My collection has the power rating of 348594 and I'm finishing the seasons in the Champion I with no problem. Now you're telling me that my max is the Diamond II?
Are you fucking kidding me !?

If I end up limited to the Diamond II I'll just stop playing and sell the cards.
We understand that some people will not like the change, and you are certainly free to sell your cards whenever you would like. The fact of the matter is that the amount of rewards being given out compared to the amount/value of cards required to obtain them was unsustainable and needed to be fixed.
Your case is actually a good example. Your cards are mostly silver or at most gold level, yet you are able to get to Champion I with no problem. Also, from a strict ROI perspective, the amount of rewards you can earn at Champion league compared to the value of your collection is off the charts.
Our focus and goal is on creating a sustainable game economy that can support exponential growth over the long term. The players who got in early, like yourself, have had a big advantage in being able to earn extremely high levels of rewards compared to collection size for a long time.
We understand that some people will not like the change, and you are certainly free to sell your cards whenever you would like.
Wow, wow! That's strong!
The solution I have proposed many months ago is much better, but you have guys chose over-complicated one that seems to be more profitable for your company, which I doubt it is.
If you would not allow hundreds of bots to graze rewards as you did, many real players would NOT feel now degraded. It's never been explained why simple change to leagues format was not done and as such low-level bots were allowed to consume crazy amounts of rewards and helped to push other players to higher league each or every second season, too.
Good luck getting battles without the bots. I don't run one so don't give me the BS of saying I do but we simply don't have the player volume to sustain the game. I wish there was a way to run bots from the Splinterlands team that didn't accept rewards at all. I don't know if they do that but they should. Bots are very important to keep things moving. Would you want to wait 90 seconds per match tk complete your daily quest? I absolutely don't. I don't have that kind of time.
@yabapmatt does Splinterlands running reward free bots sound like a reasonable way to sustain volume?
Read again. I was never against bots in the game. But allowing bots with accounts of level 1 to reach Champion leagues, now even maybe Champion I is super silly, isn't it? This way they can harvest up to around 200 chests a season, rendering chests almost worthless.
New rules will prevent this, but through over-complication and putting money first as the main driver of progression.
It’s unfortunate that money is always the main driver for these things. I think when some get a taste of it they don’t want to let it go.
We shall see what happens after it’s implemented and if people truly do quit or if they find a balance. My accounts never got to champion until recently but that’s because of the easy bots all over the place. Do we have human players anymore? Hard to see oftentimes.
I just saw your idea. Maybe it's better, probably it is.
But the common problem we should be fighting instead of changing the whole game is this :
we are adapting the game because of some bots. bots should be FORBIDDEN. Nothing less, nothing more.
At the beginning, it was 90 seconds. I played. Patience was key at the beginning.
You don't have the time to wait ? I don't have the money to get level 10 cards. We all have our problems. But at least we are all born with the same time (at least more than the same money)
Thanks for the dialogue. I remember when I first started matches did take a while to start. It’s one of the reasons I took a break for a bit.
Wish we could get the Splinterlands team to use the bots that way they could write a script to disable their rewards and just let them give us matches.
Bots serve some positive roles (for example they reduce waiting times for a match). More importantly, it might be technically impossible to ban bots in this type of game. Therefore, instead of eliminating them, effort should be put on delivering to humans positive experience and allowing bots to make the game overall better.
This isn't the way to fix this problem. Any game that restricts progress based on the the value of your spend instead of the skill level of the player is not going to do well long term. What struck me at the Clash of Clans world finals was that some of the players there who won substantial amounts of money had actually spent zero $ on the game. They were not told they couldn't compete in the finals or barred for that reason. This is like killing the dream of a small club winning the FA Cup. There must surely be a better way than this.
Well said
This is exactly what I think. At least we had before a chance to stand up against them by strategy, now it's not possible.
There will be only the richs and their bots. Why not ? We'll see if it's sustainable :)
Per my comment above -- What the developers really need to do is have a separate ladder without a collection score but offer much lower rewards.
This would make the game much more newbie friendly while not shafting those who have paid for cards.
Nono, do not dare touching the rewards of those who paid a lot, they would not appreciate and you know, they are more powerful than tiny gamers...
Wouldn't it be better (and easier) to simply give a set amount of daily quest rewards regardless of tier?
If you only gave out five for instance, it would drastically reduce the number of daily rewards and change the reward structure from being exponential to linear (Days X Daily Quest Rewards + End Season Ranking)
I understand that @yabapmatt, and I also explaind my disagreement in other replies. But I think the game can still be sustainable without doing this.
Those who have a big advantage are those who have money to spend. I don't say everyone should be equal, but inequalities should be reduced here. Blockchain gives us the opportunity to do that, to start everyone of us, from a glimpse of equality.
