As the year 2023 draws to a close, I've been reflecting and thought it would be interesting to jot down some of the smartest purchases I've made.
On reflection, I realize I'm not the type to shop impulsively, and especially this year, with its whirlwind of events, I've shopped even less.
However, despite this, there were still some standout smart buys... I've identified six such items.
23년 한해 마무리를 앞두고 여러가지 생각을 해보다가 돈을 잘쓴 구매아이템을 한번 적어내려가보자는 생각이 들었습니다.
그러나 곰곰히 생각해 보니 내가 이것저것 관심가지고 쇼핑을 하는 타입도 아니고 특히 올해는 정신이 없어서 더욱 쇼핑을 많이 못 했던 사실이 다시한번 느껴졌습니다.
하지만! 그럼에도 불구하고 곰곰히 Smart buy는 있었으니...6개의 Smart buy 아이템을 선정해 보았습니다.
1.Super Enzymes (소화효소)
"Since some time last year, I suddenly started having digestion issues and a bloated stomach. I began to feel my condition worsening, with a noticeable belly and a general heaviness. 'Is this just aging?' I thought, but it was more than that — I constantly felt bloated and even exercise didn't seem effective.
During this time, I discovered 'Super Enzymes', a dietary supplement that replenishes digestive enzymes, which apparently decrease with age. Eating these has really improved my digestion, and unbelievably, my body's swelling has reduced. They even seem to help with hangovers. (When you drink alcohol and then the next morning you have a bowel movement, the smell of alcohol is incredibly
I rate this as my number one smart buy in 2023.
작년 언젠가부터 (나이가 들면서) 갑자기 소화가 잘 안되고 속이 더부룩해지기 시작했는, 점점 배도 나오고 컨디션이 안좋아지는게 느껴졌습니다. '노화의 과정인가?' 라고 생각하고 넘어 가기엔 너무 몸이 무거워지고 자주 배가 더부룩 했습니다. 운동을 해도 효율이 안나오고. 헉헉
그러던 중, 만나게 된 Super Enzymes (소화효소). 나이가 들면 소화효소 분비가 점점 줄어든다고 하는데 이를 보충해 주는 건강 보조제 입니다. 먹으니 소화가 잘됩니다. 그리고 몸의 붓기가 거짓말처럼 빠졌습니다. 숙취에도 효과가 있는 듯합니다. (먹고 술X을 누면... 알콜냄새가 진동...)
Smart buy 1위에 선정합니다!
2.Car windshield cover (자동차 앞유리창 커버)
I live in an older apartment without an underground parking lot or a private garage, so I always have to park outdoors. In winter, snow often covers the windshield so thickly that driving becomes impossible. That's when a car cover becomes essential! However, I noticed many reviews saying that full car covers are too cumbersome to use regularly. So, I found an alternative: a cover that just protects the windshield. It keeps the windshield clear from snow, rain, dust, and leaves. It's especially great because it also covers the area between the hood and the windshield.
I remember the one-man clearing snow off his car next to mine one snowy morning. He was probably wishing he could just remove a cover and drive off with a clean windshield like I did.
This is a must-have item for anyone who parks outdoor. I give it second place!
저는 지하주차장이나 개인차고가 없는 구축아파트에 살고 있는 관계로 주차는 항상 노면 주차를 해야 합니다. 겨울철 눈이 오면 주행이 불가능 할 정도로 얼음이 앞 유리창을 뒤덮고 있기가 일쑤입니다. 이때 필요한 것이 바로 자동차 커버! 하지만 자동차 풀커버는 매번 씌우기가 느므 귀찮아서 잘 안 씌우게 된다는 구매평이 많더군요. 그래서 찾은 대안이 앞유리창만 덮는 커버. 눈비가 내릴때 앞유리창을 깨끗하게 보호해주며 미세먼지/낙엽등으로 부터로도 자유롭습니다. 특히 본네트와 앞유리창 사이의 부위도 커버가 되므로 매우 좋습니다.
눈이 온 아침, 커버를 걷어내고 깨끗한 유리창으로 바로 주행을 하려던 옆차에서 눈을 치우던 아저씨의 몹시 부러워하던 그눈빛이 기억나는 군요.
노면 주차하시는 분에겐 필수 템입니다. 2위!
3.Electric mosquito swatter전기모기채
My child is allergic to mosquitoes. When bitten, the area swells significantly and the wound tends to last quite a while. Last summer, I bought an electric mosquito swatter in an effort to reduce my child's exposure to mosquitoes to zero. However, I ended up taking walks along the Han River, swatting at the flying insects for fun. (There were a lot of them along the river paths in the summer.)
There's a satisfying feeling when you hear the sound of mosquitoes getting zapped by the electric swatter. lol
우리집 어린이는 모기 알러지가 있습니다. 모기에 물리면 물린 곳이 크게 부풀어 오르고 상처도 꽤 오래 가는 편입니다. 이번 여름, 어린이의 모기접촉률 0%로 만들기 위해서 구매했으나 전기모기채로 날벌래들을 잡는 재미에 모기채를 들고 한강을 산책하기도 했습니다. (여름철 한강 산책길에 날벌래가 매우 많았습니다.)
전기에 모기가 터지는 듯한 소리에 기분좋은 타격감이 느껴집니다. 씨익.
Posting for the rest of the items (4~6) will be continued next.
These are indeed smart buys just by reading your feedback about them.
super enzymes, i don’t have digestion issues yet but i will note this, I may need in a few years time 😅
the windshield cover is really smart, it’s much easier to remove compared to a full sized cover. It’s applicable even during summer and autumn to prevent leaves from building up on the windshield
the mosquito swatter sounds fun! I had that before, it smells like grilling hair whenever I caught mosquito 🤣🥴
I’m looking forward to the next part already 🍻
Thx for the comment. :) lol so glad you like this post. Lol
I enjoyed it 😅
You got a lot of useful stuff, man. I'm sure you'll use it all effectively next year.
Thx mate! :)
저의 올해 Smart buy는...세미정장과 신발인것 같아요~^^ 덕분에 한 해를 돌아보고 있습니다. 새해 복 많이 받으세요~^^
오늘도 눈이내리는 아침이네요. 어영부영 한해 가버려서 반성이 많은 시간입니다. ㅠ
새해복 많이 받으세요. :)
To further improve your health, remember to wear house slippers. Also, drink warm beverage and take bath with warm water will help with digestion. Sleep early is crucial because all organs need to detoxify properly. Take care!
Wow thanks for the advice! :) Actually, going to bed early is quite challenging to me and this is my one of todo list next year.
You are welcome! Humans just need to sleep 4 hours so the best quality slumber is between 11pm to 3am. Keep the option of waking up at 4am to start the day open. 😄