Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun: round 187

in WE ARE MOVINGlast year

Hey there my Hive friends and followers!

Welcome to the 187th round of my special weekly photo challenge known as Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun :)

I know a lot of photo contests with nature as the main theme were/are/will be hosted by various people on the Hive blockchain but I wanted to come up with something more than just another photo contest where participants would submit their best natural photos. Therefore, I decided to go for quite an unusual concept that I am going to introduce in the following lines.

The aim of the Appreciate Beauty of Nature with @phortun photo challenge is not to make you dig up your photo archives and submit the best pictures of nature that you have ever taken. Instead, I want you guys to go out and appreciate the beauty of our nature right now.

The internet (and the Hive blockchain as well) is flooded with picture perfect shots of landscapes, mountains, forests, beaches etc. taken years ago. But this is not what I want to see in this challenge. I want to see shots that may not be necessarily stunning but they must be fresh, proving that you have just physically spent some time outdoors in the fresh air. But remember that nature comes in many forms. It doesn´t have to be a pristine jungle or a deep remote forest. An urban park, a botanical garden, a little grove on the outskirts of your town - pretty much any place with some trees, plants, rocks, bodies of water or any other natural features would be just as fine ;)

Obviously, there is no way for me to verify whether the photo that you submit in the challenge is really fresh or if it was even taken by you so I am relying on your honesty guys. The prizes for the winners (as described below) are more symbolical than overly motivating so I don´t expect too much fraudulent behavior in this challenge anyway.

I want to keep the rules of this challenge as simple and benevolent as possible so let´s agree on just this:

Only one entry (photo) per person per round.

The photo must be yours and not older than one week.

Add a few words about the photo, at least where and when you took it.

You can start submitting your entries to this round in the comment section below from now until the next round. If you want to create a separate post as your entry, you can do that but please always remember to submit your entry in the form of a comment here in this post as well. I only check the entries submitted here as comments.

Prior to publishing the next round post, I will pick 3 winners, give my full upvote on their entries and feature them in the next round of the challenge. I also give some smaller upvotes on the other entries too so that all participants get rewarded for their engagement.

I usually host the challenge on Thursday but when needed for some reason, I can host it on some other day so better check my blog regularly not to miss out on it ;)

To keep up with you guys, I submit my own fresh natural photo to every round´s post too :) Here is my contribution to start out this round:


This must be one of the warmest and sunniest Septembers that my Czech homeland has ever witnessed. It still feels like the middle of summer here with temperatures hovering around 30 degrees Celsius during the day. So unusual! On Sunday, I went for a little hike to enjoy the lovely weather. I headed out to the Prokop Valley, one of my favorite natural places here in Prague. I climbed up to this little viewpoint to watch the sunset. The valley was very busy with tons people walking, jogging, cycling, barbecuing and enjoying all kinds of outdoor fun down there but up here on the top of the cliff, there was nobody but me and the trees :) Perfect place and time for some undisturbed contemplation.

In the last round, we had 8 participants. After some thorough consideration, I decided to pick these 3 winners:

@onlavu with this entry from Italy:


View of the Lake Garda (Italy) from the "Monte Baldo" mountain ridge. Altitude around 2.1 km. Just splendid area for hiking. The photo was taken three days ago. PS: Thanks for picking my shot from the last round. See you on the trail.

@bossel with this entry from India:


There is a distinct lack of animals recently, it seems. So, here we go. A common myna hunting a grasshopper (got it a bit later). Shot near the Kerala Legislative Assembly in Trivandrum, India, last Sunday. One of my few outings here. Either I'm too tired or it's too hot (or recently: raining) during daytime. Will try to get out (& active here) more often, because - like in this case - the birds here are not very afraid of humans. Had quite a number of photos to choose from for this post. I chose action.

@deepresearch with this entry from Poland:


Amazing view of the sky reflecting in the Czarny Staw lake in the Polish part of the Tatra Mountains. Taken yesterday during my descend from Rysy. I like the play of lights here.

Congratulations guys! It was my pleasure to give you 100% upvotes on your entries :)

I am looking forward to what you will come up with in this round.

Have fun and appreciate the beauty of nature!

I post this series in the Amazing Nature community, a great community for all nature lovers. Feel free to check it out ;)

This post was created by me for the Hive blockchain exclusively. All rights reserved.


Thank you for visiting my blog. If you like posts about Nature, Traveling, Photography, Animals, Ecology, Crypto, Sport, Fitness and discovering secrets and beauties of the World, feel free to follow me as these are the topics I mostly write about. Have a wonderful day and keep on hiving, guys! :)


I come today with a picture I took on 16.09.2023 in Bucegi National Park(Romania), it is about Bolboci Lake, a lake artificially formed by creating a dam on the river Ialomita.

If you want to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and reconnect with nature, a place like this is perfect.


Wow, this place looks amazing! So peaceful and pristine. Thanks for this great entry my friend!

I'm glad you liked it, and yes I will always participate with the greatest pleasure in the contests launched by you.

