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RE: Your Slack Has More Than One Leak

in #hive5 years ago (edited)

Yeah, just got back from dinner and saw that. One of the other admins who wasn't around when I invited you decided he knew better than I did and uninvited you. The pitfalls of having communications channels with multiple admins, but it's more painful when you only have one who has to manage it. I'm thinking signing in with an account name of LOL didn't help your case much, though.

But I'm guessing 10 minutes in there was enough to realize it's not the leaders of Hive, more just a free-for-all with more memes and drama than Hive itself. It's more real time, so there's actually more trolling there than here. The big advantage from my view, over discord, it's I'm not randomly bombarded by scam artists.


Honestly after the vitriol I've been experiencing I was not comfortable entering there as CryptoFinally. And I did see them leaving a lot of hateful comments about me before I was kicked, so I think that not using my name was a good instinct tbh.

Well, you've been attacking Hive because it has a well-known troll who you keep feeding. It's kind of ridiculous to attack the entire platform because of him, in my opinion. And a lot of people who were initially sympathetic to you (because they've been in troll wars with him too), started to lose sympathy for you at that point. A lot started to believe that your primary motivation was attention rather than honest conversation.

I'm a bit more on the fence and have been willing to see it more as a misunderstanding about the platform than an attention play (mainly because I don't see how such attention will even benefit you).

So let me briefly address your point: while some people have definitely been driven away by bernie, it's not many, in the relative scheme of things. That should be obvious from looking at retention rates: bernie can't even begin to interact with that many people. Bernie can mostly drive away people who can't tolerate foul language and pornographic images (and despite his talk that he's driven many away, surprisingly few leave because of him despite how obnoxious he can be).

This platform is actually designed to prevent people from being censored, just because their speech may be offensive to others. One of it's key "selling points" is that we don't censor here.

But there is a simple solution: you can mute any accounts you want, and you won't see their messages any more. Now bernie actually has several accounts, but if you look at the downvotes on your early posts, they should be pretty easy to identify. On your later posts, you may be finding other accounts though, as you're going to just tick people off if you try to conflate bernie sanders = leaders of Hive. There is no leader, here, including me, who many people wrongly do ascribe as the leader. If you needed ample evidence of that, you can see it in your getting kicked of that slack after I invited you in.

I have not attacked Hive as a whole at all. I have consistently reiterated that I support Hive. I started with 1 post about how I was being downvoted, which quickly translated into people on this platform attacking me. I then did a livestream where I honestly expressed how I was feeling, to which more people from Hive came out to attack me. I have not been trying to "get attention" but this is a bit of a toxic culture if it's so easy to disregard creators who have taken time out to support you. I stand by what I'm saying that this will prevent on boarding and does need to be addressed. What was I supposed to do? Continue to promote Hive while being attacked? My posts were pointing towards a true problem in a diplomatic way. I was not the only one escalating, as everyone continued to jab at me it gave me more concerning things to speak on, the amount of people who reached out via DM expressing fear for Bernie was disconcerting and deserved attention. If you want to actually get my perspective consider watching my livestream:

I don't think you've understood yet, that it was literally just one person originally, who happened for historical reasons, to have multiple accounts. You then went on to identify him as the "leaders of Hive", and making dramatic posts about it, apparently without consulting anyone else to fact check your arguments. Almost anyone who's been around here for a long time could have told you that, because we've all seen these occasional dramas, and most of us don't bother to mute because we just aren't easily offended.

If it's any consolation to you, I've been involved in a couple "comment wars" with him in the past. Nothing serious really, because there's little real substance to any of these disputes.

Honestly you saying this is a real tipping point for me. Really disappointing. "Making dramatic posts" - You mean telling the truth about what was happening to me?

No, I mean deciding that one guy on the platform downvoting and trolling you was really the "leaders of Hive" attacking you. And simultaneously deciding you've figured out the real problem with Hive. If you don't think your posts were dramatic, please read them again. You're claiming that one guy trolling you on a platform with tens of thousands of people is going to destroy the platform. That's overly dramatic, IMO, especially as he's been here since it's inception and we live with him, and many other obnoxious posters. One final time: it's easy to just mute such people if you can't tolerate them.

I'm simply sharing my honest view on this situation. Do any research, and you'll find I'm not a major fan of bernie's tactics when it comes to discourse. Buy if my somewhat dispassionate advice is troubling to you, you should probably consider a career outside social media, as you're not going to fare well when real trolls and hecklers come knocking.

Suggesting that I get a career outside of social media because I stand up for the fact that this kind of clear harassment on this platform is a barrier for adoption is a really sad take. If you're not familiar with me, I deal with trolls and hateful comments all the time, it comes with the territory of standing up for what is right in an industry that could truly care less about its people. The reason I'm talking about this for Hive is because it does need forward push to adoption, you saying that adoption didn't matter was also very sad. I'm really disappointed in all of your responses here. I've attached the Bernie comments so you can have a much clearer idea of what I am saying. It's not a little bit of good spirited trolling & its locked in combination with specified targetting of all my posts to bring them to zero, which he can do - even if other whales all vote for me. This is a toxic culture and you should be open to reexamining the situation instead of just shutting people down and insulting their ability to use social media in the first place. You are a prominent voice, you saying things like this creates a very harmful narrative.

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people on this platform attacking me. I then did a livestream where I honestly expressed how I was feeling, to which more people from Hive came out to attack me.

What are you considering an attack? Because people telling you why downvotes are important is not an attack. Also, you make misleading public statements saying that "whales" are attacking you and that members of the community are attacking, when in actuality, you are being attacked by one individual on a censorship resistant platform.

So if YouTube commenters start sending you hate suddenly YouTube is a toxic environment?

Listen little one, the world is severely both toxic and beautiful, and if you are going to throw yourself into the light of the sun, for profit, you should expect all kinds of energies to head your way regardless of your intentions. Peoples perceptions will always prevail.

Best thing you should do is mute anyone you don’t want to interact with, constantly creating content explaining yourself isn’t very becoming, most successful public figures have the backbone to understand all this.

It is about the user base, and what is worth putting up with. This is a small platform, growth and adoption should be, and as I was under the impression, is at the forefront here. You can not compare yourself to YouTube or Twitter. I'm pointing to the fact that this behavior & culture is a definitive barrier to adoption.

I'll re-iterate one more time "use the mute, luke"

You're under a mistaken impression, if you believe that the highest priority here is on growth and adoption. They are desired, of course, but this and dare I say all legitimate crypto platforms are driven by ideology, not by the goal of being the biggest. The ideology of Hive is decentralization to create a trustless platform and freedom from true censorship. This is posted about quite frequently, so its hard to understand how you could miss it. On the censorship issue, I suggest you listen to some videos by @theycallmedan, if that's your preferred medium (I actually don't like to listen to video/audio, as I can read/learn quicker from the written word).

Okay. I don't feel like thats a great answer, you guys are clearly looking to onboard more people onto Hive & I've been advocating for just that. The issues I pointed today create a barrier for that adoption. That's all I'm saying.

That’s the problem people have with you.

You just said “you cannot compare yourself” instead of “we cannot compare ourselves”

You aren’t really committed to hive, from what Ive gathered so far.

Social justice warriors get destroyed in the crypto world, also, many here know all about Bernie, we don’t need you to lecture us about it.

As a side note, I've only personally muted one guy on Hive, and that's the guy who memed me onto Hitler. And that wasn't his first antic about me. Nonetheless, he can (and still probably does) post here. I don't really know, since he's muted for my account.