Put that money you worked for to work for you. I think the hardest thing people have with this is realizing it takes a few years before you see any noticeable results so many quit way to early.
But we have to take another thing in consideration, when over money starts working for us we become so lazy reduced over physical activities which leads us to so many health and fitness issue
physical work have its own importance or advantages
1/🧶 Hummus is a creamy Middle Eastern dip made from mashed chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, and spices, enjoyed with bread or vegetables 🤤
I never ate this Hummus despite knowing about it. I think people in Egypt eat it a lot. When they say Hummus in Libya, I think of حمص (Humus = Chickpea) the ingredient. It's not the same as the dish, though. !LOL
5/🧶 The other ingredients, tahina, garlic, lemon juice, salt, pepper, cumin, coriander and olive oil are then incorporated into the mixture according to taste.
Wow, when I first saw the name, I was thinking about it being something weird until I read through and realized it was food. I would have to try this recipe some day, but not now, lol.
Oh, nice when I first saw the name, I was thinking of it being something weird until I followed the threadstorm to learn what it is all about. That would be a nice recipe and I would try that out when I get the necessary stuff.
the weary traveler awoke from a deep sleep, drenched in sweat, heart racing, and sat up. he was disoriented, confused about what had happened, as he looked around an unfamiliar room. he had no recollection of anything... #zapfic
This is real journalism covering the real state of Portland. The drug problems, crime and homelessness have gone up drastically. I have seen better conditions in suburbs of 3rd world countries!
It sounds horrible and government is doing the exact things that would make the situation worse. Decriminalizing drugs is good. Decriminalizing crime is bad. Imagine alcohol related crimes were ignored after prohibition era of USA!
I wish to see change; but it seems almost unrealistic to get it. At least I wish few cities will figure out how to have a good, safe, sane community.
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
Recently their have being lot of people talking about divorce in marriage and breakup in relationship, Many reasons has being attached to this, what's the divorce story you want to tell.
It was unbelievable to see both of them facing same temptation at work, I really understand how faithful they're,but Karen was already fainting and failing already.
Have you experienced a wallet hack before?
In September last year, my Metamask wallet got hacked and my 3.4 BCH was stolen. It was a most horrifying moment for me. The BCH was all that I have left after losing much assets to smartBCH.
It was a moment of exploration and learning for me at the time. I was deep neck in Defi and investing in almost every new coin released on the smartBCH chain, then later on dogechain. I guess that's where the hacker got me.
#Hive tiene algunos defectos, uno de ellos ees que puedes tener un post o video con gran recompensa, pero que solohan visto/leído pocas personas. Quizás para algunos sea bueno, pero para quien quiere transmitir un mensaje no.
It is but it's super heavy aha you will feel full once done. I think it's because of the sauce. They even give you a bowl of rice at the end to finish the sauce from the dish
Rewards are doubling ONLY when a proper TAG (#boom1me) is included in the post . Taskmaster was first, yes, but the magic TAG was no included. Hence - no doubling
Without a doubt. The site is alive then even if it is a lot of bullshit. Funny how those complaining about quality have not increased their threading as the others left.
I am pissed that we are controlling quality of fewer than 5000 threads we produce daily. The best way to enforce quality on threads is by producing quality threads and using this site more than using discord & twitter.
Filtering is one way of doing it but censoring threads on the censorship resistance platform is an irony. We have upvotes and downvotes to express what we think about threads and posts.
Except for what is happening in a business community in Sucre, another inspiring event happened at one university in Venezuela. The gathering is aimed to expand Hive in the field of education.
That's great to hear! Seeing how Hive can enhance education and learning experiences is always inspiring. Can you provide more details about the event at the university? What were some topics discussed, and what were the main takeaways?
I think the two key takeaways are that they took advantage of that first meeting by presenting opportunities in blockchain technology and by inviting attendees to join Hive.
That's a great first step! By presenting opportunities in blockchain technology and inviting attendees to join Hive, you are giving them a chance to see how these technologies can benefit education
Actually a career in blockchain is going to be radically different. I think this is the wrong approach in the sense that people need to understand the disruption in media and finance. Merging means all can participate.
Well, will see what will happen there. As for me, if I will start such kind of meeting in our college, I won't talk first of disruption, though that will be part of the journey as they move on.
Maybe, I am a poor communicator. Something is missing. Either in their system or in the way I communicate things. Something has to happen for them to find Hive convincing and give it a serious look.
That is true. And to me that is the social media angle. That is what most can identify with. The same is true with media. We are seeing decentralization and the elimination of intermediaries. This is a big step forward.
2/ They have no problem with the social media aspect of Hive but the idea of incentivizing online activity, I think that is something they struggle to accept.
3/ Most questions I encounter are either related to the legality of the incentive mechanism or the difficulty of understanding the technology side of it.
But just like the experience of many, I think it will take time. My wife and my two sons are already on-chain and more or less five of my friends, but they remain inactive.
1/ Maybe, once they see the money not only in the electronic wallet but how I am able to cash out, I guess, that's one story they will find more convincing.
2/ However, my problem with that is that it will take me some time to show such a result. I also don't want them to have an idea of Hive as a short-term cash cow.
Though not huge like political rallies, the initial meeting was attended by more than 50 people. Professors and students as well as the Dean of Science and Technology and a Program Director attended the meeting.
This is a good sign. I also dream to have one in our college. Thank you for setting us a model of how to bring Hive to higher education. I will be looking forward to the development of this story.
I think more than 50 people attending a thing about blockchain is a win. At least when they join they’ll spread the word and in the meeting you’ll see more people attending.
Yeah, that is an exciting development for me. In my case, if I can gather 20 to listen about blockchain and Hive, that will be a great accomplishment for me.
I think it would be quite tough but if Hive becomes a part of the economy, then people will learn about it regardless. I don't think it needs to get involved in the education scene.
