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Why is it that men never read instructions ? They open the box throw aside the instruction leaflet and off they go.

We rarely leave the compound and since it's been at least 2 weeks since any of us has seen the world outside, our car battery is flat. This tends to happen quite frequently and our usual recourse is call a friend who lives some 10km away. But not this time! Oh no! We've just purchased a wonderful new Jump Starter and Charger from Lidl.

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But a machine is only as good as its operator and that operator is my brother, bless him. Working things out is not his forte so following considerable wailing and gnashing of teeth the second brother is called into the fray. I say brother, I mean half-brother, though he could be a brother and a half since he weighs twenty stone.

Does he read the instructions? Nah, and my suggestion that he do so or indeed consult UTUBE is met with scorn as off he goes huffing and puffing, twiddling knobs and pushing buttons. But alas, tumbleweed. No spark, no sound. The lights are on, but as they say, there ain't nobody home…and I’m not just talking about the charging machine:)

Result? Out comes the phone to call our friend and the charger is consigned to the shed, never to see the light of day again. If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.

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Of course I read the instructions myself and couldn't make head or tail of them. But then, I'm a woman. Men are naturally wired for this sort of thing. No? Don't get me wrong now. I love men, they have multifarious uses and it irks me when I hear young women say we could do without them. I mean who'd run into those burning buildings, operate the oil rigs and do all the other shitty jobs done almost exclusively by men? Not this lady. No siree!

Men are wonderful creatures. If only they came with an instruction manual or indeed could learn to read one.
The images are my own


I guess I need to turn in my man card. I read instructions.

Of course you do! I should have excluded (ex)librarians, for they are in a class of their own.

My man never reads instructions because he's got a lifetime of experience of knowing how things work. It's not how they're wired, it's their bloody male pride, as if they SHOULD know these things, because they are MAN.

Could it be it's just faulty? Ur doesn't seem a hard thing to operate.

I think it's more likely the men that are faulty:) You're lucky you happen to have one that's in good working order.

In 'better than average' working order

That absolutely fkn idiot put a can of diesel in back of the defender camper yesterday and didn't secure it properly so it fell against my sofa cushion and made it stink of diesel. I was not happy. It's probably one of the most idiotic things I've ever seen him do.

Ask me next week... He may have moved up in in my affection.

If that's the stupidest thing he's done he sounds like a darling.

He's a keeper.

lol you've voiced the sentiments of women everywhere!

It's one of the many crosses we ladies must bear.🙃

Ha! Must be why there's so many sway backed and hunchbacked ladies...and all this time I thought it was osteoporosis lol

Lol, men usually want to show off they are skilled enough that don't need instructions and then fail 🤣

Hahaha, and they say women are the illogical ones!

All people should read instructions if we don't know about this product it is important we don't read them because we have used this product before so it is easy for us to use them.


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No call out nor any castigations intended, just a contemporary observation. Men and women are Yin and Yang contrasts whose Divine energies both must both be honoured, supported and allowed to breathe and grow in their Divine masculine and Divinely feminine magnificence. Like the powers of negative and positive polarities in a battery you need both to produce usable energy. The balance must be in place that praises and respects both powers, one over the other or one more than the other fails. Diminishing our differences and strengths instead of honouring and raising them plays into the hands of the divisive sub-human predator class. When the union of opposites is honoured the strength of that energy is magnified gloriously. Let's bind to that sublime reality and act in accordance with that natural flow rather than work against it. We can all see in social media and media propaganda in general the assault on that fundamental dynamic. The reasons are of military strategy to reduce, confuse and cause division amongst your enemy, it's Sun Tzu's Art of War 101. So reject it wholesale and carry on in alignment with natural Universal order and view the victorious results.

Understanding begins when cross dialogue between the sexes is both fostered and actively practised. Men don't understand women and vice versa, so coming to the table to reveal and discuss these unknowns brings about understanding. Which in turn returns fellowship, discourse and alignment to those realities. The goal is to be our best and get out of each other's way and when this is accomplished, milestones of progress are achieved. We need both sexes to come to the table and converse, exchange and grow resolving conflicts, misconceptions and mysteries which serve no one.