my goal going forward is to source 10 profitable books a day that are over 100% ROI. this is purely amazon to amazon book flipping. ebay & bulk not included, as they're a whole separate part of the business.
buying a book on amazon when price is low, then flipping when prices are historically high. it's pretty easy to spot these patterns on the charts.
What's the time commitment to parse through Amazon's offerings to find the 10 gems? Could the search be done programmatically with an optimized list of resalable books?
We're on the verge of overthrowing the global system of enslavement and reestablishing sound money, uncensorable payments, privacy, data ownership, and sovereignty.
And here you are whining about when your bags are going to pump.
I think people have mistaken the original purpose of crypto which was to be a peer 2 peer currency that is uncensorable. That was the whole point. It's not, nor was it ever meant to be a fucking boot licking video game.
I don't really care about its original purpose although I get your point. I see it as a game that moves as you play and I plan to take advantage on every move. People just talking about how revolutionary everything is will easily be sidelined unless they pick up their shovels during this modern gold rush.
hahahaha this is too funny Mr Alpha 😆😆😆 an Alfa joke. One mistake phrase that sounds like sell from the big guys and everybody goes sell sell sell.
Most a just listening and moving with it
Happy Birthday @khaleelkazi I truly respect and admire your drive for innovation and productivity, truly you got me addicted to #inleo I love it when passion meets innovative growth, I wish you more prosperous years ahead @hiventhusuast
I stopped using most of the #tribe #token tags in #Hive in almost all of my posts. I think most of them are not as strong as #LEO in terms of sustainability and stability. #crypto
Doing this means financial freedom, and not pilling up millions in the bank and then you go there for withdrawal and they say "Sir please a moment with you, we have a bit of a problem"
and with that I say Live, Laugh and Crypto 🤣. The crypto world has come to disrupt the injustice of centralization and I'm happy to see this in my time
Hmmmm this is bad, network in my village so bad I hardly come online. Thinking of starting a new project to bring better network. #inleo #hive #alive #home
Just returning from a crusade, we thank God for the success of day one although I didn't enjoy the product due the the sound system they provided for me to work on. But tomorrow by God's grace, I have told to to get a better mixer and an equalizer so that I can set a better sound for them. The guy on the keyboard is @emmysticks elder brother, and you can see the congregation also..
A lesão no ligamento cruzado anterior do joelho esquerdo fez Pedro perder a chance de quebrar mais um recorde e ter a sua melhor temporada na carreira. Porém, mesmo com a grave lesão e sem entrar no gramado desde o início de setembro, o atacante teve em 2024 a melhor média desde que estreou no profissional.
Em jogos oficiais a média do atacante em 2024 foi de 0,69 gol por jogo. Foram 30 gols em 43 jogos. Mas o camisa 9 também marcou dois gols nos amistosos na pré-temporada nos Estados Unidos. Ao todo, foram 32 gols em 45 partidas. Em números absolutos, seu melhor ano ainda é 2023, quando marcou 35 vezes em 61 partidas.
A melhor temporada no Flamengo – combinando gols e títulos – foi em 2022. Com 29 gols marcados, Pedro dividiu a artilharia do ano com Gabigol e teve o seu primeiro momento como goleador no clube. Pedro foi eleito o Rei da América, além de ter sido o artilheiro na conquista da Libertadores: 12 gols em 13 jogos.
Nesse ano, uma lesão o tirou dos gramados no início de setembro, mas foi só na última rodada do Brasileirão, no dia 8 de dezembro, que Pedro perdeu o posto de artilheiro do Brasil. Yuri Alberto, do Corinthians, marcou na vitória sobre o Grêmio, chegou aos 31 gols e superou o camisa 9 rubro-negro.
Pedro foi o artilheiro do Campeonato Carioca, com 11 gols, e o maior goleador rubro-negro no Brasileiro, também com 11 gols. Ele fechou o ano com 20 gols a mais que Arrascaeta, vice-artilheiro do time com 10 gols.
Um velho conhecido dos colorados tenta realizar um sonho. O centrovante Leandro Damião conversa com o presidente Alessandro Barcellos e quer voltar ao Inter para encerrar a carreira.
O centroavante está sem atuar desde julho, quando finalizou a passagem pelo Coritiba. O jogador de 35 anos chegou a ser procurado por outros clubes, mas colocou como meta ter a terceira passagem pelo Beira-Rio para se aposentar.
Minha vontade hoje é só o Inter. Procuro nem ouvir as outras propostas que tive. Cheguei a falar com o presidente. Minha vontade é voltar ao Inter – disse ao ge.
Ainda rodou pelo Cruzeiro, Betis e Flamengo até retornar ao Inter em 2017. Damião foi fundamental na campanha para tirar o time da Série B e recolocar na elite do futebol nacional.