Congratulations to the winners excellent photographs, this week I had the opportunity to capture the flower of a plant known as dormidera and its scientific name is Mimosa pudica, this photograph was captured in a meadow in the Southern Area of Lake Maracaibo Venezuela. It is undoubtedly a wild beauty of our ecosystems.

Wow! That looks like something from the Avatar movie! Amazing species, thank you very much for sharing this picture with us :)

Wow @phortun, you were blessed with that amazing view on the top of the mountain 😻 and you could enjoy it with no people and human noise around you, that's a plus, I love it 🥰. Congratulations to the winners, beautiful photos 👍💚.

My entry 👇, last Sunday in the Parque La Estación, La Victoria, Venezuela, where I go early in the morning to do Tai chi 🥋, this is a small part of our big green stage hehehe 💚🌳🌲🌴🌱🌿🍀.


Hey Gatubela, what a nice surprise, good to see you here! :) That looks like a great place for some outdoor exercise, thank you. Tai chi is cool but how is your mission to gain muscles going? :D

It's my pleasure to be here 😊. Yes, it's a beautiful place, a very large park full of trees, birds, insects and also spaces to exercise and do some sports.
On the other hand 🙄, it has increased my resistance and firmness but in terms of gain muscles 😬😕 I haven't made much progress yet 🥴😂🤷🏻‍♀️😕☹️ but the important thing here is that I'm working with enthusiasm to reach my goal 👊💪🏻😸

Resistance and firmness are useful but you know, superheroes need to be strong! :D If you don´t feel like going to the gym, you can work out at home with dumbbells or use an outdoor gym ;) I´m going to post an update on my work out progress soon, that may motivate you to up your game a bit more :)

Hahaha, sure, every superhero needs strength and muscles 💪🏻👊.
I have been many times in gyms but the proper nutrition is the key to gain muscles and make them grow hahaha but I have never followed a diet plan to gain muscle, that means cooking many times a day and I guess that I was more focused in other things like college and then work. I have dumbbells, a static bycicle, and many other things for exercise, so that's why I know that it's what I need to concentrate to achieve my goal 👊🤷🏻‍♀️🤭😬 I love to exercise but when you also need muscles, you must do something more than just exercise 🙄🤣🤣🤣🤷🏻‍♀️
Excellent 👍 I'll be waiting to read your work out progress 😁 👊

Well, they say there are 3 basic and equally important foundations on which fitness is based: training, diet and rest. To get results, you need to pay attention to all of them, not just one or two of them. Seems that you only struggle with nutrition so hopefully, you will handle that too somehow. I know you are a vegetarian and building muscles takes a lot of protein but there are ways to get that protein from vegetables too. Legumes are full of protein for example. And all kind of nuts as well :) Where there is a will, there's a way 💪🏻

😃 that's right my friend 👍 well, although, I'm not a completely vegetarian because I eat some kind of fish. I know I just need a little more organization and discipline. Thank you for those motivational words @phortun 😺🤘🤗

A mushroom growing from a tree in the Housle protected area at the northern edge of Prague. Taken yesterday.

Another "fungal entry" in this round, cool, thanks! :)

Well, I was looking for magic mushrooms, and this one seems to have some magic of its kind ;)

It did. Just like @onlavu´s "money mushroom" :D

To přece nejsou bedly, ale penízovky ;)

...ještě jeden malý OT. Chtěl jsem se na to zeptat už dlouho. Vím, že českou gramatiku ovládáš nadprůměrně dobře, ale všiml jsem si, že někdy píšeš čárky i před spojkami neuvozujícími další věty v souvětí . Například v komentu, na který teď reaguju. Já se na škole učil, že v takovém případě by se tam čárky psát neměly. Plátí to pořád, nebo se to pravidlo změnilo? Vrtalo mi to hlavou, protože vím, že gramatické chyby neděláš :)

Zdaleka netvrdím, že píšu vždycky všechno korektně :) Ale myslím, že tohle je příklad "souřadného spojení několikanásobných větných členů v různém významovém poměru", viz:

Za mě jde o písmeno d). Ale když si nejsem v takových chvílích jistý a o něco jde, píšu na jejich online poradnu, na akademiky reagují docela rychle :) [email protected]

Spíš to bude ten vzácný zmutovaný druh. Bedlízkovka mosazná :)

This is beautiful flower in the fields of kassoki village(Pakistan) which is captured by my mobile on 21 September 2023 around 5:30 of evening. Sun was grounding and flowers were about to close eyes. Leaves of plants were wishing for the raindrops to fall.
This is my entry for the contest.
You can also visit my blog which is detail about the visit to beautiful garden.

Wave Media

Beautiful flower, thanks for your contribution to the challenge :)

Thank you so much for your kind words for my contribution.

While wandering the Jeseniky mountains in Czechia, this tall beauty, parasol mushroom, caught my attention. One could not miss it on the meadow.


