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RE: LeoThread 2024-11-03 15:47

in LeoFinance4 months ago

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Edition #121
November 3


Presidente do Santos cogita despedida da Série B no Allianz Parque e abre votação

Presidente do Santos, Marcelo Teixeira cogita levar a última partida do time como mandante na Série B do Brasileirão para o Allianz Parque. O dirigente abriu uma votação em seu Instagram para a torcida santista opinar sobre o local para o duelo da 37ª rodada da competição.


A escolha é entre a casa palmeirense ou a Vila Viva Sorte para o jogo contra o CRB, que será a penúltima rodada da competição, no dia 17 deste mês. Depois, o Santos ainda vai enfrentar o Sport, dia 24 de novembro, na Ilha do Retiro, em Recife.

Qualquer usuário da rede social que vá no perfil do presidente pode participar da votação, que, por enquanto, está sendo vencida por boa margem pelo Allianz Parque, cuja capacidade é superior à da Vila Viva Sorte, palco da vitória por 3 a 0 sobre o Vila Nova no último sábado.

A possibilidade é uma surpresa já que o próprio presidente havia dito que os rivais não tinham mais a intenção de emprestarem seus estádios para o Santos. Ao longo de 2024, o Peixe jogou na Neo Química Arena e no Morumbis.

De acordo com a agenda de shows do Allianz, haverá eventos grandes no estádio nos dias 15 e 16, justamente os que antecedem o jogo contra o CRB. Serão dois shows da banda Linkin Park.

A morte de Senna foi o fim da minha infância. Hoje Hamilton me levou de volta para ela

O escritor argentino Julio Cortázar tem um conto precioso, chamado “O Perseguidor”, sobre os últimos dias de vida do jazzista Charlie Parker. Há um trecho, particularmente marcante, em que o músico relata ao narrador a estranheza de uma sensação experimentada no metrô de Paris.

#sports #f1

Ele conta que dentro do vagão, com o trem em movimento, se perdeu em memórias distantes. Voltou ao bairro da infância, ao rosto dos amigos, à imagem da mãe retornando do mercado com as compras. Relembrou, com nitidez, cenas, vozes e cores. Resgatou diálogos. Reviveu o passado como se fosse presente. E então vem o espanto: ele percebe que, enquanto lembrava de tudo isso, o metrô havia percorrido apenas uma estação.

Lembrei do conto na manhã deste domingo, ao navegar pelo feed infinito das redes sociais e me deparar com Lewis Hamilton dirigindo a McLaren de Ayrton Senna em Interlagos. O vídeo devia ter menos de dois minutos – a distância entre uma estação e outra. Mas ele me transportou, feito o personagem de Cortázar, de volta para a infância – para cheiros, gostos e sons que estavam guardados em algum porão da minha memória.

Onde você estava quando Ayrton Senna morreu? Eu estava em Canoas (RS), na sala do meu melhor amigo, com quem costumava assistir às corridas – e com quem colecionava figurinhas de F1, e na casa de quem dormia para vermos juntos as provas de madrugada, e com quem debatia infinitamente quem era melhor, se Senna ou Mansell, Senna ou Prost, Senna ou Piquet. Eu estava na casa dele quando Senna bateu e estava na casa dele quando a Globo interrompeu a programação para anunciar, na voz de Roberto Cabrini, que Ayrton Senna da Silva estava morto. Foi ele que eu vi chorando quando eu, também chorando, olhei para o lado em busca de alguma explicação: como Senna poderia estar morto?

O vídeo de Hamilton pilotando a McLaren de Senna neste domingo de manhã, na pista molhada de Interlagos, também me levou de volta à casa dos meus avós em Garibaldi, na serra gaúcha: os tios na sala vendo a corrida, as tias na cozinha preparando a salada de maionese, a cuia de chimarrão passando de mão em mão, o cheiro de churrasco saindo do porão, escalando a parede e entrando pela janela, Galvão Bueno gritando “Ayrton, Ayrton, Ayrton Senna do Brasil” – e aquela sensação de que todos nós, a família inteira, havíamos vencido, porque Senna era indissociável de nossos domingos, porque Senna era um de nós.