I know it wouldn't be sustainable, but at least I would be standing a chance against those people with a strategy. Now, I won't be able to.
With enough maxedout cards (including the legendaries) to beat the other maxedout players.
Yeah, off the charts... can't sell enough of those useless potions.
Fuck you.
Wow, you clearly have much bigger problems than some changes to Splinterlands...
Yeah, it must be much bigger problems... I mean, who would in his right mind tell the great @yabapmatt to go fuck himself!? That's almost a blasphemy!
I’ll tell him. Go fuck yourself @yabapmatt
I wouldn't dare insult somebody who thinks what he does is right. Maybe it is, but not for everyone.
Without the team, without him, no splinterlands at all. And sadly i prefer a game that has some drawbacks than no game at all.
But I repeat it, I do not agree with the "pay2win" which I respect, but cannot be increased at this level according to me.
I would be happy to continue the debate !
Peakmonsters says that you've got well less than $600 worth of cards (many of which you've probably gotten from the currently excessive rewards). Your collection rating says that you've got well less than $500 of non-duplicate cards. You wouldn't (and shouldn't) be anywhere near Champion I if it weren't for the bots because, looking at your collection on Peakmonsters, you simply don't have the cards to play at that level even if you were jacekw.
Unfortunately, Splinterlands is currently pay-to-play. What the developers really need to do is have a separate ladder without a collection score but offer much lower rewards.
Would you find that acceptable?
This is sort of the idea behind the separate league leaderboards part of the update. Players can get whatever amount of cards they want to buy which sets their league, and then they can compete with the other players in that league for the leaderboard prizes, which will obviously increase with higher leagues.
If money grew in the trees, probably I would have created a game where you can't buy cards. But honestly money is important.
But there should still be a fighting chance for everyone.
I've got enough maxedout and high level cards that I've spent ~$500 usd buying and I do beat on regular other players with maxedout cards.
Which only proves that investing $500 usd in this game is not a smart idea.
@borba because of the exploiting of the system that @j6969, @tcpolymath and a few others did, talented players like you must suffer.
Welcome to the world of @aggroed where the innocent are punished for the crimes of the wicked.
The change has absolutely nothing to do with @j6969 or @tcpolymath. They had both put a lot of money into the game and j6969 was one of the people who pushed for this change, in fact.
It's not about punishing crimes and there are no "innocent" or "wicked" here. It's very simply about having a long-term sustainable system. We were simply giving out too many rewards as compared to the value put in, and that would lead to the game failing.
That’s not what your team member said. He said it in well in advance.
I think you are twisting and misinterpreting what I said.
One flaw/problem/exploit in the system is allowing low level accounts (especially level 1 accounts) to get into Diamond and Champion leagues.
Collection Power will help in this regard, though there will still be workarounds.
Also, the primary goal of Collection Power is to create a sustainable economy by keeping rewards more proportional to the amount of investment put in. Collection Power will impact bots and low level human farmers, but that is not the primary purpose.
How is it a flaw? If people learned how to play instead of buying every card they see in the hopes of shotgunning their way to the top, i wouldn't be in champion 1 with my level 4 summoners! Simple!
What you said was stated very clearly given the context of the conversation.
Backpedaling now is pointless. Clearly enough people here agree with me, even though among those are the ones who are like "oh well, I'm not affected so I don't care"
They'll care when the next update cuts them out from where they deserve to be.
I might be wrong, but they describe it as a pyramid scheme... you will soon be able to reach high leagues only if you paid enough, it's not the talent of the player it's how much he spent...
It's not a game thus, it's a weird investment pyramid scheme when the ones at the top shares the most rewards even if they can't play without a maxed deck.
Also, some explained clearly that instead of buying TONS of cards, they chose wisely which card to boost to be able to win, so they spent, but not enough, thus they will be blocked too, point proven, it's not talent just money power...
And here I am labeled the asshole and told I'm just problematic.
Reminds me of this company called "The Team" whose logo was a pyramid and who described it as an "inverted pyramid."
Today, we still have a fighting chance. I already won against guys with gold legendaries level 3 with only l1 legendaries. But even this is not tolerated anymore...
Thanks.After I thought about it @yabapmatt (and it's my most recent reply), I think we'll see when it's in place. But still, for the moment I don't necessarily agree.
I don't know the background story, but this is a half-assed solution to the problem of abuse.
The more I know the less I want to know 🤣 What a shitshow
This is the only problem we should be focusing on. Banishing bots.
You have a gold maybe diamond level deck (if that) I dont understand the issue?
People with bronze level cards were playing into diamond this is exactly the fix.
Also now that low powered bots won't be in diamond you wouldn't make it into champion anyway it just isn't feasible sot here will be a leader board for people with collections similar to yours
Before I started selling the cards (after reading the update above) I had enough maxedout cards in my deck to win battles against other maxedout players on regular.