As for Hive, I see the relationship between the two in at least two ways: students learning about blockchain and Hive, and students joining and creating a community on Hive.
if it’s not too late, Happy New Month lions…. It’s another month to Roar even more on threads!! Looking forward to a great few weeks of the month……..with you lions of course🤍😁
Feeling relaxed! #hpud done with 56 #hive, paid house rent, sent money for family maintenance. Alhamdulillah, I'm living a blessed life that many people dreaming 😇❤️🤗🥰
I've small amount of hive for trading, I want more hive to invest for delegation to leo and will continue trading to grow my hive in wallet. Making more hive is my aim! thank you once again sir! ❤️
Hi guyyss.. I missed out on starting the Zealy campaign early.. it's already a month, can I still join?
The art contest thing got my attention..
and can someone drop me a link to Leo's discord server.
thanks thanks
#zealy #leo
I sleep in my gaming chair mostly. It reclines 180 degrees and has a leg rest. Optimal comfort, lower lumbar support, and no one stealing my side of the bed
It‘s a double boombastic, Mr.Fantastic, hit me with your double 💥KaBOOM!bastic💥 #boom1me! Just singin‘ along on this double 💥KaBOOM!bastic💥 Thursday 🚀🌕👍🏽
Told you so this morning, everything can happen on a thursday 🖖🏼😎🤙🏼
Don't forget, this community account for #freecompliments is voting on every thread that mentions the #freecompliments tag! Even better if there's an actual compliment given to someone to make their day better. 😊 #hive #motivation #life
hmmm when you say it like this there's a lot of info we can take from google and search up and do threadstorms like this. is that your plan or you just did it for this bank one only
El mapeado jugable de «GTA: San Andreas» es de casi 44 Km cuadrados. Eso es mas o menos 5 veces, el tamaño de Liberty City, y 4 veces el tamaño de Vice City.
3.En las carreras de chihuahuas de «God’s Hand», hay un perro llamado M_ikami’s Head (Cabeza de Mikami), se llama asi en honor a la cita del creador de «Resident evil»: ‘Antes perdere la cabeza que ver «Resident Evil 4» portado a la PS2’.
El juego de Sega Space «Channel 5», tuvo una batalla legal contra Lady Miss Kier, quien fue miembro de Deee-Lite, sobre similitudes entre ella y el personaje principal del juego, Ulala. Miss Kier perdió.
Se puede leer un número de 6 cifras en los Scorpion Tanks en «Halo», este numero es la fecha de nacimiento del director de arte del juego, Marcus R. Lehto. Sus iniciales tambien aparecen en la suela de las botas de Master Chief.
El primer Easter Egg encontrado en un videojuego, se considera que fue en «Adventure» de Atary 2600, y consistia en una habitacion donde se podia ver el nombre del creador del juego.
Guy Cihi, interprete de James Sunderland en «Silent Hill 2», es un inversor de alto riesgo que fue elegido mientras acompalñaba a su hija a un casting para otro juego.
Michael Jackson, de una manera o otra, apareció en «Sonic the Hedgehog 3», «Ready 2 Rumble Round 2», «Space Channel» 5,1 y 2, «GTA: Vice City» y, obviamente, en «Moonwalker».
«Everybody Loves Katamari» contiene un nivel de bonificacion que consiste en recoger un millon de rosas. Por suerte, no tiene porque ser completado de un solo intento.
«FIFA 2001» fue el primer y único (puede que no, se dice que el primer «Gran Turismo» tambien) en usar CDs scratch and sniff (rasca y huele). El CD holia a cesped.
El presidente de Nintendo of America, Reggie Fils-Aime, antes fue señor director of national marketing en Pizza Hut. Mientras lo fue, lanzó la Bigfoot Pizza y la Big New Yorker.
El juego de PS2, «Asterix & Obelix XXL 2», contiene mas de 100 parodias de personajes/titulos de otros videojuegos, incluyendo «Pac-man», «Tomb Raider», «Tetris», «Street Fighter» o «Super Mario Sunshine».
El nombre clave durante el desarrollo de «Half-Life», era Quiver (Carcaj), en honor a la base militar Arrowhead en la novela de Stephen King, «La niebla».
El presidente de Nintendo, Hiroshi Yamauchi, posee una participación mayoritaria del equipo de beisbol ‘Seattle Marines’, que ahora mismo dirige el lider de Nintendo of America, Howard Linciln.
En el 2001, un par de estudiantes crearon una versión de Pong, llamada the ‘Painstation’ que daba autenticos latigazos, quemaduras o descargas electricas a los perdedores.
Cuando se lanzo el primer GTA (en el E3 ’97), se les dijo a los asistentes que tardarian mas o menos 3 minutos en conducir desde una punta de la ciudad del juego a la otra.
Antes de definir el ‘Simlish’ como algo ininteligible, los creadores experimentaron con idiomas como el Ukraniano, Navajo o Tagalo (filipinas) (el propio Will Bright ha dicho alguna vez que esta basado en Navajo )
Los pechos de Lara Croft son el resultado de que el diseñador Toby Gard acidentalmente ajustara el pecho del modelo al 150% del tamaño que buscaba, y que fuese persusadido por elresto de diseñadores para dejarlo asi.
Cierto soldado en «God of War», emite el ‘Wilhelm scream’, un efecto de sonido de stock, que se lleva usando en TV y cine desde hace mas de 50 años. Tambien lo podemos oir en «Metal Slug», «Lost Planet», «Scarface» y «Lego Star Wars».
En el juego de Capcom,»Shadow of Rome», hay un bonificador, llamado ‘Urine Trouble’ (problema de orina), por atacar a alguien que acaba de perder control sobre su vejiga(yo lo juegue,es bastante divertido).
John Carmack, guru-programador de «Doom», es empleado voluntario en Armadillo Aerospace, una compañia ubicada en Tejas dedicada al vuelo espacial orbital.
El equipo responsable de portear «Resident Evil 2» a N64, es ahora Rockstar San Diego (autores de «Red Dead Revolver», «Midnight Club» y «Table tennis»
«Final Fantasy» se llamo asi por el hecho de que el creador y co-fundador de Square, Hironobu Sakaguchi, uso las ultimas reservas de dinero de la compañia para hacerlo.