Eu tinha 12 anos quando Senna morreu. Os hormônios estavam desordenados, a voz ora engrossava, ora esganiçava, o corpo crescia todo desengonçado, as gurias da escola ficavam cada dia mais bonitas, os pensamentos apontavam para a adolescência, mas havia uma resistência da infância, ela não queria ir embora. E aí o Senna morreu. E na segunda-feira, ao despertar com Senna morto, ao encarar um mundo que nos ensinava que até Ayrton Senna poderia morrer, era como se a infância tivesse acabado – até Hamilton me transportar de volta para ela em um vídeo de menos de dois minutos de duração.

Para quem tem menos de 40 anos, isso tudo pode parecer um sentimentalismo exagerado. E, bom, talvez seja mesmo. Mas não deixa de ser impressionante a capacidade que Ayrton Senna teve para se infiltrar no cotidiano de uma geração inteira – a ponto de, mais de duas décadas após sua morte, ainda conseguir transportá-la de volta para aquelas manhãs de domingo.

Presidente do Santos cogita despedida da Série B no Allianz Parque e abre votação

Presidente do Santos, Marcelo Teixeira cogita levar a última partida do time como mandante na Série B do Brasileirão para o Allianz Parque. O dirigente abriu uma votação em seu Instagram para a torcida santista opinar sobre o local para o duelo da 37ª rodada da competição.

#sports #santos

A escolha é entre a casa palmeirense ou a Vila Viva Sorte para o jogo contra o CRB, que será a penúltima rodada da competição, no dia 17 deste mês. Depois, o Santos ainda vai enfrentar o Sport, dia 24 de novembro, na Ilha do Retiro, em Recife.

Qualquer usuário da rede social que vá no perfil do presidente pode participar da votação, que, por enquanto, está sendo vencida por boa margem pelo Allianz Parque, cuja capacidade é superior à da Vila Viva Sorte, palco da vitória por 3 a 0 sobre o Vila Nova no último sábado.

A possibilidade é uma surpresa já que o próprio presidente havia dito que os rivais não tinham mais a intenção de emprestarem seus estádios para o Santos. Ao longo de 2024, o Peixe jogou na Neo Química Arena e no Morumbis.

De acordo com a agenda de shows do Allianz, haverá eventos grandes no estádio nos dias 15 e 16, justamente os que antecedem o jogo contra o CRB. Serão dois shows da banda Linkin Park.

Veja o que Marcelo disse que irritou Mano antes da rescisão com o Fluminense

Marcelo não é mais jogador do Fluminense. Após se desentender com Mano Menezes no empate por 2 a 2 com o Grêmio, o lateral rompeu o vínculo com o Tricolor em comum acordo no início da tarde deste sábado. A relação do jogador com o técnico já não era boa. Mas a gota d'água foi uma reclamação no gramado do Maracanã, quando o lateral disse:

#sports #fluminense

O treinador do Fluminense, em entrevista coletiva, relatou ter ouvido "algo que não gostou". Nos bastidores, o tom do entrevero gerou a sensação de que o clube teria poucas alternativas a não ser rescindir com Marcelo. Tudo foi resolvido no início deste sábado.

A rescisão de Marcelo reforça o respaldo a Mano Menezes no trato com medalhões no Fluminense. O pulso firme do experiente treinador o credenciou como um bom nome para lidar com um vestiário que tinha importantes medalhões, como Thiago Silva, Marcelo e Felipe Melo.

A expectativa não era de que os jogadores mais velhos fossem barrados apenas pela idade, mas sim de que Mano administrasse e retirasse quem não o agradava ou apresentava baixo rendimento. Era um perfil desejado pela diretoria desde a contratação, em julho.

Na reta final do jogo no Maracanã, Marcelo entraria no lugar de Lima. Mano passava orientações, mas se irritou com um comentário e mandou o jogador retornar ao banco. O técnico não quis expôr publicamente o motivo do desentendimento. O teor da conversa foi publicado inicialmente pela Trivela e confirmado pelo ge.