So if that's a gold maybe diamond level (if that) deck I don't know what to tell you.
I feel you. I've been steady at ending my seasons with Champion II and will be knocked down to maximum of Diamond I because of my PR hold back. I completely agree with curving the ball on all the botters but I don't think this is the way to do it. Legitimate players like you and I are going to be penalized.
You know the worst part? A couple of weeks or so I bought those maxed out summoners that th-12 was selling 🤣
Im pretty much the same position as you, collection score is like 338k or something, Im currently ranked 146 and now i wont even be able to play in the higher tiers.
I always knew this game was pay to win but now its pay just to compete? seriously who cares how much I spent on cards. If I can smash someone with maxed cards using a silver deck then why am i being punished?
"sell your cards" yea great, ill sell my cards at a loss now because you guys ruined my investment? more worried about bringing out things for people to buy than actually making the game more popular.
Do you guys really think youre making the right choices Youve let bots run rampant through this game the entire time its been up and ive ever seen you lot praising people who run bots in discord, why? Because they had to put in a bunch of money. You didnt care they were raping rewards though, you fucking laughed about it, all the way to the bank.
Their response to skilled players beating those who paid for their rank is "feel free to sell your cards."
How dare we have a say in how our investments are handled!
“don’t have any business being there” that I with a nearly identical deck do have business being there solely based on my gold foils?@bigdizzle91 How do you feel about my deck being nearly the same to yours but I am allowed in champion league while you are limited to diamond 2 solely because your summoners are regular foil and mine are gold foil? Or because I won a gold foil alchemist and have a gold foil bila? Is it fair that when you
I know what you’ve got because we’ve played a lot and you’re one of the few players I have trouble beating and you’re more of a challenge with lower level cards than the permanent dwellers of the champion league. If I belong, then you definitely belong.
Yea I saw that I was like well, glad it says "we will see about player feedback" and then when the feedback is negative they just say sell yo shit. seems legit.
Ya its silly, I mean I sold all my gold foils to buy regular cards who had a lower dec value, if i had of known the dec value would ever come into play I wouldnt of done so.
It doesnt even make sense that they say "this way people who have spent more can earn more" but that depends on what you buy. I can buy a card for $100 with a dec value of $15, I still spent $100 on the game so how come it isnt worth 100k dec you know?
I dunno, maybe we're the odd ones out and this is the way forward for the game, just seems like the discord chat is full of fanboys that wouldnt dare say anything bad and its just as bad here.
Stalin called those people “useful idiots.”
I you are the odd one, i am too
I'm playing in Diamond 2 and 1 but with the new rating system, it will be Silver 2 ... 6 steps backward :(
@borba your account score reflects very well at the problem i have with the changes.
My highest level summoner is a level 7 delwyn. Very low burn value. My regulars are level 4 gold foil untamed.
Because of that my gold foil level 4s put me in champion max league and your maxed out normal foils max you out in diamond.
Gimme a fucking break!
This would not be so painful if splinterlands would not allow months and months of bot grazing.
I've proposed a better solution months ago. But it seems good solution for them is only such that binds $$$ to their pockets. But I'm afraid they will rather lose in the long term, or rather earn less than they could.
Where do you get the power rating?
Go to cards, the number is in the middle:
Thanks. Never knew about that before now.
Looking at your collection, I think that makes sense.
You have three Beta rare summoners at max level (Malric, Lyanna, Zintar) but most of your monsters are gold level at best. As a mostly gold level account, Diamond actually sounds about right.
I don't think your account is competitive in Champion and especially not in Champion 1. No Rennyn, Valnamor, Selenia, or Yodin Zaku. Your legendaries are mainly Level 1 or 2. No Phoenix. Only Level 2 Spirit of the Forest. Etc.
My L3 and L4 legendaries and high level epics and rare are being bought fast by enminers-vault. Gold ones, too.
Yet, I did win against those guys. Won battles more than once against yabapmatt, for example. (And a lot of players with big $$$ collections).
Not only did I spend ~$500 only to find out that my cards are worth like $175 in DEC - I got lectured about not deserving to play in the Champion league... welcome to splinterlands, relax, spread your ass cheeks and open your wallet...
It doesn't matter now, I'm not playing anymore. There are some very affordable maxedout summoners on the market if you're in the buying mode 😉
Hey @borba, I understand your frustration at the change, but I disagree with your conclusion. Obviously it appears you have made up your mind, but if you would like an alternative take to what has happened then feel free to message me on discord (same name) ... I've been through many of these changes (some I've liked and some I haven't), but my take is 180 degrees different from you... and I'd be happy to explain my thoughts if you want to listen.
