Read what I wrote again. I never said the really heavy hammer would flatten anything. I said it would do more damage than a heavy hammer. Yet repeated blows from a heavy hammer would do more damage than a single blow from a really heavy hammer.
The videos are as appallingly bad as you would expect for the tim
The earliest ones I have found were black and white. Those and even the video from the image you provided have aspects beyond any video special effects we have even created today.
The artifacts you would expect to find, etc. They are not present in those images.
Dresden and Tokyo were leveled by multitudes of bombs which resulted in repeated blows into the same areas over and over again.
Nagasaki and Hiroshima were both a single bomb. The level of destruction the single bomb accomplishes is way beyond what we could do with a single bomb of any other kind. It also did not match the damage from repeated bombing runs which you helpfully provided.
It does match what you might expect from a single point of origin blasting outwards with decreasing strength from the epicenter as a single tremendous blast.
I think you spend a little too much time thinking every single thing you hear is a conspiracy. Some of them are, though many of them are not. ;)
No evidence #5...
Now look at that photo of Nagasaki again - it has not been destroyed by a "nuclear" bomb has it?
"Nagasaki and Hiroshima were both a single bomb"
How on earth can you prove that - from news reports? LOL...
I did this on Steemit two years ago and was flooded with evidence back then :)
I did make 3 cents though!
Dude. I am going to be blunt. Because you can't seem to get it. I answered my stance on this in my first reply to you. If you are skimming and not comprehending what I said there that is not my fault. You repeating shit isn't going to change that. Hell I answered with a variation on the same response a few replies later and kept it short and sweet.
No evidence #6...
"my stance"
that is my point really...
You mean your point that I told you I don't have time to do research for you going back and finding things I've read, seen, etc over the last three decades. Also telling you what constitutes proof to me, would likely be insufficient proof to you.
That is your point?
Can you read that? Did I say any words you don't know. If so let me know and I'll try to come up with a different way to say the exact same thing.
If you want to discuss. I'll discuss. If you want to do another no evidence #10 then fine, I'll let you have the last word. If you don't wish to go that route then it may not be the last word and the discussion may continue.
All I want is for you to stop avoiding the issue - lack of evidence - by providing photo or video evidence - I'll stop doing the # thing now that you are into double figures... And I'm getting worried that you might go off like a bomb.
And I wasn't avoiding lack of evidence. I was clear about that. Anything I considered evidence I encountered more than three decades ago in some cases. Before the internet. No way I can recall or find everything I saw. So I can't even look at the old stuff I saw with fresh eyes. Now while I could search, and search, and perhaps find it... I have so many other things to do that I have zero interest in devoting time to doing that. If I was bored, I'd be more than happy. It has been many years since I've been bored.
OK I'll try a different approach - I can't post a video because none exist - so I'm saying you can't either - proving me wrong would be evidence - now that is two more replies showing you have no evidence so you have proved my point many times over now
"So I can't even look at the old stuff I saw"
that's because it was all the original sketchy looking fake ones were removed from the internet more than five years ago
but this one remains - you might like this utter bullshit! (scary thing is some Americans believe this is real - LOL)
I'd simply figure I was being trolled and decide it was a waste of my time. ;)
I'm not trolling, just curious to see if you ever grasp that every time you reply without any evidence you are proving my point
I won't say I know they are real like @jrcornel.
I simply currently weigh probabilities based upon a life of reading and research that I am not going to regurgitate for you that the probability is strongly in the favor of them existing.
I don't BELIEVE anything except that my mind will change as I encounter new data, and have new thoughts.
No evidence #7...
"I don't BELIEVE anything except that my mind will change as I encounter new data, and have new thoughts"
evidence of that with this subject?
You haven't presented any new evidence yet that I've found convincing. In fact, I've offered you counter explanations to what you are presenting as evidence which you dismiss and say "no evidence #X". I'll say I don't see any evidence from you yet either. ;)
Well, on my old Steemit post there are at least four solid bits of evidence - VERY SOLID - including photos, cancer rates, and more in the links and comments - eg.
Now just in case you want to see all the original propaganda photos of this bomb bullshit - all here:
Only catch is there are no photos of it going off - of course - because it didn't...
Well that helps. That gives me something to actually look at. I will look at it. It may not be until tomorrow. I'm getting ready to make a night run to the data center. I have to take a 2U 12 drive (4TB each) NAS server I've been repairing back and rack it and recable it. I typically wait until after rush hour to do that type of stuff.
More info - note that whale often wont open in the zionist chrome browser but will in other browsers
"In short, you can rest easier on this matter, because there is no chance we dropped any nuclear
bombs on Japan. It simply didn't happen. Japan knows that, Russia knows that, and the only ones
who don't know that are the citizens of the US, who have been propagandized into a state of mass
idiocy. The whole nuclear scare wasn't used mainly to keep the Russians at bay (since the Russians
also never had any nukes). It was used mainly to keep US citizens in a state just short of panic for 70 years, and to keep military and Intelligence expenditures absurdly high"
Have a good trip.
One thing I'll say about the cancer rates. They also said nothing would grow in Nagasaki/Hiroshima for a long time, but they had melons the next year.
That doesn't disprove atomic bombs. It does back up that a lot of people make predictions about what will happen without actually knowing. :)
Michael Crichton addressed that exact issue in the post I did on Aliens and Global Warming today.
No evidence #8...
"They also said nothing would grow in Nagasaki/Hiroshima for a long time, but they had melons the next year"
"That doesn't disprove atomic bombs"
well actually...
Now on the Dresden/Tokyo connection...
Are you saying Nagasaki and Hiroshima were leveled by regular bombing runs like Tokyo and Dresden or are you implying that the photos provided allegedly of Nagasaki and Hiroshima are just recycled Dresden and Tokyo pictures? I've been operating off of the concept you are indicating we could level a city more effectively than an atomic bomb allegedly did if you look at Tokyo and Dresden. Thus my hammer analogy.
No evidence #9...
"Are you saying Nagasaki and Hiroshima were leveled by regular bombing runs like Tokyo and Dresden"