Depending on who you are the world is an amazingly positive and upbeat place with no problems that can't be easily fixed and with an awesome outlook...or it's fucked - maybe heading towards being fucked - with little hope of salvation.
Think about what's going on around the place with conflicts that seem to have no acceptable resolutions, countries supporting aggression against other countries, economic wars that have been going on for some time now, the decline of manners and respect (even self-respect) and the rise of the cost of living, credit debt and the widening of the socio-economic or 'class' gap, housing crisis in many countries, consumerism, lack of personal cyber-security and the rise in crime. Consider how reliant humanity insists on being on technology, robotics, AI and other such things that do our thinking for us and contribute to diminishing personal skills and attributes, the demise of work-ethic, the family unit, the sanctity of marriage and even the line between the two genders are blurred...people identify as whatever they like (I think they should mostly identify as cunts, but that's just me), the way human beings treat the planet like a dumpsite, pollute the environment, destroy the plants, oceans and animal species with impunity...Nah, the world isn't really a positive and upbeat place...sure, there's glimpses of it but it's not the general state of play, just a thin facade.
I could go on but I think you get the drift; I think there's so many things wrong with the world (people) today and I just don't see it improving anytime soon because of, well, because of people.
I thought I'd put it out there for you folks to comment so here's the question:
What has changed in your lifetime for the worse, why do you think it's changed and do you see that thing reversing?
You may want to comment on something specific to your location, city of country, or generally with something that has a broader reach. It might be a general thing to society or an individual, yourself or others, or something nature and planet related.
I've got a bonus question for you, just to balance out the "world is fucked" mood of this post...ready?
What act of kindness, generosity or selflessness have you witnessed someone else do that you feel brought a little positivity to the world?
Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp
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Everything is just so about money. The root of all ills in the world. The rich want to have it all and keep the poor in workshop conditions. I think I saw some trash that tit Elon had written in which he went on about the rich living this amazing life whilst the poor did all the dirty shit stuff.
And it's not just the rich wanting to keep us down it is the greed that trickles down with it. So people try to give people less in their salaries, service levels are atrocious in the majority of places, wars are started for nonsense reasons but ultimately usually come down to one country saying you got what I want and its money and I'm coming for it
Capitalism sucks ass. But I'm not a commie! :OD
The rich, especially the mega rich, are on a different plane of existence despite them pretending to be one of the people. Elon Musk is a fucken tosser but people look up to him as if he's single handedly changed the world...yeah, single handedly with all the little minions doing all the work, any thousands of them including people who come up with the ideas Elon Musk calls his own.
Like you say, greed flows downwards and no matter what form it takes, or to what degree, greed is greed and it seems to be the new fashion. (Maybe not so new, but more prevalent.)
The mega rich, thems the ones. A plague on society just trying to hoover up all the money.
It does seem to be getting more prevalent the ole greed. As this get harder people are more determined to get a bigger slice of the pie for themselves. Often rightly so, it's fucking survival in the end!
People will always be people but the landscape is changing so fast I think so many people don't know how to effectively adapt. As for those mega rich ones? They have an agenda and at the top of it is them. No matter what they say or do that's the way it is.
Absolutely. Buying islands and land in places they think they can sit out a cataclysmic event no doubt partly of their own making. Can you imagine the world being fucked over and being a servant to some mega rich maniac who literally think they own you. Yeek
Yeah, fuck up the rest of the world and live away in some tropical island paradise; no worries though, there was this little thing called D-Day and I learned me some tactics around beach assaults so they're not safe on their little islands. 🤣
Hehe, take it to them!
I originally thought I was a strong person and have had a naturally upbeat, fastly rebounding heart, soul and personality.....but life slowly beat me up and so I slowly withdrew, so slowly that I barely noticed it was happening. I became a semi recluse...ha ha... that is what I call myself and covid didn't make that better.
Now I feel like I'm in my safe space mostly when I'm home alone and I don't like being pushed or stressed. Sounds like a weenie person ...right? I'm still my same self with my family, but most other people in the real world, well, too much drama to participate most times. Everybody trying to scam something out of everybody else and trustworthy?... not many.
I'm still mostly content in general . I sometimes daydream of busting back out into the world.... but only for a few moments.
I do try to stay aware as much as I can of any situations in my family or community that I can help with, but mostly that consists of throwing some money on it. 😮
P.S..... I have not missed that many of the countries of the world are allowing themselves to be overrun with questionable invaders (immigrants) and I see it as a much bigger, on purpose happening our governments are orchestrating for some new world order. Whatever that plan is, it is not good for the vast amount of people in general. No... I don't know what I am talking about, but I still see it. If they have their way, it's not going to be good for us.
