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RE: Abstinence and habit-breaking

in Galenkp's Stufflast year

I think it's ok in reasonable amounts, but the five cups I was drinking a day was too much for various reasons I've outlined in other comments on this post. It's all a personal choice though, what worlks for one may not work for the other. I enjoy coffee though, so will have it, just in smaller amounts.


Man! 5 cups a day is too much I'd say, 2 cups is fine. I'm good with one hot cup a day. The highest I went in one day was 4 cups I think, my wife and I were on a crazy streak for some reason. We finished our last cup at 2 AM that morning lol. 😂

Coffee at 2am? I'd be up for a week!

I think I've allowed my intake to increase a little out of control hence the pull-back. I only had one yesterday and am planning on none today. Small steps right?

Coffee at 2am? I'd be up for a week!

Yeah, whenever my wife is around all the coffee drinking goes off the rails sometimes. 😂

I only had one yesterday and am planning on none today. Small steps right?

Always, one by one, slow and steady. This always works in the long run. You can't just get rid of a habit or diet just instantaneously.

Yeah, slowly does it.