Simultaneamente al desarrollo de «Full Spectrum Warrior» de Pandemic, se hizo una version mas avanzado, con mas estrategia, conocida como «Full Spectrum Command» para el ejército, y nunca ha sido mostrada al publico.
A finales del 2005, Sony contrato a grafiteros en 7 ciudades en USA, para promocionar la PSP, acabando en una demanda colosal, y una orden de ‘Cease and desist’.
Las letras de las canciones del juego de PSP, «Loco Roco», están deliberadamanete escritas en ininteligible, así no se podrían localizar, y sonarían igual en todo el mundo.
«Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory» fue prohibido en Corea del sur, ya que contenia la destrucción de Seul, su capital. EL baneo se levanto a finales del 2006.
En el E3 2004 se mostraron casi 5000 juegos. 1000 de los cuales eran totalmente nuevos, mientras que el 16% de los juegos se clasificaron como ‘educativos’.
En el lanzamiento americano del juego de gameboy, «Final Fantasy ¨Legend II», la censura de Nintendo obligo a convertir una banda de traficantes de opio, en una banda de contrabandistas de bananas.
Tom Clancy al principio rechazo las gafas de 3 ojos de Sam Fisher en «Splinter Cell», debido a la inposibilidad de que unas gafas fuesen capaces tanto de vision nocturna como termal.
La máquina recreativa más grande del mundo mide 4,11 de largo metros y tiene unos pulsadores como platos de lentejas, aparte de una pantalla de 1,81 metros.
Un videojuego de 1987 sobre Jack el Destripador fue el primer juego de la historia en recibir la clasificación para mayores de 18 años, debido a sus violentas imágenes.
El videojuego más caro de la historia ha sido «GTA IV», llegando a costar su desarrollo más de 100 millones de dólares, que a estas alturas ya han sido sobradamente recuperados.
La mansión con más habitaciones de la historia de los videojuegos es la aparecida en «Castlevania: Symphony of the night», de Psx, con 1890 habitaciones.
La escena cinemática más larga aparecida en un videojuego es de «Metal Gear Solid» para Psx, aparece al derrotar a Metal Gear Rex, y dura nada menos que 15 minutos y 17 segundos.
El juego con más personajes para seleccionar es «Lego Star Wars», que suma 96, pero al poder combinar diferentes piezas y partes del cuerpo entre sí podemos tener más de un millón de personajes seleccionables.
«Mortal Kombat» fue el videojuego que llevó a crear la ERSB, la organización que clasifica los videojuegos en función de edad y violencia en Estados Unidos.
El primer «Half-Life» es el juego más premiado de la historia, recibiendo más de 90 premios, además de 51 clasificaciones como “El mejor juego del año”.
La mayor recaudación de la historia en un solo día por la venta de un videojuego fue con la puesta a la venta de «Halo 3», consiguiendo 151 millones de dólares en su primer día de salida.
La mayor saga de los videojuegos si contamos su número de entregas es sin duda «Megaman». Desde el original de Nes hasta nuestros días, la saga tiene más de 43 secuelas.
El mejor juego de futbol de la historia según la valoración de los usuarios es «Sensible Soccer», donde su tremenda y adictiva jugabilidad sorprendieron para el nivel técnico de la época.
All Nipon Airways, aerolínea japonesa, dispone de cuatro aviones totalmente pintados con personajes de Pokemon, e incluso las azafatas lucen delantales de los mismos .
En el multijugador de rol masivo «Everquest 2», podíamos teclear “/pizza” y entonces nos conectábamos directamente al portal de Pizza hut desde el juego, aceptando pedidos a domicilio.
La universidad de Washington creó en 1991 “Virtual Retinal Display”, una tecnología que emplea laser de baja frecuencia para escribir directamente la información en nuestra retina, y que nuestro propio ojo se convierta en el monitor.
El videojuego con más extensión por recorrer es «Armed Assault», que dispone de un terreno de 400 km cuadrados. No sabemos si recorrerlo entero en patín nos desbloquea algún premio en el juego.
Explotando una serie de glitches es posible terminar el «Super Mario 64» de N64 cogiendo una sola estrella de las 120 que hay. Jugando normal, necesitas 70 como mínimo.
Ralph Baer creó la Magnavox Oddysey en el año 1972, que se convertiría en la primera videoconsola de la historia. Seis años más tarde crearía el «Simon» (1978), el más popular de los juguetes electrónicos.
«Pacman» nació una noche que su creador, Tohru Iwatani, salió a cenar con sus amigos. Pidieron pizza, y la idea del personaje se le vino a la cabeza al ver la figura que quedaba al coger la primera porción .
El mejor jugador del mundo de «Pacman» se llama Billy Mitchel y consiguió en el juego una puntuación de 3.333.360 puntos llegando al nivel 255 (penúltimo nivel) con la primera vida y comiendo cada una de las frutas .
La primera máquina arcade operada por monedas fue «Computer Space», lanzada al mercado en noviembre de 1971 por Nutting Associates. El dinero que obtuvieron sus creadores, Nolan Bushnell y Ted Dabney, lo utilizaron para fundar Atari.
No todos los Street Fighter son juegos de lucha. «Street Fighter 2010» es un juego de acción futurista en el que su protagonista llamado Kevin, debe hacer frente a hordas de criaturas mutantes.
En China está prohibido que los menores jueguen más de tres horas a videojuegos online, tras varios casos de muertes tras largas jornadas de estar en la computadora o jugar videojuegos. Supongo que será por World of Warcraft.
Uno de los secretos más asombrosos del «Super Mario Bros» de NES es el del Minus World o Mundo -1, un mundo al que se puede llegar atravesando una pared y que se compone de una fase de agua.
«Pacman» es conocido como «Puck-man» en Japón, pero fue su entrada en el mercado americano la que propició su cambio de nombre debido a las similitudes en inglés entre las palabras “Puck” y “Fuck”(vomitar y garchar).