Ainda defendeu o clube gaúcho em 2018 e, no fim do ano, rumou ao Japão para atuar pelo Kawasaki Frontale, onde permaneceu até 2023. No total, Damião soma 228 partidas pelo Inter e balançou as redes em 108 oportunidades.
A crise do Manchester City continua na temporada. Nesta quinta-feira, a equipe comandada por Guardiola voltou a ser muito irregular durante os 90 minutos e empatou por 1 a 1 com o Everton. Haaland perdeu pênalti no começo do segundo tempo que poderia ter dado a vitória aos donos da casa. Bernardo Silva abriu o placar e Ndiaye empatou para o Everton.
O City venceu apenas um jogo dos últimos 13 que disputou na temporada. Com o empate desta quinta, chega a 28 pontos na Premier League e subiu para sexto. Porém, pode perder posições com o decorrer da rodada deste Boxing Day. O Everton foi a 17 pontos e é o 15º. Seca agora os concorrentes que vêm atrás. A zona do rebaixamento é iniciada pelo Wolverhampton, que tem 12 pontos, é o 18º e recebe o Manchester United.
Quando Bernardo Silva abriu o placar no primeiro tempo aos 14min, deu a falsa impressão de uma vitória tranquila do City. O início de jogo do time de Guardiola foi animador, com Doku e Savinho bem acionados nas pontas e Foden liderando as articulações por dentro. Bernardo Silva teve chance de ampliar depois, mas chutou para fora. O Everton, em um raro ataque na primeira etapa, empatou com Ndiaye, em vacilo de marcação do City.
No segundo tempo, o City piorou muito. Savinho era a única esperança do time em jogadas individuais pela direita. Em uma dessas sofreu pênalti, mas Haaland, mais uma vez muito mal em campo, desperdiçou a cobrança. No fim, De Bruyne e Gündogan entraram, mas não conseguiram dar criatividade ao time diante de uma omplacável marcação do Everton. Os visitantes tiveram dois contra-ataques muito perigosos nos minutos finais, mas Doucouré e depois Harrison erraram nas tomadas de decisões e desperdiçaram as chances da virada.
Treinadora desde 2008, quando começou na categoria sub-17 do Porto Alegre, Tatiele Silveira é um dos nomes importantes do futebol feminino não apenas no Brasil. Primeira e única técnica campeã do Brasileirão Feminino, pela Ferroviária, ela tem sido peça importante na evolução do esporte no Chile, onde venceu recentemente o bicampeonato nacional com o Colo-Colo.
Com o futebol feminino em ascensão no país, a treinadora lidera a equipe local desde 2023. Para ela, a experiência brasileira no esporte tem sido importante também para os outros países sul-americanos.
Tudo o que eu passei de 2019 para agora estou vivendo no Chile. Eu vejo como é importante ter referências e, muitas vezes, as referências positivas nos trazem reflexos em outros lugares. Estamos no caminho da profissionalização, a confederação com as competições maiores e o investimento no futebol de base – comentou ao ge.
No Brasil, a modalidade evoluiu mais após a obrigatoriedade imposta pela Conmebol para a criação de equipes femininas aos participantes da Libertadores e também depois da Copa do Mundo de 2019, que teve ótimos números de transmissão. Há cinco anos, os clubes do Brasileiro masculino também são obrigados a manter times femininos.
Quando chegou ao Chile para comandar o Colo-Colo, o futebol feminino no país passava pelo mesmo momento de transformação. As boas e más experiências foram referências para a evolução do clube nos últimos anos.
Zé Rafael recusou a oferta que tinha do Santos e deu indicativo de que permanecerá no Palmeiras para 2025. O meio-campista recebera uma proposta considerada sedutora do time da Baixada Santista, mas optou até aqui por seguir na Academia de Futebol.
Peça importante no elenco de Abel Ferreira, ele perdeu espaço na última temporada, mas a avaliação era de que só aconteceria uma saída mediante uma oferta boa para todas as partes.
A possibilidade oferecida pelo Fluminense contava com uma troca que envolveria Gabriel Menino e Martinelli, mas este modelo de negócio não foi para frente. Menino se acertou com o Atlético-MG e fará parte da transferência de Paulinho para o Palmeiras.
Alvo do Palmeiras para 2025, Andreas Pereira entrou em campo como titular na vitória do Fulham, da Inglaterra, sobre o Chelsea, por 2 a 1, nesta quinta-feira e foi motivo de questionamento ao técnico Marco Silva após a partida.
Claro que falo com ele, mas isso do Palmeiras não é para uma conversa entre eu e ele. O clube tem as pessoas responsáveis para falar e para ouvir. Até agora não tenho nenhuma informação do clube que tem algo perto de acontecer, portanto, nem a conversa – disse o treinador, a respeito das tratativas, em entrevista à ESPN após a partida.