Marcelo se despede do Fluminense com 68 jogos nesta segunda passagem pelo time profissional - antes de seguir rumo ao Real Madrid, ele participou da temporada 2006. Desde que retornou ao Brasil, em 2023, o lateral marcou cinco gols e também deu três assistências.

Intervalo no jogo da final da Copa do Brasil.

Giants on fast track to irrelevance with another despicable home loss to Commanders

The Giants wore jerseys from their glory days but showed once again they're in a gory daze with a home loss to the Commanders.

This was called a Legacy Game for the Giants, as on a sun-slashed Autumnal Sunday they donned the traditional uniforms they wore from 1980-99, a span in which they won two Super Bowls.

There were some glory days in those jerseys, unlike the present day gory daze that has the franchise in a depressing and prolonged state of regression.

#nygiants #commanders #nfl #sports #football

It was more of the same as Week 9 came and went with the Giants doing a little of this and a little of that and not nearly enough of anything that allows a team to actually win a game.

They trailed from start to finish and never put a serious scare in the Commanders in a routine 27-22 loss at MetLife Stadium that got just a bit interesting late in the fourth quarter.

It is now a four-game losing streak for the Giants (2-7) who are on the fast track to irrelevance, if they aren’t already there.

Their despicable track record in front of their own fans grew even more unsightly, as they are 0-5 at home this season.

They did score a couple of touchdowns, though, and that has been a rarity for them anywhere in the vicinity of the Meadowlands sports complex.

Reasons for Ezekiel Elliott's shocking Cowboys benching revealed

News has emerged as to why the Cowboys decided to leave running back Ezekiel Elliott home from their road trip to Atlanta.

News has emerged as to why the Cowboys decided to leave running back Ezekiel Elliott home from their road trip to Atlanta.

Multiple outlets reported on Saturday that Elliott would be a healthy scratch for unspecified “disciplinary reasons.”

#dallascowboys #nfl #sports #ezekialelliott #football

NFL Media reporter Jane Slater reported Sunday that the benching was for a body of work as Elliott is said to have been “distracted” this season.

“Aside from habitual tardiness, he’s missed three team meetings with Friday’s meeting the final straw. Both parties decided it was best he didn’t make the trip to Atlanta,” Slater wrote on X.

The 29-year-old Elliott spent his first seven NFL seasons with the Cowboys and returned to Dallas this year after playing last season in New England.

It has not been a productive reunion, as Elliott has 48 rushes for 149 yards — 3.1 yards per carry — and two touchdowns in seven games this year.

Saints' Chris Olave carted off with second concussion of season, taken to hospital after scary hit

He was coming across the middle when he was sandwiched by two defenders.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — New Orleans Saints wide receiver Chris Olave has been taken to Carolinas Medical Center after suffering a concussion in the first quarter of Sunday’s game against the Carolina Panthers following a hit from safety Xavier Woods.

He has been ruled out for the remainder of the game with his second concussion of the season.

#nfl #chrisolave #neworleans #saints #widereceiver #injury #sports

Olave was coming across the middle on a pass route when he was sandwiched by Woods and cornerback Dane Jackson. Woods appeared to lead with his shoulder, but collided with Olave’s head as he was attempting to catch the ball on the run.

Immediately four flags came flying and Woods was penalized for unnecessary roughness.

Olave remained on the field for several minutes being attended to by trainers. He was placed on a backboard and carted off the field.

He was moving his arms as he was carted to the locker room.

Tyrique Stevenson pulled himself from Bears practice after learning of demotion over Hail Mary blunder

Tyrique Stevenson won’t get the chance to taunt any fans to start Sunday's game, with the Bears reportedly giving the cornerback a "one-week demotion."

Tyrique Stevenson won’t get the chance to taunt any fans to start the Bears’ game Sunday.

The second-year cornerback, who has started 21 of 22 possible games since Chicago selected him in the second round of last year’s NFL draft, was disciplined by the team after he taunted Commanders fans moments before the receiver he needed to box out caught Jayden Daniels’ game-winning Hail Mary heave in Week 8.

