Previously on Lost In Morgue Land
Part I: Welcome
Part II: Death Is Hard
Part III: Crack
Part IV: Still Here
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John' free time in the morgue is almost up. What will happen of him if no one comes to take him home? And why hasn't anyone looked for him? It has been two weeks already. Where is his Lucy? Where are his friends? Where are his lovers? For a man who has been outgoing and popular, John seems pretty lonely on his final days.
Inside his dark freezer there doesn't seem to be much to do with his unlimited free time.
Now I just have to live with myself? Like that? Alone in the cold and darkness? No wonder why they call it "bored to death". Death is boring, if you are the dead one! All my life I believed that the afterlife, if there was one, should be a crowded place. Heaven should be quiet and boring... like hell - haaa, I even made a joke with this one! And hell should be, oh well, flaming and crowded... like hell - aaaand here's another one, John thank God your sense of humor wasn't lost with your pulse.
I remember back in the days when I was in those meetings at work or worse, back home with Lucy. This woman was boring! Dull! Tedious! So... so... aaaah! It was as if she didn't have a life. Just a few friends she didn't go out so often with. She'd stay at home reading or listening to music, she was such an introvert. Her mother had died years before we got married, maybe it was that incident that made her lock into herself. Her mother? Another sad story, she killed herself with pills and alcohol. Perhaps she couldn't stand the fact that she gave birth to such a boring child. And the only one Lucy would see almost on a daily basis was her father. This girl has really had some strong attachment with her father.
I envy her for that. I always have. If my father bothered to spend with me even a quarter of the time Lucy's dad spent with her, then I wouldn't grow to be who I am today. Pfff! Knowing how sweet a pussy tastes, can't blame him for spending more time out there hunting chicks instead of playing the good old family guy. And my mum was just like Lucy, submissive and gullible. Good-hearted woman, but not that smart.
When am I going to leave this place?! Is this a punishment? Do bad people get to be stranded in some kind of weird limbo? An eternity of looking back at what they've done? Whom they've fucked... literally and metaphorically? Because in both cases I have fucked a lot. Woooh! If I start going back to remember all of them, the Earth will be a barren land and humanity will have moved to another planet when I'm done.
Like that boy in high school, the stutterer. In our senior year I told him that a girl in our class had a thing for him and he wrote a poem for her. He even read it to her an afternoon after school. How could he know that she was blowing my whistle back in the days and was recording him? He found out a few days later when the school speakers were playing:
"Wh-wh-when my eyes c-c-ca-caress your f-f-face,
I long t-t-t-to be in y-your emb-emb-em-embrace..."
Or that investor who put in a lot of money in the company some years ago. How would he ever know that I was humping his wife... and his daughter... at the same time! Yeah, the poor guy couldn't possibly imagine how perverted his girls were. Ok, I felt a little bad for him, because he had told me he was suspicious his wife might have been unfaithful to him. I lied to calm him down. I told him there was no way she had eyes for any other man. Or maybe technically I didn't lie, I said eyes, not thighs...
John, John you've done everyone wrong! You have been such a prick and always got away with it!
No one seems to care now.
If I could go back though, I'd probably do the same things again. See, you die and no one bats an eye, why bother feel bad and be a good christian? At least I got to enjoy my life. I only made it to my 38th year? So be it. I've travelled the world, I've made money, I've run an empire of the stock market, I've laid with beautiful women and drove fancy cars. There are people who spend their whole lives crawling in the dirt and never get to to pull their heads up. I never had to put up with such shit. Yup! No regrets! 38 years, the last 10 of them dipped in luxury. I call that a successful and happy life! And as for Lucy? If she hasn't come to look for me yet then she deserves to die alone with fifty cats in our apartment.
The sound of footsteps interrupts John's conversation with himself.
- Just the guy from D3?
- Yeah! We got a woman coming in in an hour for him.
- Do you think he's the one she's looking for? I'm gonna miss him if he leaves. He's been with us so long that I got used to him.
