The new year already started promising, with a huge rise in Steem price and a lot of positive energy. A conversation in the chat sparked the idea for a fun little contest called The Exxageration Contest.
The Rules are:
- Comment a description of yourself and exaggerate a lot. Then add a description how you actually are so it's possible to judge the quality of the exaggeration.
- Comment only ONCE! Avoid editing, correcting typos is okay.
- Contest ends on the 8th January, 11:59 pm/23:59 UTC+1
That's it! And what can you win?
1st Place gets 10 Steem
2nd Place gets 5 Steem
3rd Place gets 3 Steem
The judges are me, @apsu and @ertwro and we will declare the winners shortly after the contest ends on here.
So have fun, exaggerate and maybe resteem this post so others can join the fun!
Hi, I'm Daniel, I am the god of life. People love worshiping me because I can basiclly do everything. I am impossible to get, baby, I drink 6 tons of milk every day and I got 862 pets in my god's mansion.
In reality, my name is Dan, I am a nurse which basiclly means I help delivering babies to the world (life). I do a lot of things every day so my schedule is uptight. I am easy to get by girls. I hate milk for some reason I don't even know. I got 4 pets (one dog, two parrots, and a cryptokitty).
I am the "lion of Judah," I am more popular and sing better than Michael Jackson, I'm graduate of Harvard, a mentor to Mark Zuckerberg, I tutor Bill Gates on programming, I don't tell girls I love them, they do. I don't feed myself, my girlfriends do, I don't trek, I have Bugatti and Ferrari and I have to more than 50 countries all over the world including the White House and I am so handsome like George Clooney.
In reality, Tunde is my name, I have horrible voice but love music, I am not popular at all, I only have one girlfriend and having more than one scare me a lot. I trek and take commercial transport and I don't have common bicycle let alone of cars. I have never traveled outside the country before. I am black and dark and an Agricultural Eng.
Hahahahah, this really cracked me up!
You're good!
Ha ha ha, i want to hear your horrible voice.
I bet it sounds more horrible than seeing a dog cry.
I just can't stop laughing hahahaha!!!! funny you
Well I am Kerry, I am actually 6ft tall, fair in complexion, I weigh 400 pounds, I am 1000 years old. I am capable of lifting and moving a garbage truck, hope to be the president of my country..
My real description: I am Kerry 5ft tall dark in complexion. I am not even up to a pound in weigh lol.. I am not an immortal who lives forever.. I can't even lift my T.V lol just exaggerated there. Lol
Lolz, you got me 😂
Are you looking for a young man with a skin glowing bright like the star, his hair shines bright in the dark there by lightning up the whole street when there is darkness, a voice that could bring down Zeus to his kneels. A very strong man that can pull three aeroplanes with his pinky finger and still ask if he was doing anything. A man in the forest and people will wonder if he was a human or the Tallest tree. With his legs, he will run round the earth four good times in less than four seconds. A man that every princess and Queens in the world will do anything just to confess their love for him. Then your search is not far fetched because I am that young man you are looking for. THE MAN THAT WAS MISTOOK FOR GOD HIMSELF. My Name Is THe MAN CALLED GOD
Lol. Really was all that used to qualify me? I am this shy boy who would pass for a skeleton due to my skinny Nature. You should realize how weak I will be then. Well have not had a girlfriend in years so I hope my dreams of princesses coming to me comes to pass. I am a lazy type, I am not involved in any kind of sport and I am a short guy
Truth: I post naked pictures of myself on the blockchain and will never regret it. I also have big boobs.
Reality: I even make money out of it! (OK, I might regret it :P ). Also photoshop might help a bit?
With all these shitty comments this is gonna be easy to win one of the prizes. Okay here I go.
I am 5'7 130 lbs so in shape that I make all women jealous by just looking at me. I rock climb and weight lift to keep in shape.
In reality I am 5'5 and a half (yes I have to get my half in there). I am not in shape and weigh about 20 lbs too much. I have back issues so rock climbing and lifting weights no that isn't happening.