Tras el éxito de la película «ET», se preparó un videojuego para la Atari 2600. Estaban tan seguros de que sería un bombazo que fabricaron más cartuchos que el número de videoconsolas que habían vendido.
Un representante americano de Capcom comentó que en el juego Final Fight era de mal gusto que los protagonistas tuvieran que enfrentarse con chicas en una pelea.
El «Final Fantasy VII» era un juego diseñado para la Nintendo 64. Sin embargo, Square y Nintendo tuvieron discusiones por culpa de los cartuchos que utilizaba la consola de 64bits, ya que limitaban el tamaño de los juegos.
En el «Duck hunt» hay un momento en que no se puede jugar más y un perro se pone en medio de la pantallas burlandose de nosotros, al que no se puede matar a pesar de dispararle.
En el videojuego «Chrono trigger» de Super Nintendo aparece un personaje usando una magia que no le corresponde.Se le ve lanzando fuego cuando su elemento en el juego es agua.
En el «Zelda: the occarina of time» cuando link se encuentra con la princesa se puede ver en una ventana los cuadros de Bowser, luigi, la princesa y dos personajes más del «Mario 64».
Megaman al principio se iva a llamar «Rainbow man» debido a su habilidad de cambiar de color con cada habilidad, pero por suerte ya habia un super héroe con ese nombre .
After browsing recent threads by checking the Home page, I decided to visit the ten articles I saved for the last two days. I would rather choose to end this day by reading them.
That's the plan... I might feel like I wasted years of my time if it never Pumped, which is why I only Power Up what I'm willing to lose, and cash out the rest when I need it.
My journey to crypto world. Start with the help of my friend and brother @fokusnow. He was exceptional mentor and encourage us a lot. I have met a great people too, @ijelady and @luchyl in this course. Share your story
Mine started with writing on the read.cash platform 3 years ago, where I earned my first BCH and made much money in the space of 2 years before the site stopped paying
#web3 is changing everything. This is a continuation of what already started. We are seeing the media world moving in the direction of decentralization. This was shown within the news industry.
3/ #technology is providing individuals with the tools that were reserved only for the largest companies in the past. Now we are seeing the decentralization of content creation along with distribution.
2/ Could this be happening within the sports media? Shannon Sharpe is leaving Undisputed. Will he end up with another major network? Nobody knows but he does have over 1M followers on YouTube. Hence he has options.
4/ Sadly most are missing what is taking place. Web3 is only going to take it to another level. This adds in tokenization in a way that did not exist before. This is going to change who is attracted and makes a living off this shift.
5/ By the end of the decade, we could look at the major media companies and movie studios in the same way as retailers. Few saw the retail apocalypse coming yet the carnage is obvious. Will we see that within the entertainment realm?
6/ The merging of media (social) and finance is more powerful than people realize. This is the essence of Web3. It is going to change everything. Are you getting on board?
It’s possible. An artist has so many fans, so they can capitalise on this creating community, giving them fan tokens. Then selling their music as NFT. #web3 power!!
#Web3 attempts to redesign the Internet as a more transparent, secure, and decentralized entity using tools like blockchain technology and Distributed Autonomous Organizations (DAOs).
Media and finance are being linked way more. It amazes me to see how many people fall for the pump and dumps. I feel that the entertainment realm is already in danger due to things like Youtube or Twitter.
Want to get rich by doing absolutely nothing?
Here's your guide:
Put that money you worked for to work for you. I think the hardest thing people have with this is realizing it takes a few years before you see any noticeable results so many quit way to early.
But we have to take another thing in consideration, when over money starts working for us we become so lazy reduced over physical activities which leads us to so many health and fitness issue
physical work have its own importance or advantages
Is that considered doing nothing?
By the Hive and Leo
Keep creating long and short farm content
Keep increasing your upvotes value
That's definitely equal to doing nothing
By the way, arent you suppose to do a threadstorm with the post?
Dream on ha ha
1/🧶 Hummus is a creamy Middle Eastern dip made from mashed chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, and spices, enjoyed with bread or vegetables 🤤
#cooking #recipe #threadstorm #foodies
Libyan here!
I never ate this Hummus despite knowing about it. I think people in Egypt eat it a lot. When they say Hummus in Libya, I think of حمص (Humus = Chickpea) the ingredient. It's not the same as the dish, though. !LOL
Ok, learned something new now. I always thought it‘s a dish made in many different ways …
Maybe they do make it in many different ways, I'm not an expert in #food.
2/🧶 Basic mixture:
• 1 cup chickpea flour
• 3 cups boiling water
Mix both properly and let it rest for a while. The water must boil, because eating raw chickpeas is not quite healthy.
3/🧶 Seasoning Part One
• 2 cloves of garlic, chopped
• 2 tablespoons tahina - sesame paste
• 3 tablespoons lemon juice
• Cumin, dose carefully so that it doesn’t become too strong
4/🧶 Seasoning Part Two
• Coriander seeds, roasted, grinded
• Black pepper, grinded
• Salt
• Olive oil
5/🧶 The other ingredients, tahina, garlic, lemon juice, salt, pepper, cumin, coriander and olive oil are then incorporated into the mixture according to taste.
6/🧶 Garnish to taste with paprika powder, chopped parsley and a little olive oil.
7/🧶 Enjoy 🤤
Wow, when I first saw the name, I was thinking about it being something weird until I read through and realized it was food. I would have to try this recipe some day, but not now, lol.
Oh, nice when I first saw the name, I was thinking of it being something weird until I followed the threadstorm to learn what it is all about. That would be a nice recipe and I would try that out when I get the necessary stuff.
I agree this is a nice dip/sauce to eat with certain food. What other dips do you like though? I also like nacho cheese sauce for chips!
Mary Sharp, Inferno, Naga Jolokia, etc. 🔥 hot pepper sauce
that's a lot of other sauces. but it seems like you like spicy. You'd probably like thailand food hehe
yep, i do 👍🏽
Love the food without egg and meat
and it look like yummy
It is an interesting dip. I call it so because of the mélange of flavors that are incorporated in the dip.
the weary traveler awoke from a deep sleep, drenched in sweat, heart racing, and sat up. he was disoriented, confused about what had happened, as he looked around an unfamiliar room. he had no recollection of anything... #zapfic
"where am I?" he said to himself.
