Six Week Health Challenge Week Two! (Win up to 560 Steem)

in #health7 years ago (edited)

WEEK TWO of The Six Week Health Challenge #sixweekhealth

Hello Steemians. First of all WOW! You guys have got behind this challenge in a big way. I want to say a big thank you to everyone who joined in with week one and to those who supported it with comments, votes and encouragement. With your help we can spread health, fitness and happiness to thousands of people.

Here's how the Six Week Health Challenge works. Every single week I post a new challenge that will help you improve your health. Then it's up to you guys to get involved in the challenge by following the rules in this post! At the end of the week, the top four entries will be short listed for the final vote. Steem will then vote for your favourite entry and that Steemian will win sixty Steem! That means that every single week you could win sixty Steem, while getting healthier.

For a better idea of how the challenge works you can find details of the first week's challenge HERE. As a result of Week One, we now have a big database of healthy recipes that you can try - CLICK HERE FOR HEALTHY FOOD!. I still need your help for Week One - go and vote for your favourite recipe and they will be winning sixty Steem courtesy of myself and @sweetsssj.

Week Two Challenge

Go for a long walk (or run)

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Last week, I asked you guys to try a new healthy recipe. This week, I want you to get out for a long walk (or run) at least once. You can get out and go anywhere. For Week Two's challenge you'll need to submit a post with photos and descriptions of of your walk! In the posts we are looking for either (or both) of the following:

1. The most interesting walks

We want to see pictures of different parts of your city or local countryside. Perhaps you find wildlife or can show us your favourite places to eat and hang out. Include as much diversity as you can and show off how interesting your walk (or run) was. Show us variety and teach us about the places you went on your journey.

2. The best photography from a walk

We want to see photos of stunning views, amazing architecture or arty shots of things you found and saw. These can be of sweeping landscapes, close up shots or anything in between - show us the amazing sights you saw with some beautiful photography.

Don't worry if you aren't the best photographer or don't have a great camera. Showing us the interesting walk or run that you went on is just as valued as beautiful photography. The goal is to get more people active and exercising and to inspire other Steemians to go and explore where they live while getting fit!

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Anyone can go for a walk or a run. It's free and you can walk anywhere you like. It could be out in nature, around your local neighbourhood/city or going to see some beautiful buildings or sites. Walking has many benefits which include:

  • Fitness
  • Energy
  • Heart health
  • Lung health
  • Mental energy
  • Improves mood
  • Clears the mind
  • Improves muscle strength

So there's no reason not to join in. Get entering and be in with your chance to win sixty Steem.

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Rules for Entering - READ CAREFULLY!

1. Create a post with the tag #sixweekhealth about your walk (or run) this week.

2. You must follow @healthsquared.

3. Your post must include at least one photo or video.

4. Your entry must include Week TWO and Six Week Health Challenge in the title.

5. You need to submit your post by 10.30am GMT on the 2nd of February 2018.

6. Again, make sure you tag your post #sixweekhealth to be in for a chance to win sixty Steem.


Remember, the top four posts in #sixweekhealth will be entered in to the final vote at the end of the week. The most voted for post (voted by you) will winSixty-Steem.png!

@sweetsssj has generously sponsored this challenge to help Steemians become healthier. She is putting forward half of all of the prize money with me (@healthsquared) putting forward the other. If you haven't checked her out, get over to her channel and tell her that @healthsquared sent you! She has some of the most amazing posts on Steemit - you won't regret going to see her work.


If you're as excited to get involved as me, and want to have the chance to win a load of Steem, then type 'I'm in' in the comments below and upvote this post. Then get out there and take some photos of your walk or run to post for all of us. This week you'll help encourage all of us to get out and about while getting fitter and healthier!

Let me know if you have any questions,

Yours in health,
Coach Ben #coachben #sixweekhealth

There are 3 pages

Did you miss this challenge? Don't worry!