Todo o resto está a parte de mim, está longe do Andreas também. Tem as pessoas responsáveis por ele, e o clube tem as pessoas responsáveis a tratar. Temos focado só treino a treino e jogo a jogo.
Andreas, inclusive, estava suspenso na última rodada e voltou a ficar à disposição para o confronto desta quinta-feira. Ele atuou por 73 minutos antes de ser substituído.
Ha! I probably average somewhere between 2-3 showers a week. If I lived in a warmer climate where I sweated every time I went outside then I could probably see showering more often, but when it's below freezing 4 months out of the year, why bother. Plus, it's not that healthy to constantly dry out your skin...
Holy moly, there are people who don't shower daily 😱 oh perhaps the weather is favorable. My country is so hot you can't afford not showering twice. But I meet people you skip showering and I can feel it
Has $ETH been overlooked. What clear regulations could mean for this sleeping giant. I go over this in detail in my latest InLeo article found in the comments.
Finance is the most important thing and when it comes to festivals it's directly related to finance although happiness should be the priority. Again it's also true that nothing comes to us for free.
We need to spend extra during the time of the festival but if we spend too much we need to face the negative consequences later and sometimes we need to bear the impact for several months which is not good.
In recent days I think I became emotional. In the past time tears never came to my eyes in painful situations in a drama but I noticed that in recent days sad moments in a drama bring tears easily to my eyes. Does it mean I am coming out of my robotic mind? I don't know if it's good or bad for me. It's hard to believe tears come so easily.
The price of $BTC has come down a little bit again, and some altcoins have also entered the buying zone, but I am afraid to buy right now because BTC's dominance is still high, above 57. I am still observing the market for a better opportunity. Right now, observing the market seems good for me.
1- Hashtags que tengas en tus posts.
2- Monedas que tengas en Stacking
3- Regalos o donaciones de otros users (generalmente según sus gustos)
4- DApps que utilices (inleo por ejemplo)
Sony Pictures CEO blames the audience and thinks that no matter what the spin off they release, people going to send it to the darkest corner of hell, idk if they are so pessimist sell the rights to Marvel
#skiptvads, #spiderverse, #moviesonleo, #madameweb, #linkincomments
At the beginning of my stock options trading journey, I believed that constant trading was the secret to wealth. I seized every chance, made every trade, and monitored my profits and losses obsessively.
my goal going forward is to source 10 profitable books a day that are over 100% ROI. this is purely amazon to amazon book flipping. ebay & bulk not included, as they're a whole separate part of the business.
buying a book on amazon when price is low, then flipping when prices are historically high. it's pretty easy to spot these patterns on the charts.
What's the time commitment to parse through Amazon's offerings to find the 10 gems? Could the search be done programmatically with an optimized list of resalable books?
15 minutes to an hour. i use software called Bookmine that does a lit of the hard work to find good books. then i filter from there.
That's efficient. The filtering part is likely where your personal judgement and hard won experience comes in.
yep, they filter down to a small group then you do the rest
Oh... what charts are you using? Ok love this idea.
no problem
I guess some AI tools can spot them in a jiffy 🙃.
when you find an AI tool for this let me know lol this is all manual
Hi, @l337m45732,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
What's Darkcloaks
What is Darkcloaks?
Yeah, it can
Hi, @l337m45732,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
Thats a majestic goal for 2025. I hope you achieve it
can I come for some mentorship of how you do it there.
I'd like to copy your strategy
This is a great goal and I hope you achieve it in 2025
We're on the verge of overthrowing the global system of enslavement and reestablishing sound money, uncensorable payments, privacy, data ownership, and sovereignty.
And here you are whining about when your bags are going to pump.
The majority are still carried away with Micheal Saylor's noise.
It's sad, but they'll learn their lesson.
Yes it's pathetic, let's focus in our way better
Never stopped!
why I'm gonna stop for some monkey's and bear's?
I'm fkn bull 🐂
No time to waste with that kind of people! In freedom and crypto we trust 🫡
I think many people have mistaken crypto as being a waiting game where you buy something and after that it's up to the market to decide how it goes.
No one has to wait for anything and whine. We can literally take advantage of every single market move and pump our own bags every single day.
It's hard work and requires learning new skills but it's worth it.
I don't even care about uncensorable payments, privacy, data ownership, tech, etc, that much but instead see this as a game.
A game to generate as much wealth as possible with every (legal) way imaginable.
Now imagine how much fun it can be if you car about freedom.
Indeed. The freedom I already have but to have financial freedom, I need to have my bags pumped up first. 🙂.
I think people have mistaken the original purpose of crypto which was to be a peer 2 peer currency that is uncensorable. That was the whole point. It's not, nor was it ever meant to be a fucking boot licking video game.