As he tried getting up on his feet to browse his surrounding, he was halted by sharp pain that shot through his legs and up his spine.
Both his legs were broken.
"No, no no nononon! Nooo, this is not happening--"
"Shut up!" A familiar voice cut him off, he never heard impatience in it before. "I can't fix you if you keep screaming!"
He finally saw two figures beside him in the room.
"who are you?"
"the only one who can help you," one of the figures said.
He know the voice but the face figures he was trying to make sense of.
"you need to lay down"
"not until you tell me who you are," he insisted
and his body was in full pain.
He looked around and found a weird device that looked familiar but he was sure he'd never seen anything like that before. It was glowing.
He blinked twice and memories started to come back
Was that...?
Yep, it was.
He woke up and shat his pants.
#zapfic #cryptoholics
he swiftly attempted to find his center, and realign his chi.
to no avail, as he had done the unthinkable... he shat his pants.
but he still have to figure out where he was, with no option to clean himself. #zapfic
What is your best investment in #crypto
#cryptothursday #ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes
I think it's $HIVE.
I thought you would say LEO (or possibly the tokens of your other favorite tribes such as !CTP or SME). 🤔😏
(1/10) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community |
HiveWiki |
NFT | <>< daily
I have a feeling it is going to be $LEO.
To be determined.
@vikvitnik and me has equal thread no by the end of 31st May lol
Did you plan that?
Haha LoL
Thread buddies?
how are you doing this? so impressive.
are you the same person? xD
Wow! Congrats. What a challenging marathon.
It means that we share the effort! More than great! :3
This is real journalism covering the real state of Portland. The drug problems, crime and homelessness have gone up drastically. I have seen better conditions in suburbs of 3rd world countries!
All those cities are a nightmare. Portland, Seattle. San Francisco.
It sounds horrible and government is doing the exact things that would make the situation worse. Decriminalizing drugs is good. Decriminalizing crime is bad. Imagine alcohol related crimes were ignored after prohibition era of USA!
Yep. It is the downfall. Those cities are war zones. People vote for it then are surprised when their neighborhoods go to shit.
I laugh at all the companies pulling out and the outrage. It like what do you expect?
This is sad and unfortunately happening in cities all across the United States.
I wish to see change; but it seems almost unrealistic to get it. At least I wish few cities will figure out how to have a good, safe, sane community.
(1/1) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community |
HiveWiki |
NFT | <>< daily
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
If $LEO is 1:1 with $HIVE in the next 30 days, would you feel like you had enough LEO?
Is like $BTC, we never have enough!
this will be a very interesting probability!
$LEO is always less than enough for me. I want at least a bag of 1M.
"enough" should be removed from dictionaries when it comes to $LEO :P
Is this for real?
Rule #1: You can NEVER have enough $LEO
Rule #2: NEVER forget Rule #1
This should be on bumper stickers all over the world.
You can never have enough LEO
If hive reached to $3 and Leo $1 it's game changer for whole hive blockchain community
Recently their have being lot of people talking about divorce in marriage and breakup in relationship, Many reasons has being attached to this, what's the divorce story you want to tell.
Never been married.
We don't have a divorce here. Couples just decide to leave separately either alone or with a new family.
It was unbelievable to see both of them facing same temptation at work, I really understand how faithful they're,but Karen was already fainting and failing already.
Have you experienced a wallet hack before?
In September last year, my Metamask wallet got hacked and my 3.4 BCH was stolen. It was a most horrifying moment for me. The BCH was all that I have left after losing much assets to smartBCH.
No I didnt. You have to be careful. This is something that is important: security.
We have to be mindful of what we do with our wallets and on our devices. Be careful of what you give access to.
It was a moment of exploration and learning for me at the time. I was deep neck in Defi and investing in almost every new coin released on the smartBCH chain, then later on dogechain. I guess that's where the hacker got me.
Yep. That is one of the ways they can access. Have to be careful with airdrops. A lot of scams and hacks. People simply give in to greed.
I think you passed.
hello sir! how are you?
happy #hpud!
Happy HPUD!..
Wen moon?
Looking forward to Happy Fix Notifications and Indexing Day.
That will be a joyous time for all.
A pretty big update is coming. Redesigning some elements + removing certain dependencies
Moving shit. Damn. Now I have to learn something new.
Time to set my pedicure course aside.
Yes, happy #hpud!
How to become a Billionaire in just 2 Steps
Marry one.
Lemme search Billionaire women..
There are a few, not many but some.
I would gladly support this in the #hive #dhf. Could be really positive for $HIVE
I second it! An excellent way to achieve the max.
#Hive tiene algunos defectos, uno de ellos ees que puedes tener un post o video con gran recompensa, pero que solohan visto/leído pocas personas. Quizás para algunos sea bueno, pero para quien quiere transmitir un mensaje no.
Good morning. I feel tired today and I hope everyone is doing well.
Coffee. Coffee. And more coffee.
Or cocaine but only if work does not drug test.
Lol. I haven't had coffee in a long while
Okay. Well that provides a lot of insight.
You opt for plan B. I understand.
Good morning some caffeine will fix that right up!
Lol. I guess I should go get some soda then...no coffee at home.
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Mazesoba. @rmsadkri. You should try this :P it's nice if you haven't tried before.
That looks yummy, got me salivating.
It is but it's super heavy aha you will feel full once done. I think it's because of the sauce. They even give you a bowl of rice at the end to finish the sauce from the dish
Lol well I like to be full
OMG. How do I order this? What's the name and the base?
it's mazesoba. You'll have to find a place that serves it lol. It's basically soupless ramen and you mix it.
I need you to tell me all the types and I will go hunting for them in Toronto. I am in the office today and had Indian for lunch.
June is my birth month, I have always had a major favor in the month of June from virtual friends. I hope this June won't be different for me.