#nfl #chicagobears #nfl #sports

And as a result, he won’t begin the Bears’ Week 9 game against the Cardinals on the field, instead rotating with cornerback Terell Smith in what reported as a “one-week demotion.”

The outlet added that Stevenson underwent a “multi-step process” this week to take accountability for what went wrong and demonstrate that he learned from the costly gaffe, with his shift to the bench reportedly the final layer before he returns to the starting lineup.

But when Stevenson found out about the demotion Wednesday, he “pulled himself out of practice,” according to Fox Sports — something that “didn’t exactly go over great inside that locker room.”

Joel Embiid shoves reporter for bringing up 'my dead brother and my son' in scathing column

Joel Embiid, who has been feuding with the media recently, took it to a physical level on Saturday night.

The 76ers center shoved Philadelphia Inquirer columnist Marcus Hayes following Philadelphia’s 124-107 home loss to the Grizzlies, taking issue with his recent column that referenced the player’s late brother and son — both named Arthur — but no punches were thrown.

#76ers #philadelphia #joelembiid #nba #basketball

The incident came a day after Embiid directly mentioned Hayes after he wrote his scathing column calling the center “the least-dependable superstar in the history of the game,” while also referencing his family members.

Projecting Pete Alonso’s Next Contract Ahead Of Free Agency

It was certainly a magical season for the New York Mets in 2024. With the deep run, the turnaround to the offseason is much, much quicker. Monday marks the opening of free agency and the Mets have several that are set to hit the open market. Of those, none are more prominent than New York’s first baseman Pete Alonso.

#nymets #petealonso #mlb #baseball #sports

Alonso is set to be one of the top bats on the market. Across his six years with the Mets, he has slugged 226 home runs, the second-most in the majors over this time, trailing only soon to be two-time American League MVP Aaron Judge (232). Alonso has been one of the most impactful power bats since entering the league in 2019, owning a 134 OPS+ and a career OPS of .854. Bringing him back would likely result in Alonso smashing the franchise’s all-time home run record, which currently sits at 252 (Darryl Strawberry).

Furthering the emotional aspect of the situation, Alonso had arguably one of the biggest home runs in team history this postseason. His go-ahead, three-run shot in Game 3 of the Wild Card Series against the Milwaukee Brewers will go down in Mets history. Add in his terrific track record, and the fact he is on pace to smash all kinds of Mets power records, it’s extremely hard to balance the emotion of wanting to retain a potential franchise legend with what is smartest for the team.

Of course, a reunion will be largely dependent on one thing; the new contract. Alonso is by no means old, as he will be only 30 come the beginning of 2025. However, once you get on the wrong side of 30, a player’s prime quickly gets farther and farther away. So, despite the emotional aspect of the situation, the Mets must be careful.

Furthering the emotional aspect of the situation, Alonso had arguably one of the biggest home runs in team history this postseason. His go-ahead, three-run shot in Game 3 of the Wild Card Series against the Milwaukee Brewers will go down in Mets history. Add in his terrific track record, and the fact he is on pace to smash all kinds of Mets power records, it’s extremely hard to balance the emotion of wanting to retain a potential franchise legend with what is smartest for the team.

Of course, a reunion will be largely dependent on one thing; the new contract. Alonso is by no means old, as he will be only 30 come the beginning of 2025. However, once you get on the wrong side of 30, a player’s prime quickly gets farther and farther away. So, despite the emotional aspect of the situation, the Mets must be careful.

Projecting the Deal

With all that being said, what is a realistic deal Alonso may sign in the offseason while on the open market?

Sportstrac projects a six-year deal worth nearly $30 million per season and $174 million overall. Meanwhile, the Athletic is projecting a seven-year deal worth $189 million total, good for an average annual value of $27 million per season. Either way, it appears Alonso made the correct decision in betting on himself, and not accepting the, at-the-time, very competitive offer the Mets made during the 2023 season.

A realistic prediction for Alonso’s next deal would seem way closer to the Athletic’s projection rather than the hefty projection by Sportstrac. Netting a deal larger or equal to the one that Freddie Freeman signed (six-year deal worth $162 million; $27 million annually) seems unrealistic. Granted, Freeman did sign the deal at 32 years old, and Alonso will only be 29/30. However, throughout his career Freeman has been a comfortably better player than Alonso has been.