I don't really care about its original purpose although I get your point. I see it as a game that moves as you play and I plan to take advantage on every move. People just talking about how revolutionary everything is will easily be sidelined unless they pick up their shovels during this modern gold rush.
Yeah I see it that way too
Awesome! Be sure to follow my daily threadcast for the latest crypto stuff 👍
thanks for this. Really need to read it
I like your insight
Cheers, mate!
I doubt it will end the enslavement
Old but good. Seen this many times
I love this madness, haha!
this is a perfect example
Bitcoin in one picture
hahahaha this is too funny Mr Alpha 😆😆😆 an Alfa joke. One mistake phrase that sounds like sell from the big guys and everybody goes sell sell sell.
Most a just listening and moving with it
A poco no se ve bien $HIVE ahí 🫣☺️🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
#spanish #bitget
Today's my birthday
Celebrating it with Lions 🦁 on the LeoTeam. We're also going to test the new Payments page today (sneak peak image in this thread)
Hope you all had a happy holiday!
Happy Birthday!
Hi, @simplegame,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
thank you 🦁
Great for all the work you are doing and making everything so much easier.
glad to hear this, thank you!
Happy birthday to you
thank you 🦁
Happiest birthday man!
You're my birthday twin here lol, what a coincidence.
haha happy birthday! That’s so funny
Hope you had a good BDAY!
haha yea
It was fun, hope you also had a good one.
Happy Birthday Khal ✌️
thank you!
Khal, you're turning each one of our days into a Happy Cryptmas! 😛
Is this the 26th of your Dec. 26th, or the 27th?
hahaha it’s the 26th!
Awesome!!! You still have 4 years to be among Forbe's "30 under 30" 😉.
I just turned 27, so 3 years left lol
where are you from?)
Happy Birthday! 30 going on 70? 🤣
Happy Birthday, Khal!
thank you!
Happy Bornday and congrats on a successful year🍾
Thanks! Much more to come!
The new Premium page is very interesting. Good job Leo Team.
Congratulations on your day, Khal. I wish you good health and happiness! Success on your journey. Happy birthday!
🎁🐐🎂 Happy Birthday 🍾🐐🥳
Happy Birthday 🎂
wow. Multiple payment options to choose from.
Happy birthday to you from all of us at Al-Minhaal Global Academy, Nigeria. Here is us wishing a long life filled with goodness.
Happy birthday! 🎉🦁
thank you!!
happy birthday captain, you celebrate on a good month and good time, time of Christmas
Multiple payment options! 🚀 🚀 🚀
Wow! huge news!
yep lfg
Just saw this.
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday to you
happy birthday Khal
thank you!
Happy birthday to the GOAT of Blockchain 😎💪
Happy Birthday @khaleelkazi I truly respect and admire your drive for innovation and productivity, truly you got me addicted to #inleo I love it when passion meets innovative growth, I wish you more prosperous years ahead @hiventhusuast
Happy belated birthday wishes.
Happy Birthday mate!
happy bday! !lolz
Fish and ships.
Credit: boboman
$LOLZ on behalf of rainbowdash4l
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@khaleelkazi, I sent you an
Happy Birthday Champ!
واو هذا را
ئع 😘😘😘😘😘😘
Happy birthday!!!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday lion!
Happy birthday
interested very good
Happy Birthday!
🥳 Happy Birthday from Dash Italia 🇮🇹
#dash $DASH
another listing. If you want to read more about me trying to get Hive listed on Stakecube find the comment
Going to read it.
I'm going to look it up.
i kinda love this dark blue theme on the #inleo UI, the feeling is different 😄
It's cool
Yeah me too. It's cool
Yeah, that's what I'm currently using.
Cooler than ever 🦁
facts, the UI is very impressive
Very cool. And impressive....
You are right about that
That's right
Yeahs it's my favorite, although I can't change to check the other unless I buy premium
Yeah of course
I stopped using most of the #tribe #token tags in #Hive in almost all of my posts. I think most of them are not as strong as #LEO in terms of sustainability and stability. #crypto
Dash users being paid in Dash to use social media, but interacting with users far beyond the Dash ecosystem, without them even having to know it!
The INLEO partnership is really amazing.
#inleo #dash
goes both ways! We also love the energy of the new users from dash! Great partnership
Great you think so!
I love this partnership. That's how I got here.
Looking forward to reading your posts. InLeo is really a great place to hang out in and earn!
Its a yuge partnership
Looking forward to your posts. InLeo is really fun
Have seen lot's of people through dash and inleo partnership
Really amazing
2025 motto - I will try to apply this to many different aspects of life.
Well, there's sense in it, after all half bread is better than none.
