Hi Everyone, today's topic is a little bit different; I've been thinking a lot lately and I feel very strongly about this topic, even more so now that I am an instructor.
I feel like as a society, we have made Yoga up to be something that it is not, and we have strayed so far from the point, that the way it is represented in mainstream media is all wrong.
Take a look at these two pictures.
The first, I took around a year after I started doing yoga. This picture says, "Look at me, look at how flexible I am, look at how fancy of a pose I can do!" I put this picture as well as a whole bunch of difficult looking poses on social media, because I was happy that I could finally do something well.
Now, there is nothing wrong with that at all, because it is good, no, excellent to be proud of your achievements, and how far you have come.
There has to be a balance. If, as a yogi, you choose to only put advanced pictures like this out into the internet world, you are sending the message that Yoga is all about the final outcome, reaching some sort of physical goal that can be seen from the outside. Which directly contradicts one of the core beliefs of Yoga, which is letting go of ego, and being content with yourself no matter where you are.
You might be thinking that I have blown this out of proportion, but this is so important. I have been contacted by so many people regarding the classes I instruct, and one of the main issues people have is the fear of not being flexible, fit, or experienced enough to start. People see pictures like the one above, all over the internet, and think, "Man, what if they make me do that at the first class," "How will I ever get there."
And that puts a lot of people off. This is normal however, and it's not just like this with Yoga, it's the same with any other form of activity. As a society, we are driven by the final outcome. We don't stop tp enjoy the process. Which is not what Yoga is about, at all.
This is where the second picture comes in.
I took it more recently, and you can see that I am still pushing myself a little, and getting a stretch in, but it is a lot more simple, a lot less "Look at what I can do."
Which is an important thing to put out there.
Show people who know nothing about Yoga and who are interested in trying it out, that it is different from other activities in the way that the process is valued more than the outcome. That no matter how experienced you are, those basic poses are still so important.
It's about doing the best you can do, in the present moment; and connecting with your body.
Whether you can touch your toes or not in a forward bend is not the issue. It's whether you can feel the pull, and feel that connection to the body.
There are countless more points and presses I could make about this, but the overall point is that,
No one is ever GOOD at yoga. If you think you are "good" at yoga you are most definitely far from it, because the thought of being "good" at it, directly contradicts what you should be feeling.
It should not be something you conquer, it should be a way for you to learn how to live in the present moment and connect with the body, no matter how far you can go or not.
Ending off, I would like to say that by all means you may put pictures of fancy poses up. If this makes you feel happy, DO IT! Just don't forget to add in some simple ones as well, to let those out there know that it's about the process, and not the outcome.
I hope you all have a wonderful day further, and please feel free to comment and share your opinion.
Its not a spectator sport, you are right on about that. We post so it can be boxed up and packaged into an info nugget to consume. But how do you reach people today? you have to post and grab their attention somehow, but then how do you hold it? How do you reach them to take a genuine interest and grow along that path. There may not be an answer here at all
Attention is fleeting, and that can be a good thing as well as a bad thing. All we can do is hope that whatever we put out there will resonate with at least one person, so that they can do the same and pass it on to atleast one other person.. and hope for a butterfly effect.
I agree & can totally relate to this. I'm also a yoga instructor & that was one of the biggest fears I heard from my new students was that they weren't "good" at yoga, or they weren't flexible enough. That always broke my heart a little that they felt that way, but who can blame them when society & social media only show people doing handstands. Not a bad thing, like you said, but it only shows one side. Thanks for bringing this topic to light on steemit!
You know hey, I was so afraid that I was the only one who saw it that way, but I now see that it is a common theme.. I try to be as supportive in the classes and keep saying in so many different words that it's the journey, and it's okay to take a slow drive.. infact it's favourable! Take a slow drive.. real slow.. take in the scenery.. feel it. And as much as I see people starting to see it that way, it's hard to keep up with a lifetime of brainwashing. Thank you so much for commenting, I feel like I always say that but I mean it, the fact that there are others out there that feel the same is a great comfort.
Recently in my seminar with Dylan Werner he presented 2 ways of doing poses, one was perfect and the other one was shaky. He asked us which one was true yoga or which yogi was more advanced.
Most people pointed towards the perfection where he floated in between poses and it seemed like he was light as a feather.
He then told us he was thinking about lunch when doing that one but completely in the moment doing the shaky sequince. He then asked the same question.
Yoga is not in the appearance of the poses, yoga is the mindset.
Yes exactly. That is so true, and if more people knew that then more people would be able to experience it instead of being put off by fear or worry.
And that is such a beautiful example, thank you for sharing that and adding it to the post
Thanks for your nice words, I just had to share it because so many people look at yoga and think they will never achieve that stillness we see in high level ashtangis for example.
Everyone can have that stillness, just practice things that work for your particular fitness level :)
I remember that, his reaction was a little harsh though, completely destroing his point. In the Ramajana the demon king Ravana practiced meditation with a rajasic mind and wrath became his undoing😅
Thank You yogidream.scapes! Yes, it's not about the destination - it's always about traveling the journey without judgement/guilt. The destination is never really reached anyway as there is alway another hill over the hill. 🌷
Beautifully put. It's the same with life.. there is no definitive end, or amount of steps you can take, or defined path. Thats where all the beauty comes in. If we all had one set path to follow, we would lose pur creativity and the essence of life, so it's kind of like a cycle.
Once you're able to let go of the ideas, your destination has already been reached.
Yes I agree with the both of you! And the journey is such a beautiful process if we allow it to be.. The feeling of change in the body, and how slowly it happens, is absolutely amazing, and it's such a waste not to value the process and miss out on all of that beauty.
Great post. Yoga is not a competition. It's more on a spiritual level. Thanks for the post.
Yes exactly! And to be fair, so is everything.. anything you do can be made spiritual, and that makes life beautiful, but we aren't taught that from the beginning so we have to relearn it, and yoga is an amazing place to start, and use as an example
I've never tried yoga. I only meditate sometimes when need to relax and keep my head cool. I feel that they are somehow connected. I always felt that yoga has the same meaning - to stretch your body and cool your mind. (maybe im wrong)
No you are not wrong at all, yoga is definitely connected to meditation, the postures teach you how to feel your body and stay present in the current moment, which is a form of meditation in itself!
Oh i see, i guess that's very close to truth! Does your cat do yoga with you too? :d