With all that being said, the power Alonso possesses is rare. Despite the down season, he’s still only 30 years old. There is no reason to believe that he can’t get back closer to his career averages after a “career-worst” year where he still slugged over 30 homers and had an above-average OPS.

Final Verdict: Six-year deal worth $151.5 million ($25.25 million annually)

Here is an old one:

Report: Steve Cohen in Negotiations to Buy Mets After Winning Bid

Aug 29, 2020

According to David Faber of CNBC, Steve Cohen has entered exclusive negotiations to buy the Mets and is expected to reach a deal to purchase the team within days.

Thornton McEnery of the New York Post backs up that report, saying that Cohen did win the bid to buy the Mets.

Cohen would need approval from 23 of 30 owners to become the owner of the Mets.

#nymets #mlb #stevecohen #sports #ownership

Steve Cohen completes $2.4 billion purchase of New York Mets

Nov 6, 2020

The sale of the New York Mets to new owner Steve Cohen is now official, he announced Friday.

NEW YORK -- Hedge fund manager Steve Cohen completed his $2.4 billion purchase of the New York Mets on Friday, ending the Wilpon family's control of the franchise after 34 mostly frustrating years.

Cohen became chief executive officer and hired former Mets general manager Sandy Alderson as team president in his first move. The sale ended Jeff Wilpon's tenure as chief operating officer.

"This is a significant milestone in the history of this storied franchise," Cohen said in a statement. "The 2021 season is right around the corner and we've got a lot of work to do, so I'm excited to get started.''

The purchase, approved 26-4 by baseball owners on Oct. 30, is worth $2.4 billion to $2.45 billion. It is a record price for a baseball team, topping the $2 billion sale of the Los Angeles Dodgers from Frank McCourt to Guggenheim Baseball Management in 2012. An entity controlled by Cohen owns 95% of the franchise, and the Wilpon and Katz families retain 5% of the team.

Cohen pledged to inject about $9.5 million in additional payments this offseason for pandemic-hit employees. The 64-year-old Cohen is CEO and president of Point72 Asset Management. He first bought an 8% limited partnership stake in the Mets in 2012 for $40 million.

The publisher Doubleday & Co. bought the Mets on Jan. 24, 1980, from the family of founding owner Joan Payson for $21.1 million, with the company owning 95% of the team and Fred Wilpon controlling 5%. When Doubleday & Co. was sold to Bertelsmann AG, the publisher sold its shares of the team on Nov. 14, 1986, for $80.75 million to Fred Wilpon and Nelson Doubleday, who became 50-50 owners. That sale happened weeks after the Mets won their second World Series title following the surprise championship by the 1969 Miracle Mets.

Fred Wilpon and his Sterling Equities partners headed by brother-in-law Saul Katz completed his buyout of Doubleday on Aug. 23, 2002, ending what had become an acrimonious partnership. Under the original appraisal, Doubleday would have received $137.9 million -- half the team's $391 million value after accounting for debt. Wilpon sued, and the sides then settled.

Jeff Wilpon, Fred's son, became chief operating officer. The Mets failed to win any titles under the Wilpons' time of sole control and their final dozen years were hampered by financial losses from the Bernard Madoff Ponzi scheme.

Cohen controlled SAC Capital Advisors, which in 2013 pleaded guilty to criminal fraud charges. SAC agreed to pay a $900 million fine and forfeit another $900 million to the federal government, though $616 million that SAC companies had already agreed to pay to settle parallel actions by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission was to be deducted from the $1.8 billion.

Cowboys lose QB Dak Prescott to hamstring injury

ATLANTA -- The Dallas Cowboys lost quarterback Dak Prescott to a hamstring injury early in the fourth quarter of Sunday's 27-21 loss to the Atlanta Falcons.

The Cowboys were trailing 27-13 when Prescott was ruled out with 11:08 to play in the fourth. Television replays showed Prescott grimace after a 10-yard completion to Jalen Brooks on the Cowboys' final drive of the third quarter.