My first sentence was before legit comments starting coming in when I started mine all that was on here so far was the spam comments.
I know :P The dangers of commenting in the first few minutes ^^
I own 3 btc in my wallet and I'm recognized by Google as the best programmer in all of Europe. I do not like to waste time documenting myself. I have an excellent strategy this year to win a lot of money in a short time. Women adore me because I'm smart.
I am a beginner in crytocurrency, I would have liked to be a programmer. I like to read, analyze before making an investment. I do not have a winning strategy, but if you find one, you can write to me: D
I'm not successful in women, I'm still looking for the right woman.
as i found out about this contest and started reading submissions, i found my self dying of laughter and shaking out of tremendous amount of fun and entertainment. my pulse gone wild, juices of my liver erupted, and i sprayed the monitor with 2 almost equal streem of joyfully red blood, drawing a portrait of Christine Lagarde and her naked silhouette at once. Her face and curves, entangled in eternity over endless rows of comment section...Then it was dark.
reality> Almost the same. Just mayonaisse instead of blood. And Christine had her glasses on.
Some advance reviews from my 7th and forthcoming book: "Epics":
"Aphorisms are an ancient form, but its current-day master is Yahia Lababidi.”
—Richard Blanco, Barack Obama's historic inaugural poet:
"Yahia Lababidi could form a new gnostic religion, and I could dwell a long while inside them. Yahia Lababidi may be our greatest living aphorist."
—Sharon Dolin, author of Manual for Living
"If Yahia Samir Lababidi were in charge of a country, I would want to live there." —Naomi Shihab Nye, poet
'Lababidi'[s] work is characterized by a contemplative tone in line with Rumi… [He] is a Muslim voice for peace, celebrating the wisdom in ancient traditions and pointing out the ridiculous in the rush and cynicism of contemporary life. Drawn to the mystic tradition, Lababidi often refers to the virtues and fruits of silence.
—Plough Quarterly
'Lababidi's meditative formulations echo the inquiries of the early Greeks, Confucius, de La Rochefoucauld, Nietzsche, Pascal and Lao Tzu'.
—Ken Rodgers, Kyoto Journal
While the above has, in fact, been written about my work - it's also an exaggeration to say that it is true. Most days, I am bewildered by the basic tasks of life and, even in my fifth decade, struggle to make a living.
Haha would truly love to read this book..
pleae make it less of an exergeration
Many thanks, @dayveedben :) If you pre-order the book, here, your name will appear in the hardcover edition, as a token of appreciation - no exaggeration! https://unbound.com/books/where-epics-fail/ 🤓
I'm the ideal woman for any man: I'm a model, I can read anyone's thoughts and through the power of the mind can make anyone fall in love with me. My seductive eyes can spell any man. I am the smartest woman, I have graduated 3 faculties and I can speak 5 foreign languages.
I'm a simple and smart girl, I do not have the right height to be a model and I'm not an angel, a gorgeous woman. I feel beautiful every day and that matters most to me.
I like to analyze people's behavior and I love psychology, I would like to read people's thoughts :D. I have brown eyes and I can speak 3 foreign languages. I have a master's degree.
Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this contest and I wish success to everyone.
I am fujiwara, a drift god who can drive like Ken Block, I've won all drifting championships and I've had lots of movies and tv shows made about me. I have a 1000hp Toyota Supra and I am the one who chases the cops on the highway.
In reality, I barely got my license and I'm afraid to try left foot braking or using the heel and toe technique. Also, my car has a mighty 80 hp and I'm always on the lookout for police and speed cameras.
I am the world's greatest artist, and an artistic rendition by me encompasses the entire experience of art. I have trained all the masters from Michaelangelo to Rembrandt to Andy Warhol to Banksy, but they are all the equivalent of a three year old with crayons compared to me.
OK, I may have exaggerated. I have trouble drawing a stick figure, and do not have an artistic cell in my body.
