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RE: New Reward Cards & Collection Power Update

in #splinterlands5 years ago

We understand that some people will not like the change, and you are certainly free to sell your cards whenever you would like. The fact of the matter is that the amount of rewards being given out compared to the amount/value of cards required to obtain them was unsustainable and needed to be fixed.

Your case is actually a good example. Your cards are mostly silver or at most gold level, yet you are able to get to Champion I with no problem. Also, from a strict ROI perspective, the amount of rewards you can earn at Champion league compared to the value of your collection is off the charts.

Our focus and goal is on creating a sustainable game economy that can support exponential growth over the long term. The players who got in early, like yourself, have had a big advantage in being able to earn extremely high levels of rewards compared to collection size for a long time.


We understand that some people will not like the change, and you are certainly free to sell your cards whenever you would like.
Wow, wow! That's strong!

The solution I have proposed many months ago is much better, but you have guys chose over-complicated one that seems to be more profitable for your company, which I doubt it is.

If you would not allow hundreds of bots to graze rewards as you did, many real players would NOT feel now degraded. It's never been explained why simple change to leagues format was not done and as such low-level bots were allowed to consume crazy amounts of rewards and helped to push other players to higher league each or every second season, too.

Good luck getting battles without the bots. I don't run one so don't give me the BS of saying I do but we simply don't have the player volume to sustain the game. I wish there was a way to run bots from the Splinterlands team that didn't accept rewards at all. I don't know if they do that but they should. Bots are very important to keep things moving. Would you want to wait 90 seconds per match tk complete your daily quest? I absolutely don't. I don't have that kind of time.

@yabapmatt does Splinterlands running reward free bots sound like a reasonable way to sustain volume?

Read again. I was never against bots in the game. But allowing bots with accounts of level 1 to reach Champion leagues, now even maybe Champion I is super silly, isn't it? This way they can harvest up to around 200 chests a season, rendering chests almost worthless.
New rules will prevent this, but through over-complication and putting money first as the main driver of progression.

It’s unfortunate that money is always the main driver for these things. I think when some get a taste of it they don’t want to let it go.

We shall see what happens after it’s implemented and if people truly do quit or if they find a balance. My accounts never got to champion until recently but that’s because of the easy bots all over the place. Do we have human players anymore? Hard to see oftentimes.

I just saw your idea. Maybe it's better, probably it is.
But the common problem we should be fighting instead of changing the whole game is this :
we are adapting the game because of some bots. bots should be FORBIDDEN. Nothing less, nothing more.

@cmplxty - Would you want to wait 90 seconds per match tk complete your daily quest? I absolutely don't. I don't have that kind of time.

At the beginning, it was 90 seconds. I played. Patience was key at the beginning.
You don't have the time to wait ? I don't have the money to get level 10 cards. We all have our problems. But at least we are all born with the same time (at least more than the same money)

Splinterlands is a wonderful game which I love, and I respect every decision which has to be made. I just think the team deserves every opinion.

Thanks for the dialogue. I remember when I first started matches did take a while to start. It’s one of the reasons I took a break for a bit.

Wish we could get the Splinterlands team to use the bots that way they could write a script to disable their rewards and just let them give us matches.

Bots serve some positive roles (for example they reduce waiting times for a match). More importantly, it might be technically impossible to ban bots in this type of game. Therefore, instead of eliminating them, effort should be put on delivering to humans positive experience and allowing bots to make the game overall better.

This isn't the way to fix this problem. Any game that restricts progress based on the the value of your spend instead of the skill level of the player is not going to do well long term. What struck me at the Clash of Clans world finals was that some of the players there who won substantial amounts of money had actually spent zero $ on the game. They were not told they couldn't compete in the finals or barred for that reason. This is like killing the dream of a small club winning the FA Cup. There must surely be a better way than this.

Well said

This is exactly what I think. At least we had before a chance to stand up against them by strategy, now it's not possible.
There will be only the richs and their bots. Why not ? We'll see if it's sustainable :)

Splinterlands is a wonderful game which I love, and I respect every decision which has to be made. I just think the team deserves every opinion.

Per my comment above -- What the developers really need to do is have a separate ladder without a collection score but offer much lower rewards.

This would make the game much more newbie friendly while not shafting those who have paid for cards.

Nono, do not dare touching the rewards of those who paid a lot, they would not appreciate and you know, they are more powerful than tiny gamers...

Wouldn't it be better (and easier) to simply give a set amount of daily quest rewards regardless of tier?

If you only gave out five for instance, it would drastically reduce the number of daily rewards and change the reward structure from being exponential to linear (Days X Daily Quest Rewards + End Season Ranking)

I understand that @yabapmatt, and I also explaind my disagreement in other replies. But I think the game can still be sustainable without doing this.

The players who got in early, like yourself, have had a big advantage in being able to earn extremely high levels of rewards compared to collection size for a long time.

Those who have a big advantage are those who have money to spend. I don't say everyone should be equal, but inequalities should be reduced here. Blockchain gives us the opportunity to do that, to start everyone of us, from a glimpse of equality.
I know it wouldn't be sustainable, but at least I would be standing a chance against those people with a strategy. Now, I won't be able to.

Splinterlands is a wonderful game which I love, and I respect every decision which has to be made. I just think the team deserves every opinion.

Your cards are mostly silver or at most gold level, yet you are able to get to Champion I with no problem.

With enough maxedout cards (including the legendaries) to beat the other maxedout players.

Also, from a strict ROI perspective, the amount of rewards you can earn at Champion league compared to the value of your collection is off the charts.

Yeah, off the charts... can't sell enough of those useless potions.

We understand that some people will not like the change, and you are certainly free to sell your cards whenever you would like.

Fuck you.

Fuck you.

Wow, you clearly have much bigger problems than some changes to Splinterlands...

Wow, you clearly have much bigger problems than some changes to Splinterlands...

Yeah, it must be much bigger problems... I mean, who would in his right mind tell the great @yabapmatt to go fuck himself!? That's almost a blasphemy!

I’ll tell him. Go fuck yourself @yabapmatt

I wouldn't dare insult somebody who thinks what he does is right. Maybe it is, but not for everyone.
Without the team, without him, no splinterlands at all. And sadly i prefer a game that has some drawbacks than no game at all.
But I repeat it, I do not agree with the "pay2win" which I respect, but cannot be increased at this level according to me.

I would be happy to continue the debate !

Splinterlands is a wonderful game which I love, and I respect every decision which has to be made. I just think the team deserves every opinion.