Rethinking Coconut Oil - The Not-So-Healthy-Anymore Oil?

in #health8 years ago (edited)

For years now people have been talking about the alleged health benefits of eating coconut oil. It's been the headline in many mainstream news reports, both on television and in print online and in newspapers. The alternative media was talking about it in droves, turning coconut oil and other things coconut into a big hype.

I don't know if it's still a thing, but I recall a few years ago that coconut water was the big rage in Hollywood that many other people started emulating into their social spheres.

Coconut oil does have health benefits compared to other oils, but it is still an oil with fats that have harmful health effects. Coconut oil is healthier than other oils, but that doesn't actually make it healthy in itself. Something healthy in itself doesn't have negative effects. Different fats can contribute different levels of heart disease risk. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death on the planet, with 17.3 million each year. Knowing what we are eating and how it effects our bodies can save our lives.

Most people don't even know the difference between saturated and unsaturated fat. But even though some people do, they still think unsaturated fat is actually a "healthy food". The American Heart Association did a survey where 72% of the American public think coconut oil is a healthy food, while only 37% of nutritionists consider it a healthy food. It's not "healthy", it's just less bad for your health, more healthy than less healthy. Stealing someone's bike is less wrong and more good than murdering someone, but stealing the bike still isn't a good thing.

Mass-marketing has heavily influenced the public consciousness to accept coconut oil as some form of weight loss, to help in digestion issues, and even to boost your metabolism. Do people fail to recognize that coconut oil is 80% saturated fat? That's saturated fat, not poly or monounsaturated fat. Even if coconut oil has more of the "healthier" unsaturated fat compared to other foods, it still is 80% saturated fat.

Saturated fat is associated with the increase in blood cholesterol and the waxy cholesterol buildup in the arteries. There is good HDL and bad LDL cholesterol though. Things like butter, lard, cakes, processed food, chips and other junk food are high in saturated fat (LDL), while unsaturated fat (HDL) is found in plant sources like olive oil, nuts and seeds. Coconut oil has both saturated and unsaturated fat, and raises both HDL and LDL blood cholesterol levels.

The important thing is the LDL that raises your blood cholesterol in a bad way, because changes in HDL cholesterol don't appear to be directly linked to changes in cardiovascular disease. The focus needs to be on the negative LDL and removing it from our bodies, as mixing the two doesn't work to eliminate cardiovascular disease threats.

This is why a recent review by the American Heart Association has advised to avoid eating coconut oil because there is still the risk present. The media again ran this story about coconut oil, but some have changed the story tell people to eat other saturated fats instead of coconut oil, which isn't the right thing to do. The AHA is trying to clear up some misunderstanding with some evidence-based advice to the public. Switching out saturated fats for unsaturated fats is still a good thing to do as it decreases the incidence of cardiovascular disease by 30%.

So for anyone who thought of coconut oil as something "healthy" as opposed to something "healthier" than other fats, needs to reevaluate their eating habits. Coconut oil can still be used in a diet but should be considered more of a treat like other fats in order to keep consumption levels down. The good news is you can still put it in your hair if you used it for that or any other external purpose and it won't affect your heart's health.

Some people use coconut oil to fry things instead of the standard oils, and think they are "eating healthy"...

None of the information is new for the science of coconut oil. Getting the information for the first time might be new to some though.

Thank you for your time and attention! I appreciate the knowledge reaching more people. Take care. Peace.


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Wow! I love this post! Thank you! I love coconut Oil, But I saw some things talking about eating scoopfuls of it every day, and I tried doing that, And I just felt gross doing that. It doesn't make sense to do that.
But for daily lotion, make up remover, and cooking and stuff, I will still continue to use it.

I also voted for your witness :)

Cool, use away, at least you seem to use it more externally hehe ;)

This is BS. The brain is largely saturated fatty acids, and the cholesterols in these kinds of oils is not the same as what ends up clogging the heart - the sticky cholesterols are synthesised in response to excessive blood sugar levels from a high carb diet.

Lard, Dripping, Butter, Cream, these are all very good for you, in fact, and anyone who has tried the paleo/zero carb diets can attest that you actually get a lot more consistent energy out of high fat versus high starch food. I personally have a metabolism that aggressively purges sugar from my blood, and only 4-5 hours after a massive bowl of cereal I am starving. But if I instead had about 40g of fat in my breakfast, I'm not sure if I am that hungry by dinner time.