A lovely, fit, chunk of manhood, I live the high life and have to pick and choose whose company I deign to share myself with as I am so popular. Modest and handsome, I never want for romance and yet will never kiss and tell...
I am a small bloke (petite might be more accurate) with few social skills, fewer friends and a marriage that ended in ruins. I have not known romance in years and live with 3 dogs and a couple of cats who seem to be the only things which can tolerate me.
almost everyone who comments seems to think of themselves as short. It's fascinating
5'6" is short, but I am also small framed. 50 kg wringing wet, mate - you make up your mind if that is small. I am just being honest with you and myself.
Most of my daughter's 16/17 year old girl friends are bigger than I am.
I appreciate your honesty
Alright I will let my secret out. Yes people . I am THE son in law of bill gates. Money means nothing to me. I read steem just to get an idea about commoners and inspire people. I might just gift few million dollars to whoever made a good comment in this post.
Reality – today I sighed 10 times when I remember I have to pay my December apartment rent.
It shall be well, dont just kill yourself with worry. Do you part and leave the rest to God. Be bless and stay bless.
Thank you xD
Hello, my name is Jenaya and I love life so much I wake up at 5am every morning to make sure I am the first one in line to help with the chores. I make 3 hearty meals a day and I enjoy exercising daily.
The reality is I sleep until 9am, I rarely do the chores unless necessary, I eat whatever i can shove in my face and I wouldn't exercise daily if you paid me, more like I exercise when I need to bend down to put my shoes on and stretch my arms and legs when dressing. ;) reality
My name is Michael Jordan and im 6'5 and I own my own shoe company sponsored by nike. I have a Lamborghini and people love taking pictures of me😎💪 I also make serious bank every day 🤑💲💱 and I got the best dance moves every ✌ dawg... homie
Reality: my name is just Jordan 😯and im only 5'6. I own my own shoe without the compamy part and im spornsered by a company named nothing😕 I dont have a Lamborghini, i only have my pasta linguine 🤐and people love taking pictures of me when i fall on my face😖. I dont make bank everyday i just clean my fish tank😢 and i cant dance. I can only embarrase myself by dabing in 2018.... LOL 🤣
LOL I really do have a brother-in-law named Michael Jordan. Not the Basketball player but my mom has way too much fun with his name. What was really funny for a while my nephew dated a girl named Whitney Houston, but not the singer.
That very interesting lol 🤣
Nothing wrong with cleaning fishtanks. It is how I make a living. I make bank BY cleaning fishtanks you might say!
Ok...Here comes The Exagerrated Riddle:)
I am the Concorde of Blathering, whizzing along at 2179 thoughts per hour, chattering even in my sleep, repeating myself and inventing new worries and dramas every waking hour.
I am the AlphaGo of all the possible scenarios where things can go wrong and all the reasons why I shouldn’t do something worthwhile but difficult, unbeatable by any attempted strategy to convince me of otherwise : This won’t work. That is imperfect. This will backfire . That is stupid.
I am a Self control and Perfectionism Nazi , meticulously scrutinizing myself and all the ways I fall short of, all the instances I lack discipline, skill or good conversation lines .I also take copious notes of all my past mistakes and make choruses out of them to sing forever and ever in my military daily parades.