#dallascowboys #nfl #dakprescott #sports #injury

Prescott had a season-high 30 yards rushing, including a 22-yard gain on a second-quarter scoring drive. It was the Cowboys' longest run of the season and Prescott entered the game with 24 yards rushing on the season.

Prescott completed 18 of 24 passes for 133 yards and a touchdown before he left. Replays also showed Prescott with a swollen hand, but the Cowboys have not made an announcement about a possible injury to his hand.

Oregon remains atop AP Top 25 ahead of first CFP rankings

Oregon was the unanimous choice for No. 1 in The Associated Press college football poll on Sunday, strengthening its bid for the top spot in the College Football Playoff selection committee's first rankings of the season.

The Ducks are No. 1 in the AP Top 25 for the third straight week, and unanimous for the first time, following their 21-point road win against Michigan.

Georgia, which received one No. 1 vote last week, remained No. 2 after overcoming Carson Beck's three interceptions and pulling away late to beat Florida.

#ncaa #football #rankings

Sources: Royals retain Michael Wacha on 3-year, $51M deal

Right-hander Michael Wacha and the Kansas City Royals agreed on a three-year, $51 million contract that includes a fourth-year club option and can max out at $72 million, sources told ESPN.

The Royals announced the deal Sunday but did not disclose terms.

Wacha, 33, was expected to opt out of the final year of the two-year, $32 million deal he signed with the Royals last winter but preferred to stay in Kansas City, where he thrived in front of one of baseball's best defensive teams.

#kansascity #royals #mlb #sports #baseball #michaelwacha #contract

Kansas City likely would have tendered Wacha a qualifying offer, which would have dampened his free agent market, and the sides struck a deal during the five-day quiet period after the World Series during which teams can re-sign their free-agents-to-be. Wacha will nearly double his career earnings with the deal.

Wacha's nomadic career -- he has played for six teams in the past six seasons -- has been on the upswing since he turned 30. He found perhaps the best version of himself last year, going 13-8 with a 3.35 ERA in 29 starts, his most since 2017. Wacha and Seth Lugo, his former San Diego Padres teammate, helped stabilize a rotation that also includes All-Star Cole Ragans and drove Kansas City's evolution from a 56-win team in 2023 to an 86-win playoff team this year.

Morning Briefing: Sean Manaea Officially a Free Agent

Sean Manaea is officially a free agent.

According to Anthony DiComo of, Manaea intends to opt out of his contract’s $13.5 million option. Manaea was a crucial piece in the Mets’ rotation last season, finishing the season with a 3.47 ERA over 181 2/3 innings.

#nymets #baseball #mlb #seanmanaea #freeagent #contract

Sean Manaea intends to opt out of his contract, becoming a free agent, a source tells Anthony DiComo of

The 32-year-old lefty had a $13.5 million player option, but after going 12-6 with a 3.47 ERA he is expected to receive a better, multi-year offer on the open market. His decision to opt-out was expected.

Manaea, who struck out 184 in a career-high 181.2 innings, was excellent for the Mets in the second half after changing his delivery and arm slot to mimic Chris Sale. In the playoffs, he made four starts, going 2-1 with a 4.74 ERA.

The Mets will have three holes to fill in their rotation now with Manaea officially joining Luis Severino and Jose Quintana as free agents.

Manaea is 77-62 over his nine-year career with a 4.00 ERA. Before his one season in New York, he played six years in Oakland and one each in San Diego and San Francisco.

Abdi Nageeye, Sheila Chepkirui earn first NYC Marathon wins

NEW YORK -- Abdi Nageeye and Sheila Chepkirui used strong kicks in the final mile to pull away from their nearest competitors and both win the New York City Marathon for the first time Sunday.

Nageeye, who became the first runner from the Netherlands to win the men's race, was step-for-step with 2022 champion Evans Chebet before using a burst of speed heading into Central Park for the final time to come away with the win in 2 hours, 7 minutes, 39 seconds. Chebet finished 6 seconds behind.

"At the finish, I was like, am I dreaming? I won New York," Nageeye said.

