Facing the Storm!

in Silver Bloggers3 years ago (edited)

So we think life is hunky dory, and although the hair has turned Silver, I still felt like this little girl until something scary started happening!

When I wrote about When Life starts Fading and the possible problem we may all have to face one day being in need of caring, I did not realize what was waiting for me.
I had experienced two little incidents prior to that blog, but thought it was exhaustion from nursing duties plus lack of sleep, so started taking things a tad slower; very difficult for someone who has an active and curious mind AND suffers from OCD!

Just seven days after writing that blog, I however experienced six incidents all in one day, very scary for everyone as there's no history of anything like this in our family!

I was having disturbing metallic smells now and then ever since those initial episodes, but it did not affect my taste at all; kind of weird as there's a strong link between these two senses.


The Incidents

Luckily my son or hubby was around each time; I would out the blue suddenly feel something was very wrong, and the next moment, zone out completely for a couple of minutes.
No thrashing, no falling; my eyes would be darting all around but they could see I was not aware of anything around me and was totally unresponsive!

Each time I came around, I would be confused and battle to remember things, but after a short period, I'd be right as rain again.

To cut a long story short, I ended up in the ER on the prompting of my nephew who is in medicine as this would speed up all the tests; MRI, Ultrasound, ECG, blood tests and so forth.

The neurologist's diagnosis was that these were seizures and the only danger it would pose was if it happens when I'm alone or driving.

The found no medical condition to cause this and it apparently can happen without any reason; nor is it related to stress or lack of sleep.
Because of the temporary memory loss, I of course wanted to know if this is any sign of the dreaded Alzheimer's disease, but the answer thankfully was a definite NO!

The description below was more or less how the neurologist described what was happening in my brain.

A seizure is the physical response to increased electrical activity in the brain.
The result is a synchronized firing of brain cells.


I now am on anti-seizure meds, cholesterol tabs as my bad cholesterol was found to be high, stronger BP meds as that was sky high, blood thinners (I'm allergic to Aspirin so those were out) and a week later I feel calmer and more normal, but am also taking a natural supplement called GABA, on the advice of a lady who is treating my niece with Scio-Biofeedback as people who suddenly experience seizures, apparently lack GABA.
My nephew's response when I asked him about it, further convinced me that it could be beneficial, or rather do no harm in his eyes.
Edit about GABA:
Please read the response below from @wulff-media and check with your medical practitioner before you take this supplement!

The bad Cholesterol is not surprising though as I looove all the rich and creamy Chocolates, Double Cream Yogurts, etc. etc!
So from now on, it's mainly healthy snacks like these Rusks, a typical South African treat, almost like Biscotti, but not so sweet plus filled with many good things like dried fruit, nuts and seeds!


Something else I need to mention is that I believe I was getting warnings that something was wrong for months already, as I would feel one hundred percent fine when active, but the minute I got to bed, I would feel like I was getting little shocks in my head at the slightest noise, but put it down to stress as it's not easy looking after Mom who now is 90 and cannot walk on her own. Perhaps this was a warning that something was happening?

Aspirin reduces cancer risk

Talking of Aspirin earlier, I thought the following could be useful information for those in their Silver years.
Studies have proven that an 81mg coated aspirin tablet not only prevents blood clotting, but also prevents certain types of cancer.

Do yourself and your Silver loved ones a favour, and read about the studies done on the low dosage coated Aspirin HERE, an inexpensive wonder drug.


I used to regularly practice Transcendental Meditation and was feeling wonderful, but when Mom was diagnosed with the brain tumour which affected her balance and led to her fracturing her ankle, I stopped regular practice.

You're not only getting the book free here on Hive, but will also be giving yourself a free gift which will help you to better health! One amazingly kind Hivean @ericvancewalton wrote two books on meditation; The Perfect Pause - Meditating Your Way to the Ultimate You, which he currently is sharing chapter by chapter right here on Hive, so take a peek at his blog.

His follow-up on that book is called Mindful Moments - Living Your Best Life In Imperfect Times.
I've picked that one off my book rack, and started working though it again as I really believe meditation could help with correcting these erratic brain waves.