No, kdyby na všech bedlách rostly dvacky, to by u nás houbařili už asi úplně všichni :D Ale musel to být fakt macek, nejdřív jsem myslel, že to je jen nějaký "eurohalíř" :)


cizí měny s sebou běžně nenosím, tak dvacka musela posloužit jako měřítko.

Léta jsem takovou velkou neviděl. Udělala mi radost. Škoda ji dávat na talíř...

Dvacet Euro centů vypadá podobně, chvílí jsem váhal a musel hodně zoomovat :) To víš, při těch současných cenách krypta se vyznám hlavně v centech :D Ale třeba mi jednou Hive ukáže i jak vypadají Euro bankovky :D

I went for a short ride this afternoon to Tambongon, San Remigio Cebu. I took this picture while I was standing at the roadside. The water was calm and it was so fascinating scenery to view. The green mangrove trees' shadow reflected the calm seawater. I always love standing by the seashore.

That´s a lovely view and it would look even better without your finger but still a decent entry, thanks! :)

Thank you for the compliment. That photo was too fresh, I just took it a few hours ago without editing.

There are some great entries this week, man. Especially @onlavu's is excellent. I love his natural landscape photos.

I took this photo two days ago from the window of my house in Karaman, Turkey. Sunrise and sunset photos have always been my favorite and I love how this blue meets the redness.

Hey buddy, good to see you here with another Turkish greeting :) That´s a very cool shot, I like the way you played with the light here :)

I actually did nothing with the light. It's just portrait mode in my phone but yeah it looks amazing :D

So you used a portrait mode for a landscape shot, that´s creative :D But I like the result!

Yeah I just want to try hahaha. Glad you liked it man

I was exploring the grass this afternoon looking for objects that I could photograph, and suddenly a little bee came right in front of me to suck honey on the bush flowers, it happened so fast and I only managed to get one picture, physically it might be a bee from the nomia class, and this is my entry for this round of contest

Photos taken in Indonesia using a smartphone camera and edited with lightrhoom


Impressive close up, thank you for your contribution! :)

My pleasure 🍻

I have clicked this picture today in my home at noon. I always like to see clouds especially when there is hot sunny weather. I was hoping to have rainy clouds but they have gone.
Clicking such natural photos is always feels awsome.

Interesting entry, thank you :)

That's too beautiful!How did @deepresearch come up with that amazing picture

Thank you! I was coming that the mountain late afternoon and was stunned by beauty of the flat lake, while going up, it was a saphire spot with another charm.

Cool shot indeed. Btw, sorry for the off topic, are you going to show up at the Krakow Hive meet up? :)

Yep, that's my plan :)

Cool! How about a little beer session before/after the official program? :) If I go, I will be the only Czech representative there and you know, we cannot survive without beer for too long :D

Let's do it!

If we will find Czech beer we can go before, otherwise after :) To be serious though, it depends more on the timetable I guess.

Sounds right haha, I actually know of a Czech pub on the Mostowa Street in Kazimierz but never been there :) Alright mate, we will keep in touch. I would love to go but I´m yet to confirm my attendance.

Seems that he already answered :) Thanks for stopping by!

Beautiful views 😍

Indeed. We had really cool entries in the last round. Thanks for checking them out :)

Congratulations to the three spectacular entries.

Thanks for checking them out! :)

You're welcome, my friend.

Lovely sceneries :)

Yeah, I´m very happy with the last round´s output :)

That 'play of lights' as you put it, is incredible! Looks like a thin narrow land bridge over queasy hights haha.

Incredible indeed but it was not me :) That´s @deepresearch´s winning entry from Poland :)

Congratulations to all the winners <3

Thanks for checking out their contributions! :)

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Kvalitka :-). Jsem opravdu zvědav, jak se s tím porota vypořádá :-)
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Díky. A díky :D

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Beautiful entries. Glad to see who picked the best ones.

Well, I pick the winners :D Glad that you approve my choice though :)

Congratulations to all the winners and participants.

Thanks for checking them out, feel free to join us in the new round :)

Yes I will for sure.

Many many congratulations to the winners.

Thanks for stopping by and for approving that Ecency boost, much appreciated :)

Most welcome.

Beautiful entries.
Reviewed and Approved for an Ecency boost. Keep up the good work.

Wave Media

Yay! 🤗
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I love this snap

Thanks, this one is mine :)

You're welcome (^_^)

Thanks very much! Sadly, again I probably won't be participating for a while. This & the next weekend, I'll have some job training. (So, probably too tired to go out. & too tired to do my job properly.)

No problem mate, join us whenever you want :) Btw I didn´t know that you came to India for work, I thought it was your holiday... Are you going to live there?

Only for half a year, then I'm supposed to move on to the Philippines to teach there for another 6 months.
I don't really do holidays. Not much of a traveler, it's too much stress. I do rarely go to places just to visit them.

I see. It´s still cool though :) Enjoy your stay in those exotic places!

Beautiful compilation of photos, the participants have my congratulations really great job!

Thanks for leaving this nice feedback here for them :)

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.