Feeling Behind

- Catch up on comments
- Upvote Airdrop
- Implement a new idea for The Art of Reciprocity
This is the plan for now. I need to get these things done. I want to continue supporting those of you who give me so much help and encouragement. As I am growing personally I am learning first hand about diligence and responsibility. I have to be a good steward with what has been given to me and it feels unreal to be able to help others in whatever ways I can. Stay encouraged and keep creating. Much love to everyone.
What do you do when you are overwhelmed with work or life?
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@humanearl, You've great plan to help your encouragement followers. Highly appreciated your helping plan. Already you given massive support to me. I'm pretty lucky when I started follow you. It's terrific decision I've made.
It's most thinking question. I decide to give only answer overwhelmed with work. Not a life now. I need to build up financial freedom before my retirement. After free totally under the financial condition I can live freely. I have plan earn and save enough money and wealth to spend after retirement. I shall travel some my dreamy countries, dreamy places in naturalize. Climbing mountains foe keep my healthy better. Also have hope swim under the sea and meet some beauty fish. Those time I don't find money seeking way want only spiritual freedom.
That would be nice to be financially free. I feel the same way. It's just a grind to get there.
Take your time bro! We all got busy lives, therefore, no matter you are behind the schedule! But I know you will do your best to catch up!@humanearl,
True. Thanks for understanding man.
Thanks for always giving your time to reply on our comments. Don't forget to rest and relax. :)
It's been tough trying to catch up on all the comments lately. I do apologize for being late to reply. And I've gotten some rest and hopefully I can keep it that way.
It's all good. You don't have to apologize. :)
When you're feeling overwhelmed do this things.
Walk away from the task, go for a walk around the block, play a game, go for a run. Whatever it is which will get your mind off it.
Then draw, write or speak to someone about the task. What it is you want to achieve, and the steps to doing it. This will help refocus.
Break it up into smaller easily accessible steps. Make them super simple. Then restart.
You feel overwhelmed as you're probably looking at the whole task rather than the steps to completing it. Once you do this you can resume just going step by step.
Great advice,in fact I'll use this method today!
Thank You Kouba01 :)
It does help to break the tasks into smaller steps. It usually helps me when I do that. Plus I try to make sure to get outside to clear my head.
Thanks this was super helpful and reminds me.
The people’s representatives will reach their destination, invested with the highest confidence and unlimited power. They will show great character. They must consider that great responsibility follows inseparably from great power. To their energy, to their courage, and above all to their prudence, they shall owe their success and their glory.
From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.@humanearl sir...
For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.
They must consider that great responsibility follows inseparably from great power.
It was common to speak of the power of the press, and he admitted that its power was great. He should, however, beg leave to remind the conductors of the press of their duty to apply to themselves a maxim which they never neglected to urge on the consideration of government –“that the possession of great power necessarily implies great responsibility.” They stood in a high situation, and ought to consider justice and truth the great objects of their labours, and not yield themselves up to their interests or their passions.
I am enjoying my new responsibilities. It's been hard to adjust though but I am figuring it out slowly. I love he quotes and insight you gave on it.
The often-quoted Spider-Man theme of "with great power comes great responsibility" is widely attributed to Uncle Ben. However, this was not initially true. In Amazing Fantasy #15, the original version of the phrase appears in a narrative caption in the comic's last panel,[7] not as spoken dialogue. In fact, Ben has only two lines in the entire comic.@humanearl sir...
However, later stories and flashbacks that took place when Ben was still alive retroactively made the phrase one of Ben's many homilies he would lecture Peter with. Recent reinterpretations of Spider-Man, such as the Spider-Man movie and the Ultimate Spider-Man comic, depict Ben as saying this phrase to Peter while he is still alive, in their last conversation. Both the aforementioned adaptations also had Peter lash out at Ben just after he says it, and both also mention his father. Also, in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, when the player speaks with Spider-Man, they attempt to say the phrase to him, only for him to interrupt them.
Also attributable to the then Mayor-Elect of New York City, Mr. Gilroy in the interview he gave to the New York Times, published on November 15, 1892.
Yea it's an old quote. I tried to find who said it but no one knows.
"You do not consider the post pay out either high or low, you just don't attach less importance to doing upvotes on post's comments & you actually do make time to reply virtually all comments". I commend you for all these and I am sure you prioritize these points mentioned including the "upvotes airdrop and the art of reciprocity" so much that they are top items on your of scale of preference
as a steemian. I know you're taking it easy on yourself brother but you can actually take it easier. How do I mean? Have noticed that you reply comments first, then you return later to upvote, is there a reason why you run in such style or can't you just reply and upvote straight up or at a go?
At first I was allowing my VP to stay high so I would wait to upvote the comments. Bur now I am going to put supporters comments on autvote. This way it will automatically upvote the comments. But only 1 of your comments on each of my blogs will be autovoted.
For example let's say you wrote 3 comments on a post I did. Only 1 of those comments will be autovoted. But no worries because I will just slightly increase the voting percentage to make sure to reward the comments.
You make a great point bro
I wait for more 👍
That is absolutely right.If you are a powerful person then you have to act like that.Because for your act a lot of peoples is going to be effected. When other people are showing love to you then you also should show them some respect.Thanks for the post.
It's a pretty big responsibility but I embrace it though.
Well buddy I do sure believe you are giving the best you can :)
Steem on !
Man I am for sure. It's been an adjustment though.
Yes, you are great personality and kind mentor for all steamians specially for minnow.
Thanks for the compliment. It means alot to see the new people and the minnows do well.
that's pretty cool to know
What part was the coolest to know?