I however will still take the anticonvulsant medication but feel that meditation and natural supplements can only assist in stopping these distressing moments as I still have a lot on my bucket list now that I'm semi-retired!

Good health is something we cannot buy, so please take care of yourselves everyone!

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Dear Lizelle,

I hope you're feeling better by now. I'm not one of your regular readers, but I saw your tweet, became curious, and read your blog this time :-)

I don't want to rain on your parade, but I feel compelled to tell you a few things about GABA (not GABBA). I have looked into this extensively, because it happens to come in handy in specific circumstances of canine pain management, which is a problem I currently have. However, I'm not a medical doctor! (And no vet, either.)

GABA can, depending on the combination with other substances (this is key!), oftentimes promote viral infections, drowsiness, fatigue and dizziness. There can be altered eating behavior, changes in the blood count, behavioral abnormalities, convulsions, insomnia, and high blood pressure. Respiratory illness, nausea and vomiting, muscle pain, impotence and skin rashes, even edema are also possible. From my vet I know it can mask certain conditions in dogs, making an accurate diagnosis next to impossible. Whether this is true for humans I don't know.

I know GABA is sold as a supplement, but this is not something to trifle with just because "some lady" is treating "some other lady" with "just a supplement." The fact it's used in the treatment of seizures may attest to that. PLEASE talk to your doctor about this, how GABA interacts with substances in the other meds you're taking and THEN make a plan. If I'm overly cautious here, no harm, no foul.

I wish you all the good health in the world!

Cheers from Germany,


P.S. AfaIk GABA is part of some anti-seizure meds. Another reason to check the dose. I also read somewhere that antacids (Tums!) reduce the GABA level, morphine and codeine (Robitussin!) increase it. I have lived stateside for many years and always appreciated how freely many meds are available, but there is also an elemnt of danger in self-medication.

 3 years ago  

Of course it's GABA (not GABBA), not sure where my brain went!
I really appreciate your detailed response and will heed your warning and rather check with my neurologist.
I'm currently on 1 anticonvulsant at night but in a week's time have to take 1 morning and at night.
I am feeling better and have not had any seizure again.
I have a reflux problem and have been on meds to prevent that as I was often getting upper respiratory inflammation, that specialist said I have to take it at least an hour before my main meal. That problem has calmed down and was advised that I only need to take it when required, not every night. I don't often take antacids, find baking soda in warm water works better.
I think I need to edit my post about the GABA with a warning to check with their doctor before taking it.
It's a lot to take in, but I will certainly look at GABA with caution!
I really appreciate you taking the time to read this and share this info!
Cheers from Durban, South Africa🤗

My wife has high cholesterol as well, me not so much but my tri-glycerides get high at times. Needless to say we spent a lot of time educating ourselves on what to and what not to eat. It has been a challenge to adapt favorite recipes and we have had to give up some things altogether (ribeye steaks and bacon).

Chocolates not an issue and even baked goods believe it or not, the worst part about baked items is mainly the butter and whole milk products that give them that richness that makes you go Mmmmmmm when you take a bite.

So now I use unsweetened almond milk and an imitation butter we get here in the states called New Balance when I bake goodies, we are both type 2 diabetics so we cut out the sugar and use monk fruit or Swerve. Yeah some of the richness is gone but we still get to treat ourselves.

Eggs are a big debate in cholesterol science circles and it's kind of up in the air if they are really bad or not, I use them for baked goods but we tend to stick with egg whites and turkey sausage or turkey bacon for breakfast.

I think the biggest thing is to add a good portion of foods that produce GOOD choleserol to help counter the bad. We also tend to stick with about 80% fish and chicken in our diets and only occassionally treat ourselves to a filet mignon or a sirloin.

Mentally I feel no older than I did in the back seat of my Chevy with my girlfriend at 16 but my body reminds me that those kind of acrobats are out of the question these days LOL Hang in there, change is never easy but it is something we all must endure. Your not going through it alone, many of us are right there with you.

I am glad to hear your feeling better, you are a gem we really wouldn't want to lose here on HIVE. Love and prayers go with you.