We need saturated fat and cholesterol which among other benefits is a building block for hormones like testosterone (have low T? Maybe it's your low fat diet).

I've been eating coconut oil for years and at 50, I'm very lean and fit and last time I checked, my cholesterol levels were spot on.

I always keep an open mind and will change it if I find convincing evidence to do so but IMO the AHA has been dishing out bad dietary advice for 50 years or however long it's been around..

I see evidence of this every morning I run down the beach and see big and sickly looking round people wobbling across the's very sad.

Sugar is the white devil that causes inflammation in your arteries and cholesterol is sent there to repair the damage.

Want to lose weight? Regain health? Stop eating sugar and things that turn to sugar inside your body.

That strategy works for me :o)

Yes yes yes, sugar is the devil! I have been looking into this for awhile, especiallylooking at the history of my community and out intake of sugar. There are so many levels to this but sugar is the main culprit. I am one who regularly takes coconut oil in my diet and it has proven to be a good decision for me.

You make good and correct points !

I'll have to agree with you 100%

Correct, I agree with you !


I do not agree with this post and I think if you do a little more study you will find that coconut oil is actually good for you, as well as saturated fats. Its the excess sugar, trans fats and processed carbs that is the lack of mobility, cos we are all stuck here 'steeming' instead getting out and about !!

I like to use it for my skin and hair.

Also used it to fry things and instead of butter.

The fun thing about diet and food is, what was healthy yesterday is the new "poison" of tomorrow.

Tbh I dont follow a real diet. I try to eat a lot of fruit and vegetables and dont want to fall too much into the new food or diet hypes.

Not even vegans can find a common ground what would be the perfect diet.

So I just go with my common sence so far.

This is news to me. Thank you for sharing as i eat coconut oil as well to lower cholesterol ,so its actual all for nothing .The power of Good marketing !!!

If you're looking to lower serum cholesterol you should raise dietary cholesterol. Eat more eggs, cooked in a real fat.(not one of those rancid vegetable oils, soybean oils, CANOLA oil, etc.)

Yes quite so ! and most oils are GMO especially corn and soybean oils ! (90%)

Damn straight. Godawful stuff. Might as well drink cleaning fluid.

bruh eggs are literally toxic chicken periods...

like bruh, we've totally been eating them for hundreds of thousands of years.

but hey, keep being media healthy. I'm sure that'll work out great for you.

Haha, yeah. It's better than other stuff potentially, its got the good HDL, but it still has the bad too. Google some research and learn more about how it works.

I strongly suggest you look into spices. I've had great success with them. Cayenne pepper in particular.

I've been using it for many things, including dry hands/lips and sometimes a hair mask. I'm using it for cooking, instead of butter, but I'd not really eat it for it being 'healthy'. It's just a substitute for me. I also use it for baking a lot, mostly because I always have it in the house, whereas I hardly ever have butter.

Eat raw, grass fed butter , nothing better :)

I don't think I've ever had that! I'm not even sure where to buy it actually :D

Sounds like you use it for many things hehe! I use it to fry some veggies rarely, but mostly steam. Thanks for the feedback.

Know what you eat and how it affects your body. You said it right! Just because something is said to be good for you it doesn't mean that it can't harm you. It's about eating the right amounts and living a lifestyle conducive to good health.

Thanks for sharing! Lots of detailed information.

Everything in moderation. A lot of people believe so much hype and overdo a lot of stuff. Yeah I agree there are health benefits and risks to most everything especially if you overdo it. Everything in moderation is the best way. I use Coconut oil a lot in different things but never over use. I recently started giving it to my mother since she was developing Dementia since it does help to clear the plaque in the frontal lobe of the brain which can in some people increase their ability to think and reason. Doesn't work in all people but does in most. It did help my Mom some but not as much as I would have liked it to. Good post sir. Thanks!

I didn't know about that potential for the brain plaque... amazing. At least it did help a bit. Thanks for the feedback.

Thanks, that's really good to keep in mind. Especially since I use it. I guess It's still fine to use in "lesser" dozes. I use it instead of butter. For the other things I use olive oil.