- Jim, for a senseless asshole you have some heart.
First time I hear someone say they'll miss me. That piece of shit is not that shitty after all.
- Rick, I'll take your insult as a compliment. Now let's get Mr Stiff Guy out for his blind date.
To be continued...
*Original story by @ruth-girl - Steemit, 2018
John is lonely. He looks back in his life, sees some of the bad things he's done, remembers, tries to explain and sometimes justify some of his deeds; but he still remains the cynical, cold-hearted John. Up until recently he was longing to see Lucy look for him. Now that the days are passing and he still has no sign of her, he starts to get angry. He was softer the last time we saw him. Now he tries to hide again into his armor of selfishness. "I am dead? And alone? And no one seems to love me? Well, screw you! I was right to be so wrong my whole life, because you all deserved it!"
And how long will this last? Is he going to spend eternity by himself, reminiscing on what he's been through those 38 years of his life? Is he going to move on to (if not a better) at least a more crowded place? Who knows? For now we have to wait and see who his new visitor is...
I always appreciate your feedback in the comments!
Thank you so much for your time!
Until my next post,
Steem on and keep smiling, people!
Ruthie αρχιζει και μου τη σπαει ο τζωνης... μεγαλος μπαγλαμας.... οχι τοσο για αυτα που εκανε ...δε με ενοχλουν οι πραξεις ....με ενοχλουν ομως τα ψεματα του...μπορεις να εισαι οσο αλητομπερδεμενος θελεις,δε θα κατσω να κανω κηρυγμα για τη ζωη του καθενος...ομως τα ψεματα με ενοχλουν...και ο πρωταγωνιστης μας φαινεται να ηταν καπως @ρχιδ@κι.... τις ηθελε τις φαπες του κοινως!!!
Κάτσε, κάτσε! Τον τράβηξα λίγο από τα μαλλιά είναι φουλ υπερβολή το επεισόδιο, αλλά "θα του δείξω εγώ, θα δει τι θα πάθει"
Βασικά ο τύπος λέει πόσο μαλάκας υπήρξε και πάνω που τον είχαμε δει λίγο να αρχίζει κάπως να γίνεται πιο ανθρώπινος, έχει απογοητευτεί που είναι τόσο καιρό μόνος του εκεί και κανείς δεν τον έχει ψάξει και ξαναγυρνάει στην άμυνα. Σου λέει, καλά έκανα όσα έκανα. Κανείς δεν νοιάζεται για μένα, δεν αξίζει να νοιάζεσαι κι εσύ για τους άλλους ούτε να νιώθεις τύψεις, αφού στην τελική δεν σε λυπάται κανείς.
Ευχαριστώ που το είδες! Δεν το πήρε το μάτι μου κι ας το διάβασα 2-3 φορές πριν το ανεβάσω. :)
ο δαιμων....ο δαιμων του τυπογραφειου...μαλλον ο δαιμων του steemit...
...ειναι αληθεια οτι κανεις δε νοιαζεται για κανεναν...και αυτο ουσιαστικα οδηγει και στο μπουρδελο που ζουμε σημερα...ομως και παλι το γεγονος αυτο δε δινει το δικαιωμα σε κανεναν να κοροιδευει λεγοντας ψεματα ... ναι η κοινωνια ειναι πουτ@ν@ ομως αυτο δε σημαινει οτι θα αρχισω να γ@μιεμ@ι και εγω...
....το γαλλικο οπως βλεπεις το δουλευουμε επαγγελματικα...τετοια ωρα ομως ειμαστε καλυμμενοι και απο το ραδιοτηλεοπτικο για τυχον καμπανες...
...λοιπον....ειναι παρα πολυ πετυχημενη η ιστορια του τζωνη παντως....χτυπας σε καιρια σημεια τη συγχρονη ζωη και με πολυ μαυρο χιουμορ....τα νοηματα που βγαινουν χωρανε πολυ συζητηση και αντιλογο σιγουρα...
