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In addition to receiving votes on any comments that you bring to the community, you will also be competing for a prize for doing so.
As more unique users comment, more prizes will be drawn. Up to 10 participants are 3 winners, from 11 to 19 participants are 5 winners. From 20 to 29 participants 8 winners. If we manage to reach 30 participants, there will be 11 winners.
These votes will not hinder the trail, as it votes only on posts and not comments.
You can also try your luck in an extra lottery by purchasing a ticket. This ticket will give
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To get one, just transfer 1 POB to @vempromundo.pob, this will serve to increase the voting power, and consequently give bigger votes to the winners. (The limit you can purchase is 1 per day, if you transfer for example 10 POB, you will compete with 1 ticket per day for 10 days).
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Good morning everyone ,
I am joining this discussion after a long time. I was busy with my wedding , i am writing here as i have got some time and i hope everyone is doing fine here.
Have a nice day ✌️
i would like to welcome you back to the room , i would like you to share some pictures and cakes
Weddings are even more precious in 2021.
So many blessing to you and your family.
@kamran-rkploy, you've been given LUV from @mineopoly.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (6/10)
Glad your wedding went well. Hope there weren't too many covid restrictions and everyone was able to have a good time!
Good morning!
Yes, we are all doing fine. Hope the wedding preparations is going okay?
Welcome back great community finally you got it a new weeded husband Congratulations God of Union
Yes his wife to be not yet married..
Wow, I thought he has join the club of married men which I believe very soon he will be on the list of married men
congratulations Almighty will blessed their union any day any time they bringing together as the husband and wife
stay blessed
Ameen to all your prayers ..
Glad to have you back here @kamran-rkploy, and big congrats to you and your wife for your wedding may your new home be bless with happiness.
Yes his wife to be not yet married..
Ooh! Okay thanks for pointing that out. It thought it is done already .
Good morning, we are all doing fine and congratulation to you, God will bless the reunion and more blessings and progress in your home.
Morning to you boss I greet you personally,how you night ad member of the family sir.
Sorry not to ask early on, how the preparation sir?
Good morning. Guess you are done with your wedding now? Congratulations Kamran. Glad to have you back here
Congratulations man, I hope you and your wife have a long and prosperous life.
Congratulations friend, So finally you are a married man. Greetings and best wishes to both newly weds. Enjoy the moment 😊👍

Wow I can't wait to receive my too,
good evening to everyone, I believe we are all doing fine and how has been the weekend with us wish us all the best
Evening man. Having an awesome weekend over here with a lot of resting. Trust you are also having a great time too? A little sad the weekend is gradually winding up. I believe I need a lot of break. I guess we all do. Wish you best too man. Have a lovely day.
IGood evening my brother from another mother,I greet you personally.my precious weekend is awesome,great and good due to some reason beyond my thinking ad capacity, most important I appreciate the life.
Yesterday's Winners
14 participants - 5 Prizes
100%: @sugandhaseth 80%: @chincoculbert 60%: @vikbuddy 40%: @mineopoly 20%: @profdanzy
Extra Prize (Ticket)
Congratulations to all the lucky winners.
Congratulations to me and my co winner,I wish all of us to continue winning,and dose their name is not in list should also see their name in the next list.
Big congrats to you and your fellow winners ,am next for a big win🤩
Wow big congrats to the winners,@ that's the reward you get for engaging well...I hope I also get to be rewarded soon..
Congratulations to the winners
How do you get the most out of your time? Like do you plan and make schedule?
Is it always possible to get the most out of the time we have in our hands?
Not really, to me it's not even always the time but more the energy and focus. For some planning might help with that but for me it's more flow with the go and be aware when I need to slow down a little
When you realize that this is not really your time then you can get the most out of it.
Time is either a gift or it is borrowed.
The moment you realize this simple fact then you can enjoy the time you are given instead of trying to get something out of time.
