Hive • 4 months ago[ESP/ENG] Contest # LOH 212. La verdadera felicidad. OpiniónHola a todas las mujeres valientes y emprendedoras de esta comunidad. Nuevamente, vuelvo a la carga, luego de pasar unos cuantos días fuera de circulación por problemas de salud. Al parecer, esta iniciativayirkahr (60)in Holos&Lotus • 4 months ago[ENG/ ESP] ¿Quién soy? (9) Viviendo al límiteHace más de 18 meses me detectaron una enfermedad que cambió mi vida. De repente el mundo se me vino abajo, pensé que todo había acabado y una fuerte depresión se apoderó de mí. Pero, gracias a mi familia,