Applying it to many aspects of Hive, it could be:
"When $HIVE is shorted, long it up anyway" 😋
hummm... What a truth
Always show up. Thats the key
@dashpay on X
Thats the only way to escape the dictatorship polished in democracy
Crypto is our ticket to freedom
life is just simplified with crypto. By living like this freedom is all you experience. I'll be moving more of my assets in crypto and stay in crypto
I love the concept, we live in crypto and with that I kiss the government and big tech censorship companies fare well
Imagine we build this as an entire economy. A crypto economy will be a cool one.
Doing this means financial freedom, and not pilling up millions in the bank and then you go there for withdrawal and they say "Sir please a moment with you, we have a bit of a problem"
and with that I say Live, Laugh and Crypto 🤣. The crypto world has come to disrupt the injustice of centralization and I'm happy to see this in my time
Spend some time thinking about your past year.
John Dewey
Only the experience you remember can you learn from. Unfortunately, most people quickly forget their past.
That's right
It's Friday 27 December 2024
Today's #lbi asset backed value per token is:
1 LBI = $0.183 USD = 0.55 HIVE = 2.822 LEO
Great investment
another version of Leo strategy?
My InLeo premium subscription has been renewed. 🔥
I'm ready to start 2025 on the right foot.
Congrats bro!
Great Lion
Roar away sir.
awesome, your now an actual lion
Wondering why I read that text perfectly 😋.
hahahah, great answer :) !BBH !DOOK
What is that
@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(20/100)@ijatz! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
(html comment removed:
😂 Damn you got me .!!!
hahahahahaha !BBH !DOOK
@bradleyarrow likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(21/100)@ciskodisco.opus! to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
(html comment removed:
Ouch 😂 no wonder I've been bumping into things lately
well, apparently I'm blind
hahaha. Couldn't see
book arbitrage is kinda fun #business
it is Fun
do you resell books as well?
No, my friend used to do this
were they successful?
Hi, @l337m45732,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
Is it on sale?
Excellent business idea
Hope you had an awesome day everyone. ??
I did. You?
Fabulous day infact
Hmmmm this is bad, network in my village so bad I hardly come online. Thinking of starting a new project to bring better network. #inleo #hive #alive #home
Just returning from a crusade, we thank God for the success of day one although I didn't enjoy the product due the the sound system they provided for me to work on. But tomorrow by God's grace, I have told to to get a better mixer and an equalizer so that I can set a better sound for them. The guy on the keyboard is @emmysticks elder brother, and you can see the congregation also..
#music #soundsysterm #gosple
Hoe many days is it going for?
God bless your for your labour of love
Thanks very much my dear friend, it's gonna last for 3days..
Congratulations on doing the work of God
awesome. God richly bless you
Good job, your reward is in heaven
God bless you man of God
Hay mucho en camino para #hivep2p
Pero lo recorrido ha sido bastante y en poco tiempo, la MiniApp de telegram está top! Ahora esperando la versión web!
Hay mucho que recorrer antes de la versión web, eso si, tendremos mucho adelantado en la mini app que solo tendremos que ajustar.
Coffee with a view ☕
Pefect view, hot chocolate coffee, good weather, a peaceful home, that will be heaven for me 🙏
woah which place is this, it's got such a beautiful view. Also coffee is one of my favorite in The morning. Enjoy the holidays
El Pital in El Salvador
El Salvador, a dream destination I intend to go to , I pray I get chance to travel next year
man this a calming view. A beautiful place to be
that's gotta be a really great feeling
Deleted my main X account. Feels great!
Down to project accounts, but feel like I might kill one of them too.
Sick of all the negativity that ends up sucking me in.
Life is too short for all that BS.
Next up to go dark is Fakebook!
The answer is 5.
The answer is 5
The correct answer is 5
I think it's 5. Not so sure
well I'll follow the crowd and say it's 5
after doing the math it's 5
likes like the crowd has decided on 5
the answer is 5
4√18 👍
Not everyone will get this.
ouch have no idea what I'm looking at
😝 what’s the deal with the boolean norwegians?
So for those of us who don't get it, what's the issue with our brains?
Pretty accurate man ,I got it immediately the NAND gate is so so precise 🤣🤣🤣

And how will a YESWAY look like. It's a lot of ways and paths I'm seeing 😂
Unfortunately I don't get it
I would say that the additional flags are derivations with the logical operators like - AND, NOT and so on.
well, I'm one of those people who don't get it
I'm confused 🤔
are those real countries?
And the Oscars goes to one Alpha. Good eye, good eye

haha good one
Noway here
Welcome to the daily sports #threadcast! Here we will discuss, follow and share all the news from the sporting world.
