A Pale Horse

in #life7 years ago (edited)


It's your brother, son, he has had to go into Hospital.

It wasn't quite the news I wanted to be hearing on a quiet Sunday afternoon. The good lady had taken the little boom out to the shops and it was only me and the little lady pottering about in the house.

I asked my mum a few questions and quickly ascertained that my brother was not in a critical condition but had been sent down for some tests as he had been feeling giddy. I arranged to meet my mum in the hospital asap.


I got off the phone. Although my dear old mum had reassured me that my brother was fine I was still worried. You don't usually get sent to Hospital for nothing.

I noticed the little lady staring at me wide-eyed.

You ok lass?

Her bottom lip trembled.

Daddy, I don't want Uncle C to die!


I raised my eyebrows a tad. For a start, I was barely aware she knew who her Uncle C was having met him rarely and them barely exchanging two words.

Don't worry lass? No-ones dying. He has just been sent down for some tests.

The little lady swayed back and forth like a rubbish palm tree in a tropical storm before collapsing to the floor.

Oh Daddy, I will miss him so much when he dies! Waaaahhahahah


Hot donkey damn, all this talk of death was making me feel a bit wobbly. I tried reassuring her kindly but firmly.

Listen up chicken pie, Uncle C is absolutely fine. Sometimes we have to go to Hospital just for a check-up.

As I said it I felt the stab of fear in my belly that it was something horrible. Please little lady, stop talking about him dying.

The little lady had curled up in a flowery dressed lump.

You ok, little one?

She raised her head up. Her eyes glistening and red.

If he dies I will never forgive myself!!!


Oh my god. This was getting out of hand.

Right you, stop it with the death talk. Nobody is dying.

I hoped I wasn't tweaking the nose of some capricious God.

Do you promise?

Reluctantly like that dude in Team America, I promised that no-one was going to die.

As soon as your mummy comes back I will head off in the car and go and visit him. Then I can come back and let you know how he is.

I'm coming with you Daddy.

No way lass. Under absolutely no circumstances is anyone coming with me.


I walked into the room where my brother lay on a bed with his special grumpy grump face on.

I nodded to him in that manly way that brothers do.

The little lady tore in behind me and threw herself onto the bed.

Please Uncle C, don't die. I couldn't stand it if you died today!!

Eh, who said anything about dying?

Said my brother furrowing his brow and looking at me.

Daddy did!

Yelped the little lady.

I shrugged my shoulders apologetically at my brother and mouthed silently over my daughters dramatically heaving back.

No I fucking didn't??!

note - he really is fine, despite my lovely daughter's pronouncements.


The manly brother nod.

It always works, it always fits. Be it a happy occasion, a sad one, or not truly an occasion at all. The ladies will never understand.

Although it does work for people other than brothers, for some reason it simply fits brothers the best.

It does, it removes the necessity of words from so many situations :0)

Your little Lady seems to be a very nice and sweet Lady, even if she said "Daddy did!". You know: to take the blame is part of a parent's work :D

That's a lesson I will have to learn!

She is perfect! - clearly got yer genes ;0)

She is a champ, I do like to think it's all from me, hehe!

The manly brother nod. Sounds very familiar, familial-y speaking. Though guess if he's in bed, it's hard to turn sideways so nothing 'important' touches, clap him on the back like you're burping a rhino, talk about football, then toss in a "get better" at the end. Last of the real sentimentalists for sure. At least that's my family.
Very funny read, and the little lady was back on the Grim Reaper train for awhile. Shades of a few months ago, just moving around the family. Yikes. Glad your brother is A-OK. Your little one is quite the corker. Story fodder until she's 20...

Burping the rhino, hehe, yeah, that's pretty much what it's like. The little lady is the story giver beyond compare,!!

A post combining 'No way, José' AND 'Hot donkey damn' gets my upvote for sure. Always.

Lol, cheers!! ;0)

LOL that rascal kid of yours just put you in a very precarious situation there @meesterboom between you and your brother :D

She always does!!

Ha , someone has to take the blame. LOL

I know, it's always bloody me!! Lol

That is hilarious, kids always get us into shit somewhere along the line. The cute sayings aren't so cute sometimes and no matter what you say the damage is done.

I was quite mortified. BN is like one they gave said it you can't unsay it!!

Many grace spor share this life story
to improve soon his brother@meesterboom Children can be very surprising with their comments, many times we talk and we do not realize that the boys pay attention to everyone.

They are very surprising. I have no idea where she got it from!!

It's so weird how kids pick up on things and create something in their own head. I was in the emergency room years ago and my wife, convinced I was near my end, insisted on being in the room with all 4 kids. Irina, the youngest was about 5 and asks the doctor if she might have "some butt inspection gloves." I have no idea where that came from!

That's a proper left field one!! You will be glad that they never produced them, hehe!!