I guess it was modernization and productivity that gave us the notion that we were due something for our time. Countries have a minimum wage law per hour not per labor or per productivity so we feel obligated to get something for "our" time.
If anything time itself is what we have recieved and now a minute of time has escaped me. I will always have the memories of !LUV
@esmeesmith, you've been given LUV from @mineopoly.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. LUV changes soon. (8/10)
I plan and make schedule by operating some sort of a to do list. It helps me stay organized and better prepared for the day ahead.
It depends on an individual, because we all knw that we all have 24hour a day.but do you know the rich men have more than 24hour a days, ask me why?
So back to your questions how do get the most out your time? I believe with the concrete plan, ad let the body is aware that so so time I wl put this to work or so so this time things like this wl happen. As a Muslim we do pray with the interval of time and once it is time to pray the body chemistry wil tell u is time to pray,that is why I said it depend on an individual.
Hello there!
Nice question;
I get the most out of my time by scheduling my activities, for each day. And i make sure i arrange my schedules according to urgency and importance. That way i don't leave an urgent task for later.
I don't schedule, but I do use lists. As in I list things that need to be done, no matter how small, so I don't forget. Then I cross things off when I've done them. Some days are more productive than others.
Yup, same here. Just doing things on the list as I go along
I like to stick to a schedule and work around that to make sure I'm not leaving anything unattended. There are times when it's difficult to do so but I just try my best
I work with schedule. I believe they are great to manage the little time one has in a day. It helps one to tick every boxes and tasks before the day runs out. It is sometimes difficult to tick all but it sure helps to keep one within the time
Wow it's now done and dosted, you are now a married man hope the preparations is not too stressful for you Congratulation to you man
you are now there. May Almighty blessed your union
More also are welcome back to the great community to see the great people we have missed you man. Welcome back once again
Greetings everyone! It's the weekend again, time to cool off a bit.
Question: How do you handle disagreement or conflict between friends, partners, family etc.
It is a great weekend indeed, but it was somehow stressful here because have been busy with some work since morning.
The way to handle friend, partner that do disagreement, I will just be calm and be looking at him or her because that particular time he is argue with me.
And I answered him it might lead to great fight, tBecause you know some disagreement is bad sometime that when you are through with it done you will now come to your sense that you should have calm down.
So by than it Will lead to regret, so to avoid any form of regrets and for peace to raise among us, I will just keep quiet and be looking at him or leave him and go out from his present.
So that he will come back to his Sense and if he did not he is the one that have the problem, but I will always causion myself.
By causion yourself not to misbehave.
Avoid is word and focus on your life.
And always forget or delete his word from your memory.
And never put your mind in his behaviors or attitude, just see him that he did not mature
This is a very good one from you and I indeed love your contribution to this after reading it and I just hope that more can be done in that aspect of your view and contribution mate
Hmmmmm, what a question which nobody escaped that.i believe in life one way or the other someone must have disagreement either from friend or family.because there is an adage saying you can put eggs in a basket without touching each other,so to me we are meant to agree ad disagree,how to handle disagreement or conflict between friends,partners and family ?
To the best of my knowledge
1 avoid gossipping
2 be positive
3 focus on your EL
4 manage your boundaries
5 appreciate others
With all this above is avoided, when disagreement or conflict between friend, family and partner come up. the wisdom of the lord will surly do it job.
What does EL mean?
A hug goes a long way.
A simple demonstration of affection. I love that
It really does help when a person is stressed. Many times they just want to be heard and respected. ^^
Yes ooh with mind set ooh
@profdanzy, you've been given LUV from @mineopoly.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. LUV changes soon. (10/10)
I personally struggle with this a lot.
So I am definitely going to watch out for some good answers here.
I find handling the people and the arguments lot harder.
Hehehe i think i will wait for other member's comments for me to learn from this your question as it's i am struggling handling this myself presently.
I think it helps when you try to focus on the problem itself and not see the person as the problem. It also helps when both parties are willing to give each other the benefit of doubt.
