The Chinese are coming!

in #cn8 years ago (edited)

Chinese are coming!

The Chinese are coming!
It's surprising that the 'cn' tag now is at top 4 position. Wondering how the Chinese achieved that in so short time? Here is the explanation.

Obviously, most Steemers are english speakers and there are only hundreds of posts are in Chinese.

We are a group of enthusiast of digital currency and Steem. Since last week we build a close community to discuss about concept of Steem, writing post in Chinese, building websites to introduce Steem to other Chinese.

Here is what we have done in the last week.

  1. Most of the us are experts of digital currency and software. We mine Bitcoin, run Cryptocurrency exchange, arbitrage. We do almost everything related to cryptocurrency.
  2. Most of us can read and write English.
  3. We build a website, and community of QQ Group and Wechat Group.
    Welcome to Steemit WeiXin Chat Group
  4. We wrote articles to introduce Steem to other Chinese.
    FAQ for Chinese Newbie
    Welcome to Steemit-China
  5. Some of us started to buy huge amount of Steem and have great Steem Power.
    @abit $1,040,515.43
    @Laonie $152,815.93
  6. We invested by ourself to translate the Steem White Paper into Chinese.
    SteemWhitePaper Translated into Chinese
    Github Repo of the Chinese Translation
  7. Most Chinese post under the tag 'cn' as we proposed.

Now there are only hundreds of Chinese playing with Steem but we have done a lot.

Even for most of Chinese it's impossible to register on
Stongly suggest to dan & ned that steemit support for QQ or Wechat verifieation.

Just imagine that there are millions of digital currency players in China! Wow!!!

Here is why we are so fascinated by Steem

  1. We don't have access to Facebook, Google , Twitter. You name it. Most good things are blocked by the Great Fire Wall.
  2. Censorship. I don't want to talk more about this because I'm still living in China.

We are not spamming here. We are contributors to the Steem community. We are part of this big family.
** We love Steem! **


Imagine if one day people can register accounts via Wechat! This will be amazing!

Check this out!

Yes, account registration via a popular Chinese service like Wechat would open Steemit to a huge number of new users. Hopefully we'll see this sooner rather than later. In the meantime, I'm glad to see some people here already trying to develop a Chinese Steemit community.

Thank you! Hope this post can attract more Chinese tech-users to develop that features and more. Other languages as well!

the power of chinese !!

This the comment making most of money I've ever seen!

steem to the moon!

wow, cool video

The platform need localization

Wow. This is amazing news. I wish I could work with you guys together. Maybe form specific group tag to provide quality blogs in Chinese and English. This is great news. I hope a whale will up vote this post. They certainly will if they see the post.

Great job!

Thanks. Do you read both Chinese and English?
Btw, how can I reach those big whales?

Unfortunately I cannot read Chinese. But only English and Dutch. I have some friends who can read both Chinese and English perfectly. How to reach the whale is a good question. Maybe you should collaborate with Laonie and abit to let them up vote you, and then when you get attention the whales might see you faster. I wish i could give you better advice

If you have google chrome, you can right click and it shows translate to english to the whole site. Also added a google translate extension to read their blogs too. can reaach Ned at #Ned

Well done! A Milestone for Chinese. A Good Example for All Serious Steem Players.














我以前建议过做单独的各种语言版。因为就算有tag有时候看到更新里面很多其他不懂的文字的话会觉得很烦。但是各种语言对推广又很有必要。不过起码有了前期的工作。辛苦你们咯~~~~ 谢谢!:D

The biggest market for Steemit might be China. I know that there is a lot of scensorship there. And steemit is specifically built against scensorship. If you are successful to introduce this to China, I believe it could help liberate free information for Chinese people.

Yes. Not only censorship, we also have the Great Firewall. You use Facebook, we have QQ Zone. Twitter? We have Weibo. And Baidi for Google. We have cloned most of the world-famous websites.

But things should not be like this. That's why we are so excited when we met Steem. Even is blocked in China, no problem, because it's true decentralized platform. Nobody can stop the Blockchain.

Everybody should be born equal to get information.

@somebody nobody can stop the blockchain, but chinese gov can stop people who use this. And force them not to. That's quite simple to understand. What you post on blockchain will stay, OK that's right, but first you need to be able to post (if they dont block all IP / nodes/ access), then if you do, it can be illegal for you soon or later if they decide that it should be.
People can go in prison for doing this, so Nobody can stop the blockchain you're right, but people can be stopped very easily.

People went to prison because they post something anti-government, not post on facebook or steemit.

Question: why dont you allow Laoni & abit upvote this post? It will come into light, and people will vote for it more. :)

Now is evening in China. : )

You can check my other posts, they do upvoted for me. But I didn't ask them to do so.

They upvote because what I wrote is interesting and helpful.

Yes. I saw some other posts where they up voted. I'm glad I encountered your blog. Makes me more confident about Steemit.

Wow I have only been here a few days but the potential of this concept and what it can achieve is mind blowing.



这篇文章亦是 Chinglish 的良好范例,如第一段说:“It's surprising that the 'cn' tag now is at top 4 position. Wondering how the Chinese achieved that in so short time? Here is the explanation.”