The NEW health challenge is now up HERE. Week Three's challenge is to show us how you de-stress. This is a broad topic so I'm looking forwards to some interesting and varied entries.

Head over to the Week Three Challenge post and comment 'I'm in' and you could be winning sixty Steem next week!

Yours in health,
Coach Ben

The finalists have been chosen - go and cast your votes for the best post HERE.

Go and support your fellow Steemians AND get inspired. There were so many amazing entries - check them out and you'll just want to get out, explore and get healthy.

Coach Ben

This is a great idea! Hoping we get some interesting photos, not just the outdoorsy ones either. If I were back in Melbourne, I'd do a long walk through all of the graffiti alleyways. Walking tour with art in the most livable city on Earth!.... miss that place.

Guess San Diego will have to do!

Absolutely love what you are promoting, it is not only about getting fit but also re-connecting with mother earth, We also need to nourish ourselves properly with what we eat.

I just joined steemit, follow and I follow back and upvote
If you or and anyone else is interested in changing themselves and the world,
please join the FOOD REVOLUTION!
check my intro out....
And article, Mc D’s vegan burgers
hope you like :) ✌ 🐮

Hey @celestialcow, great to have you on Steemit :D

I loved Melbourne when I visited, though a 24 hour delay on flights meant I only got to spend one day there. That would have been amazing to see more of the city. I'm sure San Diego has a lot to offer too :D Can't wait to see some photos from you mate!

You gotta make a trip back! Lived there for 2 years and am still looking for ways to move there.

For now, I'll focus on the route I usually take for runs in SD.... while dodging rattlesnakes! (10).jpg

That definitely fulfils the category of 'interesting' :P

Hello @digitaldruid I have just read your reply to this great blog. It caught my eye as I have just returned home (to Brisbane) after visiting Melbourne for a day as part of a 10 day Aussie cruise. Walking through those amazing graffit alleyways was a fascinating highlight. It was just before Christmas and the streets were alive with action everywhere we looked. We made the most of every minute to take in the features which make this city a popular place to live or visit. I can understand why you would miss it. But San Diego must be a pretty cool place to live also? I just posted a blog about AC DC Way recently. Those Aussie pop stars have certainly received the stamp of approval by Melbournians with the honour of having this Lane named after them. Nice to meet you. Enjoy your travels. (Following.)

Hi Trudee! San Diego is great. Ideal weather, tons to do, great food, great beer. Sadly their sports scene is a bit lacking when compared to Melbourne... but then again, most cities are!

I may post about the street art in Melbs in the near future. Need to sort through my albums from when I lived there. Sadly I only spent a few hours in Brissy. Stop over on our way up the coast to Cairns.

So much to see. So much to do! Your enthusiasm for life is energizing and comes through in the way you write. Brissy has so many fabulous features......but don't get me started on that subject. I will enjoy checking your posts from time to time to get an appreciation of San Diego through your eyes. All the very best. TH

Thanks for getting involved in the community @trudeehunter :D I hope there will be loads of blogs of new places for everyone to explore through this challenge - to inspire us to get out and get healthy more often, and inspire us to travel more too ;)

Have a great day and if you get out for a walk this week, take some photos and join in with the challenge. Thank you for your enthusiasm


Thank you @healthsquared for making contact. I think your health initiative is fabulous. I was out walking with my camera yesterday but with our extreme heat at the moment, I can’t do my usual route. Even at 5.30 in the morning the humidity is high. So I’m needing the motivation and I thank you for that. 😊 I will check the guidelines again and get motivated. Will resteem to get the word out. Following.

I'm better in the cold than in the heat so it's good that I'm in the Northern Hemisphere right now :p I lived in NZ for quite a while but that doesn't get too hot!

Hi everyone,

Thank you to everyone who has entered so far. You have a little over 41 hours to submit your entries (by 10.30am GMT on Friday 2nd).

Can't wait to start short listing the entries. Check out the winner from last week HERE.

