
Love the post. To fathom the depth of human experience is gold. Life is all always about feeling good at all times. It's about acceptance, a profound sense of acceptance, letting it move in, without resistance, through us. I've experiencing spiritual awakening for many years, the darkness is the shadow of the collective unconscious we often experience as the dark night of the soul- it's total mess and dark. I've started writing it all down. But after all, ​we don't expect life to make us happy, but through profound acceptance, it's our every own personal choice to be happy in difficult times.

good to see some of that writing is making it's way to Steemit - I like your style. quality comment. :-)

Yes, you're right. It all depends on our perception of the situation and the reaction we choose to make. Very inspirational!

@imwatsi ~ I write poems

A lot of ups and downs in life... One must make good use of every opportunity one meets in life as it may never come again.. UPVOTED!Interesting post @rok-sivante

Wow this post was an eye opener for me, so true.

I love the ying/yang depiction with the wolves, very cool. Great post @rok-sivante

This was one hell of a piece you created here. I admire the consistency with the waves (sink or surfing) and how it pertains to the inevitable experiences and education we receive from those two types of experiences.
I found it very clever how you used that as well to illustrate life and how it behaves in such a manner for us to create a relevant picture in our head and understand the significance in both aspects (sinking and surfing) as I've mentioned before. Instant follow, I'll definitely keep up with more of your posts.

it's pretty amazing how accurate the metaphor is - or rather, perhaps the fractal nature - microcosm, macrocosm...

yet when you break it all down, at one level, it is all waves... particles/waves...

I got into surfing later - though being into music, working with sound waves... and onto brainwaves...

physics of the universe. ;-)

Some of us just continue tilting at windmills.

"Fortune is guiding our affairs better than we ourselves could have wished. Do you see over yonder, friend Sancho, thirty or forty hulking giants? I intend to do battle with them and slay them. With their spoils we shall begin to be rich for this is a righteous war and the removal of so foul a brood from off the face of the earth is a service God will bless."

mmm... kinda lost with that one... but it's interesting... lol :-)

Don Quixote, i.e. wasting your life in a deluded attempt to perpetuate the outdated concept of chivalry in a world that no longer believes in it.

Moments in life can be sooooo disheartening at times. It's all about ups and downs and many challenges.
I always think of the famous line from 'Gone with the Wind'-

Tommorow is another Day!

Even when things seem impossible, they are never bad when you just sleep on it, they can only be if you let them be.

very good post and so true.

Good post, and yes I think we should take life as it comes, there are a lot of things over which we can do nothing about, so why worry about them, as you say go with the flow.

Good post I surf life and waves It is the same if the wave is to big you might die ;-) But in life death is inevitable. LIke you said shit happens . For me I was struck by lightning twice and came back from being dead. Some would say luck I saw it is the will.

whoa. good luck you came back, bad luck you got hit TWICE... either way, one helluva story - and I'm sure you got some pretty amazing experiences in the in-between... lemme know if you ever write that up as a story on here! :-)

Excellent post, I have a similar post if you help me with a like I would be grateful


omg. love this. :-)

Well said! I mean, when have you ever learned that much from doing something that is easy? Hardly ever. When we are challenged, pushed to our limits, and its really really hard, we learn tenfold. Sometimes being uncomfortable is absolutely about a signal to recognize something isn't really serving you and make adjustments to bring about a different, more positive outcome. I really think I will like your posts! I look forward to seeing more :)


feel free to scan back through my blog as well... there are quite a few, though am sure there may be a few headlines that jump out at ya - some real gold to be found in the dig... ;-)

Will do! I look forward to it - Have a great day!

I'll say a few things:
a) it's on my reading list, because sometimes I have to be in a more serious frame of mind
b) much the same has occurred to me, if only because, life was mostly fun and easy for me, and I guess I had it coming sometimes it would not be..
c) steemit life has mostly be light, so I don't want to rose-color it too much either
d) once I had a 1 year old son, that almost met his maker due to food poisoning, and having developed no resistance to so many microbes yet at his young age. I spent a week trying to save his life at the hospital, as the hospital staff avoided his room. It was one of the few times I had a full time job where everyone at work was completely on my side and supported me through such a catastrophic family emergency..

Love the symbolic image of the white and black wolf looking like a yin and yang sign.

Your topic reminded me of Bruce Lee's quote “You must be shapeless, formless, like water. When you pour water in a cup, it becomes the cup. When you pour water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. When you pour water in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Water can drip and it can crash. Become like water my friend.”

Sometimes trying to resist and control life will only do you harm. Great food for thought on all the questions you asked at the end. Sometimes life is just a big mystery.

Hi Rok, great post & those photos are amazing.

we'd actually be bypassing some of life's most valuable lessons by cutting out the parts of our experience that didn't totally live up to our ideal of a 100% all-the-time positive life.

Fantastic line. People neglect to remember the negatives of life make the positives even sweeter.

Great post!