If not, I hope you do well with the selling of your cards... If you did buy them from the j69 dump then you should come out ok. That's at least one good thing about this game that everyone should agree with, when people leave they get something back instead of throwing it in the trash can!
Thanks, but I'm done with this game.
The reason I'm replying to you is that I remember you being one of the good guys helping out the newbies on Steem. Hence, my tone will be much different than the one I used in replying to the devs.
Here's my perspective:
$500 gives me a brand new 1TB PS4 loaded with the best games on the market. I can have a ton of fun for a year and then sell it for half of what I payed for it. All the while being treated as a valued customer.
Now, compare that to Splinterlands: $500 gives me $175 worth of cards (in DEC) and lectures from the devs on what I actually deserve and some insults from their bootlicking fanbase.
Ain't that a sweet deal?
As for the update, you're seeing players complaining about it but you won't see any botnet owner doing so. Makes you wonder... It's almost as if it will be buy some cards and continue the business as usual 🤣
I think $500 can get you close to 500 power points, you just have to choose the cards well. Many cards are a bit overpriced, especially summoners and alpha cards, and this is partly because of their collectible aspect. But to reach Champion League you need more competitive cards and not collection cards which are more to speculate with their prices.
just try to rent and you can achieve champion I.
I have no desire to continue supporting the game that treats its customers like shit.
You're too dumb to see that the best way for you to grow your money is for the game to become a huge success. For this to happen you need a great in game economy. The value of your cards will then grow exponentially.
Insulting whoever did the change just because you can't see that is just pathetic.
By the way, the only reason you were reaching Champion 1 is because not a lot of players are active at the moment. When they come back and start playing again, you'll just go back to your true league.
This change did nothing except bring that date a little bit forward. But again, too dumb to see that.
let them come back and send us there then dipshit. If were going to end up back in diamond or gold then let the players put us there not a bs ruleset. "you only make champion 1" blah blah shut the fuck up, I make champion 1 because i beat more people than i lose to, end of story. if these imaginary sick cunt players come back and smash me into diamond 3 then so be it, i never had a problem not getting past diamond before. I have a problem now youre telling me I cant do it, not because the player base is better than me, but because I didnt spend enough money? Eat literally the fattest dick you can.
You have a problem with the game go find another one. I've seen people get fired and react better than you.
It's just a game mate.
"It's not just a game its an investment" as I was always told by the people who made the shit, so yea im going to take an investment seriously dipshit.
I guess you assume because i used some bad words im extremely irrate. Im not, Im annoyed at best, but im not going to sit there and let some no-name dickwad say we're stupid because we disagree with the way the game is moving.
"if you have a problem with the game go find another one" is the attitude a lot of companies that have lost most of their playerbase had, but yea lets just leave when we have an issue instead of bringing attention to it in the hopes it leads to a better outcome for both sides.
You don't honestly believe it's a better outcome. It's just about the fact you can't reach champions anymore. Same as me btw.
The only one who's dumb here is the rich boy that can't win without paying thousands of dollars
I also reached champion and now can't go above diamond, it's not hard to suck it up
You missed the part where I said that I’m not affected. ;-)
You missed the part where you said I am a rich boy who can't win without thousands of dollars
"Also" doesn't imply you are affected, just that I am like others.
OK, I'm dumb and you're the smart one...
You, being the smart one, should have no trouble picking up my maxedout summoners that I'm selling cheap (cuz I'm too dumb). Hell, if you hurry up there are some good L3 & L4 legendaries left at the bargain prices, too.
All you need is to buy those cards now and when those inactive players return the value will grow exponentially. You'll make a killing there.
Come on, the smart one, put your money where your mouth is!
What cards are you selling? Give me the names I go shopping.
Here you go:
I'll put more later today.
PS- my beta summoners are especially good deal
Great bargain I can't believe my eyes -_- 1 cent off
Do you see any cheaper cards than mine?
Aren't you the smart one? The one that will see this as a great investment opportunity? What about those inactive players and exponential growth?
I thought so... another big mouth on the net 🤣
Such a dumb argument again...
If I buy the cheapest card every day then I buy the whole market. You think with your ass.
You got me excited talking about discounts and stuff, just saw what you sell, it's all at market rate.
You're even selling max level cards at the same price per BCX as level 1 cards, makes no sense.
In any case, I have a collection worth 1100$, so I definitely put money where my mouth is.
If you have a collection worth $1100 then you're in champion still. Stop lying.
I rented out some cards so now my collection score is 414,000. I need 500,000 to qualify for champions. Right now, without using the cards I rent, I am in champion II.
What happened, the smart one?
I've got the lowest price on the market. I thought you'd grab this opportunity to make a great investment. Just think about all those inactive players and exponential growth...
It's easy to talk the talk, but walking the walk is a bit tricky. Ain't it so, the smart one? 🤣