Keep the post quality high and focus on beautiful photography and amazing views.

Yours in health,
Coach Ben


Thank you for the overwhelming response to the challenge this week. There have been some amazing entries.

Just a quick comment to note that entries are now closed. If you've just found the challenge, make sure you check out future weeks!

Yours in health,
Coach Ben

You and @sweetsssj are truly an enrichment for the steemit community, you both show that you really care to improve other people’s life by encouraging a healthy lifestyle and arouse an eager want to explore the world beyond the computer desk🙏

Thanks Great to see you again. Obviously Steemit is a platform that inspires a lot of sitting at a computer, right? So we want to help people create a healthy balance in their lives :) Just hope it helps at least some people get more active, healthier and more aware of their wellbeing. You getting involved again this week I hope?

Of course I‘m in, or my name shall not be anymore :)

Haha, Great! :D

hey bro! here i find ya :-P great artikel. you will be my inspiration for the next post, cyper-bro ;-D only wanna say thanks

Hehe, yes my new hiding spot :) You are welcome and hank you for your laudation!

3 Secret Super Foods That Make Fat Melt

Hell Yea!!! Are you smiling? You should be because the three superfoods that I am going to share with you are going to change your life and your thinking as it relates to weight loss.

These three items are far better than any pill, potion or lotion on earth!!! You will lose weight, have an abundance of energy and have the youthful vitality you had when you were a child.

But I am going to be honest with you.

Most foods in the western civilization are pure trash. Chemicals, GMOs, Pesticides, Herbicides, Larvaside and Fungicide are lurking in almost every meal you eat these days. But I have great news.

Continue Read Post...

Hello again! First of all, thank you for this opportunity! I'm very happy being within the four nominees at last week's challenge! It's been a little challenging indeed , as it should:d but I just hope that people think more and do more for their health. Also, I guess i'm in this week too......:D
Cheers from Romania @healthsquared!

Very happy to have you back @missdeli. You weren't sure if you'd have time to join in last week but I hope you are glad that you did. Can't wait to see your entry this week. Thank you for joining in again x

Thanks:) and....Well, I made myself some time. I had to cook anyway, so I just 'added' extra time for the photos and the posts.. :p right now I'm happy I joined this challenge. Hope I'll do fine in this next week :d I'm a bit scared of this challenge, it's pretty something new:p

@missdeli, good luck! Looking forwards to seeing your post - it's a little extra time and effort probably than the cooking one but I'm sure you'll smash it x

Ofc I will! just try me haha :P

You're unstoppable ;)

I am your new follower and today my first day to see your health posts and that's amazing for me i also need to tips about health ok brother i try your tips then see what's the result come

Join in with The Six Week Challenge - try each challenge each week and you will become a healthier and better person!

Wow what a post .loved the information

Thank you, did you read the bit about joining in?

Good informative post. Keep it up

Thank you :)

I like it! It was so darn cold today my long walk turned into a walk around the block but hopefully I can get it done before the challenge ends.

Haha, yeah it can get quite cold here in the UK, but not as cold as some other places!! Well done for getting out in the cold. At least the walk should warm you up :p Thanks @funbobby51, can't wait to see your post this week!

I need to try this :) , I was added some kilos and it’s a good ideea, anyway u will fill better after 6 weeks .

Great @valo99. Show us where you walked this week - you get healthier, we get to see interesting places, and you could win 60 Steem :D

I'm in! This seems like a wonderful idea! Can't wait to post tomorrow :)

Glad to have you in @lelegend, we can't wait to see your post either!

I'm in

I think mental energy is the source of all energy. If your mentality is strong then you can do those work what you are not capable.

Very true! It's amazing how the body and mind are linked. If you build a healthy body you'll also build a healthy mind :) Looking forward to discovering your walk (or run :p). Thanks for the comment @soumon

you are most welcome

What things do you find help improve your mental energy @soumon?