Who am I in reality? Just another proud owner of a human brain. : )
very nice
My name is Erica
Nick name : strongest
Hobbies: collecting teeth from lions
-catching bullets with bare hands
-jogging up and down mouth Everest
MY RECORDS: -Fought a dinosaur and broke it's neck
-skinned crocodiles alive
-Travelled around the world in a day
-Held my breath under water for 1year 6months 3days 2hours 10mins 4 secs
GREATEST ACHIEVEMENTS: First woman to to land on the sun
-went to mecury to charge my phone
FLUENT IN : 10,380 languages
EMBARRASSING MOMENTS: -couldnt kill 100 tigers with a single punch,99 died but the last one is now a slowpoke
PROUDEST MOMENT: -when a cobra died after biting me
SOMETHING ABOUT ME: - I don't like bragging
My name is Erica and mu hobbies are singing, dancing,eating, writing and others
Well, you lied big, I lied big and pretty much what other commenters have been doing is lying big and not exaggerating. But this your comment... I can't deal 😁
Lmao 😂 that's your problem sister girl I'm exaggerating big big that's what I read
land on the sun :D
you got me there loooooooool
Lmao 😂
me no speak slang :p lol
Hello I am Alvin the one of "Alvin and the chipmunks" I am 15 centimeters tall, professional singer and very famous in the world with my two brothers Simon and Theodore, we have won 5 grammys and live in my tree house eating many nuts a day. I am also a professional soccer player and wanted by the greatest teams in the world. I graduated from 5 doctorates and am a professional dancer in my spare time.
Hi, I'm Alvin Arenas (yeah my name is Alvin), I'm 174 centimeters tall, amateur singer and dancer in my free time with two of my friends Peter and Harut, I love soccer and I play twice a week on the field near my house and I am a recent graduate of industrial administration
Hello I'm jemimah, people call me Christiano Ronaldo because of my physique and football skills. JOINING STEEMIT IS THE WORST THING THAT HAVE EVER HAPPENED TO ME.
In Reality, I'm jemimah and I'm not the 'sixpacks' guy and I really suck at football.
Hi, I am David I am so good at lying that Jim Carrey invited me to assist him during the performance of Fletcher Reede. The reason I am so skilled is my body language. I have conscious control of every single muscle of my face and body. I learned it with David Larible. My friends are so amused by my talent that they pay me to teach some principles.
I think I am good at lying, however, I can't lye the people who I really care, not even per WhatsApp. My body language is undemonstrative and my knowledge about it is so basic that my friends think that I am emotionally blunted. I am clumsy, so friends tried to teach me how to dance.
PS: Funny contest, that's a thought!
If you are reading, forget about the rest of little men of paper in the top and bottom margins; you've come to the right place, my friend, no one is more interesting than I am. I have a trunk of stories, most are of all the people I've known throughout my life because (I'll tell you a secret), time is my best friend, but he has grown old while I still I keep in my best years. Yeah, I am an old man with a young spirit. And admit it, when you hear my voice, you ... What's wrong? yes, I said voice, Didn't you are imagining my incredible and seductive voice, like an arrow that sticks in your heart? Ah? Didn't you do it? ... Oh! Well... now you doyes, hehe; how naughty I am!
But back to what I was saying, you must admit that I have a personality that makes you want to immediately. This is like when the boy turns around and BAM! Face to face with the love, I'm like that too. In a moment you are careless and when you turn to me you see my golden beard, my glasses perfectly designed for my round face and manly, you find a hipster and BAAM! In a second you want to be my friend. We all want to be my friends! And I, of course, I am so happy and flattered that I never refused, but it is not easy. In truth, I care for each of my friends, their lives are valuable. Unfortunately the souls who are very concerned about the people, live alone most of the time. In fact, loneliness is my second best friend in the world. Yes, the time is the first, but, you know who the third is? ... You're. Yes, you! You didn't imagine it, right? Do you know why? Because you had the kindness to listen to and being interested in the life of an old man. So far, I'm Bryan German, but, you should call me BG, friend.
In fact, I am a writer whose personality makes you want to like… more or less, to the three weeks. I am a difficult man, a little self-centered but only in my mind. I do not usually flatter myself or be so sure of many of my actions in front of strangers. I always feel a little uncomfortable when I start a conversation with new people, which pushes me to bet by comments that sometimes achieve acceptance and other times they are rejected. I no have met so many people throughout my life because I find it hard to make new friends: in fact, I think I have more characters than friends.