We want to make #inleo the premier destination for the #sports community by establishing the Leo platform as the hub for sports updates
Edition #168
December 26
Apesar da lesão, Pedro fecha ano com sua melhor média de gols no Flamengo e na carreira; números
A lesão no ligamento cruzado anterior do joelho esquerdo fez Pedro perder a chance de quebrar mais um recorde e ter a sua melhor temporada na carreira. Porém, mesmo com a grave lesão e sem entrar no gramado desde o início de setembro, o atacante teve em 2024 a melhor média desde que estreou no profissional.
#sports #flamengo
Em jogos oficiais a média do atacante em 2024 foi de 0,69 gol por jogo. Foram 30 gols em 43 jogos. Mas o camisa 9 também marcou dois gols nos amistosos na pré-temporada nos Estados Unidos. Ao todo, foram 32 gols em 45 partidas. Em números absolutos, seu melhor ano ainda é 2023, quando marcou 35 vezes em 61 partidas.
A melhor temporada no Flamengo – combinando gols e títulos – foi em 2022. Com 29 gols marcados, Pedro dividiu a artilharia do ano com Gabigol e teve o seu primeiro momento como goleador no clube. Pedro foi eleito o Rei da América, além de ter sido o artilheiro na conquista da Libertadores: 12 gols em 13 jogos.
Nesse ano, uma lesão o tirou dos gramados no início de setembro, mas foi só na última rodada do Brasileirão, no dia 8 de dezembro, que Pedro perdeu o posto de artilheiro do Brasil. Yuri Alberto, do Corinthians, marcou na vitória sobre o Grêmio, chegou aos 31 gols e superou o camisa 9 rubro-negro.
Pedro foi o artilheiro do Campeonato Carioca, com 11 gols, e o maior goleador rubro-negro no Brasileiro, também com 11 gols. Ele fechou o ano com 20 gols a mais que Arrascaeta, vice-artilheiro do time com 10 gols.
Leandro Damião quer voltar ao Inter para encerrar a carreira
Um velho conhecido dos colorados tenta realizar um sonho. O centrovante Leandro Damião conversa com o presidente Alessandro Barcellos e quer voltar ao Inter para encerrar a carreira.
#sports #inter
O centroavante está sem atuar desde julho, quando finalizou a passagem pelo Coritiba. O jogador de 35 anos chegou a ser procurado por outros clubes, mas colocou como meta ter a terceira passagem pelo Beira-Rio para se aposentar.
Damião acabou vendido ao fundo de investimento Doyyen Sports em 2013 por 13 milhões de euros (R$ 42 milhões à época), que o repassou ao Santos.
Ainda rodou pelo Cruzeiro, Betis e Flamengo até retornar ao Inter em 2017. Damião foi fundamental na campanha para tirar o time da Série B e recolocar na elite do futebol nacional.
Ainda defendeu o clube gaúcho em 2018 e, no fim do ano, rumou ao Japão para atuar pelo Kawasaki Frontale, onde permaneceu até 2023. No total, Damião soma 228 partidas pelo Inter e balançou as redes em 108 oportunidades.
cool pictures
Thanks my friend.
Your welcome !
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Haaland perde pênalti, City cede empate e segue em crise na temporada
A crise do Manchester City continua na temporada. Nesta quinta-feira, a equipe comandada por Guardiola voltou a ser muito irregular durante os 90 minutos e empatou por 1 a 1 com o Everton. Haaland perdeu pênalti no começo do segundo tempo que poderia ter dado a vitória aos donos da casa. Bernardo Silva abriu o placar e Ndiaye empatou para o Everton.
#sports #epl
O City venceu apenas um jogo dos últimos 13 que disputou na temporada. Com o empate desta quinta, chega a 28 pontos na Premier League e subiu para sexto. Porém, pode perder posições com o decorrer da rodada deste Boxing Day. O Everton foi a 17 pontos e é o 15º. Seca agora os concorrentes que vêm atrás. A zona do rebaixamento é iniciada pelo Wolverhampton, que tem 12 pontos, é o 18º e recebe o Manchester United.
Quando Bernardo Silva abriu o placar no primeiro tempo aos 14min, deu a falsa impressão de uma vitória tranquila do City. O início de jogo do time de Guardiola foi animador, com Doku e Savinho bem acionados nas pontas e Foden liderando as articulações por dentro. Bernardo Silva teve chance de ampliar depois, mas chutou para fora. O Everton, em um raro ataque na primeira etapa, empatou com Ndiaye, em vacilo de marcação do City.
No segundo tempo, o City piorou muito. Savinho era a única esperança do time em jogadas individuais pela direita. Em uma dessas sofreu pênalti, mas Haaland, mais uma vez muito mal em campo, desperdiçou a cobrança. No fim, De Bruyne e Gündogan entraram, mas não conseguiram dar criatividade ao time diante de uma omplacável marcação do Everton. Os visitantes tiveram dois contra-ataques muito perigosos nos minutos finais, mas Doucouré e depois Harrison erraram nas tomadas de decisões e desperdiçaram as chances da virada.