Wow! Happy birthday in advance too
How cute.
BOOM-bastic 2x
2-nd Entry of this Thursday
@onealfa.leo is asking to be used for his votes.
Come on people. He is offering.
What if i‘m answering to the first placed? 👀
💥KaBOOM!💥 #boom1me
Competitors (for 1 to 5 spots) must comment under original, boombastic video post. Not under other participant's posts.
Just checking things out, testing the 💥KaBOOM!💥 #boom1me limits 😉🤙🏽
Then I think you will get on his radar.
Sure, but you, as first responder, should be eligible for a double 💥KaBOOM!💥 #boom1me as far as i‘ve understood it.
Rewards are doubling ONLY when a proper TAG (#boom1me) is included in the post . Taskmaster was first, yes, but the magic TAG was no included. Hence - no doubling
Yeah, right … he didn‘t tag the 💥KaBOOM!💥 #boom1me!
LOL that is something you will have to take up with him.
Go for it. 😁
This is a great party for everyone, let's dance and enjoy #boom1me.
💥KaBOOM!💥 #boom1me
💥KaBOOM!💥 #boom1me
I think this works only for the first place, but you never now. Better safe than sorry 😉👍🏽
Another late comer is here again.
3rd grade track meet at the high school yesterday. #gosh #track #life #homesteading #hivegarden https://peakd.com/hive-114308/@flemingfarm/grain-run-track-meet-reseeding-volunteers-wednesday
How are doing post the adoption campaign? Are we still buzzing threaders?
What´s up adri!
Hey you are here. I thought you left for good? ha ha
I´m just here for the moment. Soon I´ll leave for my classes
Cool. see you again.
What about yesterday's threadcast? Did you see the full match?
I did. The penalty shootout drama and the penalty that was not given
I am still threading.
The real threaders are around. Glad to see us ha ha
Yea. The people here just for the threads quest will probably stop.
I hope we will have some of them back here joining for fun.
You are still buzzing me and quite frankly, it is as annoying as a gnat. 😁
We need more of those buzzers out here making annoying threads to be honest. Where's the king of the buzz right now?
Without a doubt. The site is alive then even if it is a lot of bullshit. Funny how those complaining about quality have not increased their threading as the others left.
I am pissed that we are controlling quality of fewer than 5000 threads we produce daily. The best way to enforce quality on threads is by producing quality threads and using this site more than using discord & twitter.
Without a doubt. I would also add the lack of filtering is an issue to but that will be developed.
It is always that way, the ones who complain do not step up and fill the void.
Filtering is one way of doing it but censoring threads on the censorship resistance platform is an irony. We have upvotes and downvotes to express what we think about threads and posts.
It is also complete insanity to talk about spam and quality on microblogging.
Another crew of controllers who push the quality agenda just like on Hive.
I want all of them advocating for clean feed on threads to create quality threads. That's the solution.
I just found an AI powered website where people can design clothes with AI and get 50% royalty when off it if their design is sold 😘🤯🤯. Silic.ai
yeah, as long as your design is nice and people like your shirt, you get 50% royalty. Pretty cool
It is amazing the opportunities that are out there.
We are seeing a massive push forward in terms of the economic productivity we are going to see.
pay to use?
free to use bro
Cool stuff thanks for sharing.
#cryptothursday and starting june with some savings for the next run!
Great job.
Planning to expand Hive to another field in Venezuela.
Except for what is happening in a business community in Sucre, another inspiring event happened at one university in Venezuela. The gathering is aimed to expand Hive in the field of education.
That's great to hear! Seeing how Hive can enhance education and learning experiences is always inspiring. Can you provide more details about the event at the university? What were some topics discussed, and what were the main takeaways?
I think the two key takeaways are that they took advantage of that first meeting by presenting opportunities in blockchain technology and by inviting attendees to join Hive.
That's a great first step! By presenting opportunities in blockchain technology and inviting attendees to join Hive, you are giving them a chance to see how these technologies can benefit education
Well, given the time, I am also thinking to start one in our college. For sure, I will track the progress of such expansion in Venezuela.
Actually a career in blockchain is going to be radically different. I think this is the wrong approach in the sense that people need to understand the disruption in media and finance. Merging means all can participate.
Well, will see what will happen there. As for me, if I will start such kind of meeting in our college, I won't talk first of disruption, though that will be part of the journey as they move on.
I think those who start on a chain like Hive will be living it. That is when it becomes a part of ones life.
Maybe, I am a poor communicator. Something is missing. Either in their system or in the way I communicate things. Something has to happen for them to find Hive convincing and give it a serious look.
That is true. And to me that is the social media angle. That is what most can identify with. The same is true with media. We are seeing decentralization and the elimination of intermediaries. This is a big step forward.
1/ When I talk to them about Hive, they usually connect it to some of their negative experiences in the past.
2/ They have no problem with the social media aspect of Hive but the idea of incentivizing online activity, I think that is something they struggle to accept.
3/ Most questions I encounter are either related to the legality of the incentive mechanism or the difficulty of understanding the technology side of it.
But just like the experience of many, I think it will take time. My wife and my two sons are already on-chain and more or less five of my friends, but they remain inactive.
That is typical too. They join and do nothing. That is where it becomes a numbers game. 90% will hang back and get involved later.
It is the early adopters who make the difference.
1/ Maybe, once they see the money not only in the electronic wallet but how I am able to cash out, I guess, that's one story they will find more convincing.
2/ However, my problem with that is that it will take me some time to show such a result. I also don't want them to have an idea of Hive as a short-term cash cow.
Imagine presenting blockchain technology in a university as an opportunity not only for blogging but also as a career path for engineering students.
Though not huge like political rallies, the initial meeting was attended by more than 50 people. Professors and students as well as the Dean of Science and Technology and a Program Director attended the meeting.
I thought you were from Asia.
Yes, I am. I work in one college in the province of Cavite, Philippines.
So this thing of Venezuela did you read it anywhere?
Yes, I made it into a threadstorm.