Good day blezyn. Happy weekend. About the question in ground, I simply bring it up and discuss on the matter responsible for the disagreement or conflict . I am not one to let it hang in my chest. Over time I have also learnt conflict will come in matters of relationship, running from it or addressing it will always make it worse.
I like to take the same approach too. Face the issue head on and come to a mutually beneficial conclusion
Exactly. That's the way it ought to go if we value certain relationships
Hello friends happy weekend, it is nice to show up here again today.
people don't succeed because they are destined to, they succeed because they are determined to.
Stay determine and lets have some good engagement again today.
Quite with this quote. Destiny is all about fulfilling ones goal. One can't just stroll into success. No one ever achieved it by doing nothing. It important to stay focused and determined. That way one get to fulfil purpose and destiny
Good morning to everyone it hope your night is Okay and we are here again which we can do more than before and don't forget engagement is the key
let's go and do the way we always
Happy weekend to you all
Good morning my beloved people of great community (pob),I greet you all with the greeting that supercede all greeting which Assalamu alikum warahamatulahi wabarktuhu.meaning may the blessing, adoration and the wisdom of the almighty Allah be with you all ameen.
How was our night and last night party,I hope each ad everyone us enjoy his or her good Friday because it we call it good Friday and we thank GOD is Friday...
Hello everyone, Greetings. Happy weekend to y'all. I have a quick question.
If given the sum of 1000 USD, which crypto assets would you be investing in right now for short term and long term. Thinking of diversifying some spare money on hive and other tokens here and outside here. Would really love some recommendations?
Greeting answer to you boss!!!
Good afternoon everyone in this great community,
My question of the moment.it just stratch my mind and it goes this way,
What are the limit for a man to be patient with a trouble wife?please I want to learn before falling to the word of marriage, because a grade one bachelor i live a simple life no trouble and no queries
Greetings to you too man. Trust you are having a great weekend?
If I were to invest in some crypto assets given that sum, I'd get HBd, POB within hive and outside hive I'd go for Doge or Eth
This are really good suggestions. Been considering this ones too. Thanks for the feedback
It depends on an individual, your choice is also perfect and awesome.
You're right it depends on the individual. Which would you go for?
If I am to go for great tokens around here that I believe have great potentials, I will go with cub, Leo, POB ofcourse then some dividends tokens like index,dhedge, Utopis, eds and the likes. Outside hive blockchain, some DeFi tokens look quite appealing has they tend to give high Apr. Cake, banana etc comes to mind. Also some top 10 cryptos like BTC, eth, ada are good ones too for the long term.
Tanks for the advertisement, I personally adore your good jobs
Wasn't an advert. Just a recommendation
You seem to have lot of knowledge concerning cryptocurrency. These tokens shared seem quite great. Loving the dividend tokens as they look to have some stability. The DeFi also seem like good ones, just skeptical about some has I don't want to get rugged pulled. I appreciate you for the time taken for recommending. I will have do my little my research before concluding on which of them to go for. Thanks for sharing man.
Been in this space for sometime now so I know a little. Very important you do your research. My pleasure man
That is quite obvious. Really appreciate it man
Hi fam
It's been a while, too bad i have missed a lot here... I have battling sickness for some days now, thank God I'm getting better..
Who missed me? 😏
Hello there, Hope you're feeling much better now?
Oh sorry man. Been Ill can really weigh one down. Must confess we miss around here. Great to know you are recovering nicely. Do well to have enough sleep so you heal completely.
Sorry man!! I wish you quick recovery also may the lord be your strength
Hope you get better soon
Thanks boss, I'm getting better...
hello everyone here, i have been busy all this while, not been able to engage much but i have to stop by and say hello
Yeap really I notice that, never theless you are welcome brother,
yes thank you it shows that I am registered in your mind
Hello house,hope we are all doing great? How is the weekend going? I had a cool and less free day,which started with prayer to God, cooked ,ate and finished up with office work on my tablet..then had a good sleep...sometimes we need to relax and take a break so that we can be more effective,stress isnt good for our body and mind. Let's develop a stress relief strategy ..some relieve their self of stress by just sleeping,some by going out to catch some fun,some through exercise,some by spending time with loved ones,some by watching movies,some by laughing😁😀..and many more,which ever way you know how to,reduce stress as much as you can and always stay positive..love you all
Pls if you have any idea concerning that,pls it wil be welcome sir.