I totally understand your first paragraph, sad but true, and I think many feel the same way.
Your last paragraph...I totally agree there as well, those scenarios are not managed well and I think are changing the face of the planet so rapidly that it's impossible to account for and adapt to the changes before they go and change again. It's a problem but when raised, even with good intentions, people are screamed at for being racist (which I mostly disagree with). It should be a person's right to protect their way of life and culture within their own country.
It is not racist for a country to have secure borders and to take in real immigrants, people of every race and gender, after they have been vetted. It is only responsible for the security and well being of the people that are already there. The people that yell racist mindlessly about that are just trying to be bullies to people that don't see it the way they do. If someone doesn't take the time to try to see a bigger picture, well, you won't convince them because if they could really have an intelligent conversation about it, they wouldn't be shouting racist first thing.
I couldn't agree more!
Tell it like it is Jace ! ha ha
Lol, best that way I reckon, no point beating around the bush.
The degradation of society has been going on for many years now and a great segment of the population are definitely fucked and there's no unfucking them. When ideas become so normalized and ingrained in people's heads, it seems like they can see no more, blinded by their own 'reality'. There are also people on the 'high' side of the equation, sugar coating everything and wearing those damned rose colored glasses. To that group, every thing is perfect, perfect, perfect.
I've seen some comments on fringe living in the comment section and I agree that that's the best place to be. Being far removed from both dysfunctional groups allows oneself to see the world more as it is....but maybe that's also a dysfunction....can somebody lift the damned veil please?? lol
I pretty much stay to myself, also with a very, very small group of trusted people and when I need entertainment I simply go to town.
Don't know what's gonna happen in this world, but as long as I'm occupying a tiny fraction of it, I will maintain a positive outlook and a fervent hope for the salvation of humankind.
I have an extremely positive outlook on my own life, some incredible aspects in the present and prospects for the future; I attribute that to careful planning, not buying into the nutbaggery so many do, and to having an understanding of how bad things are and will get; so yeah, a positive outlook. But, for the plant and most of the people in it, not so positive because few people take their futures into their own hands preferring to float along pulled and pushed at the whim of others and the seem to like it.
I'm not surprised you've pulled back, keep to yourself and your own group, I think that's smart...while maintaining an awareness of how things change and where they're going at the same time.
The collapse of the quality of human life (not looking at material values, but true ones - humane, familial, noble), began in my country with the transition from a socialist to a capitalist system... Snd capitalism is based on money, which is the cause of all evil in this world.
As the final collapse of society, it was the moment when the people split into two sides. One that uses expensive SMS messages to vote for the choice of winners in reality programs and the other that provides even more expensive messages to support the treatment of seriously ill children.
It is a miserable country where children are treated with donations via text messages, and an even more miserable society in which the first ones, who follow reality shows, make up the majority.
We have a colleague in the company whose both children are seriously ill. For the past 6 months, we have been raising money, and the little girl had a successful operation in America. She walked.
I was talking to my colleagues today, money is being collected for the boy's surgery. We all contributed to the new action. I am glad that my circle of people are real, good people.
You make some good points, but I especially like what y'all are doing for that sick kid. Walking will change that kids life and I think that's something your workplace should feel proud of being a part of.
I don't have my own children, but the family story of my dear colleague since the birth of both children was very emotional for me.
Today, another colleague from the sector, who has a baby child, and who joined the team relatively recently, cried when he heard their sad fate.
Helping others can be rewarding for everyone involved, the helper and recipient.
I completely agree, the world is not a better place at all; it is beautiful, there is no doubt about it, just look at your picture, but we have turned it into a dump of material garbage and reasoning.
I believe that the prevailing system of life has collapsed and is still in a terrible process of decline.
For example, Venezuela, as a country is a disaster, there are no applicable laws, only whims, and the economy is terrible; and all, because supposedly philosophical or political guidelines are followed that do not improve anyone's life nor will they do so, except to improve the quality of life of those who apply them.
We have lost our sanity.
We apply theoretical reasoning to a reality that only merits values and teamwork for all.
We are collapsing...
My individual life, on the other hand, is pleasant in the midst of a global disaster, because we make, or try to make, bubbles that protect us in the midst of the disaster of the environment; unfortunately that's how I see it.
But well, it is a subject to draw many reflections from.