This is a good sign. I also dream to have one in our college. Thank you for setting us a model of how to bring Hive to higher education. I will be looking forward to the development of this story.
The organizers of this meeting encouraged the attendees to join Hive and:
More meetings of similar nature will be held in months to come. To check the article, click this link: https://peakd.com/hive-189306/@hiversbqto/hive-talk-university-ucla-dct
I think more than 50 people attending a thing about blockchain is a win. At least when they join they’ll spread the word and in the meeting you’ll see more people attending.
Yeah, that is an exciting development for me. In my case, if I can gather 20 to listen about blockchain and Hive, that will be a great accomplishment for me.
I think it would be quite tough but if Hive becomes a part of the economy, then people will learn about it regardless. I don't think it needs to get involved in the education scene.
Many universities are already involved in the study of blockchain technology. Whether we like it or not, education will be involved in it.
True but the blockchains they tend to look at are expensive. I don't think many of them will look at things like Hive.
Yeah, your right. That's where the role of Hivers who are also into higher education will enter the scene.
Something tells me that I should have read "you're" instead of
on your comment. 🤓😅!LUV !CTP
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As for Hive, I see the relationship between the two in at least two ways: students learning about blockchain and Hive, and students joining and creating a community on Hive.
That could be something but it's hard to build that without significant effort.
That's true. It requires focus.
Kudos to the venezuela community. You guys are really doing a lot to create more awareness for hive. I wish more hive communities would do the same.
Once upon a time we used to have hive campus campaigns here in Nigeria.
Good morning! So what happened to that campaign?
So what happened to those campaigns?
What projects would you see at the university level? How can this be implemented in Venezuela?
if it’s not too late, Happy New Month lions…. It’s another month to Roar even more on threads!! Looking forward to a great few weeks of the month……..with you lions of course🤍😁
Without a doubt. Great to see you on here @wealthwess.
Leofinance is going to do a lot of great things. June is going to be even better than May IMO. We should have more updates rolling out.
Ohh!!! that is what i live for, exploring great opportunities. i will simply say Leofinance BRING IT ON.
It is something I preached about for the past 3 years. It was hard to see for much of the time. I believe it is getting a lot clearer.
When the ad revenue buying starts, I think people will really get it then.
wow, 3 years has been a long time coming, i'm glad the vision is becoming clearer now (if not already).
keep up the good work!
We see a lot of things happening. Threads is an awesome addition. We need more activity to drive more ad revenue.
It all ties into together.
Feeling relaxed! #hpud done with 56 #hive, paid house rent, sent money for family maintenance. Alhamdulillah, I'm living a blessed life that many people dreaming 😇❤️🤗🥰
Very good. Great job getting involved in #hpud @shohana1.
It is important to keep the HP growing. If nothing else you get more resource credits by powering up.
My goal is 50k hive power, I can't earn it from blogging for enemy attack in November 2022. I'm trading hive to reach my goals someday. Thanks!
Trading is a way to really get there. We see a lot of people who are adept at it getting huge returns.
I'm beginner trader sir, wish me luck for huge return someday! Thank you sir for your kind words! stay blessed! ❤️
Good luck with it. Trading is tough but can be profitable.
I've small amount of hive for trading, I want more hive to invest for delegation to leo and will continue trading to grow my hive in wallet. Making more hive is my aim! thank you once again sir! ❤️
Almost 12 AM here. Time to go though I haven't achieved that 100 threads for this day. Good night threaders!
Good night. Rest up.
Thanks! Good morning!
See how having active threaders matters. good night
Yeah, you're right.
This looks unedited to me. Be brave enough to exercise that raw power!
nice I’ll take it for a spin now
Hi guyyss.. I missed out on starting the Zealy campaign early.. it's already a month, can I still join?
The art contest thing got my attention..
and can someone drop me a link to Leo's discord server.
thanks thanks
#zealy #leo
I think there is only 9 days left so I am not too sure how much it is worth it.
Check the zealy discord. They might have more info.
Or @anomadsoul.
oohh..thanks for your quick response Taskmaster.
Zlatni Rat, Croatia
Located on the Croatian Island of Brač, would make a nice #travelthursday
Such a beautiful place
I'm far from perfect and I hate that #music #nowplaying
Something I am sure your wife agrees with and doesnt mind reminding you.
Oh yeah she often says super sweet things like "you've been playing that video game for 12 hours" and "you haven't gone outside in 3 weeks".
Reading that my logical answer is: so?
But then I am not married.
That's usually my response, unless I wanna sleep in the bed lol
I understand. Do you have a pull out couch or a recliner where you most sleep?
I sleep in my gaming chair mostly. It reclines 180 degrees and has a leg rest. Optimal comfort, lower lumbar support, and no one stealing my side of the bed
My first @afritunes video in the school environment click link below 👇👇 https://leofinance.io/posts/ovey10/lzfivlgn
#gosh #threads #music #afritunes
It was a busy day do not get time to check $HIVE or #threads
Weathe ris cool after last day rain and now ready for a get together.
#ctp #aliveandthriving #liotes
It‘s a double boombastic, Mr.Fantastic, hit me with your double 💥KaBOOM!bastic💥 #boom1me! Just singin‘ along on this double 💥KaBOOM!bastic💥 Thursday 🚀🌕👍🏽
Told you so this morning, everything can happen on a thursday 🖖🏼😎🤙🏼
Don't forget, this community account for #freecompliments is voting on every thread that mentions the #freecompliments tag! Even better if there's an actual compliment given to someone to make their day better. 😊 #hive #motivation #life
Also, posts where you mention the FC community get upvoted as well, and will help us grow! Just find a post you like, compliment, mention FC, and let me know. 😊
Today I found Larry The Postman at 6 locations, and he will visit @alive.chat later today.
#threads #gosh #alive #aliveandthriving #liotes #ctp
It's Hive Powerup day and also first of June. Time flies. #hpud
Yea. Time flies and powering up Hive is important.
Yes even a small amount helps.
Yeah time flies!
Congrats to all those who powered up.
