
Bribes? What on earth are you talking about?

I am saying that when I come clean through the audit, I figure the IRS will NOT be happy that they were used to harass an innocent person.

Troy, please do not try to incriminate us, all your doing is making yourself look a bigger penis!

I dont have to do a thing. You are doing it all on your own.

I am hoping that they will turn around and arrest the people who used them with falsified evidence.

You guys should be shaking in your shoes.

Falsified evidence? All the evidence comes from your very own videos! I have some good advice for you and it just might work if you’re very lucky. Delete all your videos and hightail it off to the Philippines. Living there as a fugitive might be preferable to ending up in federal prison for tax fraud. You could really be off the grid there too! Not sure if Melanie and Michelle would go with you though. Unlike you, they should be ok in the USA.

Ok. So you watch my videos.

But you have no idea about my taxes. You are just reaching and hoping, as always, to get lucky and finally hurt me.

Same as always.

Nothing new here

You guys set me up for crimes again and again. Always hoping to get lucky and hurt me.

So has it been an enjoyable day on steemit? Do you feel you have accomplished much? It’s about time for another sit down drama video I think. That might be easier for you to do, because I doubt you’ve been filming much homesteading activities lately. Do you think it’s a good idea to neglect your struggling youtube channel at the moment?

Yea a new day!
Thanks for inviting everyone here Reid.

They should all know how you operate your scam to remain unemployable.

Will you Blame others, play the Victim, Exploit Drama and Complaint about Trolls in the next video.

Because that's what you do.

Never Truthful.
Never Credible.
Never any Meaningful Content.

Oh dont worry. The video for tomorrow will enrage you sucks (fitting name) members very badly and then you will all get together and figure out how to deny it.

Well, I’ll be looking forward to that one. Your videos have been so boring lately. I sincerely doubt anyone is going to be enraged though, unless you’ve been letting more chickens die from neglect.

Now you show to the World that you are just a troll.

You dont like my videos but you stay purely to harass my family.

Tomorrow will be a new day of you guys pushing your warped version of reality and trying to convince people it is all a stage.

I can see it now.

The only thing that's warped little man is your front door, or at least it will be when the IRS call banging on it.
Can't wait for the phone lines to open, sat polishing the phone now.

Will this be for the world to see or just your patreon viewers?

Well done Troy you can see into the future. Go anywhere nice this weekend. I went fishing for the day and spent some of yesterday at the beach, all paid for by working for the man.

Oh we are happy with our lives here on the homestead. If I wanted to live like you do, then we would not have moved here.