#newyorkcity #marathon #race #sports

He had run the New York race three times before, with his best previous finish coming in 2022, when he was third.

"I know the course," Nageeye said. "Today was two things: survive that race, and my race is after 36 [kilometers; 22 miles]. I was thinking like a cyclist, survive 36K and you're going to win."

Chepkirui was running New York for the first time and pulled away from defending champion Hellen Obiri in the women's race in the last stretch.

Italian skier Matilde Lorenzi, 19, dies after training crash

Promising Italian skier Matilde Lorenzi has died from her injuries after a crash in training in northern Italy, the International Ski and Snowboard Federation said Tuesday. She was 19.

"We are deeply saddened by the passing of Matilde Lorenzi," the world ski body said. "Matilde was tragically lost following a fall during a training session on the Grawand G1 slope in Val Senales."

#skier #sports #death #skiing

Lorenzi was attached to the Italian army, and her death was announced by the national defense ministry.

She competed at the junior world championships last season, placing sixth in downhill and eighth in super-G. She also raced on the second-tier European Cup circuit.

Nationals Decline Their End Of Joey Gallo's Mutual Option

The Nationals announced that they declined their end of Joey Gallo's $8MM mutual option for the 2025 season.

The Nationals announced that they declined their end of Joey Gallo’s $8MM mutual option for the 2025 season. Gallo will instead receive a $2.5MM buyout as he heads into free agency for the third consecutive winter. Last offseason, Gallo signed a one-year deal with Washington worth $5MM in guaranteed money, broken down as a $2.5MM salary and then at least $2.5MM via the buyout.

#nationals #mlb #Joeygallo #sports #baseball

Man United continue worst start to Premier League season – but omen may get fans excited ahead of Amorim arrival

Manchester United have continued their worst ever start to a Premier League season with 12 points from their opening ten matches.

But despite a limp 1-1 draw at home to Chelsea, there is an omen which fans will give fans some comfort ahead of Ruben Amorim's arrival.

#epl #manu #premierleague #football #chelsea

Bruno Fernandes opened the scoring from the penalty spot after Rasmus Hojlund was fouled by Blues goalkeeper Robert Sanchez, only for Moises Caicedo to equalise for the visitors four minutes later.

The result leaves United 13th in the table, with just 12 points from their first ten matches.

Meanwhile, their total of nine goals is their fewest at this stage of a league campaign since 1973/74, a season which saw them got relegated from the old First Division.

This is their worst start to a league campaign since 1986 when they collected just eight points across the same period.

Ron Atkinson was sacked in November of that season, though, with the club sitting 19th in the top flight.

He was replaced by none other than Sir Alex Ferguson, who guided United to a 19th place finish.

Although the Red Devils failed to win a trophy that season, Ferguson would go on to become their greatest ever manager.

Birmingham City were close to signing Robert Lewandowski for just £250k

Birmingham City came close to signing Robert Lewandowksi for as little as £250,000.

The Barcelona striker emerged as a target for the Blues whilst still playing in his native Poland during the early years of his career.

#birminghamcity #football #sports

Lewandowski began his senior career in the country's third tier with Znicz Pruszkow.

He finished as top scorer as the club won promotion in 2007, prompting clubs to quickly take notice.

Birmingham were amongst the sides interested in the teenage forward, former scout Paul Montgomery has revealed.

Having revealed Lewandowski was the one player he wanted but missed out on before he became a superstar, Montgomery told Sunday Edition how Birmingham could have completed a £250,000 deal.

Montgomery explained: "It's weird because I remember we needed a central striker and I'd said to Alex (McLeish) and Alex had spoken to me and he had a couple of contacts in Poland and said, ‘look, they really like this man’.

"I went and watched him two or three times and I said, ‘listen, he's a good player, no doubt about it, but he does everything in wide areas’.

"Those days he would spin and do everything in wide areas. He isn't the central type of striker that we need. And then the rest is history.

Cowboys have lost three in a row and DAK left the game with a hamstring injury, Micah hasn’t played in a while. No Running game, defense sucks, offensively inept, bad coaching, an egotistic owner and the Los goes on.

Hi, @coyotelation,

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