You Got an upvote because this content is good and must be upvoted .
(This reply for the good contents only ) Keep going .

Love House :p

good idea @healthsquared

Thanks @darlenys01, you had some amazing entries in Week One. Remember, at the end of the full six weeks, the Steemian with the best consistent content and participation will win 200 Steem ;) So get joining in :D

I love this new idea@healthsquared; it's a nice challenge, the first week I loved it and I'm excited to be in the nominees. I am in and I am fascinated by this nice challenge

You had some excellent recipes @marialara in #sixweekhealth. Great original photos and content - I can't wait to see more from you :D

thank you very much@healthsquared

BOOM!! I have been on a yugeeeee health kick lately.. followed and I cant wait to take part in bettering my overall health while having fun doing so!! Awesome stuff @healthsquared

Thanks @conradsuperb, it's brilliant to have enthusiastic people on board and wanting to improve their health. You got a walk in mind for this week to post about?

Honestly, with living in Ohio and the weather being rather crappy these last few winter months, I will probably wait for an entry that is more appealing for me. I have followed you and am looking forward to seeing future posts to participate in. For now, I am still on my exercise (yoga/pilates) and diet game, so I will be staying tuned :-)


Sounds great, do what works for you!

Thanks for sharing!!

You're welcome :) Thanks for checking the blog out!

I'm inside, Good idea! I'm preparing now for this walk :)

Great to have you back @susanalara. You were so close to being a finalist in Week One - thank you for all of your hard work and great content. Keep improving it and keep entering in Week Two :D

Great way to get people out and about! I'm planning to go for a run around the Sydney Harbour Bridge :)

Oh HELL YES! That sounds amazing. Thanks for getting involved @nishyfishy. Hopefully the challenge will help people get out and about but also your entries will too! I know I'm going to be so inspired to go and explore where I live more once I see all of you guys posting.

Awesome man, sad I missed week 1 but I'll be trying to hit the rest! Here's my post from today's walk:

Wow @jakeybrown, that looks amazing! Thank you for the entry and don't worry about missing Week One. Plus now everyone gets to see your dog which is going to be good for their mental health too :D!

haha thanks! ya, I need to do a post on just my dog, I'd probably net 1000 new followers because she's the best old pup

She looks like just the best best pup :D

Hallo @healthsquared.. Im steemian :-) thanks for yoyr post its so interesting for to health, I will try it ;)

@ratnadewi2405, thank you for getting involved. Looking forwards to see where you explore this week and hope you keep joining in the challenges to get healthier!

@truthtrain, I can see from your blog that you are passionate about health and want to be involved and noticed. Get involved in this #sixweekhealth challenge - post your original content for each challenge and you will find people to network with. Most of the entries in Week One had authors chatting on each others blogs and entries - it was lovely.

By the end of the six weeks I hope for many of the people here to have become friends and support each other's health AND Steemit posts :)

Just saw your challenge, I missed it last week, but I will join from now on.
Luckily I ate healty food last week and not only once but every day, so that should take care of it ;-)

Well done for taking your health into your control @veleje. Each week of this challenge will challenge and improve your health more. Can't wait to see your entry this week :D Thank you for getting involved. We already have a great community here on #health #sixweekhealth of people who are really enthusiastic so get chatting to them :)

Nice picture, natural, perfect @healthsquared

Thank you @ajier. Not everyone has access to that kind of nature but I'm just as excited to see photos of big cities or little villages. Will you join in?

I'm in

Great @opeyemioguns. Getting on board with the challenge will get you healthier and exploring your world - but it will also mean you'll be joining our amazing community which already has many people who comment for each other regularly and support each others goals.

Fantastic and interesting post friend congratulations greetings

Greetings to you @adreina89. Do you want to get involved in the challenge by making a post in #sixweekhealth with photos from a walk or run you do this week? I would really appreciate it.

