๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปMy Original Daily Motivation - "Find a quiet place to silence your mind in order to hear your soul." โ˜ฎ๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿป

in #blog โ€ข 7 years ago (edited)


Sometimes in life, I find myself having negative thoughts, and like the "world is ending" type of feelings. I am usually a very positive and motivational person who loves to spread positivity around me. But, every once in a while I get caught up in negative thinking which is hard to shake off. It is normal to get caught in such periods of our lives. It is not always easy to shake those thoughts away and soon one negative thought attracts more negativity into mine and our lives. I always wondered why this is happening? I mean if I aspire to be a positive person how do I get caught up in all of this negative thinking and emotions? Where did they all come from? And, why am I having a hard time getting rid of them or we have a hard time getting rid of those negative thoughts?

Emphatic Person

Well, what if I told you that most of the times the emotions we feel are really not our emotions? We tend to absorb the emotions of other people and happenings around us. They are really not our emotions, but they sure do feel like ours. Personally, for me, I found to be very confused during those times because sometimes I have no idea where these emotions came from. I know they are not representing me, and who I aspire to be as a person, but they are there inside me disturbing my peace.

The older I get the more I learn about myself and now I can safely say I can identify myself to be an emphatic person. I deeply feel others people emotions around me, and sometimes I know how a person feels with him even telling something is wrong. Not to brag or anything but a lot of times I can even feel how somebody is feeling with a simple text message, or by just looking at them. Even though that person is smiling and appears to be happy. I have surprised a lot of people with it. Telling them things about them which they feel, but not really expressing. Sometimes it is really weird for me how much my intuition about the person finds to be correct.

The Only Way To Be Positive, Is To Be Positive

I am very careful about how I approach the people about it. I never push them to open to me and talk about what is really bothering them and how they truly feel. Especially when it is not somebody I don't know very well. People who I know very well, and who know me very well now I ask them directly about it because I know it will not have a negative effect. And, if you are like me, first sometimes you can be wrong, and you trying to help can have an entirely negative effect on people.

You have to find a way through conversation to get them to open up to you by themselves. Also, sometimes people just don't want to talk about it as they think talking about makes them look weak. That is absolutely not true. Especially if you surrounded by the right people who don't judge, but they are there to listen and help if they can.

Talk About It, Free Yourself

Talking about it is a sign of strength, not weakness. Keeping it all inside you is not healthy for your mind, body, and soul. If you're surrounded by the right people let them in, talk about it, free yourself of those negative feelings. Get them out of your mind. Get that "rock" off your chest.FREE YOURSELF OF THE BURDEN.The sooner you do it, and talk about it, the sooner you will on your way to "recovery." The more you hold those negative thoughts inside you the more negativity you will attract to yourself. It is a simple law of attraction. The energy you are sending out into the world is the same energy you will get back. The only way to be POSITIVE is to be POSITIVE and think POSITIVE. Break free from the chains of negativity.


Ok, so what I am trying to tell you is that I absorb a lot of peoples energies around me which can be positive and unfortunately sometimes very negative. I am sure many of you do also without really knowing about it. Just as the energy can be transferred, so can the emotions as well. Even from a person to a person. So before you diagnose yourself as a negative person first make sure you are not surrounded by negative people, and negative surroundings in general. Because they could be the cause of the negativity in your life. Draining your energy, and preventing you from being the positive person you want to be.

How To Free Yourself From The Negativity?

So what to do now is probably what you are asking yourself? I can only speak from my personal experience and how I managed to control my negative periods in life. First thing I did was I found a quiet place just like I found one in this picture below. Every country I go to with basketball I found a similar place such as this one. A place where I can literally. "clear" my thoughts. I love the sea and the gorgeous Adriatic Sea sunsets. They calm me down and help me relax so I can think more clearly. Find your own place which has that calming and relaxing effect on you as well. You're own zen place so you can quiet your mind to hear your soul.


Breath through your nose while you are trying to "meditate", it helps with calming down. Deep breaths in, deep breaths out.Keep repeating, until you feel little more relaxed.***

I don't talk much or at all when I am there. I just think about all the thoughts running through my head. You can't control thoughts running through your thought train, but the more you "meditate", the more you will identify those negative thoughts which are not "yours". They have been transferred on to you by negative people and negative situations around you. How to identify those thoughts?