Daddy's got broad shoulders. He can take the blame! I see that putting that foot down firmly and saying Under absolutely no circumstances is anyone coming with me didn't work so well. Glad to hear that he will be fine.

Yeah, when I said that I was going alone it just kicked off a mad storm!!

Yes, indeed, he is getting out tomorrow thankfully :0)

That will be a relief to the little lady!

Lol, she is still going on about his imminent death despite me saying that

It is strange what children will latch on to and worry about...

It is, the most innocuous thing at times;

Well... In my opinion, the little lady actually wanted you two to get closer as brothers exaggerating the condition of your brother. Good thinking, little lady! Upvoted!

Haha, I hope that was the case!!

They hear every word you say, and then repeat them at the least opportune time.

They are steeped in evil

Glad to hear everything's well and good with Boom's brother, Brother Boom! The little lady is at that age where everything's overly dramatic. I love that age so much. Like, I really love it like I love life itself!

Hehe, I kinda love it too. Except for the rolling about on the floor drama bits!!

I remember my sister refusing to go to school because our mother couldn't tie her hair the way she wanted. I think she was about 10 at the time, so completely within the age range.

“Listen little lady, this is a secret between you and I, you can’t tell anyone. ... Uncle C is having problems with his pee-pee. He is hoping the doctor can fix it. Don’t tell anyone and don’t tell anyone That I told you. Now, get your jacket on so we can go visit him in the hospital. “

Reverse psychology

That would backfire massively!! I can almost hear it now!!

For years to come, it with be Uncle C with the pee-pee problem.


LOL - my youngest son often reacted much the same way when talking about death. Forget talking about the death of a pet! OMG.
ps - glad your brother's not dead. ;)

I am glad too. Although I do get worried slightly about one of my cats who she loves as she is getting quite old!

Such a delightful story! My niece is about your daughters age and last christmas we were having a conversation where she asked me why I wasn't able to walk around well (I have a disability) and I told her that my legs just don't work as well as hers. She asked me why and I said, "Oh, I'm an old lady." She thought for a minute and realized her mom is older than me and so she finally asked, "Are you dying??" I was like, DAMN, that interaction took a turn! :-D

Bahahaaaha, that's what they do! It's both amusing and terrible!!

once again you turn a seemingly normal event into something hilarious. Is it a bit morbid that I was laughing while reading this? I mean I truly was routing for your brother to be okay. great read man!

Lol. I laughed too! Despite the fear!

hahaha yeah I bet it was a bit scary. I mean how could you not be, anytime hospital is mentioned with a relative, it is scary.

I had no idea the ladies learn how to pass the blame at such an early age lol.

It's genetic ;0)

I'm laughing so hard right now XD Glad to hear he's all right even though the little lady is convinced he's going to die for some reason XD

What did she do to him anyway? LoL!

Exactly, what did she do!? Lol!!

Out of the mouth of babes........

Yikes, I hope not, lol!

Ahhhh, the thought process that kids go through. At least she didn’t take the indifferent approach. This young lady really cares. I remember when I was little , maybe 8, and my grandfather died. I have no idea why but I couldn’t stop giggling. It was one of those defence mechanism thingys they tell me about now. I felt like a horrible person. Glad your bro is going to be just fine!!

Aw man, I did something similar with an old uncle that passed away when I was about the same age. I kept laughing and saying that maybe we should see him tomorrow. I have no idea why but it went down like a lead balloon!!

With my little lady I think we have been too free and easy with the death talk!

the little ones always amaze us and embarrass us, but then they still have pure hearts. Those calls through the daytime hours are bad enough, but those calls at 2 or 3am, usually mean grandma has moved on to greener pastures.
Hope your brother recovers from whatever ails him, and lives on to drink you under the table! :)

Hehe, I think it is the drinking that has landed him in bother. It's more of a scare hopefully, he is getting out tomorrow.

They do, I love their innocence in that respect!

Dear daddy tree, you did well and the little twijg is so at ease that she Made ot a topic that it is not weird to tell you she scared Thats a compliment but I know those moments you need All your strength to be a patent ! Glad to hear tree brother is ok greetzz from rotterdam

Hehe cheers!! Greetings from Master Tree in Scotland! :0D

She did well, I am proud of her!

If she is Thats coming from her roots 😉

Lol, but of course :0)

I meant mrs. Twig offcourse. 😉

Hehe, of course!

Had to point that out. As I do here at home also like 50 times a day

You know one of these days that sweet little daughter of yours is going to shout back at you...."Yes you Fucking did!" ....with the full Boom attitude...lol.

upvoted and resteemed

Lol, there might be trouble then!!!

Nice story 👍👌👍

Nice hair 😝🐯🦒

Very good story

You should see the shine on my vagina after I put the dark wood stain on it

Oh, by the way - you might want to add a comma after brother before son in the opening line. It's not your brother son, it's your brother, son. That sentence was both logical and ill (ogical)

Yes indeed, thank you. I have now updated it!