Hello @beegold your day sounds amazing, am glad you where able to relax and refresh yourself against the coming new week. Taking some time out is really important to our well being.
Thanks @funshee
Great way to start the day with prayers. It is important we commit the activities of each day to our Father who hath in Heaven. You seem to have really had a nice day. Great to have enough sleep has it refreshes and reenergizes us to become more productive. May fail to give themselves enough rest which ultimately caused them to break down. Having enough rest relieves us of the stress that our body might have accumulated. I do well to stay indoors most especially with family and do lot of movie watching. Thanks for the other ways shared also. Happy Sunday to you . Do have a wonderful week ahead
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
Hello Friends, Greetings 🙏😊
Although many times we think we know what are the most important things in our daily life, it seems that we forget the essence of it, we forget to smile, love, help those who need it and above all we forget that the most important thing in our day Today is having the certainty that God is the one who leads us by the hand and that if he is by our side then material things are less important, by focusing our mind on doing good, loving our neighbor and working hard with optimism the things that we long for will not be long in coming .. you just have to have faith in GOD the whole time.
Enjoy Your Weekend 👍
Only one word
Yes love, because with the love GOD created this world and with it encompasses.
Well spoken.
@vikbuddy, you've been given LUV from @mineopoly.
Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (7/10)
How's your day going today friend? Any outing today with the kids?

Ho ho ho...
Busy day
Making a commercial for the city of Seoul... Taekwondo dance.
When will you invite me for this city now? I can't wait to be with you in a second,just give me go ahead and the next you wl see me.
Travel is difficult between nations these days @profdanzy,
What country are you staying in?
$PIZZA@profdanzy! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @mineopoly.
Did you know you can trade $PIZZA on Hive-Engine, Tribaldex, or LeoDex? (7/10)
Wow, that's seems interesting and fun. Enjoy the day off, have some rest too, sleep well 😄🙏
Yeap!!that is all about weekend eat sleep and feel relaxed.
Yes oo weekend are to relax and eat, but if you have party you can attend to celebrate with people and have fun day.
$PIZZA@mineopoly! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @vikbuddy.
Did you know PIZZA team has a curation trail with 29 followers? (5/10)
Yes ooh I agree with you, simple the word GOD everything is possible In human life, because life come before time if there is not life who wl talk about tim.iz when you are alive you talk about time.
You're right, we sometimes forget the main essence of life and just live through it doing what we think is most important. But it is the things that we neglect sometimes that really matters, love for one another, helping people, smile it all makes our lives better in the end
Good morning bby funshee,hw was Ur night and the weekend going? I wish you the very best of the weekend.
Good morning @vibuddy thank you 🙏 for your words of encouragements and wisdom always. Having faith in God believing and trusting him for directions always after doing our very best is everything 👌
Stay bless Vibuddy.
Good morning bby funshee,hw was Ur night and the weekend going? I wish you the very best of the weekend.
Hello friend, my weekend is going on well, I did not have much of activities today other than my weekend cleanup , went for grocery shopping for the coming week and take some rest.
I hope yours is going on well as also?
That is the good things that will help to focus here, after take a rest and clean or tidy up your house.
And you will have time for yourself.
Exactly @hookup.pob our body system need rest and self cares.
Yes ooh for we that is grade one bachelor,no house wife no house help.
Yes dear my weekend is ok, and blessed GOD for the life .
Hello there! I hope your week is going on smoothly?
Yes oo having faith in God and trusting him for directions is the important, because his the only one that can direct us rightly and he will never miss lead us.