So, thanks for getting us thinking.
In fact, there are so many people here in #Hive who contribute ideas, reflections, empathy, tools for emotional control and growth that, I see that there are people who could be the answer to your question of whether I have seen positive acts in others; and yes, I have seen them a lot here, in the aspect of educating others, of generating reflection in the other. Greetings, @galenkp
I'm glad you have a decent life, so many do not, and in Venezuela it must be difficult for people to remain positive when they remember the way it used to be and how it is now. Shameful on the Government to allow it.
You mention bubbles and I think that's a good way of looking at it, I do the same (small social group for example). I think it needs to be done to protect oneself from the fuckassery that's going on...but I also believe one needs to see and understand that fuckassery to help mitigate its effect. I lead a good life, well above average in fact, but I'm always careful to keep working at it to making it better, protecting it and knowing what's going around me is pivotal to that.
Anyway, thanks for your comment, I appreciate you taking the time.
There is no other choice but to live in bubbles where you can enjoy your family, the people you love, the tranquility and protection of your home...
Yes, we will always have windows to help with our perspectives, to achieve a better way of living here.
Thank you, @galenkp
One of the worst things in my life is due to political and economic causes.
At first it cost me the loss of very valuable opportunities to drastically turn my world around, but those who are not politically correct in my society lose certain rights, so I suffered from job, social and human discrimination.
Basically I was treated like a bug.
But my response to survive was just to try to be better, and that helped me overcome my naysayers.
The world I was born into is bullshit, a lie, a falsehood, and always was.
Today I see them frustrated and talking very low about what I was telling them, still afraid, but swallowing dryly because they never learned to become something more than a simple subordinate who preferred to take orders rather than think.
That's what they were taught, to be robots.
The anthropological damage done to us is being reversed, because the shock of life finally forces you to think.
However, I love my people and I want them to understand that we can work for a common good even if I encounter resistance to a necessary change that has to start from within.
We are like a primitive community that must start from first principles, gathering, farming and hunting.
I have seen people who within so much filth have a desire to teach us to work giving us real value as human beings and not as the slaves and clowns we have always been.
Forgive me for writing like this, but it hurts me to see so many unprotected people in my country.
I understand, and strange it is that an accident of birth, beating born in a particular location over another, can have such an impact on a person's life. (You there and me here for instance). Of course, we can select who our parents are and what location we're born into.
It's truly disgusting how humans treat humans and mostly all of it is due to greed, hubris or prejudice (religious or other). Pathetic, but rather indicative of human nature.
It's sad to think how many good people are struggling through the worst situations, but uplifting to see the really good ones learn, adapt and overcome those things to create a life as good as possible.
Yes, that's always have powerful reasons to try to encourage others, and I thank you for that.
I just "pray" that my country does not become another geopolitical and geographical point of interest in this new stage of the Russian-Ukrainian would be the last thing we could be without, although we already know which side we are on.
Ye, there's a lot of focus on the current acceleration in respect of the medium and long range missiles being may see an escalation and broadening of the war.
I have trouble wraping my head around the levels of mental illness that has infected the government of this country. The power madness that is driving these imbiciles to destroy everything thru nuclear conflict rather than give up power and work towards peace.
Russian submarines 10 miles off each coast and the gulf coast. A naval military base 70 miles to my east (Mayport)
Eglin Air Force Base (largest in the world) 100 miles to my west. Macdill Centcomm 170 miles to my south. Moody Air Force base (blackhawk helicopters) 60 miles to the north.
Florida is only one of the several areas they will obliterate. I guess you could say I live in the 🎯 Target Zone.
People do not realize. With the Russian hypersonics there will be no long goodbyes. Merely seconds to kiss your own ass goodbye. No cell service if you do live thru the initial blasts. No internet. Toxic air and water.
Mutually Assured Destruction
How can these "American Career Criminal Corrupt Politicians" and "Globalist Cock Suckers" not comprehend it..?
Yep, I get it...fucken bonkers, and yet people go on with their little agendas blissfully unaware of the firestorm on the way...all the while feeding the billionaires and trillionaires.
A couple memes that always creep back into my mind when I hear of another conflict/attack breaking out.
Lol,,,yeah I've seen a few similar. It's amazing how easily distracted from the important things people can be right?
Growing up, I was taught that the purpose of life was to make a difference and be a boon rather than a bane to those around you. Now it's all about meism and acquisition. We seem to have lost our self-reliance and dignity as well as our shared reality. Now everyone is entitled to their own truth and their own reality.