....οπως λες...ο τυπος αναγνωριζει τη μ@λ@κι@ που τον εδερνε...και ενω δειχνει σημαδια μετανοημενου,πραγμα το οποιο σημαινει οτι αναγνωριζει τα λαθη του, λογω του οτι δε βλεπει ενδιαφερον για την τυχη του αναθεωρει και λεει καλα εκανα τελικα...
...αρα το συμπερασμα ποιο ειναι?...οτι δε μετανοει πραγματικα και συνεχιζει να ειναι κ**λομπ@ρ@ς...εγωκεντρικος μεχρι εκει που δε παει και με πολλες ανασφαλειες επισης...
...βλεπεις τι λεει..''κανεις δε νοιαζεται για μενα,αρα δεν αξιζει να νοιαζομαι και εγω''...βρε π@π@ρα και γιατι να νοιαστει καποιος για εσενα...εσυ νοιαστηκες ποτε για κανεναν περα απο τον κυριο αναμεσα στα ποδια σου???...
...χωραει πολυ συζητηση το θεμα...
...μπραβο ruth...δε περιμενα να μου αρεσει τοσο...ειναι αληθεια καλο,αν φυσικα εχεις διαθεση να το ψαξεις και να μην αρκεστεις στο να γελασεις με τα κατορθωματα και αστεια του ηρωα...what lies beneath matters
Kαλά το γαλλικό είναι η δεύτερη μας γλώσσα, δεν παρεξηγούμεθα...
Ήθελα να γράψω κάτι που να σε κάνει να σκέφτεσαι, να φιλοσοφείς αξίες και στην τελική να έχεις τον Γιαννάκη ως παράδειγμα προς αποφυγήν, έναν τυπά που έκανε τη dolce vita, "βύζαξε" κανονικά τη γυναίκα και τους πελάτες του και μετά έμεινε μόνος του. Και η υπερβολές στον χαρακτήρα του έχουν στόχο να σε βάλουν να σκεφτείς και να συγκρίνεις τον κώδικά του με τον δικό σου, να τον καταδικάσεις, αλλά να μπεις και λίγο στον πειρασμό να σκεφτείς μπας κι έχει δίκιο; Τι θα έκανα στη θέση του; Πόσοι τέτοιοι ή παρόμοιοι υπάρχουν εκεί έξω και πάμε όλοι κατά Εξαποδώ μεριά;
Στην ουσία αυτό το έργο θα έβγαινε πολύ καλό θεατρικό πιστεύω. Όταν το γράφω το έχω τόσο σκηνοθετημένο στο μυαλό μου, τις γκριμάτσες, τον τόνο της φωνής, τις κινήσεις...
Spoiler: το τέλος που του έχω ετοιμάσει θα είναι διεστραμμένο κι αμφιλεγόμενο ;)
How terrible it is to listen to the voice of the conscience, but even after death he continues trying to justify his behavior. He has not realized that to be happy you need inner peace and apparently he never had it.
Very good friend @ruth-girl. I'll wait for the next chapter.
He is a bad person and deserves to be punished, but he has somehow shown us bits of remorse. The fact that he is left alone and not looked for has made him vulnerable. So, John keeps being the same a#hole in an attempt to defend himself and not show how hurt he is. This is a typical reaction.
Thank you for reading this @ufv! :D
And John totally forgot that the worth of life is not measured by money or the amount of women he has had sex with, no wonder he ended up lonely.
There is more to life. If he had invested in human capital, he'd have a huge legacy to speak for him. welI articulated @ruth-girl
lol. there is a heaven, and its not boring
He is an ungrateful and selfish person. But he has showed signs of regret(?), at least he realized that what he's been doing all his life was not right. The problem is that he feels vulnerable and left out, forgotten and not cared about and now he has to be mean in order not to show that he is hurt, that deep down he knows that he caused pain and feels sorry.
Thanks for the feedback @akiripromise!
Oh! I believe in Heaven too, this was John's opinion on the afterlife, not mine :)
Your story is very good regards
Thanks a lot!