※ These posts are ranked by the sum of votes and comments.
1. Bunga yang indah dipagi hari dengan dihiasi embunnya.
@abupasi.alachy, 269 votes, 1 replies, $3.82
2. Mari Sebarkan Hal Positif di Steemit
@levycore, 122 votes, 33 replies, $64.81
3. 163 Days 2000+ Follower, Thank You All To support Me On Steemit
@abunagaya, 134 votes, 8 replies, $4.46
4. Golden Time with Mom (Bilingual)
@aiqabrago, 105 votes, 24 replies, $60.30
5. Congestion in my Little Town Lhokseumawe || Kemacetan di Kota Kecilku Lhokseumawe
@mulyadi.alwi, 88 votes, 1 replies, $1.51
6. Agoes Gaming - Learn to Understand Hero Undying Game Dota 2 |Belajar Memahami Hero Undying Game Dota 2 (Vol.37)
@agoesdeuge, 72 votes, 0 replies, $17.27
7. Komunitas Balai Baca Mencerdaskan Anak Bangsa
@albertjester, 58 votes, 12 replies, $15.75
8. Dresses and hats I made for my baby, learned from YouTube! / Baju-baju dan topi si kecil buah karyaku sendiri, hasil belajar dari YouTube
@kobold-djawa, 43 votes, 27 replies, $39.51
9. Cryptocurrency Revolution: End of Year Reflection for Indonesian Steemian (In Bahasa)
@rismanrachman, 63 votes, 6 replies, $12.53
10. 6 Cara Berpetualang di Steemit
@dsatria, 33 votes, 35 replies, $0.68
11. Bersemangat disteemit dapat membawa berkah.
@abupasi.alachy, 67 votes, 1 replies, $3.86
12. Memupus Masa Suram Pemilu di Pasee - To Eradicate the Darkness Sides of Electoral Moment in North Aceh
@teukukemalfasya, 60 votes, 7 replies, $9.37
13. Selayang Pandang Steemit Dalam Sudut Pandang Pribadi Saya (Overview of Steemit From My Own Viewpoint)
@happyphoenix, 51 votes, 13 replies, $7.00
14. Membingkai Kenangan
@zainalbakri, 42 votes, 20 replies, $15.29
15. Menunggu Guru Profesional plus Sejahtera
@masriadi, 58 votes, 2 replies, $16.34
16. Postinganmu Tidak Mendapat Vote? Kasiaaan....
@akbarrafs, 30 votes, 25 replies, $2.41
17. Agoes Gaming - Learn to Understand Hero Underlord Game Dota 2 |Belajar Memahami Hero Underlord Game Dota 2 (Vol.36)
@agoesdeuge, 52 votes, 3 replies, $19.01
18. MOBA GAME_MOBILE LEGENDS - Hero Balmond Review, Tips And Trix, Anda How To Play | GAME MOBA_MOBILE LEGENDS - Hero Balmond Ulasan, Tips Dan Trik, Dan Cara Bermain [ENG/IND]
@rahmadi91, 54 votes, 0 replies, $12.92
19. Review Hellblade senua's Sacrifice: the game by setting the film [ENG/IND]
@sharmlock, 53 votes, 1 replies, $13.25
20. Game Reviews about Hitman Absolution: Kill With Skill [ENG/IND]
@sharmlock, 50 votes, 3 replies, $14.67
21. Pandangan Saya Tentang Steemit | My View About Steemit (Bilingual)
@saifmmc, 38 votes, 14 replies, $0.31
22. Mencoba FrameIt, Tools Bingkai Foto untuk Pengguna Steemit
@dsatria, 25 votes, 25 replies, $2.16
23. Melalui Steemit: Corporate Social Responsibility Di Indonesia
@yusrizalhasbi, 48 votes, 2 replies, $9.06
24. Rizie Gaming - Point Blank Review Rank and Clan (END-IND)
@rizieirwanda69, 49 votes, 0 replies, $12.06
25. My Mothers, My Greatest Woman
@yuslindwi, 42 votes, 6 replies, $1.19
26. The History of PT Arun NGL: Long Term CSR Program | Sejarah PT Arun NGL: Program CSR Jangka Panjang |
@ayijufridar, 40 votes, 7 replies, $10.97
27. Games For Preschoolers Base on Education Part I : Preschool Games For Kids
@adhinita, 46 votes, 1 replies, $12.26
28. Meja Bisnis Toke Pinang
@makhzar, 29 votes, 17 replies, $1.66
29. Balinese Wedding: The Wedding - Pernikahan Adat Bali: Akad Nikah
@ekavieka, 29 votes, 16 replies, $3.74
30. Cara Membeli Pulsa Listrik di Steemit.com
@niddumulu, 40 votes, 4 replies, $0.41