For me, it is simple. Once I calm down I think about the certain thought and I follow what my intuition or my soul is telling me. Usually, the first feeling you get from that specific thought is the correct one. Once you identify them you can acknowledge them and let them pass out of your mind. It is like finding a virus on your computer and turning on your anti-virus program to clean it out. Plus, you will know exactly from who those thoughts came from. Are their your thoughts or somebodies else's? Soon you will realize the world is not "coming to an end," it just a couple of negative thoughts.

Making The Sense Of It

At least, this is how I make sense of it. As I am not an expert in any sense of the way when it comes to these matters. All I know this method helps me clear my mind of negative thoughts. The more I have done this the easier it got, and I was able to identify those negative people who "corrupt" my mind and my peace. What you do when you find out who they are is entirely up to you. For me, most of them are not a part of my life anymore. I could not control what they say or do, but I can control if they will stay part of my life or, not. The ones who are still part of my life bring way more positivity in my life than their negative periods. Are some people worth the negativity in your life? That is up to you to decide...

This is the only question I ask myself when I am put in this kind of situation in life. I always get my answer listening to my intuition and my soul. I have never let me down so far. At least, since I found the courage to follow it about 3-4 years ago. Identifying the negative people and thoughts in your life is one thing, but following your soul's answers is another. All I know my life had turned for the better since I choose to follow it and trust my "gut feeling" about people and my thoughts. And, you have the power to do the same.It is your life, live it the way you want to live it and decide who you want to be surrounded with during this gift we all got called LIFE.


This is a picture of me at my peace place from the last season playing for Costa d'Orlando Basket. Located in the town called Capo d' Orlando on the island of Sicily. This place is on the hill overlooking the entire city and the gorgeous scenery behind me. Perfect for tunning into my soul "radio."

Find Your Own Place Of Peace

One thing I know for sure and that is we all need to find our own "quiet place to silence our minds, in order to hear our soul". Sometimes we all get on the negative thinking side of life, and it can be energy draining, and even discouraging. This is why we all need some time alone, to clear our thoughts. We all need the place where we can just relax, take a few deep breaths, calm our minds, and let our soul speak to us. Let it calm our minds, and clear our thoughts. Be your own "anti-virus program."

Find your own place on a beach or any place which you find calming. Tune into your soul channel and let it guide you through tough times. Let those negative thoughts wash away from your body. Listen to your gut feeling and intuition. Because that little tiny voice inside you is YOU. The REAL YOU. Listen to YOURSELF.

Listen to your soul...

"Find a quiet place to silence your mind in order to hear your soul."

Thank you all for reading, find that peaceful place for you, take some deep breaths, and free yourself from the negativity, much love,

dbjegovic๐Ÿ’“ ๐Ÿ’— ๐Ÿ’– ๐Ÿ’“ ๐Ÿ’— ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“

If you enjoyed this post but need some extra motivation, go and check out some of the other motivational posts I wrote:

๐Ÿ˜ƒMy Original Daily Motivation๐Ÿ˜ƒ - "It is great to stand up for what you believe in, but you also have to be ready to walk alone in order to protect your beliefs."


My Original Daily Motivation - "Every day is another opportunity to take steps toward our goals." ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป


My Original Daily Motivation - "Stop saying I CAN'T. Stop COMPLAINING. Stop doubting YOURSELF. Stop being AFRAID. Start saying I CAN, and start believing with all your HEART."๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป


My Original Daily Motivation - "Surround yourself with people who bring out the BEST of you. People who are there for you in the BEST, and WORST day's of your life."


My Original Daily Motivation - "Don't be afraid to be different in life, but rather be afraid of going through LIFE PRETENDING to be someone you are not."


My Original Daily Motivation - "You can FAIL. You can FALL DOWN. You can make a MISTAKE. It is all part of LIFE. The only thing you should never do is STAY DOWN, or quit on YOURSELF, and the DREAMS you have."


My Daily Original Motivation - "Failures, mistakes, and disappointments are merely guidelines to success."


My Original Daily Motivation - "Keep SHINNING your "LIGHT" every day. Eventually, the "CLOUDS" will disappear, and there will only be you there. Shinning your "LIGHT".โ›…๏ธ


My Original Daily Motivation - "Never let anyone tell you what THEY think is IMPOSSIBLE for you in life. THEIR impossible could be YOUR POSSIBLE."


My Original Daily Motivation - "Dream of a happy life, and live you are DREAMING. Create your own happiness." ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


My Original Daily Motivation - "You are as STRONG, as the obstacles you OVERCOME through life." ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป


My Daily Original Motivation - "Breath in confidence and love. Exhale doubt and fear. REPEAT."