 3 years ago  

Thank you for the lovely words there at the end AND for the good advice!
I looove baking with butter, full cream milk plus making cheesecake etc etc. There are alternative spreads but I'll have to look for a suitable margarine for baking crispy cookies. I have recipes that use oil in cakes and scones so that's not a problem as there are plenty of heart healthy options.
But no more lashings of real butter any more😏
Appreciate your comments and yep, we may feel young at heart, but the body says otherwise! Plus we run a bnb and when we have African guests, the younger ones call me gogo, which means granny, so I've realized I'm no longer that young chick dressed in bell bottoms!
But I'm loving life and will simply adapt now.🤗

Hi @lizelle, although I have only limited medical knoledge (left unfinished my grade long ago) I think my suggestion would always be the same: before taking any substance, no matter if it's natural or not you should always talk it previously with your doctor in charge.

Many times we don't realize that a lot of medicines come from plants.They are powerful. Some plants essences or fruits may also cause serious damage or even the worst. So taking those require previous knoledge and of course a visit to your doctor in the find of any possible contraindication or an unwanted interaction with your current treatment.

Said the above, I can only send you my best vibes and my wishes that those incidents aren't repeating and that will eventually disappear. Try to give you some room from your hard duties, all of us need rest and being in charge of your beloved 90 years old mom can really be exhausting and not easy mentally at all.

My hugs to you 🤗

 3 years ago  

Thank you so much for the good advice and sincere good wishes!
I am aware of the power of herbs and plants as some have to be taken in minute dosages so will certainly take care.
The plant Comfrey for example has many benefits but also contains a substance that is harmful if 'overdosing' so that's one that we need to be aware of. Just giving this as an example as I have it growing in my garden and used to make a 'tea' with it when I fractured my ankle as it's known as the 'knit-bone' herb. I then found dried Comfrey tea made by a South African company with this harmful compound removed.
I do appreciate your response!

I'm so sorry to hear about these health challenges you're going through @lizelle. Please take care of yourself and get lots of rest. I'll be sending positive vibes in your direction from across the Atlantic ocean.

 3 years ago  

Thank you my friend, it's been very scary not knowing what's wrong but I really feel better already and I'm sure the tabs as well as regular meditation will help calm the brain waves.

I'm glad to hear you're on the mend and I hope the healing continues!

Very scary, at least you listened not only to your body but to your nephew as well.

My son is still on treatment after a barrage of testing, he had the metallic taste that started it all. As fast as he was knocked down he appears to be on road to recovery which has been many adjustments to life in general.

Take care of yourself and so glad you listened, take time for yourself!

@tipu curate

 3 years ago  

Thank you so much Joan, I am truly thankful everything could be arranged so speedily after that day with the multiple seizures.
It's funny I just had the metallic smell, taste was fine.
Hope your son gets back to full health again!🤗

Big run around here too, grateful we starting to hopefully get to the bottom of it.

Having seizures is scary, my son thought it a heart attack, fortunately not. At the time he got the metallic taste first and has almost been last to leave due to wrong medication in between.

Get well soon, nothing worse than making an active person sit still 🙂

 3 years ago  

Thank you Joan, sounds like your son is having really bad issues, hope they sort out his medication soon!

Compounded problems that all surfaced at the same time, slowly working our way through them fortunately he is looking a lot better. Take care of yourself, and your own advice!

So glad you are feeling sooo much stronger, Lizelle. This has been a really rough and worrying patch for you. Glad you are "back"!

 3 years ago  

Thank you Fiona, and also for being so encouraging and keeping my spirits up!💞

Just seven days after writing this blog, I however experienced six incidents all in one day, very scary for everyone as there's no history of anything like this in our family!

That is indeed scary/frightening. I heard about bad luck, but I have not heard about anyone, who would have six incidents in one day.

I now am on anti-seizure meds, cholesterol tabs as my bad cholesterol was found to be high, stronger BP meds as that was sky high, blood thinners (I'm allergic to Aspirin so those were out) and a week later I feel calmer and more normal

Get well as soon as possible. Have a nice weekend. All the best.

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 3 years ago  

It was really scary indeed, for my husband and son especially as I was totally out, still can't remember all the incidents that day, I really hope the tablets keep this under control now!
Thank you for your good wishes @xplosive !

I am very glad that you are feeling better, please follow your doctor's instructions. And no doubt meditation will help you a lot. May you continue to improve every day, much life and health to you.