However, I have lived through the experience of each of my friends - which account for almost 30- which has made me mature very quickly. I have 22 years and although I am young I feel terribly old, every day he fought with the clock: is my worst enemy, always tells me that I must try harder. The loneliness, for its part, is always present in my life because one of my passions is to heal the lives of people through communication, which makes me keep abreast of the details of the people but never talk about myself. I am not so attractive, my beard is dark and leafy, my glasses are large and I detest that my look seem so hipster, never pretended. Finally, once achieved a little bit of confidence, be I assure you that I will become that little paper man
I hope you have enjoyed this chatter, and if you want my friendship, I offer: here you have a paper called Bryan German.
Hi, I am Narendra Modi (if you have not figured out it yet from my profile avtar), the prime minister of India, the biggest democratic country in the world. I have been quietly watching Steemit since I joined it in July, as I am yet to announce my government's plan on how to deal with the crypts. It appears many people are becoming millionaire by using crypts and neither paying tax to my government, nor paying quietly to my party. So couple of weeks back I asked my IT Department to raid all the exchanges in India that are dealing with crypts and we have notified 10 million people to pay tax. In 2018, we will have some laws in place to streamline the crypt trading, and hopefully I will have some good news soon, as RBI ( Reserve Bank of India) is on the verge of completion of the 1989 pages of guidelines on the laws to deal with crypts.
In reality, I am a common man of India who loved Narendra Modi when he came to power as he stressed on "Ache din ayenge" ( Good days are coming). And I am waiting for it since last two and half years 😵(May 2014, he came to power). Now I am thinking, he never said when, LOL.
Hi, everybody calls me 'The king Cobra' and 'playboy'. I have forgot the count of the no. of girls I have been with. Everybody likes me.

In real life, I am zank. I don't have any girl friend and still virgin. I am introvert.
Introvertion is the key to spiritual Power! Steem on!
Thanks for the upvote...
I liked the drawings and you timidity. Full Steem ahead!
HEY THERE!.. or should I say bye already cause I'm leaving people in the dust when going for the WIN 😏 I'm Maxi. And I'm a Half God, the estatics on my profile picture are speaking for them selve. I have a secrete love for everything that doesnt live on land which no body knows of. And A photographical memory with a little nano chip in the back of my brain to leak everything I see instantly on the internet if I am wishing to. Plus I'm also changing my relationship status like my Undies (which is once a month^^)
Now for real: I'll probably wont make it far in this competition considering on how late I am lol (I'm actually wiping the dust out of MY face right now lol). I am no where near a god not even close cuz I'm a skinny little dude (this is no exaggeration). I have no photographical memory since I can barely remember what my last 5 steemit post were about and no nano chip (Dont need that.. I have an Iphone). The Relationship one is also total Bullsh*t cause I'm in a relationship for six months and I jump into a fresh pair of undies EVERYDAY! (I swear 😅). Oh yeah and I am allergic to fish and seafood 😃.
Hello, I am three people Javier, Javito and Javi, I am thin and high weight 35 kg. and I measure 2.78 meters. I work in a freezer store at -162 degrees, my work schedule is from 1:00 AM to 11:00 PM. I like sports, especially basketball, I like it so much that one day I ate the basket and the whole basket.
Well maybe I exaggerated a bit, just that some of my friends call me Javier, other Javi and other Javito.
I'm not so thin or so tall, I guess you've already noticed, weight 83 kg. and I measure 1.90 meters.
It is true that I work in a freezer store but there is a little less cold, it is only -22.
Sure, I like basketball, but one day I tried to crush the hoop in an alley hoop and I hit the basket in my mouth and I broke a tooth.
I'm Eroded. Yes ladies, I'm single. I hate kids and never wanted any. By day, I can usually be found on the beach, doing nothing, as I have the easy life. I normally leave the beach and take a different girl to dinner each night and fall asleep by 9pm so I can sleep 10 hours before repeating my day.
Maybe in a warped reality, doubt it.
I am a happily married father of 10. I spend most of my day inside with my kids, only leaving to take them out to play. I haven't been to the beach in ten years. I eat dinner every night with my children and wife. It is a rare occasion that I get more than 3 hours sleep.