Treinadora bicampeã no Chile vê intercâmbio como diferencial para o futebol feminino no país
Treinadora desde 2008, quando começou na categoria sub-17 do Porto Alegre, Tatiele Silveira é um dos nomes importantes do futebol feminino não apenas no Brasil. Primeira e única técnica campeã do Brasileirão Feminino, pela Ferroviária, ela tem sido peça importante na evolução do esporte no Chile, onde venceu recentemente o bicampeonato nacional com o Colo-Colo.
Com o futebol feminino em ascensão no país, a treinadora lidera a equipe local desde 2023. Para ela, a experiência brasileira no esporte tem sido importante também para os outros países sul-americanos.
No Brasil, a modalidade evoluiu mais após a obrigatoriedade imposta pela Conmebol para a criação de equipes femininas aos participantes da Libertadores e também depois da Copa do Mundo de 2019, que teve ótimos números de transmissão. Há cinco anos, os clubes do Brasileiro masculino também são obrigados a manter times femininos.
Quando chegou ao Chile para comandar o Colo-Colo, o futebol feminino no país passava pelo mesmo momento de transformação. As boas e más experiências foram referências para a evolução do clube nos últimos anos.
Zé Rafael recusa proposta do Santos e indica permanência no Palmeiras para 2025
Zé Rafael recusou a oferta que tinha do Santos e deu indicativo de que permanecerá no Palmeiras para 2025. O meio-campista recebera uma proposta considerada sedutora do time da Baixada Santista, mas optou até aqui por seguir na Academia de Futebol.
#sports #palmeiras
O Fluminense é outro interessado no camisa 8 alviverde. O cenário neste momento, contudo, é pela continuidade de Zé Rafael no Verdão.
Jogador do Palmeiras desde 2019, Zé Rafael nunca teve a saída como uma certeza na Academia.
Peça importante no elenco de Abel Ferreira, ele perdeu espaço na última temporada, mas a avaliação era de que só aconteceria uma saída mediante uma oferta boa para todas as partes.
A possibilidade oferecida pelo Fluminense contava com uma troca que envolveria Gabriel Menino e Martinelli, mas este modelo de negócio não foi para frente. Menino se acertou com o Atlético-MG e fará parte da transferência de Paulinho para o Palmeiras.
Técnico do Fulham comenta proposta do Palmeiras por Andreas e elogia: "É um jogador diferente"
Alvo do Palmeiras para 2025, Andreas Pereira entrou em campo como titular na vitória do Fulham, da Inglaterra, sobre o Chelsea, por 2 a 1, nesta quinta-feira e foi motivo de questionamento ao técnico Marco Silva após a partida.
#sports #fulham
Andreas, inclusive, estava suspenso na última rodada e voltou a ficar à disposição para o confronto desta quinta-feira. Ele atuou por 73 minutos antes de ser substituído.
I take 2 baths (daily). 3 (also daily) in the Summer.
Ha! I probably average somewhere between 2-3 showers a week. If I lived in a warmer climate where I sweated every time I went outside then I could probably see showering more often, but when it's below freezing 4 months out of the year, why bother. Plus, it's not that healthy to constantly dry out your skin...
Even during Christmas seasons?
Is that the weather app?
Holy moly, there are people who don't shower daily 😱 oh perhaps the weather is favorable. My country is so hot you can't afford not showering twice. But I meet people you skip showering and I can feel it
wow. That's crazy
In some couple you don't know who's the wife and who's the husband. It can be only one boss and that's not you. 😆
fUnniest thing I have read today
funny interpretation
So why do they even decide to be wife in the first place if that's the definition 😅🤔
haha that's a good joke
haha good one. I'm telling her
who's the idiot? You or her?
Oh my 😂
Unlock it
I better watch all those who will get this correct in the comment section
It must be 042 ;-).
Hi, @shebe,
This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.
Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.
What is that
And this is where artificial Intelligence thrive.
Zero four two
The correct answer is 1
M = 9
N = 1
1 ✅
I am sure the answer is 3.
n=1.732050807 or the square root of 3. So n x n=3
When the math teacher wants to fail you that semester. 😭
I hated maths in school
No. I don't have my scientific calculator anymore. :-)
nope, wasn't that good in math
People in turkey must now show ID fror #crypto transactions over $425. I don't like this. What do you guys think?
i wonder how the hell this is going to be enforced lol
Hmm thats a good question, the article didn't mention any of that. I guess certain apps and vendors would do that
well, yeah that's because btc is not private at all lol
It's crazy, and can't be enforced. Won't go over well.
I wonder if they say these things just to mess with the market and the community
They probably are trying to do anything they can to exert a little bit of control.
Won't work long-term.