 3 years ago  

I am listening to the doctor and taking my meds on time, thank you for the good wishes!

Garlic is the simplest and most inexpensive remedy for many of these diseases. I usually infuse garlic (one clove) on water all day and drink this water before bed. Also, everyone in my family has been drinking this infusion for a long time. This infusion of garlic increases immunity, has a good effect on vision, kills all viruses, and very quickly. If necessary, I will give you a recipe for how to do everything. On the Internet, you can also find a recipe for tincture of garlic in water. Why is no one doing this simple, accessible and inexpensive remedy to prevent their health - I don’t know? I wish you health and run yourself.

 3 years ago  

I really appreciate your feedback!Thank you so much @antikus369, I've known of some of the health benefits of garlic, but obviously not some that you've mentioned here. I can Google the recipe, but would appreciate it from you, may be a good post to write, possibly in the Natural Medicine Community and cross post it to us, as it would benefit our

Thanks! Ok I'll post on this topic about garlic and its qualities!

A unique folk remedy for thousands of diseases

Today I made this post on purpose...)) https://ecency.com/hive-120078/@antikus369/a-unique-folk-remedy-for-thousands-of-diseases

 3 years ago  

We are in the wars, the health wars that is Lady Lizzie.
Strange new things happening and nobody seems to have an idea or a solid diagnosis.
I seized up like that in Zimbabwe and awoke in hospital. The doctor gave me epileptic fit medicine and we had to pay for a nurse to accompany me on a flight back home. The doctor here said that it was not a fit and that the medicine was 15 years old.
But he couldn't tell me what it was.
First time and last time for me as it never happened again.

Now as you know, I have other issues and are taking medicine every day similar to yours.
Glad that you pulled through the latest incident and our prayers are with you.

Oh, I tried GABA and it didn't work for me. Only made my head feel cloudy.


 3 years ago  

Thank you for the encouragement and the prayers my friend! No-one in our extended family have ever had seizures, it was really scary.
The anticonvulsant seems to be working, no more metallic smells, as I was getting that on other days as well, not just when I had the seizures. I have to increase the dosage on Tuesday, just hope it doesn't make me feel too woozy!
My prayers are with you as well my friend!

 3 years ago  

It was exactly the same for me Lady Lizzie as that was the first thing that they asked if any in my family had seizures and nobody did.
The good news is that it never happened again and we pray that it will be the same with you. I don't even take meds for it.

I think that it was stress and an overactive tired brain in my case. But it was a long time ago in 1988. Nowadays they have managed to bring my cholesterol count down to 3.4 which is great as it was at 7. BP is also well controlled.

But the Ferratin transfusion 2 weeks ago has not changed anything yet, so I might have to go for a second one.

Tough to get old with all of these surprises hahaha.

 3 years ago  

I think that it was stress and an overactive tired brain in my case.

I'm saying SNAP! here as I still believe that and lack of sleep is what set it off, but the neurologist says no!
Anyway, I had to take Mom to our GP who is the most wonderful little lady, a strong Christian by the way, and she told me about studies done on what they call the Mozart effect which reduces seizures on people who get epileptic seizures. It is only this particular piece of music which reduces spikes on neuron activity that can lead to seizures, it's Mozart Sonata for two pianos in D major K448.
It's a long piece, around 24 min, but she suggested I listen to it, which is no problem for me as I loooove classical music!
In the studies done with children, they suggest that they do not need to listen to the whole piece, only around 8 min at bedtime. It really is very interesting!
I am so sorry to hear that the transfusion did not work, hope the second one does!
Please take care, blessings you and Marian!

 3 years ago  

Oh yes, I think that the lack of sleep was also a big culprit. In my case we were on the road in boiling heat for 22 hours and I am surprised that your neurologist ignored it.
They say that people mostly know the cause of their ailmentd via instinct, and so it has to be 8 hours of sleep for you every day young lady.

Mozart you say. I never had much time for the guy, as I was more into classical rock and ballades.
Maybe I should give this piece a listen.

Blessings also to you guys.


 3 years ago  

It's quite a long piece, but even is you just listen to some of it at bedtime!