Pepe Token Floating Up Like Pepe Floating Up in Balloons
https://leofinance.io/posts/@pepetoken/pepe-token-floating-up-like-pepe-floating-up-in-balloons #leofinance #pepe #meme #memehive #gosh
🎻 And now for a killer orchestral hook (around 1 min mark).
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs recently dropped a new album & this is one of the BANGERS
Morning #threads fam! Today is the day we burn some Lava Launchers! Livestream starts in about 30 min - come thru! #splinterlands
Largest Global #banks by total assets (2021)
#investing #money
I heard from an American that China create money from thin air, do u believe so?
Ignore what people about money, they are clueless.
China operates under the same system as the US, fractional reserve banking. That means commercial banks expand the supply of Yuan through loans.
So every country does the same
About 80% operate under fractional reserve banking. Some smaller countries do not.
Euro, USD, JPY, GBP, Yuan..all under the same system.
Interesting to study those smaller countries do not
They tend to have the banana republic feel and they are the ones who create hyperinflation because their central bank can print money.
When money is created through loans, hard to expand the money supply without economic output.
The PBOC can do the same as the Fed in creating reserves but those are not broad economy money.
Now a case could be made about the PBOC doing the will of the CCP. That I can believe since the line is almost non existent with Xi.
yeah it´s highly possible that they follow the CCP will
I dont see anyone saying "no" to Xi. It is not beneficial for one's life expectancy.
hahah sad but true.
I think Jack Ma found out what happens when you get too big for your britches.
hmmm and just like this you got 50 threads almost O.O. More than I get in one day I think in one threadstorm. Truly a legend
Yes. But I did it not for the number of threads but the information.
Hive is a decentralized database. It is good to get data up there.
We can do it for any topic through threads.
How about capitals in one's country. Thats an easy one
hmmm when you say it like this there's a lot of info we can take from google and search up and do threadstorms like this. is that your plan or you just did it for this bank one only
Well some were doing it during the contest. They were looking for numbers. As for me, yes I will do it but it is important others do also.
Get info on Leothreads. It helps with the search engines.
I see. you took a great initiative then let's see who follows suit. Anyways time to listen to the talk
lol one bank is 5x the size of the crypto market. Welp!
when are we opening our own bank tasky?
Yes. It is crazy how much money is out there. But that is the potential of crypto.
That is why I keep writing about the topics I do. It is where we need to build out. Create the financial services and pull away from the banks.
7/ Bank of America $3.16T
Happy #hpud 🚀🌕👍🏽
Did you power up already?
Nah, haven't powered up yet... Just wandering around here.
Will do it later after work.
150 cosas que no sabias de los video juegos #spanish
2.El juego «Ratchet & Bolt» cancelado para Megadrive 32X, tenia un jefe final que ocubaba 30 pantallas de alto y llevaba unas 33 armas.
3.En las carreras de chihuahuas de «God’s Hand», hay un perro llamado M_ikami’s Head (Cabeza de Mikami), se llama asi en honor a la cita del creador de «Resident evil»: ‘Antes perdere la cabeza que ver «Resident Evil 4» portado a la PS2’.
76.»Saints Row» de Xbox 360 contiene mas de 130 canciones licenciadas, 40 de las cuales son musica clasica.
After browsing recent threads by checking the Home page, I decided to visit the ten articles I saved for the last two days. I would rather choose to end this day by reading them.
O.O Are the threads you browsed through that bad?
Not really, but I had difficulty connecting. Different things catch our attention.
no worries I understand your feeling. I feel the same way sometimes
Yes, no problem.
We often talk about crypto mass adoption but what will drive it ultimately?... Here's one thesis @leofinance #gosh
I wish the price increases. I use my $HIVE Earnings in real-life:
#cryptothursday #gmfrens #threads
Are you making a living using Hive?
At the current prices? No! ...but it helps to a degree. (It pays all my internet expenses and some other stuff.) It's not enough on its own.
...but if I posted a bit more than I do now & 3x $HIVE price. (i.e. $1+) it'll be enough.
Ah ok. I hope Hive pumps in the future. Just keep building while we wait.
That's the plan... I might feel like I wasted years of my time if it never Pumped, which is why I only Power Up what I'm willing to lose, and cash out the rest when I need it.
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My journey to crypto world. Start with the help of my friend and brother @fokusnow. He was exceptional mentor and encourage us a lot. I have met a great people too, @ijelady and @luchyl in this course. Share your story
#zapfic #threads247
Mine started with writing on the read.cash platform 3 years ago, where I earned my first BCH and made much money in the space of 2 years before the site stopped paying
When is Game 1 between Miami and Denver in the #nba finals?
Does that start tonight?
#web3 is changing everything. This is a continuation of what already started. We are seeing the media world moving in the direction of decentralization. This was shown within the news industry.
3/ #technology is providing individuals with the tools that were reserved only for the largest companies in the past. Now we are seeing the decentralization of content creation along with distribution.
For full article:
2/ Could this be happening within the sports media? Shannon Sharpe is leaving Undisputed. Will he end up with another major network? Nobody knows but he does have over 1M followers on YouTube. Hence he has options.
4/ Sadly most are missing what is taking place. Web3 is only going to take it to another level. This adds in tokenization in a way that did not exist before. This is going to change who is attracted and makes a living off this shift.
5/ By the end of the decade, we could look at the major media companies and movie studios in the same way as retailers. Few saw the retail apocalypse coming yet the carnage is obvious. Will we see that within the entertainment realm?
6/ The merging of media (social) and finance is more powerful than people realize. This is the essence of Web3. It is going to change everything. Are you getting on board?
It’s possible. An artist has so many fans, so they can capitalise on this creating community, giving them fan tokens. Then selling their music as NFT. #web3 power!!
#Web3 attempts to redesign the Internet as a more transparent, secure, and decentralized entity using tools like blockchain technology and Distributed Autonomous Organizations (DAOs).
Media and finance are being linked way more. It amazes me to see how many people fall for the pump and dumps. I feel that the entertainment realm is already in danger due to things like Youtube or Twitter.