**Big news - I FAILED to meet my OWN challenge for the first time in 118 days. Sadly it wasn't intentional, but I had to be honest. I wound up staying out late and accidentally passed out when I got home to miss my workout. @rmsbodybuilding is now the undisputed ironman champion. Shame shame shame, on me.
The Challenge:
At least 100 honest reps of your choice of exercise every day. No excuses. No bullsh*t. Just actions, positivity, and results. Only post AFTER your reps are done. Always support each other. See rules below.
Daily exercise idea (not a requirement for the challenge) - Lower Back Extensions
- Can hold weights across chest to increase difficulty.
- Stretching before and during is very important!
- Secure ankles.
- Do not bounce up and down.
- Stop if you feel any abnormal pain.
Example below. Please do your own research to confirm the proper mechanics.
*BONUS TIP - Please don't ever do this...
Daily Update:
- 17 Steemians contributed 6,381 daily reps for 4/04/18.
Overall Summary:
- 347,300 overall by 45 Steemians from 12 countries in 118 workout days.
- I can only upvote so much without exhausting my voting power daily, so please help me reward their effort.
Challenge Overview:
- You choose what types of exercise reps to do.
- 30 minutes of fitness walking, running, spinning, biking, cross-country skiing, etc., can count as 100 reps if you need to rest or can't use weights.
- I'll award 1 SBD for every 10,000 rep milestone. (16 SBD paid out)
- I run the numbers daily which is sometimes harder than my reps.
- Weights not required.
- Do real reps with good form, aiming for 100+.
- Start your reply with "Challenge Completed".
- Reply with a list of the exercises and reps you did.
- Cumulative tallies are appreciated as a separate line.
- Only submit reps you've done, not ones you're planning to do.
- Use the tag "fitnesschallenge" on associated posts.
- Upvoting or resteeming is appreciated to reach more.
- Try to upvote as many contributors as possible to motive each other.
- Stretch before and after exercise.
- Breathe properly on each rep.
- Quality over quantity.
- Eat a healthy snack after and stay hydrated.
- Start with exercises you enjoy to build up for harder ones.
- Take before pictures to appreciate results over time.
- Feel good about your accomplishments.
My Daily Challenge Completed - 0 reps:
My Daily Assessment:
My best friend invited me out and we stayed out far later than expected, and I accidentally fell asleep when I got home to miss my first workout in 118 days. Damn!!
See All Of My Progress Pics After 93 Straight Days & 11,212 Reps
Original Intro Post With My Motivation
@rmsbodybuilding with attendance of 118/118 days.
@steemmatt with attendance of 117/118 days.
Last Daily Rep Count:
912 - @faizan07
780 - @rjunaid12
720 - @thevillan
550 - @mudasirfarooq
540 - @aussieninja (you can yell when you do 540 reps)
428 - @rmsbodybuilding
369 - @gruber.muc
305 - @mgood
270 - @mightpossibly
250 - @soumon (great great job!)
212 - @musclegirlfusion
200 - @kristihh
190 - @cygon
188 - @kellerkulturist
182 - @drhag
165 - @bitfiend
120 - @notorious562
0 - @steemmatt
From @musclegirlfusion:
"Since I started posting in this challenge, you've given me a reason to blog on steemit. No matter how discouraged I get when it seems like no one is reading what I write, I know I can write it and post it here and it adds to the challenge. So thank you for giving me the motivation I need to stick with blogging!!"
From @bitfiend:
"After starting 6 days ago I already feel stronger. This is definitely the most consistent exercise I've done in an extremely long time but I am happy to be taking part! While I walk around mostly in pain, I know it's all for a good cause! My health! I am feeling better and I'd say my sickness is mostly gone now. I think that if I had not been exercising, I may have been sick for a bit longer. Persistence pays off!"
From @mightpossibly:
"I find it deeply satisfying to do these reps, which is a big deal. I've always hated the gym and prefer to exercise at home. But I've lacked the discipline to do it. It sort of feels like I have gym buddies now, without the hassle of going to the gym."
From @notorious562:
"I seriously cannot explain how much this group pushes and motivate me to keep working harder. I love this fitness community and the support and encouragement will help us achieve our goals."
From @khufu:
"Your challenge has helped immensely to keep me motivated lately. I've had a lot of... problems going on so your challenge has been a quantum of sanity in an insane world for me."
Please support our hard work and dedication and ask any questions in the comments below.
Please also resteem this new format/replace in your post links if you don't mind to try to get a fresh start on spreading the word on our challenge.
Hey guys - @steemmatt made it on a review of posts by another blogger. . Click on the link to see (seriously; not a joke)
Her introduction is 0 to 1 min and then @steemmatt's fitness challenge post is reviewed as a good example as to write and format a post.
hay mgood,
Your video relay amazing & moral. seems to it will be more inspire to all as a new user as me.