Sorry, I had to lie. My real life already sounds like an exaggeration, lol.
How would I know that you're not an imposter?
Poor quality exaggeration, but not the worst so far.
Oh I should stop commenting on these comments, this makes me too sad.
Cause I comment and upvote with my real account! :P
Oh I see. So, you have also a less-strict-side? Happy to know that. :) Hail @suesa! :D
Actually, I made this account to be able to post stuff without draining the VP of my autovoters ^^ They're here for science and/or fiction, mostly.
Science and/or fiction is what you have been writing and your content has been very good. This account is a good initiative sometimes, to be UnSuesa:
Wishing you good luck!
I'm Maria Fernanda Yepez, an Venezuelan actress and model. I made myself known for my participation in the Rosario Tijeras series and Sin senos no hay paraíso. I am the new genius of chemistry, I have invented the cure of incurable diseases such as cancer, SIDA, among others. In my free time I create master formulas to stop aging and acne.
I am Maria Fernanda Marval, I love watching novels and drama series, also interpreting them sometimes in real life. I am a student of Chemistry, I have prepared aspirins, creams, beers, among other things. I would love to investigate and one day to create something new for science that will help many people. In my free time I study, work and look a lot at social networks like steemit
thanks all and regards❤
Hi, am Aruocha Chukwudi. I am the second tallest man in the world. As a medical doctor,i have carried out about 500,000 surgeries on different patients.I can stand in the theatre room for about 12hours without eating nor sitting. My colleagues call me the jungle master all because i can do wonders far beyond human expectations such as drinking from my nose,walking with one leg,doing all tasks from different profession and seeing into the future.I saw 2018 before everyone in the world.The touch of my hands makes patients get healed and filled with goose bumps. The words from my mouth makes them blush. I can spit out fire whenever i am annoyed. I am not a dragon but a homosapien sapien with the highest I.Q and personalities. Do you want to see me? Ask google because i am the most poular and best searched name in google in the year 2017.
In reality, I am of average height and just a 500Level student that have just entered the theatre room for just 10 consecutive times. I hardly stay without food nor like standing. I hardly touch my patients except on physical examinations. Water hardly crosses my nose,i hate walking talk of walking with one leg. My salivary gland cant even let me rest on the site of food more of spitting fire which can never happen. Google only knows my name for real whom i am as Aruocha Chukwudi.
Hi, I am Diane and I am the CEO of one of the largest technology companies in the world. I have worked my way up from being a help desk technician in the mid 80's. It's been a tough climb against all the men in this industry, but I made it to the top! And by the way, I love cats!
In reality I am a technology coordinator at a school district with 41 employees and less than 300 students. I started out as a programmer in the mid 80's and had hoped to make it to the top one day. But a couple of kids, a husband and moving around because of my husband's job/family I never reached those goals, and now I am too old and tired to make it happen. And I hate cats, I'm a dog lover!
I am the Tree of LIFE! My branches reach far beyond the mortal realm of men, my roots provides nutrients to all those who resides beneath me and in my crown I bear every single living entity ever created. The dew of my leaves sustains the many lakes and vast seas of the world, the bark of my mighty stem provides enough materials for all humankind to build shelter and the power of my photosynthesis is so that all existing creatures can breathe fresh air.
I am omnipotent and can never be cut down!
Hi.. in real life my name is Jesper and I'm a 42x13 cm piece of discarded plywood with a few holes in it.
Love you all.. hug trees, don't cut them :D
At first I was thinking "oh no, another one who mistook exaggeration for lying" but the ending killed that thought :D
A height like skyscrapers'
Deeply rooted in geological materials
Destructing hands of the wind has no chance
My bole stands the test of time
Conglomerate of branches shades biodiversity
Foliage so dense, no adversity
Standing tall, so gigantic, like from lineage of Goliath
Meet my nomenclature, Adansonia digitata
Perhaps you are wondering what the fuck is that? Wait! hold my beer.