And a little positivity: I'm a member of an Off Grid group here and a few weeks ago two of the lads repaired the heating and installed a back-boiler for an aged damsel in distress, free gratis and for nothing. The group has 12,000 members so these are not people who actually know one another. 'twould gladden your heart!
You say it more eloquently than I did, I'm a blunt instrument though, so I'm not surprised.
As for those two lads, that's what real men do, that's how humans are supposed to behave, and it's a credit to them. I approve.
Hi Galen, I share much of what you express in this publication, and you point out something that in few, if any, places I have seen mentioned: the loss of values and, among these, the lack of respect for oneself. I find the latter frightening.
I don't like the world I live in, I live on the fringes of it as much as I can, as much as they let me. But at the same time I have learned to appreciate the important moments in life, and I try to improve the lives of my loved ones. Sometimes, to the best of my ability, I also help people I don't know.
This is all I can say.
Losing one's self-respect...that's a slippery slope but it's where so many have gone; it's like the level of what's acceptable is become lower and lower and humanity more willing to sink lower still. Disgusting and rather frightening as you say...where will it go from here? (Downward.)
Fringe-living is a good idea, I tend to do the same, sort of keep a healthy distance between me and the fucken nutbaggery. I have a tight and close circle of people and that's how I want it.
Basically the doctor, for mental health, prescribed me the same thing, and I listened to him: keep a small circle of friends that I adore and I am sure that they love me.
I think it's already late, good night Galen.
Smart doctor.
Not late, about 21:20. I don't go to bed until midnight so a few hours left of Thursday.
Have a good day mate.
Thank you very much 😊
Bad stuff: Money supply inflation, price inflation, housing market distortions, war, regulation
Good stuff: Ending the Clinton gun ban in 2004, a trend toward "constitutional carry" laws, development of cryptocurrencies, gradual decriminalization of drugs
Basically, political intervention and technocrat control freaks are the root of the worst problems we face, and either circumventing or politically subverting them is good. That's also why despite a lot of misgivings, I can see the argument that Trump is a lesser evil when compared to Harris.
There's a local faith-based charity that provides sack lunches every week for the kids who come to the library storytime. They are staffed by volunteers and funded by donations, and the folks there are trying to be salt and light in a world where too many Christians are often presenting themselves more like authoritarians.
I agree with your good and bad; indeed.
I like what that group is doing for those kids, that's what we need more of. Less ego and hubris and more (genuine) caring.
The political class offers a counterfeit of everything we value: security, charity, productivity, and so on. Voluntary associations do far more with far less and without any coercion whatsoever against peaceful people.
I can tell you with respect to where I live now... almost six and a half years ago, Spain was not the same as when I arrived... it's getting much worse... a lot. Because of the people... yes, because of the people. The indiscriminate entry of illegals... they generate destruction, delinquency and mistreatment of women, I feel a little insecure, unlike when I arrived. I take my precautions and go on but the reality is not the same. These people are dirtier.... they throw everything away, they are disrespectful and they think they own the world. And the list could go on and on....
The good act I saw you: a Spaniard telling a non-Spanish person not to throw rubbish on the ground, that's what the rubbish bin is for. The foreigner laughed in his face... but he had to do it... we were all watching in the street, even me.
It's easy to focus on the negative and downsides, there's so many and it just gets worse and worse, but there's some rays of sunlight now and then and it's good to call them out when we see them. If we all did that all the time it's be a better place but, of course the nuggets of gold get hidden by the piles of dirt.
I loved seeing that man claiming for the rightness and care of the world, that's great and yes... that's gold. I wish we all saw those details. Thank you!
I can add to those that things which were considered abnormal some years ago have been normalized today and there is no limit. I feel that our relationships with each other have been affected by social media and smart phones, plus pandemic has made double impact on it. We have been lonely and we have been getting used to it.
Indeed, I just said that in another comment on this post...the threshold of what's acceptable lowers day by day and people sink quickly and, of course, along with that decline comes the decline of values, family, self respect and self esteem, manners, patience, understanding and so on. Shameful.
I would like to hope that I also have added a bit of positivity to this world. One of the reasons why I make art is to make people happier. And I have gifted many of my pieces away. Just recently I made a pizza art piece. At first I wanted to sell it to local pizza place for like 120 eur. But in the end I just gifted it away.
Perhaps I am not a best salesperson...but I think that it is better to give some pieces away, Instead of just having a mountain of unsold pieces.Our neighbor who gives us water also feeds birds and cats. I think that thanks to her in our street we can often hear birds singing and that sound adds positivity as well.