P.S. If you have not heard about the new amazing discord group called The Steam Engine you should definitely take a look. Amazing group of people helping each other become better Steemians and succeed on Steemit. Plus, of course, have some fun doing it.Take a look, maybe joining this success train will be one of the best decisions you made in 2018. :)

The STEEM Engine


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Your work, ideas and personality has strengthened my belief in the law of attraction. Because I think of positivity and the way you think, I draw good people in my life and you are one of that lot. I agree with everything you said above- the only way to be positive is to actually be positive and yes, there are days when you just feel like being negative, but that's okay too. And yes, we do absorb the feelings of others and this happens to you a lot if you are an empath. So you know I feel you- every word that you said. So much love and respect for you man! You are doing a great job by reminding us of our goals and keeping us motviated to follow them.

Thank you so much for an amazing comment. Your comment should be a post. Because it is that amazing. :)

The law of attraction is real and who you are in thoughts is what you will attract in your life. Because that is the signal you are sending out there in the worlds. It is ok to get negative and yes as an empath it does happen a lot because that is who we are. We can't control what people do and say but we can control how we deal with it. :)

Thank you, my friend, for such an amazing comment. I truly appreciate it. You inspire me to keep writing and keep sharing my thoughts. :)

Have the best day ever. :)

Aww you are so sweeet <3 You know your sweetness reminds me of the smile challenge you nominated for but I keep delaying it because my phone keeps getting sicker by the day. I now have another phone but all my good pictures are lost and this one's camera is terrible. I guess, I'll use an older photograph and execute a post on it asap.

ย 7 years agoย (edited)ย 

You must be an Fe type in MBTI, these people usually have an emotional radar that works 24/7 effortlessly. But if it becomes too much to handle then no one will blame you for a timeout. In the end you have been a good listener and helper, you deserve some rest.

I agree with freeing your mind and soul, it's difficult in the beginning but once we do it, it becomes easy for us to open up again later.
I envy how you can easily find these quite places. Being in the middle of a city I have to really walk for a while until I find a quite place. It's my favourite thing to do. Sometimes these quite times are not very quite as I'd be talking to myself ๐Ÿ˜‚

I like the analogy between negatives thoughts and viruses, one needs a good detection system. Thanks for the daily dose of motivation :D

@lifeaef you are absolutely right. That is what actually does happen to me a lot. But, until about 3 years ago, when I learned to filter and process all the thoughts in my head. Before I was struggling with it.

The place you are looking for could be in your room brother. The more you practice the more you will be able to block out the noises of the city around you. Yes, it is better maybe somewhere in nature on the fresh air, but it can be anywhere really.

Thank you for such an amazing comment. I truly appreciate people writing great comments and sharing their thoughts with me. Have a best day ever. :)

I know what you mean by getting wrapped into someone else's negativity. You get negatively charged and the energy levels are drained. I learnt to avoid stay around these "energetic vampires" and save the little energy I have left for something really worth.
I grew up on the seaside, so being around water always influenced me, helped me find the balance and peace of mind. Great post!

Yep, you called it the right way. "Energetic vampires" they are indeed. Getting into arguments with these type of people you will be drained no matter if you right or not. You will not know it right away until you calm down and feel how much energy they drained out of you. It is pointless to argue with these people. Because they will like a "horse" with blinders only see one way.

Like you I just back out from the conversations like this and let them deal with themselves. Don't get me wrong I want to help everybody but once that person gets into that negative mode the best thing is to walk away. And, try to help some other day if possible. Some people don't see their ways, and don't want to be helped though.

I am glad you have ocean close to you which helps you find balance and peace. There is just something about the calming and amazing sensation of the ocean which literally heals your soul. :)

oh my goodness!!! I just was speaking to Amelia about this today!!! I left her a huge comment talking about how breathing deeply has been so beneficial to my health and mind for the last year! Of course it shouldn't surprise me that we have the same thoughts on this!!! hahahaha we are so similar! and I am also a very empathetic person!!! I also can pick up on people's feelings, even when they're trying to hide them, or if they don't even know that they're hiding them!
great post :) I always love your positivity and encouragement! hehe

haha the strangest thing of all is this?

I started meditating about a year or little more ago just like you. I do a special kind of guided meditation which involves deep and sometimes fast breathing with affirmation in between. It has literally changed my life for the better. I practice it every morning now for an hour. :)

We truly are similar in the enthusiastic and positive department and I am sure that is why we meet. Nothing in life is a coincidence. You attract the energy that you give to the world. So that is how we met as well. How awesome is that really?