Raw grass fed butter is absolutely great to use. If you use olive oil do not fry with it, Coconut oil is fine at high temp and doesn't go carcinogenic or spoil - truth :)

Oh yes, at first I picked up coconut oil to cook some "green stuff". I noticed that It doesn't boil. I rarely fry anything, but I'll definitely keep this in mind, thanks!

Yeah, I only use some oils when I cook in a pot. Otherwise no need.

My dad and mom are on a No-Carb/High Fat diet, and they use Coconut Oil in everything they eat! Too much of something good is never good. I'm going to share this article with them. Thanks for posting!

Great, I hope it helps. Since when in man's history could eating high fat be done or sound right? Even in hot and forested zones where we allegedly started off eating fruits and such that is a doable diet, but many of these ridiculous diets aren't even something that would have been optimal at any time. People should stick away from "diet" fads and learn what they need to eat (vitamins, nutrients) and where to get it from. Thanks for the feedback.

Exactly! People see results by getting to eat what they want, but don't factor in the long-term health effects on their body.

Indeed, you said it!

I have only been able to eat coconut oil versus any other oil or fat for a while now because it's the only oil that mostly bypasses the gallbladder which I think is really interesting. I have a bunch of health problems at the moment and my gallbladder is one big thing that's weighing me down! So if anyone else is having problems digesting fats at the moment I would suggest coconut oil. I don't know where I'd be without it.

One bonus thing I've learned about coconut oil is something called oil pulling which is supposed to be really great for preventing and sometimes reversing cavities! I tried it for a little while and did notice my teeth brightening up a little but I got tired of doing it every morning. You definitely have to be diligent with that.

Thanks for sharing @krnel!

yes agreed here.

Welcome, thanks for the oil pulling tip, I've tried it too but not long enough hehe. Can't you stop eating oils if they are bad?

I have stopped eating all other oils for now because I can't tolerate them but I look forward to getting back to normal so I can enjoy my olive oil :D

You've made a very important distinction here: better than something doesn't necessarily mean good.

I'll keep putting it in my hair thought. It's just the way I cook... ;)

LOL! Funny guy.

I try, but it generally doesn't tend to work out :P

It's amazing how the media distorts information. It's all about how you use what words you choose, and what not to say.

Great article. I use coconut oil but just enough. My veterinarian gives three heaping scoops to each of her dogs in their nightly dinner bowls. This made me think of her, I'm going to share it.

Weird. Why feed large amounts of oils to any animal... I guess it's a treat they like?

Granted they are large dogs... You know, I really cannot answer that. I observed this as I operate a rescue home and work closely with her and other vets in the area.

Raw virgen coconut oil is good for you, no worries !

Thank you for taking us through the importance of coconut oil, i heard its really good for hair how true is it??

I don't know much about the other things it can help with. I guess it makes your hair silky-smooth? I have no idea lol.

We've got a jar of coconut oil being used regularly at home. I'll have to forward this to my wife to read over.
Thank you.

Always worth considering ;)

It used to be in our place (Aceh), using only traditionally produced coconut oil for food frying, but has now switched to using refined palm oil with modern technology. Some of us want to restore the use of coconut oil.

Palm oil is bad, clear cutting and leaving orangutans without homes and starving. Coconut oil better indeed.

Some of us already realize that.

thanks for a handful of information i actually didnt know, and i use it for just about everything these days!

LOL, what else do you use it for?

Fever of the moment. Coconut oil is as bad as animal fat and butter, scientists say. It's good to be moderate. Get rid of excesses.

Don't believe the scientists ! its great for you and so is grass fed butter, don't believe the lies !

I think it is good that you are being cautious with not being excessive with coconut oil but hear me out!

The field of nutrition is in a strange situation at the moment. Old school nutritionists are really against saturated fats, but that is because they are basing their assumptions on research that was manipulated by the sugar industry in the 1960's. Here is a link to the article. It is written by the New York Times. It was discovered that the sugar industry manipulated research in order to downplay the negative health impact sugar has in our diet and blame it on fat. This manipulated research survived peer review by the scientific community and then the whole field of nutrition was built around the assumption that saturated fat was the real enemy.