Your video advising push me ahead overcome the hesitation of making little video as bigger you as respect your guide line.
thanks reply me mail [email protected] to make me update as good steem user.
waiting for your kind respond.
Challenge completed - 800 reps
Getting warmed up for another big one :D
Daily Challenge completed - 100 reps
Regeneration - 40 Min. walk and some mobility drills
Challenge complete (295 Reps)
Between traveling, kids on spring break, and life kicking my butt I have not been on this platform in weeks!! My apologies!! But of course I have still been getting it done as always!! So happy to see so many old and new challengers making it happen too!! Just got a new phone, which forced me to re-download all my apps and stuff so here I am....back again! Lolol
Spin 30 min - 100 reps
BOSU and KB Workout (Far too much to type all out right now) But it was 195 reps
Great job everyone! Keep moving Forward!!
Ooh and you definitely have earned a break day buddy!! It does a body good!! ;-)
Daily Challenge Completed! - 230 Reps - Sorry about your rough day! Hope all is good.
Today was 40minutes on a spin bike doing a virtual world tour course through the Italian alps. It was fantastic! Did some more stretching as well. Check out the cool seated stretching machine in my blog
Well I go for the treadmill for 10 minutes keeping an inclination of 4 and speed of 8.7km/hr, then I go for cross strainer for 10 minutes and after that I do cycling for 10 minutes, I usually burn 200-250 calories, then I do a little bit exercise in order to reduce my belly.
Thanks for joining! That looks like 30 minutes of cardio for 100 reps. Glad to see the picture for proof too.
Daily Challenge Completed - 305 reps
200 reps - Walking 30 minutes X 2; includes down and up elevation of 300 ft
5 reps - pranayama (yogic breathing exercises) 5 min X 2
1 hour of ping pong -for fun and also gives some aerobics.
100 reps = 1+ hours X 2 Transcendental Meditation and advanced TM-Sidhi (morning and evening)
(All reps from yesterday and night)
Daily challenge Completed 500 reps
Daily Challenge Complete! 144 Reps
Chest Day
Incline Bench - 3x12
Reverse Grip Bench - 3x12
Flat Bench - 3x12
Pec Deck - 3x12
It definitely wasn't one of my better workouts. I've been MIA after spending the last week in the hospital visiting with my grandpa. We thought we were going to lose him this past weekend, but he pulled through. It's been quite the emotional roller coaster for us. Between the mental and physical exhaustion of not getting a good night sleep, and when I do sleep, it's sitting up-right in a chair, I didn't really expect to be able to crush a workout. I did push through though and was able to put in a little bit of work before calling it a day.
On the day I failed my challenge, you going above and beyond is giving me one heck of a guilt trip now. Best of luck with his recovery.
Noooo.... No guilt trip was intended! Thankfully he's still with us and he's improved from the state that he was in. They've actually pulled him out of the ICU, though they're keeping a close eye on him, which was quite the blessing and a medical turnaround that shocked the doctors.
Your Grandfather is so strong ! My thoughts and well wishes are with you and your family!
Thanks so much!
Challange completed.
Triceps workout
Dip Machine 50 reps
EZ-Bar Skullcrusher 50 reps
Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press 50 reps
Triceps Pushdown - Rope Attachment 30 reps
Triceps Overhead Extension with Rope 30 reps
Total = 210 reps
Challenge complete

41 minutes on elliptical =100 reps
Challenge Completed
Leg workout 860 reps
Sorry for no details today
Morning jogging 1 hour
Warmup treadmill and cycling 30 min each
Pushups 30
Chinups 30
Main workout :back day
T bar 4 sets 48 reps
Reverse T bar 4 set 48 reps
Kick back alternate 4 sets 96 reps
Rowing back 4 sets 48 reps
Backpress with rope 4 sets 48 reps
Dead lift 4 sets 48 reps
Lower back dead lift 4 sets 48 reps.
Tota reps 844
Daily challenge Completed 250 reps

running on the field.
I'm back, my totals for thursday are available mow, I didn't do any exercise on wednesday and I posted it in your previous fitness post made 2 days ago.
How have you been?
I'm fading! I need to figure out how to get more rewards for everyone here.
Challenge Completed:
30 min jog
30 min yoga
Daily Challenge Completed - 250 reps
25 pull ups
50 chin ups
50 one arm push ups
50 incline push ups
25 dips
50 squats
Body weight exercises with 14lb vest.
My workout is getting too easy again. I think I need to increase the weight.
Counted on the next day's post since we missed each other.
I don't feel so bad for sleeping through a day anymore :D -- Just read the update. 118 days is quite the stretch though!
Thanks - I'm afraid that once I break the streak, I'll start becoming more lenient and take more days off, especially with baseball starting up.
Really i appreciate it. Fitness is the most important factors in human life. Thank you for your time to written this post.
Thanks a lot for sharing your valuable post....
Carry on next
Best of luck..
I will still wait for your next post....
whats the positive sign of this type of jim ???
yaa friend its good , but we need proper link to proceed