@themanwithnoname Lol.
you are a good steemer.i agree with you.good work with steem and Dtube.keep going
Which part did you agree with?
wow this is really amazing
What was so amazing about it?
@themanwithnoname lol Are you reverse trolling?
Yes! Thank you for noticing. :D
I try to pick a few comments that look like they're just spamming for upvotes, and I ask them questions about their comment. If they're not just spamming/scamming, they'll respond and clarify. Normally I give higher rep people the benefit of the doubt, and I try not to be too rude about it... hence, "What was so amazing about it?" If they had something in mind, they'd say something... or they could make it up now. As it is, spammer.
Oooh, if you want to take it to the next level, you can go to their comments link (e.g. https://steemit.com/@faisal79/comments) and see what they comment. I realize that some comments will come off as spammy, but if there's a pattern, you can report them to @steemcleaners. As you can see from this gentleman's comments page, he's likely just trolling for upvotes. Because he makes more than 10 spammy comments in 24 hours, that's reportable... if no one else has already reported him. ;)
Dang I wasn't aware that you could do all that. I can usually tell who the spammers are too. I thought it was hilarious that you asked them questions.
Yeah, sometimes I get a little bored, so I find ways to entertain myself. Coming up with funny things to say is one of the ways I do that. Normally, I try to do so on posts where @lynncoyle1 can see it as she has clever things to say about my roasts. Sometimes, I like to venture out on my own and see who I can find.
The roasts are funny. I don't mind it.
Indeed, every person needs rest and you are no exception. Have a rest more often, your posts are pleasant to read. And thanks for always responding and reading comments.
Yepp. I don't run on batteries haha
Always great to see you Earl :)
Can you be more specific about your goals so we can have a better grasp for the task on hand?
Looking for a lead :)
If it's in another video,just point to it.
Great inspiration video as always.. GB...
Same to you Todd. I've been behind with all the comments and stuff. Right now my plan is to cathc up on all comments, put people's comments on autovote, and implement an idea for The Art of Reciprocity for the community to get involved in.
when i am overwhelmed from job i will start anthor way for earning money and i don,t like siting and waiting.What i like to do good way i wiil start,some time that's won't be correct choice.but i will not decline.However i am taking trying and one day it will be sucess.
When i am overwhelmed from life i don't know what i will do,but before that i am trying do only goodness. because of i am afraid do adversity.
Adversity teaches us alot. I am experiencing this now. we simply have to take things one day at a time and chip away at it.
It's all good, man. You just connect the best you can. The people who are following you for more than upvotes know your heart and know you're doing what you can. Don't sweat it. :)
When I get overwhelmed, I try to cross off something easy from my list. I find a task that's simple and won't take much time, and I just get it done... even if it's last in terms of priority. The momentum and small accomplishment help motivate me to do more and bigger tasks.
Sometimes it's hard because I look at the mountain and try to tackle it all at once. I need to get better at breaking things down to the micro like you said. One step at a time instead of one leap at a time.
Indeed. To whom much has been given, much is required.
Whenever you're overwhelmed with the work of life, firstly, take a break, find somewhere cool to chill and relax then allow your mind to travel away and imagine the kind of world and work you want for yourself.
Then come back to reality and count your blessings and the joy you derive in your current work. Now take a little walk to see and appreciate life by seeing people way below you.
Now you can go back to your work full of joy.
This helps alot. Letting your brain recharge is crucial
Sooner or later we are all overloaded with work. That is, it is necessary to distract from everything that we do. The human brain does not like the monotonous work - from time to time we need to take our mind off everything. For this it is necessary to spend time with relatives or friends or to stay in nature.
Also a good way in this situation (which helps me) is to break one big task into a few small tasks. It helps a lot to concentrate and get pleasure from the process.
If the main goal is divided into several small goals - this will help you get an additional charge of motivation.
The most important thing to remember is why you started it all.
"Remember why I started it all" Perfect. That keeps me motivated for sure
when everything goes right there is a sense of satisfaction and that's enough for me than i can do anything i would love to do in free time
Of course. I know this feeling too.
I don't know of anyone that takes more time to read, understand and reply comments on their posts than you do. It would be crazy for anyone to complain about your response.
Anyhow, if i ever get overwhelmed the first and most important thing I do is to take a breather. Then I draw up a scale of preference, then the whole thing will eventually sort itself out.
I like that. Take a breather. Remind me of when I used to play football. We used to take breathers after hard workouts. For me this breather involves getting outside in the fresh air and just taking my time. Helps my brain unwind.
And I am doing the best I can. I know some are not worried about it as I am but it means alot to me to give support back. Thanks
The bigger you get the more trouble you will have answering to comments and posting, etc... it's a hard job my friend! But at least you get comments man, that means people liked your content!
Take as much time as you need too to answer to comments, remember, this is the blockchain, they aren't going anywhere unless the whole internet goes down xD
True that. My wife said the same. This is why I am trying to get people to hop on the OneLoveDtube discord group because by following the curation trail and being involved you can get some upvotes on your posts. It's not much at the moment but it will grow with time.
When we're feeling overwhelmed with life we struggle to make optimal choices and decisions that can help us move forward in a better way. However, feeling overwhelmed is a conscious choice we make each and every day.
You and I choose how to respond to every situation we face. We can either respond in a helpful way that moves us forward, or in an unhelpful way that leaves us feeling stuck and emotionally paralyzed.
You are much more resourceful than you realize. Tap into that resourcefulness and challenge yourself to never let overwhelm get the better of you in any situation ever again.
Amen to all of this. I love it. I just have to use what I have. Thanks.