The saddest part about this is that scientists and nutritionists are barely starting to question the sugar industries tainted research. Some scientists acknowledge that new research is starting to shed a new and more positive light on saturated fat but they acknowledge that the new body of research around saturated fats is still in its early stages. This is not enough for me to believe that I should eat an unlimited supply of coconut oil, but it makes me cautiously optimistic about it.

came to know a lot of things regarding coconut oil............thnks for the post

Glad to help ;)

Wow, great post! It goes to show you that there will always be conflicting ideas and to have an open mind. Don't just go with what the media says and do your own research. Thanks for the info! :)

Glad you gained something from it. :) Thanks for the feedback.

Fat has been demonized by the health care industry, humans evolved eating high fat and protien, not carbs and sugar.

I'm not sure if you are aware of the Saturated fat myth. Essentially the notion that saturated fat is bad for you came from Ancel Keys and his 'seven countries' study. He studied 22 countries and the correlation between saturated fat and heart disease. He selected the seven countries that validated his chosen hypotheses and in turn validated his study. The myth of saturated fat as a contributor to heart disease and negative health effects is widely disproven and has been exposed as a push from the food industry, based on this ONE highly flawed study. Ancel became famous and was on the cover of times and was given much power to direct the nations dietary recomendations and has contributed to a large amout of disease in the country. He is what started the 'low fat, High card' trend.

Saturated fats are often the healthiest and are the precursors to many of your hormones. Half of our cell membranes are saturated fat, and It is primary for brain functioning.

The real correlation between heart disease is because of sugar. There are far more studies that have been repeated about sugar and lack of movement in ones lifestyle for heart disease. When you have to much intake of carbohydrates your body turns it into Saturated fat for storage. your body is designed to utilize saturated fat.

For a more detailed review of the Saturated fat myth here is a great link

Thank you yes this article is hype from the old school and has been debunked, thanks for your input here !

Goes to show how one flawed study can harm the health of a nation, unfortunately this happens quite often. Just recently it was discovered quite a large number of cancer studies are flawed and completely useless because the researchers unknowingly used cell cultures contaminated with Henrietta Lacks cells. Eye opening stuff.

I don't believe in India every one use coconut oil ....from d ages

If they use coconut oil, do they get sick?

People have lived off of saturated fats for millions of years. It's the processed and toxic fats that are horrible, especially when combined with refined sugar and chemical additives that cause disease.

You are correct !

I know from experience 😏😉

I walk at least four miles a day because of Steemit lolol

Probably not 'millions of years'. ;) But, good point.

If we aren't omnivorous we should be extinct....we've been eating saturated fat and meat for 2.5 million years. I'm fine with veggie and vegans not eating meat or allopathy writing and publishing articals to boost profits for big Ag, big food, and the pharmaceutical industry. Just don't force feed me!!!!

The corporate monsters make their profits selling cheap crap, selling medicine to treat diseases caused by the cheap crap we buy from them.

The law of nature will weed out the gullible people as nature does with the sick and the healthy... more meat for me!

Too much even of a good thing can't be good for you - so I suggest to find the right balance for everything and life will be good - enjoy life @krnel

Thank you for opening the door for conversation about this. Personally I do not have much faith in the American Heart Association. It is a financially driven concern that thrives if people remain unhealthy. They do not know what they are doing if they did their recommendations would not change all the time.

I personally follow the Weston Price foundation recommendations regarding nutrition.

As @Loki so accurately stated, "The brain is largely saturated fatty acids, and the cholesterols in these kinds of oils is not the same as what ends up clogging the heart - the sticky cholesterols are synthesised in response to excessive blood sugar levels from a high carb diet."

A vegan and vegetarian diet is detrimental to brain health.
I eat an obscene amount of butter and coconut oil and my cholesterol levels are so impressive (HDL 80 and anything above 35 is considered good) that physicians have contacted me regarding my eating habits so they can learn and share it with their patients.

Yes I love butter and cream and eat it raw from my Amish friends - totally yummy :) I agree with you !

Raw is the best way for dairy.

It’s important to remember that in its earlier dietary advice the AHA played a big role in elevating margarine and other trans fat products over butter and saturated fats, though they now are completely against them. So the presence of margarine and low-fat cream cheese (at their meeting) is a sign of the long lingering effect of the AHA’s past bad advice.