Love the post @healthsquared I am looking to post my walk with my dog delta! Thanks for the idea and contest, it sounds like a lot of fun and great stories to come.

Sounds amazing - perhaps we will get to see some dog pictures too ^_^! An added benefit that I hadn't considered :p Looking forwards to it @volfenhauser.

Nice one. I participated in the week one challenge, even tho i didn't win or get in the top four i felt inspired and fulfilled having done something positive and creative.
Meanwhile, i live in a busy city somewhere in Nigeria where there's no much beautiful landscapes but i'll be glad to showcase what it looks like here in my walk-out.
Thanks for the opportunity.

Preparing my kits already. . .

Don't worry @crownit - we aren't just judging the entries on beauty! We want to see interesting places and to see that people have gone out on long walks or runs - exploring their surroundings and getting fitter at the same time.

I'm sure your busy city in Nigeria will be very interesting - show us all of the details of your walk while you get healthier! :D

We have beautiful landscapes @ crownit. Follow me @ chigozie and see more. you can equally see this
It depends on your location in Nigeria. I am a tourism professional I can tell you about beautiful landscapes in Nigeria. Visit my personal blog @ for more. Happy sunday

I like your idea. Thanks for doing this. I hope i have time at this week to do this missions! I have some great stuff.

Even if it's a short walk it's still better than nothing, right? :D

Approve is not my ability, but I can upvote you.

Thanks for the upvote!

This is the first time I've seen this way to advocate health, fun and action-packed admiration

Thanks @angelhood - I hope you'll get involved and make a post for us to see!

Very good health discussion post. A very vital interest regarding this post that will also help in enhancing the discussion here can be found below:

Thanks for stopping by! Hope you can join in @uniquepita :)

I'm in, new to steem, trying to get fit and ready to try for bubba #2. :-) looks fun :-)

Getting fitter and more healthy AND being a role model for your child and future children! Love it @steemedge :)

Thanks so much, Yes it makes it so much easier if you are fit BEFORE you are carrying a baby.... lol. It really does help with so many things. :-) I'm wanting to post a bit about health improvement topics. I'm not overweight not very unfit, but there are so many things you can do to improve you quality and length of life now.

Haha, yes. Much easier I hear! Kids are a great motivation - being fitter and healthier lets you be a more active part of their lives for much much longer. I want to be around to see great great grandkids so I better stay healthy and fit!

In again :)

Yes @totesmcgoat, Mr. Honourable Mention last week. Your Steemit name always makes me smile :p

I love this idea, I actually went on a beautiful walk on a HK island today and took lots of pics, so excited to share with you guys!

Brilliant! Can't wait to see. Thank you for joining in! Setting a great example for the competition :)

@healthsquared i want to join this challenge, This is the best way for me to get some steem.

Looking forward to seeing your post this week :) Good way to get Steem if you win and a good way to get healthy either way! Plus meet other Steemians and help each other out.

@healthsquared Great Idea! I did share my experience here! I hope you see it and enjoy it :)

Hi @whitewarlike, thanks for getting involved! Loving the blog. Well done for getting out there, getting healthier and getting some great photos too. You are leading the way for others :D

I loved your post, greetings from Venezuela

Greetings from the UK! Will you post about your walk around your local area in Venezuela @mavel? :D

Yes, I invite you to visit my blog

мне понравилась Ваша фотография cool to see people from Venezuela here. Kindly upvote me from their with your team
see this post: cool to see people from Venezuela here. Kindly upvote me from their with your team
see this post:

This is incredible, I'm going to participate.

Glad to have you on board! Looking forwards to more posts from you :) Thanks @xioran

Thank you very much for directing people to be healthy @healthsquared

Thanks for getting involved yourself too @agememnon :)

Great Idea - what a pity that I missed week 1!

Don't worry about it @famunger, it's never too late to join and get healthier! It's great to have you on board now. Can't wait to see your post this week and in future weeks :)

There are 3 pages