Thank you for such an amazing comment. You are awesome. :)


I also don't believe in coincidences... there are none!!!! :)

wow.... but its still a little bit wild!!! hehehehe

This is so true. Several years ago I was badly bullied at work by the owner of the company I worked for. My boss also promoted someone over me whom I had confided in, but who had secretly been passing on all that I told him to her. They would be on my back every day at work, and it made me feel so angry and bitter inside that I worried that it might make me physically ill.
I actively looked for ways to help me counter these attacks in a positive way, and I found out that there was a Buddhist center just a few minutes walk away from my workplace. They held 30-minute lunchtime meditation sessions. I started going there regularly with a friend. I would go in feeling angry and twisted inside, and come out feeling happy, relaxed and refreshed. Honestly, I think it saved my life!

I can honestly relate to so much of what you are saying. And, the way you dealt with it. We can't control what others will say or do but we can control how we react to it. And, that is exactly what you did with going for those 30 min meditation sessions. Meditation is an amazing way to calm yourself down, and refresh yourselves from all the negativity around you.

I practice meditation one hour every morning and it had an amazing effect on my life. The way I think of things, and perceive things in life. Meditation is a big part of my life, and the person I am today. :)

I am glad to hear you are finding your peace in spite of a bad working environment. You are stronger than you think. :)

Thank you for sharing your life thoughts with me. I truly enjoyed reading it. Have the best day ever. :)

Thankyou! One hour of meditation each day! I definitely need to get back to meditating โ€“ I've let it slide recently. And it is so powerful.

It truly is and you should definitely get back to it. It can be life changing. :)

I will try to :)

This is one of your deeper meditations. Just "be positive" doesn't cut it. I become disappointed when I expect what really is nit mine to begin with. For me giving thanks is healing... but every once and a while I do become sarcastic. I can't help it but it helps with the frustration I feel sometimes. Thanks again @awakentolife.

Oh who is the NBA player? I have to check that.

Whatever you do and which helps you is the right thing to do. No one can tell you it is wrong. If you feel better from it, just keep doing it. It is all about listening to yourself. :)

We always need some "me" time this is a geat way for us to reflect and see how we've been doing so far. it's not to judge and criticize yourself but giving yourself a pat in the back that despite how life has been it has made you become a better person. Stay positive my friend. :)

Very good words, my amazing friend. There is a difference between reflecting on things to maybe do better in the future, and just simply beating yourself about it. Keep learning, getting better, and moving one is the name of the game. :)

Stay positive as well, my friend, and thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. :)

It's a great advice and something that everyone should do. Will try to make it a practice in the next days!
Luca โœŒ๏ธHey @awakentolife! I forgot this post, I really like the suggestion to find our own place to hear ourselves.

I think it is really important to do so my friend. Just a place for ourselves to clear our thoughts. :)

I picked up the fact of you having a place to focus on positivity, I am jealous of not having the sea close by me where I can go just to take time out. But we do have some amazing lakes which gives me a thought about a future post I want to write about. You are an amazing person thank you for this.

Well, it really does not matter if its the sea or a lake. It just has to be YOUR place. Where you can calm yourself and hear your soul speaking. :)

Thank you for a wonderful comment, my friend. Have a great day. :)

Having negative thoughts is normal but dealing with them is another story. I am glad you have your methods and that you are using them to get back and/or to stay on that fresh, bright and positive side of life ๐Ÿ’š

Thank you, my amazing friends. I truly appreciate your comment. :)

And, you are absolutely right:

"Having negative thoughts is normal but dealing with them is another story."

We can't control from negativity coming into our life, but we can sure control how we deal with it. :)

You seriously have the kindest eyes... ๐Ÿ˜

@karencarrens you know what they say? The eyes are the gate to a person's soul. You just have to look a little closer and it will tell you all about a person. :)

Thank you for a great compliment. Grown man blushing here.. hehe :)

ย 7 years agoย (edited)ย 

I resonate with all what your writing brother upvoted and following you and your wonderful heart
Wishing you many blessings โค๐Ÿ˜Š

Thank you, my friend, I am glad you liked it. Sending you many blessings as well. Have a great day. :)

Yay!! ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

Love it, very motavating! Upvoted :)

Thank you. :)

Wow! Sharing your vulnerable moments, how you turned them into a lesson, and how you grew up as a person after them is pretty incredible!

@clivealb everything in life has a lesson behind it, and the only question is are we willing to listen and learn from it? :)

The best things you can learn about life is by listening to yourself. :)

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