Well you cant stop the change at this piont
they are trying the possible best to regulate crypto
This is BS. They can't stop crypto so they've decided to regulate it.
Oh no
Has $ETH been overlooked. What clear regulations could mean for this sleeping giant. I go over this in detail in my latest InLeo article found in the comments. #gosh
i believe it's Gonna soar alongside BTC
There's never been a cycle where #eth didn't top, its very undervalued as of now. I am definitely focusing on its ATH break, just a matter of time
#outreach #threadstorm
Finance is the most important thing and when it comes to festivals it's directly related to finance although happiness should be the priority. Again it's also true that nothing comes to us for free.
We need to spend extra during the time of the festival but if we spend too much we need to face the negative consequences later and sometimes we need to bear the impact for several months which is not good.
I have written a post about it and I hope you will enjoy reading it. I am inviting you to read the post.
A balanced life is always the best. Balancing happiness with financial management
You need money to express love
Always plan financially
There is life to live after every festival
I wish this would work… #meme #memes #leomemes #notmymeme
hahahaha 😂 good one. If that craziness gets adopted worldwide, I identify as the president of the United States of America.
One day it will
Hahaha. I identify as the bank of America and therefore I have the legal right to print money
I identify as the constitution of America
haha. With the way things are going I think it would happen
In recent days I think I became emotional. In the past time tears never came to my eyes in painful situations in a drama but I noticed that in recent days sad moments in a drama bring tears easily to my eyes. Does it mean I am coming out of my robotic mind? I don't know if it's good or bad for me. It's hard to believe tears come so easily.
#drama #tears #emotion #thoughts #cent #freecompliments
feeling things is definitely good
You're started to be more empathetic. That's a good sign that you will be a great leader one day
Does it have any relation with leader?
You're becoming more human
I think it's always a good thing if you feel. It means you're human and have a conscience
Its actually a really good thing
Crypto Contest November 20: Farcana $FAR kept ranging last month #crypto
Feliz dia!
feliz día y feliz navidad.
I already published the post for today and not it's time to sleep.
So good night everyone and I will come back tomorrow.
Goodnight sleep tight, wake up tomorrow and roar away
May the angels protect you till you wake up
Good night
I guess you're awake now. Good morning
Good night and Good morning
The price of $BTC has come down a little bit again, and some altcoins have also entered the buying zone, but I am afraid to buy right now because BTC's dominance is still high, above 57. I am still observing the market for a better opportunity. Right now, observing the market seems good for me.
#crypto #market #cent #freecompliments
#hive stands strong in the red market!
wow Hive is 32 cents now?
I'm a believer of hive.
wow that's impressive. Glad I joined this project
Hive is doing pretty well
This latest batch of vintage slide scans include photos from the American Museum of Atomic Energy.
#vintage #photos #filmphotography #cent #bbh
Check out the original post for more photos from this set:
I have received these coins as payment for staking. Is there a way to receive specific coins or will it always be these coins/random?? #crypto #inleo
Eso depende de:
1- Hashtags que tengas en tus posts.
2- Monedas que tengas en Stacking
3- Regalos o donaciones de otros users (generalmente según sus gustos)
4- DApps que utilices (inleo por ejemplo)
These are so many coins
It all depends on what is paid out for that staked coin.
What type of #tattoo do you prefer?
I don't do tattoo
Good morning Leo Family
Do we say Happy boxing day?
Happy boxing day, fren.
Thank you 😊
@luchyl likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(2/20)@falcon97! to your account on behalf of @luchyl.
(html comment removed:
Merry Christmas sir. What did you gift to people on this day?
Did you spread the love
Good Day. Merry Christmas to you too
This is the most wonderful time of the Year
Merry christmas
Merry Christmas and happy new year sir
Sony Pictures CEO blames the audience and thinks that no matter what the spin off they release, people going to send it to the darkest corner of hell, idk if they are so pessimist sell the rights to Marvel
Such a pathetic excuse, haha!
Read More
Yeah people will always do people things.
Maybe they are
i mean like venom was great and all..but need a littile bit more effort
Is that venom. I love that movie
people are gonna people
Is there a way to shorten the link on X so it would still contain the Inleo ref link but look better? 😀
Asking for a friend.
Use a shortlink like
Oh, yes, that's the one I was looking for. Thanks!
I tried something like that but it didn't work
Yeah, I'm thinking about leaving it as it is
Let's hope for the best.
Can't wait to a crypto millionaire
Trump's effect
Thats the beginning of a bullshit year, with trump being inaugurated
That will be a new landmark.
This will change everything completely
Trump my man
At the beginning of my stock options trading journey, I believed that constant trading was the secret to wealth. I seized every chance, made every trade, and monitored my profits and losses obsessively.
But here’s the stark reality… 🧵 #StockTrading #OptionsTrading
Don't leave us hanging.