That's nice of your neighbour, adds a nice mood to the street and happiness to other people's lives.
Politics definitely feel much different from when I was younger. I also think that the weather in general isn't the same, but naysayers would tell you it is all cyclical and we are crazy for thinking that. Things are definitely devolving I would say. Next week my wife and I get to go pick up Thanksgiving baskets for needy families in our district. A church donates them every year and we go pick them up, so that is a positive thing.
It's nice to hear there's still some charitable outfits doing good work...most of the time charitable outfits are all about the collection of funds for self-use.
Yes, they have gotten bad all over the world these days. The percentage of funds they keep as their cut is ridiculous.
It's quite disgusting really and it's one of the reasons so many people don't fund charities these days. I do volunteer work, with military veterans the focus, (I and a few others run an initiative I've written about before) and feel that volunteer work is a good way to directly impact those who need assistance.
My wife and I try to keep things local as much as possible. We have given to some of the larger charities in the past, but then we see the need around us and we wonder why we are sending our money so far away. I agree with you, volunteering is a great way to help out!
It’s really easy to think of the ways which things are going to fall apart. I think that’s plays into how we as humans tend to spend more time on the negative parts because those impact our survival long term.
There are plenty of things I could say about being fucked but there’s a lot that are wonderful in terms of the technology that’s coming into the mainstream eye and how much more affordable and accessible it is.
We’ve needed some work in the health department and one of the most interesting and fascinating things is that lasers have been one of the biggest ways we’ve seen improvements. So much so that we are going to look into buying one ourselves. The cost is expensive to an extent but not what it used to cost for these products. These used to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and were big and bulky. Now this one we are going to get is about 8k and is the size of an old TV remote control which is insane. It’s got so many benefits associated with it as well not just for what we are going to use it but could be for other things like sports injuries etc. This is just one of the amazing things about the day we live in and the technology that’s around we can use to help fix things they never would have been able to before.
As for the good side of the topic specified - I had some good interactions with kids that were warming - small ones like holding the door, saying thank you, being polite and things like that. There’s a lot of kids that don’t have that in them but it was really refreshing to see that in these young kiddos, ages 5-8 or so. That’s where I see the most promise!
Manners have degraded mostly, and while there's some who have good manners, my niece and nephew for instance and a handful of kids you hang around with, there's so many more that haven't got manners and probably never will...something they learned from their entitled asshole parents...and social media.
That's right. The world is on fire but there are actions that make you believe or confirm that we must continue to do good. Sylvester Stallone says that this world has become very sensitive, we want to get everything easily and that for example suitcases should not have wheels, your publication reminded me of that.
The affection of the children in my case, makes me believe that even if it is a small group still aware of not harming others or your environment.
Everyone wants a free ride, an easier one, to not have to work too hard or wait for's things like that which lead people down the wrong paths. They forget that things don't come for free even though it may seem like they do...there's always a cost and the decline of society in general is one of those costs.
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(3/10) @danzocal tipped @galenkp
Its generally fucked... and sometimes you need something to be broken properly before it can be fixed.
The fact is that a lot of problems exist because everyone TOGETHER need to change at the same time. But because he over there is doing it, then I am not going to stop doing it.
In that way adults, communities, cultures and even whole countries behave very much like children on a playground.
The main thing that goes into decline for me and as a root of all other problems for the man on the ground is this: The reduction in the value of human labour hours.
We are not becoming the "Princes" of our universe. Our technology since the invention of the Steam Engine was meant to automate a lot of hand labour and therefore allow humanity in each society to focus on developing their brains and not be used as manual work donkeys.
But this has not happened. The cost of Rent and a meal vs the time a worker has to work for it is increasing. It does so for the poor and it does so for the blue collar class. The Middle Class that pays all the taxes. Those who are wealthy middle class sometimes need to downsize as they also feel the loss of importance of their time.
Can we put a value on human time?
It is a fact that at this time the conditions of the countries of the whole world are not going well and here if a person wants to be successful, earning money has become much more important for him at this time because without it the world will never respect him. And it is a fact that if a boy does not earn money, he will never get a good relationship and his life is always difficult and will become more difficult and all these things the people of the world do not understand. The boy is working hard and wants to earn money He also wants to give a good life but his luck is not supporting him at that time and those who support him always respect him. Every rich person has a failure story, if we read it and then read the success, it gives us a great lesson in life.
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