I was the tallest person in my class during undergraduate days. I studied Botany for those that are unaware of this fact. So, we dealt with plants a lot. During one of our scheduled field works on plant's taxonomy, we came across a very huge and tall tree in the plant's family known as Bombacaceae. The field taxonomist identified the tree as Adansonia digitata. Jokingly, my colleagues decided to nickname me 'Adansonia' because of my height.
In the real sense of it, I am just a normal person with a little height. By the way, my real name is Sahid.
Well then: I am a professionell football player that exceeds the quality of Adrea Pirlo at his position. As I am a natural talent and thus I don't have to train at all, so I am also capable of doing Nobel prize - contending science. Actually, my science is so great that nature and science BEGGED me for allowance to publish that stuff, but I decided to publish it in a no-name journal just to help those poor guys to get some citations. In my free time (the other 5 days of the week), I mostly relax.
For real, I am a mediocre football player. No matter how hard I would train, I still would be able to run and pass, but nothing else. But I play at Pirlo's position.
I did publish in a journal that noone but toxicologists know, but not for the reasons stated above.
And I have a small son, so basically, I have no free time.
I'm Nelson, son of the Hero. I weave worlds with words and type them into existence. I'm the master of my own matrix. I can communicate with any human being capable of articulating sounds. My shaven head and manly beard are grandiose and have been the cause of many a war.
Read that? Well, get ready because in reality I'm much more amazing.
I'm Nelson, though few call me that. According to google it means "son of the Hero" and that sounds cool. I'm a writer, or rather, I aspire to be. I have several fictional worlds functioning inside my head at all times, waiting for the time in their history where I finally let them flow into paper (or a Word doc, honestly). I speak 4 languages (Spanish, English, French and German), so I'm a good asset to any mochilero group. My shaven head and manly beard are grandiose and have been the cause of one or two really small conflicts between aspiring beard and/or shaven head touchers.
My name is King Daniel Lee II. I rule over a vast empire and my subjects adore and fear me. I rule with the wisdom not seen since King Solomon and my decrees are swift and harsh. I have chariots plated with gold. I'm nearly as mighty as Samson and once lifted a ship, car, and cannon all at the same time.
My name is Daniel Lee but I have a different middle name than my Father so I'm not a II. I'm a Dad (which is kind of like a King and I do have a 5th cousin once removed that was married to a Shaw I think). I have 5 children which can feel like a vast empire and my family does love and respect me (so they say). My family says I say 'No' to everything and they jokingly call me a meany. I have a gold color car and pickup truck. I played monopoly with the kids the other day and grabbed all the pieces out of the box at the same time (ship, car, and cannon).
loool this is so funny
Well, might be hard to believe it, but it’s true. I am the Terminator of Procrastination. I come from the future simply to kill all my present attempts to efficiently waste my time. Have you ever seen how a procrastination looks like? It’s crying because it just took a beating from me. Give me something to do, no matter how boring and I will gladly jump on it, with a smiley face and bursting with enthusiasm. That's me.
Reality check: I’m the slave of procrastination and I rarely feel motivation for anything. It has to be damn good, exciting and promising.
Full disclosure: Steemit and crypto world gave me that type of energy :)
I am living the most luxurious life anyone would ever imagine of in UAE. Own a Bugatti Veyron Rolls Royce Phantom and I have kept jaguars and lions as my pets. I take them out to walk on my own mansions lawn. I don't need to work at all. I travel all the time throwing party all around for hot chicks as they can get me easily. I am living a life of a king.
In reality, I am living an ordinary peoples life in UAE, which every people on Earth lives like. Own a Mustang GT and have kept a cat and a dog as my pets with which I go for a walk in the nearby park.I work as a lifeguard. Girls can get me easily and I do throw party once every 3 months.I am living a life above average standard.
I really could just post any random comment here, and win this contest, reason being. . .my Super Power is mind control, I will persuade you by telepathy to pick me as the winner.