You are blessed with good friends!!! Nothing better than raw milk and butter!!!!!

Lol fake news... do some research into aryuveda... stop watching fox news lmao

Ha ! yes too right !

Health Properties of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is uniquely different from most other dietary oils, and for this reason, has found use in a multitude of applications in food, medicine, and industry. Dr. Bruce Fife explains the physical properties, health benefits, and antimicrobial effects of this healthy oil.


The countries that use coconut oil in their daily diets are only the Asian countries of India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Philippines and the islands of the South Pacific11. (US consumption of coconut oil is a mere 0-2% of dietary calories). In all these high coconut oil consumers, their serum cholesterol level and coronary heart disease morbidity and mortality rates are low.

Nice one, I don't doubt it .... Love raw butter , cream and coconut oil !

According to Dr. Bruce Fife, author of "The Coconut Oil Miracle" and director of the Coconut Research Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado:4

"Asian and Polynesian people who rely on coconut and coconut oil as a part of their daily diet have the lowest heart-disease rates in the world. Some of these people get as much as 50 percent of their total daily calories as saturated fat, primarily from coconut oil.

If coconut oil caused heart disease, as some people used to believe, these islanders would have all died off centuries ago. Those populations who consume large quantities of coconut oil have remarkably good cardiovascular health. Absent are the heart attacks and strokes characteristic in Western countries where coconut oil is rarely used."

Coconut Oil also makes a great lubricant. It stays slippery longer than any over the counter product. And it's much better for your naughty parts than other lube.

yeah this is fake news, next they will say avocados and green veggies are bad for you too. I remember no to long ago the powers that be tried to make vitamin c a subscription drug the FDA quietly made it illegal to have vitamin c intravenously.

They said eggs were bad for us for a real long time, then said they were wrong (again).

Green veggies are always good for everything :) Maybe some people could have issues with all that avocado fat lol

I've got a Costco-sized jug of it so that shit better become healthy again asap.

What an "refreshing" post hahaha....get it....refreshing.
Anyways, it's quite interesting what you have wrote people can never be too certain can they when it comes to natural foods, as too much can sometimes have devastating effects as too less

Personally I'm not a fan of consuming coconut oil internally. However, it's excellent as a moisturizer on the skin or used as a hair mask for dry hair!


I read something like this on the facebook i love science page.

And I gotta say this is BS.

I, daily, take a spoonful of coconut oil. And while I was in the hospital they took blood work. All my blood work all came back fine. Except for one thing. I'm Vitamin D deficient. Not surprising since I'm an IT guy.

Also in that i love science post there was a lipidologist that said this was bs.

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Coconut oil

Wow interesting read, thanks for sharing!

I'm not going to join the discussion on whether it's healthy or not - I have too little knowledge on that.
I just wanted to let you know that your post came at perfect timing for me as I was writing an article (for my non-Steemit community) to show the difference between posting on Facebook vs. Steemit.
This coconut oil thing has been going viral on Facebook since last weekend and has been discussed there as much as in the comments here. Only here you get paid for constructive discussions... :)
So, thank you! :) I linked to your article in my post.

Worst post I ever seen on steemit. All lies and misinformation. Makes me want to flag it. Coconut is among the top 3 healthier food you can consume. Fat is good for your health. Better diet you can have is high fat, low carb. The only way coconut can harm to you is if it falls on your head.

Very informative. I like the bike analogy. It made the point simple and clear. Just because it's the less evil doesn't make it NOT evil. Not that coconut oil is evil but yeah. I think it's because it's very marketable that it's being pushed to consumers as healthy. Rarely does one actually look up the validity of advertisement claims (which is what manufacturers and sellers capitalize on). And alternative oils are either on the expensive side and/or are hard to find in certain places. (And it doesnt help that fried food is a guilty pleasure to a lot of people - yup one of them lol)

I wonder who funds the AHA...perhaps the olive oil producers?? Because the AHA produces papers and research on all matters does not mean it is true. There is also plenty of information in the public domain to the contrary, that refutes the AHA reports.

Yes totally agree with you - cold pressed coconut oil is an amazing product that has so many health benefits!