光这段就有 3 个不地道。一是“now is”应该改成“is now”;二是“at top 4 position”应该改成“at the 4th position”;三是“in so short time”应该改成“in such a short time”。

“now is”显然是“现在是”的直译;“at top 4 position”显然是“排在头四位”的直译;“in so short time”显然是“在这么短时间里”的直译。

这种将母语(L1)的表达习惯带到外语(L2)中的现象,学术上叫 L1 transfer 或 language transfer,也就是俗称的中式英语。


而随着一个人看到的真实、地道、原汁原味的外语句子越来越多时,地道的外语表达方式就会替代他原来不地道的表达方式。比如当他看过一句真实的外语句子用“in such a short time”来表达“在这么短时间内”时,他以后就会改用这种表达方式,而不再用“in so short time”这样的中式英文。

在学术上,这就叫做 L1 transfer 带来的负面效应逐渐被 L2 input(看/听到的真实的外语信息)所纠正。

学习者的 interlanguage(学外语的人在外语不纯熟时所产生的介于母语和外语之间的语言,比如中式英文)就逐渐向地道的目标语言无限逼近,直至成为一个 native 或 near-native speaker。

再举个例子。如果一个学中文的美国人想用中文表达“清晨”这个概念,但又没在任何真实的中文句子里看到过“清晨”这个说法,那么他往往就会从他母语中的“early morning”直译成中文,变成“早的早晨”、“早期的早晨”、“初期的早晨”等等听上去让人摸不着头脑的生硬中文。


后记:“good good study, day day up”大概是最有名的中式英文例子。



Hello China! Welcome to the steem world!

Chinese will start buying a lot of STEEM soon. This will drive the price and volume back up. If you're thinking of buying some STEEM, don't say I didn't warn you. 10 dollar STEEM by the end of August.

as I know from history (I mean bitcoin one, asics miners), when Chinese are getting envolved in any project, this project strikes higher and higher. We'll see we'll see..

I understand living in a country with a lot of restriction. But aren't you afraid of China banning this also in the future?

Steem is a decentralized platform. No one could ban the blockchain because it's P2P. Even government blocks, there will be many clones in China. Domains like,, are in my hands now. Even all the websites are in the blacklist, there is something like Piston.web. People could run it on it's own computer.

That's why Steem is great.

That's incredible and it's why I love the blockchain so much. It will change the world... it technically already is changing it though.

Thats quite true but still wrong. Chinese gov can of course restrict access to Steem blockchain. That's not quite difficult for them.
It will be a cat and mouse game. Sure you can change domain or even IP, but still piston web will still have to connect to some IP than can be banned. Plus you can imagine if this become clearly illegal to use or post on Steem blockchain, i'm not quite sure chinese people will take this risk to use steem and be penalized and pay fines or even go to prison for this.
Governments can shoot you when they declare something illegal. That's a fact. Nobody can oppress steem because it's the blockchain, but people can still be oppressed.

I've some very rich friends in china since i've been doing business with china for years, but they are afraid to take any risk and being involved in something that could be illegal soon or later. So what's the solution to make Steem scale in china and other pro censorship countries ?

@somebody , please let me know how to contact you also to talk about it because we have a team behind that wants to start building a good chinese community and i have chinese whales ready for it, but we can not solve this legal/law/censorship issue for now.

You see when their government banned bitcoin? It didn't stop the miners of China to avoid mining and in fact they are the one contributed a lot in mining field for bitcoin. So it won't affect them if for whenever Chinese government banned steemit too.

Hi Somebody,
I'd love to know you. I am Chinese. Realtor, Youtuber and new Steemit.
Diana Chu

China will soon be the first country in the world.

Seeing more and more nationalities over here is a good thing, it is a sign that steemit is getting bigger and more popular.
Thanks to it, we will have more interesting idea's here, more good publishers etc.
It only upgrades this network!

I love to see like they grow year after year (not only on steemit) with hard work. Hope, they learn on east mistakes. Greeting from Europe :)

@Somebody 写得不错。支持

支持下 :)


Thank you and keep these good articles coming.

trying to contribute to the community and then get return from that.



Wonderful job on bringing more diversity!!!

This is another reason we need subreddits. Seeing posts in a language they can't read is a turn off for many users.

I think Steem team will solve this.



Steemit will be blocked soon, don't worry about it.

All I can say is, Happy to have you here and Welcome! Great Job in getting the word out.

We develop new technology to make life more free

This is great.
We, living in western societies/countries don't get to feel censoship that often if ever. And if we do, there's usually a big media backlash.
If Steemit succeeds (which it obviously will) it will make a big appearance in China and other countries where state censorship is used.
All my best wishes to you and keep on STEEMing!

Thanks. Steem is decentralized so nobody could block it. Even is blocked there will be other websites because source code of is open. Or people could use something like piston.web to run on their own computer.

upvoted for your work

China the new master of universe , but by little time, the nature destroy them after attack Rusia and USA
Check this

I'm trying my best to do the same for the italian fellows, not so much success for now, but I'm trying at least.

Nice to see you here!

Great to know @somebody and nice to meet you. I will start putting #cn as my secondary tag on my posts so you read them in #cn ;)

I'm Canadian living in China. I love Steemit. I will certainly be introducing it to my friends and co workers. Do you have any links in Chinese I can give them? I collect useful links and post on this website.

past few days ive been getting my head around steemit. It has so much potential i really think they might have nailed it here. bring on the chinese community. A built in translation tool would be excellent.

Awesome! My great grandfather is chinese. :-D, welcome #revolutionizeintelligence

Nice article and I fully agree with the author. I have discussed this in my article a few days ago highlighting the opportunity for Steemit in the developing world, particularly China and India. here is the article

