Hello, friends!
I woke up hungry this morning, so it got me thinking about all of the breakfast foods I like… Greek yogurt is something I discovered a few years back, and I just fell in love with it! Not just for the taste and versatility either, but for its macronutrient profile and health benefits as well :)
Yogurt is made from milk that has been cooked and cooled, given a dose of beneficial bacterial cultures (probiotics, anyone?), and then fermented - the happy bacteria have a party and multiply!
Greek yogurt is a kind of yogurt that has been strained to remove excess moisture and whey, which leaves the yogurt with a thicker consistency and more tart flavor (thanks, lactic acid), as well as a higher protein content per serving than regular unstrained yogurt. Some of the lactose (sugar found in milk) drains out during this process as well, leaving the greek yogurt with fewer carbohydrates than it’s original counterpart.
Just to clarify, PLAIN greek yogurt is what I'm speaking of here - the flavored kinds, although delicious, often contain LOTS of added sugars which can really jack up the calorie and carbohydrate count! It's definitely something to be aware of, so make sure (as always) to read your nutrition labels!
All dairy products, including greek yogurt, contain a good amount of calcium as well (along with other beneficial micronutrients, like Vitamin D), which is especially important as we age - healthy bones for everyone!
Greek yogurt has become such an important part of the healthy nutrition path I try to follow… I rely on it a lot because I’m regularly on the go and need snacks and meals I can take with me that are easy and nutritious. It’s gentle on my stomach (I am not sensitive to dairy in any way) and keeps me satisfied without making me feel bloated or overly full.
Before I work out, I like to fuel up with a small meal of primarily protein and carbs (meaning very little fat so it’s easier and faster to digest) to get me going without weighing me down. If I eat too much, or food that feels too heavy in my stomach, before I hit the gym I can almost bet money on my workout being compromised by nausea and sluggishness…
I envy those who don’t have this problem (like my boyfriend, he could eat a large pizza right before a workout and be totally fine!), but for any of you who do, I’d suggest to consider adding a little greek yogurt into your pre-workout routine!
I like to eat about a cup of greek yogurt, sometimes with a little no-calorie sweetener and cinnamon added in, with a few berries for flavor. I pair it with an easily digestible carb (oatmeal, sweet potato, white rice, a piece of toast… Those are some that work for me!) for a nice little energy boost with muscle-sparing protein before I exercise :)
Greek yogurt is not just great for before you hit the gym though, it is an awesome source of protein for anytime - I use it in the place of sour cream, creme fraiche, in salad dressings, to thicken sauces and make them creamy, in place of whipped cream on desserts, in baking… It can be useful in virtually any recipe!
While the nutritional profiles of greek yogurts with different amounts of fat in them will vary, you have a handful of options to choose from that will still get you lots of protein with fairly minimal carbs, depending on how much fat you are willing to consume along with it :)
These days there’s so much more talk about our gut microbiome and its importance for not only a healthy waistline but a whole host of other health factors, and adding in fermented foods that contain these gut-bolstering probiotic bacteria strains can really help to improve your general health and assist with weight management. While it’s no “magic pill,” and won’t overhaul your health or make you shed pounds in a day, every little bit helps!
I think greek yogurt is an awesome part of not only a generally balanced diet, but a weight-loss focused nutritional approach as well. It is filling, satisfying, not too high in calories per serving and packed with protein - increasing this macronutrient above others is a fairly straightforward way to get the weight loss ball rolling, and is something that I recommend to all of my weight loss clients.
Furthermore, it can be consumed as-is straight out of the container! No cooking, no prep, no bullshit - an easy, healthy, grab and go food you can reach for at any time of day, that can kick your excuses right in the balls :)
Do you like greek yogurt? How do you use it in your diet?
Please feel free to comment, upvote, or resteem if you’d like! :)
Great workout is really good for your macros. It does have a lot of protein and carbs. But isn't the sweet taste and low fat a result of high sugar? I think they sometimes have over 20 to 30 grams of sugar!
Thanks for informing us about how it is fermented! I didn't know that!
Good question! I should've specified PLAIN greek yogurt because you're right - some of the flavored varieties do contain a lot of added sugar!!
While plain does have a few grams of carbs naturally, it's not much compared to the flavored kinds. Good looking out! Modifying my post now! :)
greek yogurt and cinnamon.....mmmm sounds delicious
eating pizza before a workout is insane...i dont know how does your bf bear it
Ha! Stomach of steel, I suppose :)
Demasiado bueno tu artículo.
Yo era como tu novio. Me podía comer una pizza familiar solo antes de entrenar. Ahora no puedo y me tengo que conformar con un buen yogurt y galletas de fibra natural.
Las Bacterias son felices haciendo fiesta y nosotros comiendo un buen yogurt.
Bueno ahora a entrenar.
You are so kind! Thank you :) haha if only we could all eat pizza before training, but I guess it's just as well that we don't! Hope you had a great workout, my friend!!! :)
I love greek yogurt too! In fact, right now I've finished doing my training and my pre-workout was greek-yogurt with a some banana! An amazing-fast snack!
Nice!! I love it :) Hope your training was great!
Greek yogurt is great as long as you eat it without adding chocolate and some kinds of syrups
my sister is always eating greek yogurts with chocolate syrup and some fruits and consider it healthy without noticing how much calories it worth..
so keep in mind the addons on the greek yogurt ;D
Such a great point! It's always smart to be mindful of the big picture :)
I also like to eat yogurt (not necessarily greek), but it is just a nice food to consume from time to time.
In my case, when I was little my grandmother prepared natural yogurt with chocolate oreos on it, and to this day I still love that combination :)
Awwww! That's so sweet! Food definitely carries powerful memories, I love that you still think of your grandmother :) cheers!
The information you give us is of great importance because there are millions of people who are looking for a way to consume products that are beneficial for the organism and that are not an excessive load of calories, more than all those who always have to eat something. every moment and they worry about that great detail of the calories, to train is something fundamental is the best load of proteins that you can put into your body before training if I have heard that but never read directly from a person who consumes it as food Main, thanks for the information it is vitally important to keep our body well nourished and well trained
Oh good, I'm so glad you enjoyed! :)
thank you, lady, I will be aware of your publications are incredible
Just THE best diet food!
Could almost buy a second little refrigerator just for Lowfat Yoghurt :)
Best wishes,
Yes! Hahaha same :) it's one of my all-time favorite foods!