 3 years ago  

How does one eat an elephant my friend? Bit by bit and yes it is a good idea to listen to a bit at bedtime.


I feel like the transcendental meditation should have been the LAST thing to go, after your mom took a spill. She probably needs you to continue meditating for everyone's benefit, least of all yours. I think it affects all those around us. I have been reading @ericvancewalton's meditation book as well. I say we keep up the practice!

 3 years ago  

Exactly, it doesn't only benefit the person meditating, but certainly affects those around one, and I should have realized from the beginning that I needed to delegate as my husband and son are only too willing to help, so things are easier and calm is returning although I started having seizures out the blue soon after I'd written this, no history in our family of that but the end of that story which I shared, is that I'm on anticonvulsants; fortunately there's nothing physically wrong to have caused this and I've not had another one since I'm on the treatment.
I'm so glad you're reading/ working through Eric's book; it's amazingly kind of him to share it with us.

I agree! Gotta love that @ericvancewalton. Such a good guy. There are so many wonderful people on this platform I never really took the time to appreciate how remarkable this fact really was.

Oh, that must be quite scary! To be out for a period of time and then to come back seems to be crazily disorientating. Glad it wasn't Alzheimer, I think I'm more than a touch scared of that for the future as well.

Hope the medication will help out.

 3 years ago  

It was awfully scary and of course we all fear that awful Alzheimer's!
The meds seem to be working as I am feeling much better already, hope it stays that way.
How is your move going?

Good to hear.

The move... well, at the moment, the actual date is still at the end of December. We've been hearing decent news that Australia might be loosening restrictions for incoming travellers, so that would make the transition easier. However, it feels like there is lots that needs to be handled or planned... one step at a time... we are just getting lots of little things and big things done as far in advance as possible, putting all the pieces in place so that it isn't going to be too much of a rush at the end!

 3 years ago  

I can't even begin to imagine the arrangements for a move abroad, must be really exciting though and sure with all your planning, things will run smoothly!

Thanks for the post @lizelle useful info. Old age creeps up on us, best to be prepared best you can.

 3 years ago  

Not nice to think about it but although we may feel young, the body says otherwise not so!

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it apparently can happen without any reason; is not related to stress or lack of sleep.

Hope things are fine now. Could it be because of always thinking about doing something and working tirelessly without actually realizing ? The active and curious mind needs some rest ? Do things to relax yourself ? I did go through crazy moments, where I would not be able to remember simple things. It just does not come to mind.

 3 years ago  

Thank you so much @sanjeevm, I also believe just like you that perhaps overthinking stuff is not a good thing, so I am learning to slow down somewhat, stop trying to fit too much into my days and am feeling much better so far! Thankfully the meds are agreeing with me as my body sometimes doesn't react well to some meds. But I will remember what you've said as I do believe there must be a reason why this has happened!

Too bad to hear you say about this suffering of yours, friend @lizelle. Hopefully everything is back to normal very soon. That you get better is my greatest wish friend.

You are such brave lady Fighting with many health complications. Wish you to recover soon . I am not a medical advisor but i would suggest Do little Anulom-Vilom Pranayama ( A kind of Meditation from ancient India) .It will directly revitalise your brain and heal the body . Its simple way of doing . you may google out and learn it.
Many little health complication start with OCD issues which my MOM too facing for many years .hope the suggested prananayama find you little better and provide you full recovery from all the health problems ..

I really relat to what you are saying.

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Its good you are going better, you are strong enough.
Pray for your health.

I am happy that you are alright now, it is always good to have someone around when feeling ill. Health has no price,it is priceless . I value it more than anything

Oh my dear LIzelle I am sorry about this challenge you have. I am sure you will control it with care and dedication. Follow medical instructions and you will be ok. There are some products sold by ATOMY GLOBAL, the famous HEMO HIM, they are natural and many people benefit with them. Please get well.

Thank you for sharing your story.
I pray you recover fully and totally.

I'd start minding my intake of cholesterol so I won't have to bother about that while I approach my silver years.

I'm glad it isn't Alzheimer or anything of serious medical intervention.

And Eric's book, the bits I've read, are so soothing. Thank you for pointing it out, I've been through a couple of things this past few days, a book like that will help me relax.

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