Nice try ^^
Hmm, it seems as though most here are immune to my mind control powers.
I am so awesome Suesa just followed me. ( I am Mr. 17 now) thats all folks.
You should follow him so it's not exaggeration and he'll lose the game.
I couldn't say it any better. Hope she proves me wrong :D
Here's my entry.
My name is Victory, I'm dark skinned. So dark I may actually stain you if I touched you. I am really short, I have to go on tiptoe to pet my chihuahua. I am a cardiothoracic surgeon, I've been practicing for some years now, and have even won some awards for surgical innovation. I am known worldwide and my name is a household name among doctors worldwide.
Talking about my body, I have really big boobs, I wear DD size bras, and my hips are really really curvy with a nice trim waist.
I have the toughest hair in the world it feels like iron sponge, and the tiniest feet ever known I wear size 3 shoes
The real me
I'm Victory Ekpin, somewhere between dark and light skinned, we call it chocolate complexion, I am 5'2. I'm currently a final year medical student, not even a doctor talk less of being a household name among doctors.... Lol.
I have small-medium size breasts depending on the observer(lol) and I don't have really curvy hips or a trim waist... I have a normal everyday shape.. hehe
Yea... I have a tough hair, but iron sponge?.... Common! And I wear size 7shoes. Every one says my feet are small, why not exaggerate and make them really tiny
Even before birth they could not command me. I broke through the gallows with my own two feet. Motionless and without breath, I was born in death, to a world beneath me. My thoughts unchained, the world they rearrange, through many possibilities. Like a mountain I stand, taller than any man. With a squeeze of my fist I can end thee. I speak the tongues of all, and know all I see, watching visions of the knowledge of all time. I cannot be killed. Pity those who would try, for I command the greatest knowledge of all time.
I was still born, premature, am intelligent, tall, and sit on a computer alot, and have studied many things.
Hi im Josediccus, I'm a introvert and I'm 5'7 im actually 24 however I was a corporal in Hitler's army during the first world war, I never been oversea however I was there when the statue of liberty was erected in the united States and lastly no woman on earth can turn me on
I'm the man who can handle any situation, when they have a problem my friends call me right away. I know the martial arts and have followed self-defense courses. I like to eat unhealthy and I do not like animals.
I'm not perfect, I'm wrong and I always need the support of my family and friends. Even if they ask for my help and I can not handle it, I always try to find a solution. I do not like beating, I'm a gentle person. I like healthy food and I love animals, I have a dog I adore called Whitey.
I am a world renowed engineer, i built the world's first outer space oil rig and engineered the very first extremely non-corrodable material which can never corrode in any environment whatsoever.
I am a mechanical engineering student with corrosion engineering as my option and i am working on a corrosion protection project.
As the fastest swimmer in my country and I guess the world guessing by me swimming 50 metres in less than 7 seconds, I see no reason to brag or exaggerate. I am just "bad like that". In my last race before I decided to retire I was well dressed on my way home before the second placed swimmer touched. My name, Aqua Josh has been on the lips of everyone ever since and I have even gotten an invite to represent the world in the inter-galactic swimming competition holding in the crab nebula in the thirteenth month of the year 2030 where the chief host will be Lord Poseidon himself.
In reality I am Joshua, a graduate of human kinetics who makes a humble living by teaching individual and group swimming classes in my state.
@gabrielchm speaks to them a charming, renowned person. Able to communicate easily, without fear of the outside world. Exaggeratedly rich, he possesses the greatest fortune on the planet earth. And its properties are the most extensive. Being the first largest with a size greater than CANADA. And the second the size of VENEZUELA.
Its fortune is due to the fact that it owns 75% of the world's oil production.
He is also recognized for having swum the entire Atlantic Ocean, after having operated on an open heart a few days before.
The truth is that I am a person of few words. Fearful but wanting to eat the world, work and I only have a motorcycle and the biggest space I could have is my room. #challenge