Once when I worked in a car park I had to use a radio and was reporting an accident with a car. I had no idea of this phonetic alphabet nonsense and reported the registration plates as Charlie Oscar 45 .... Kitten Sugar..?
It took a while to live that one down
After working in a call center for far too long, I became proficient in the phonetic alphabet. People have asked if I am a veteran. Nope. But I have done horrible things to sell cell phones, and I suffer wounds from that nightmare to this day...
Oh I feel your pain. I worked in a call centre once a long time ago and it was one of the worst jobs I ever had. The antics they would do to get us to do stuff was beyond compare and they logged everything! One team, thank fully not my own were only allowed five minutes in the toilet in the morning and five in that afternoon. When my team leader mooted the idea once in a team meeting I said, but my morning shits take at least five minutes to even poke their head out and sniff for danger!?
We made one out of foul language when I was bored teenager hanging out in cars. Using some of those words would get you shot in this day and age but that's beside the point. We truly thought some of those payphones we used to buy illicit substances with had someone listening in. If there was, all they'd hear is some maniacs cursing and insulting one another nonstop.
Thats probably what a lot of the people they were trying to catch sounded like. You lot must have been wanted men!
Its funny how some of those words were so common back then, the things you could get hung for nowadays! Social media hung that is :OD
It's nutty. Even some of the old movies have new bleeps. I think I wrote a joke about those bleeps once. How we should have the option, like choosing a ring tone, because I'd rather hear chicken sounds than those godawful bleeps.
I think I would prefer quacks. Although what I world ultimately other is to have the choice of not hearing any sounds to cover up what was said and just take it with my 21st century non sensitive ears on!!
Those replacement sounds are far more offensive and hard on the ears. People just need to learn how to stop being dicks. That's all. No need to sweep everything under the rug because a few people can't stop being dicks.
It's is a genuine motto of mine for how to get on in life ... Don't be a dick - it really works!
It sucks when you're not being a dick but people think you're being a dick and be dicks about it.
For instance. Have you ever asked a few questions on the internet before? Wow... That brings out the dick in people.